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Blake: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Hell's Exiles MC Book 2)

Page 14

by Sassie Lewis

  “I’ve only ever seen the ones in this room, but there could be more. The other wom—”

  “Don’t worry about them, they will be released.”

  “You have to find my dad,” she whispered as he brought his mouth closer to hers. His breath kissed at her lips.

  “No one’s seen him—”

  “He’s here.”

  His eyes rounded and one eyebrow kicked up to his hairline. . .

  “Get your hands off the girl. No touching until after you’ve won the bid.” One of the guards stepped up beside her cage.

  Grange stepped back. “I just wanted to see what she looked like with her hair up,” he answered while giving her an almost undefinable nod. It was then she realized her hair was pinned away from her face. “Pretty, isn’t she? Much better with the hair up.” With that, Grange made his way across the room.

  Becca ran her hand up her neck then into her now up-styled hair. A cold sharp point met her fingers, and she had to repress the smile wanting to break free.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Blake was going to kill the fucker. He couldn’t see what Grange did, but he could fucking-well hear just fine. And the asshole had hit on his woman.

  “I’m going to need you to find Quin,” Chase said quietly.

  “After I know the princess is safe.”

  “You’ll do as you’re fucking told, Blake. I’ll get my sister out. But we need you to find Quin. You know the layout of this place better than anyone else. You studied the fucking blueprints for hours. And you’re the best in hand-to-hand combat. Your club needs you to do this.” Chase got right in Blake’s face. “You heard her voice when she mentioned Quin, she’s scared something has happened to him. If you can’t do this for your club, do it for her.”

  “If she gets one scratch on her Chase, VP or not, I’ll take it out on you. Got me?”

  “Yeah, man, I got you.”

  The device in his ear crackled then Grange’s voice filled the line. “That black-haired beauty is mine.”

  Time to move.

  They weren’t going in quiet, figuring a loud intrusion would disorient those inside. But going in loud meant going in fast.

  Blake broke into a run as the first flash bang went off. Even with protective gear, his ears rang. Screams and gunfire could be heard, but his sole focus was on his woman standing on the stage, surrounded by heavily armed men.

  “Get Quin.” Chase pushed him further into the room. They both dived to the side as gun shots rained in their direction. “Find Quin, Blake. I need you to find my dad. Trust me to get my sister out of here.” For the first time since Becca had been taken, he heard desperation in the other man’s voice. Worry not for his club but his family, evident in his tone. And it gave Blake what he needed to trust his club brother with his woman and unborn child’s life.

  “Protect her,” Blake said, before diving over the fallen table. Even over the screaming, fighting and gunfire, he still heard Chase’s, “With my life.”

  He weaved his way through the combating horde, missing a step when he saw the princess fighting with one of the guards, a little girl with a mop of blonde curls huddled at her back. The sheer white dress, her black hair loose around her face, and the glint of the silver stiletto she slashed at her opponent reminded him of a Valkyrie warrior. She was fierce. And he had to trust in her and her brother that she’d be safe.

  Picking up the pace, he dodged out of the room. The blueprints for the factory superimposing over his vision. For the most part it was a large open space, but there were a few offices and a small furnace room. A quick scan of the main floor showed it empty of people. He could stop to check the shipping containers, but his instincts were screaming at him to go down.

  He hit the top of the stairs and paused. He could still hear the fight from the outer room. The question was, did he want to notify anyone down below that he was coming?

  The sound of a battle cry made the decision for him and he raced down the stairs.

  “I’m going to kill you, you motherfucker,” Quin’s voice was filled with pain, but the older man still managed to kick the guy pinning him to a table. The sight before Blake had him pausing, an act that cost his prez blood, as a blade sunk into his back. Fuck.

  Blake wanted to pound the Freddy Krueger look-a-like into the ground for what he was doing to Quin, but there wasn’t time for games. He lifted his hand, sighted his gun and pulled the trigger. The top of the asshole’s head exploded in a cloud of red and gray. Blake kicked the body to the side before it could land on top of Quin. Then he helped his prez stand. The leader of Hell’s Exiles never said a word, he straightened his torn clothes, before snatching the gun from Blake and emptying the cartridge into the already dead body.

  He guessed there were some circumstances where dead wasn’t dead enough.

  “Where’s Becca?” he asked, handing the gun back to Blake.

  “Chase was getting her out. We need to get up there.” They made for the stairs, Quin’s hand stopped him before they hit the main floor, Blake ignored the fact they shook.

  “Not a word to anyone about—”

  “To the grave, Prez. To the grave.”

  Becca looked frantically around, Evie had been behind her a second ago, but now the little girl was nowhere to be seen. Chaos reigned around them, the gunfire didn’t faze her; she was too fucking worried about the little girl she thought of as hers.

  “Where’s Evie?” she asked Raven. The two Mexican women were gone—hopefully they’d done as she’d told them and ran as fast as they could. But the older of the sisters had stayed and helped her fight off the guards. There’d been more men than any of them realized. They’d poured from the main factory floor the moment the fight had broken out.

  “I don’t know, I can’t find Swan.” She scanned her surroundings. “There was this fat guy, bald, he was checking out both of the girls, and I can’t see him either.”

  Becca knew who Raven was talking about, she memorized every ‘buyers’ face, she had plans for them should any get out of this alive. The guy hadn’t looked at any of the older girls, but he seemed overly interested in Evie and Swan.

  They ducked as the fight got closer to them. A bullet whizzed past, and Raven grunted. Becca turned to her ally. “Shit. You’re bleeding.”

  Raven brushed away her hand. “It’s just a scratch. I think.”

  She was right; it looked like the bullet had grazed her upper arm. Memories of another shoot-out tried to assail her, but worry over the missing girls came rumbling back. “We’ve got to find the girls and get the fuck out of here.” Becca pulled Raven to her feet. “Stay close,” she said as she jumped over a dead body and raced toward her brother.

  “Get the fuck out of here, Becca.” Chase aimed his gun, Bear was quicker. The retort deafened her for a moment. She couldn’t hear what Chase said, but from his mouth movements, it looked like he was asking what happened to her face? Her cheek was split, and it would be black and blue by tomorrow, thanks to the guy who’d slammed his fist into it.

  Chase obviously didn’t want an answer to his unheard question as he pushed her toward the outer door. There was no way she was going anywhere until she knew Evie and Swan were safe. Raven pulled her arm and pointed. Becca saw what the other woman did: The fat guy had a hold of Evie while he pulled Swan along by the hair. He was heading farther into the factory.

  They made off after him, both girls weaving and dodging the combatants. Becca paused long enough to scoop a gun from the floor and check the clip. Her hand shook. Memories flickered like firelight through her mind—she shoved the gun at Raven. “Here, take this,” she said, still running.

  “Becca, I’ve never shot a gun before.” Raven tried to hand back the gun. They stopped at the end of a long hall, and could see the guy dragging a struggling, cursing Swan toward one of the vans that were scattered around the inside of the factory. Obviously, the guy figured he’d just drive right out of there.

  “It’s not that hard
, just point and pull the trigger.”

  “Are you fucking crazy! I could hit one of the girls.” Again, she pushed the gun back toward Becca.

  “Look, Raven, the last time I held a gun my mom died. I can’t. Okay? And that guy isn’t just going to give up the girls because we ask him to. You probably won’t even have to shoot, just make it look like you’ll blow his head off if he doesn’t let the girls go.”

  “Oh, sweetie. I’m sorry. Okay. I can do this. I took acting for one semester.” Becca blinked as Raven did some weird shimmy thing, blew a raspberry and straightened her shoulders. She had to admit, the woman now looked like she knew how to wield the gun. “Let’s get our girls back.”

  There was no point in trying to creep up on the guy. The place was pretty open, so they ran to keep up, their bare feet slapping in time against the concrete.

  They came to a stop at the same moment the guy spun around to face them. “Let the girls go,” Becca demanded. Raven had taken up a shooting stance beside her. Obviously that semester of acting had done the girl wonders.

  “You heard what she said. Let the girls go and I won’t shoot you.”

  The guy let go of Swan’s hair and put Evie down. He also pulled a gun and placed it against Evie’s white blonde locks.

  “Swan, don’t move!” Becca screamed at the same time, Raven screamed, “Don’t move, Swan!”

  The teenage girl froze, her eyes widened at the sight of the gun pressed against Evie’s head. A mew of distress escaped her lips before she clamped a hand over her mouth. Evie stood motionless, not a sound passing her lips. But Becca could tell Swan wanted to run. . . “It’s okay, Swan, he’s not going to do anything. Just stay there and stay calm. Okay?” Becca spoke in a soothing voice as her trembling nerves would allow. Fuck, her heart was racing a mile a minute. She couldn’t let another person she cared for be shot in front of her.

  Raising her hands in the air, Becca took a step closer to the would-be-kidnapper. She didn’t look him in the eyes as she moved, her eyes stayed locked on his gun hand. “I get that you’ve got a thing for little girls. But wouldn’t you prefer to walk out of here, not only alive—because I can guarantee the moment you pull that trigger, my friend here will pull hers and she’s an excellent marksman—but also walk out with a product that could make you a decent amount of cash?”

  He didn’t move, but she knew she had his attention. “Do you know who I am?”

  “You’re the biker bitch they were all making a fuss about.”

  “That would be me. I’m the daughter of Hell’s Exiles President. Not just any president either, but the main chapter. Think of me as biker royalty. The reason all those guys back there were making a fuss is because my daddy, and his daddy before him, and the one before that, have pissed a lot of people off over the years. And as you would know, those of us who live on the darker side of the law, have long vengeful memories.” With each word, she slid a little closer to where he stood. Her eyes always on the hand holding the gun. “If you let the girls go you can take me. . . Sell me. Do whatever you freakin’ like to me.”

  “I don’t think you’d come without a fight!” Well, he was right there, but he didn’t need to know that.

  “I promise you, if you let the girls go, I’ll get my fat ass in that van there and drive us the fuck outta here. C’mon we’re running out of time. I’m surprised we haven’t had company yet.” And she was. Everyone seemed to be in the front part of the building fighting. Either they were too stupid to try to escape this way, or someone was blocking the exit.

  He looked toward the hallway they’d come through then back to Becca. “Fine. I can get young girls anywhere.” Oh, she was so going to chop this asshole’s balls off and feed them to him. “Come here,” he demanded.

  Like fuck. “Let the girls go.”

  His hand started to lift, and she knew he was about to point that gun at her. Better her than little Evie. The girl had remained stoic throughout the entire ordeal. Things would have continued on the course Becca wanted them to, if it hadn’t been for several things: Swan saw the gun move and dived for Evie, and the pounding of running feet echoing through the large room.

  It was one of those moments where you saw your life flash before your eyes. A millisecond of time, but long enough to experience a barrage of emotions.





  Regret. Regret for so many things. For the time away from Boulder. For not telling her dad she forgave him. For not telling Blake that she loved him. And regret that she’d never get to meet the precious being growing inside of her.

  It was like watching a slow-motion movie. The end of the gun pointed at her. A small puff of smoke left its tip, then a spark of fire-light made the dark barrel end glow. The sound deafened her…

  The impact never came.

  Screams and more gun fire surrounded her, but the only thing Becca could focus on was her father laying on the ground in front of her, red blooming from his upper body.

  Her knees buckled.

  Blake had a heart attack when he saw the guy point the gun at Becca. He’d aimed and shot his own weapon, but not fast enough. For a moment he thought his world had ended. The woman he loved, taken from him as he watched. Then he saw Quin crumble to the ground in front of his daughter. Damn, the man had moved fast.

  Becca fell to her knees, her sobbed, “Dad” reminded him of the time after her mother had died, and he’d found her in the front yard of her burned-out house, sobbing out her loss. He dropped to his knees behind her and wrapped her in his arms, drawing in her scent for the first time in days. She still smelled like vanilla custard and baked apples. Something inside his chest settled.

  A little girl, with hair as white as snow, came barreling toward them. Her small arms wrapped around Becca, and she began to sob. He had no idea who she was, but she obviously trusted his woman.

  The device in his ear buzzed and Grange’s voice broke over the line. . . Fuck.

  “Quin get off the fucking ground. You’re upsetting the girls.” Becca’s head snapped up at his words, thudding against his chest.

  She peered at the now sitting man. “Fuck. Don’t do that to me.” She slapped at him. “I thought I’d fucking lost you.”

  “Tell him off later, princess. We’ve gotta get out, Grange is going to blow the place.” Apparently, the guys were so outnumbered they were retreating, but they wouldn’t let any of these fuckers get away.

  “There’re no keys in this van,” a red-headed woman said.

  “But there’s some in this truck,” said a teenager who looked remarkably like the red head.

  Blake scooped Becca and the little girl into his arms and made for the truck. The teenager went to jump in the driver’s seat. “Don’t even fucking think about it. Get your ass in the back.”

  The red head tried to help Quin to the van, but his prez just brushed her aside. She caught him when he stumbled, mumbling something under her breath.

  Placing a quick but fierce kiss on his woman’s mouth, he boosted her and the little girl up and jumped into the driver’s seat. Once all passages were accounted for, he started the engine. From the blueprints he knew the wall to the east was made of solid concrete, but the one south was mostly corrugated iron. It would be rough, but he should be able to get the truck through the wall in time. . .hopefully. Grange was screaming in his ear; counting down the time left before the explosives would go off. Why the bastard couldn’t just wait until they were all out was a fucking mystery. Later he’d make Grange explain why the fuck he was putting his princess in more danger.

  “Becca? Baby, hold on to that little girl tight. This is going to be bumpy.” Blake pressed his foot to the floor. The truck picked up speed slowly, and he worried they weren’t going to get enough momentum to get out of there. The wall came into sight, the engine revved harder, curses and squeals came from behind. His chest rammed into the steering wheel as they hit the wall. The old corrugate
d iron crumbled like a tin can as they bounced into the night filled sky.

  Bikes roared around him and the sky lit up as the ground beneath them bucked and shook. . .

  “That was so much fun. Can we do it again?” That sweet little voice had Blake smiling for the first time in days.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “So, we’ve got an instant family?” Blake’s voice rumbled over her wet skin. He hadn’t said a word to her since they’d dropped Quin off at Chase and Nessa’s place, and made sure Doc was on his way. Evie, Raven and Swan were also spending the night with her brother. Blake had pinched the keys to Chase’s truck and driven her straight to his house and bustled her into the shower.

  “Yeah. Do you have a problem with that?” The last came out on a moan as he dug his fingers into her scalp, working the conditioner through her hair.

  “Nope. No problem. You gonna explain why Evie will be living with us and not going back to her parents?”

  “I will. But not tonight.” He spun her around and pushed her under the spray, rinsing out her hair.

  “You going to tell me what happened to you?” He had stitches in his shoulder and yellowing bruises all over him.

  “I will, but not tonight.”

  A calloused thumb ran over her tender cheek. She flicked her eyes opened and looked up into those pools of night. “Are you okay with the baby? Dad told me how you found out. I wanted to be the one to tell you.”

  Her giant didn’t say a word, instead he dropped to his knees and pressed a soft kiss where their baby grew. Cupping his face between her hands, Becca pulled Blake’s face up and kissed him. “I love you,” she whispered against his lips. The air whooshed from him and rested his forehead against her breast.


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