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The Council of Hhearn Trilogy Box Set

Page 27

by P F Walsh

  “Hekt-Lar, please come in.” He called through the open door to the Senior Councilor’s Office, now his. He insisted the door be kept open during their search of the office to maintain an above-board investigation image.

  “Yes Senior Councilor what can I do for you?” Asked Trakt-Men’s new aid.

  “Do you have any new information about Seeker eighteen?”

  “Yes sir, a courier drone from that ship arrived late last night. That ship is now on its way back with Nasht-Mer, an Earth diplomatic entourage, many business passengers, and of course Captain Flynn. It also reported the Director General of Economic Development has set the monetary exchange rate at even exchange with their dollar, and that he was staying on Earth for a while.”

  “Thank you, that is good news, see to it that information gets copied to Director Nasht-Mer’s office staff, and Director Kevbit-Pak’s office staff please.”

  “At once Sir. Anything else, lunch perhaps?”

  “Yes, arrange for an assortment of sandwiches, we’re going to be bogged down here for a while, and get someone in here to clean the blood off the rug!”

  He turned back to the investigators who were examining every document carefully looking for coded or hidden information. He wondered how he would compose their findings for the public. What a mess. If Captain Flynn hadn’t handled his presentation so well, they might never have found out.

  “We will now have to review the last few rulings on planet admissions.” He murmured to himself. He had a bad feeling about it.

  Beztl-Tor reviewed the information sent by courier drone to his office.

  “Looks like the freighter arrived as planned and got rid of that madman Zakarian, but it’s clear we weren’t first to arrive. Still, the opportunities of opening up a new world were immense. Let’s see what they come back with. I wonder if the Trader I sent will be able to dump the weapons he had bought from the Ring-makers.” He thought.

  “Maybe some Earthman will kill the Zakarian and save all of us the trouble.” He said to himself, “In any event, how is he going to pay his fare back to Hhearn?” He wondered.

  The Seeker and its sister ship Discovery arrived safely back outside the Hhearnian solar system. Allister sent notice of their arrival and the arrival of Discovery with her. He advised approach control that Discovery was a private ship owned by Captain Flynn and would require orbit station docking as well. Allister was not able to provide a manufacturer type for the ship and merely sent such information was not known at this time. Approach was approved and docking ports assigned. The ships now traveled within sight of each other their navigation systems linked.

  Passengers on the Seeker were once again watching the monitors in the Dining Room as the ships got closer to Hhearn. Some noticed a sister ship traveling alongside but didn’t find that odd since it was all unusual.

  Once docked at the docking station high above Hhearn, Customs agents came aboard to issue visitor passes to all the Earth passengers and to inspect the credentials of the new on-site Ambassador from Earth, his staff, and the new Senior Field Officer of Earth’s Interplanetary Relations they all knew as Captain Flynn.

  Visitor guides came aboard as well to help with directions to food and lodging once they shuttled down to the reception station near the city. The visitors were directed toward counters on the docking station for lodging, rental of pocketcomms, and transportation. The backside of the new visitor passes had a seal from the Director General of Economic Development and the notice that Earth dollars were to be exchanged for goods and services on an equal basis with the kalt. A local pocketcomm number was provided to confirm and answer questions.

  . The on-site Earth Ambassador requested an armed guard meet them to secure the trunks containing one Billion in U.S., Dollars to be transported over to their largest bank for deposit. The Hhearnians had done all this before, so the organization was much smoother than it had been on Earth.

  Nasht-Mer closed her last travel bag with a feeling of regret that much of the excitement was over. She and Sean had changed back into their local robes bearing their ranks symbols and she met him in the hall outside their rooms. Doris and Maja-Ben were already there. The luggage drones had begun their shuttling of all the baggage out to the cargo hold.

  Sean took her hand and said,

  “Let’s walk out together this way. Then they will all know we have pledged.” She smiled and they walked down the hall to the elevator with Doris and Maja.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Book One

  The river alongside the Main city of Hhearn was running strong and somewhat turbulent from the recent rains, carrying along with it branches and rural flotsam that gets washed into the rivers during a storm. No water craft were on the river as evening began to slip onto the edges of the horizon. Up the river from the city, the old mill stood looming over the river’s edge as it had for hundreds of annuals. The water wheel turning incessantly by the impatient currents and creaked occasionally but mostly turned silently. No one was ever seen near the Mill, the home of the Sisters of Mak’am, especially as night began to fall. Mystical fears and superstitions kept everyone away. Things not understood were best left alone, and no one could profess to knowing anything about the Sisters.

  The heavy wooden Mill doors which were believed to be the only entrance to the Mill, had never been seen open, nor did anyone know if they could open at all, or had been bolted shut ages ago. Even the road leading up to those doors had long ago fallen into disrepair with missing chunks and deep cracks within which grew ambitious, prickly weeds many brandishing stickers and spurs.

  A lone wild dog was hunting nearby with his nose, he avoided all those weed hazards while he sought the scent of a possible evening’s meal. He suddenly stopped, picking up a danger scent and remained motionless while he stared at something that he noticed had never been there before in all his hunting forays near the Mill. Tonight, a lone figure stood before the big doors of the Mill. It was a man. The feral dog always stayed away from people and thus had lived all these many years without injury.

  His interest in moving away from the area because of the man was momentarily suspended as he watched the heavy doors open slowly to admit the man. As the doors emitted a loud creak, he turned and ran.

  In the second week after they were back, Nasht-Mer arranged a formal reception for the new Earth Ambassador at one of the meeting halls in the Council Building. Nasht-Mer was eager to wear one of her Earth gowns and she knew all the ladies who had received delivery of their new Earth gowns from Earth, would also be wearing theirs. Once again, unlike in past Hhearnian events, she had arranged for it to be broadcast on the vid for about an hour, so all the people on Hhearn could be part of the reception and offer a more open government process. It was insanely popular and millions stocked up on finger treats and local brews to be comfortable while they watched. Many of the Hhearn politicians noticed the huge interest and the massive exposure the Director General was receiving, but they had nothing as glamorous to offer for their own enhancement and just prepared to watch hers with envy.

  The night of the Reception, she chose a red Givenchy gown with a small train she had bought on the one day of shopping in Washington. It was her favorite. She also wore her Tiffany necklace, ear rings, and bracelet that just demanded to be seen, and was a gift from The United States presented by Secretary of State Lewis. Tiffany’s, going all out on a once in a world marketing chance, had asked for a graphic from the House of Mer of which she was Duchess. They designed and made a star shaped Mer broach with more diamonds and brilliant colors in the center. She was speechless when she saw it and, at the time, wondered where she could wear it.

  Tonight, she decided, she would wear it on a white royal shoulder sash that crossed her body from her right to left and ended on her hip. The sparkling affect was stunning. All of this, of course would be a one-up on the other ladies since they hadn’t yet had access to Earth jewelry.

  “But,” she thought, “that won’t last l
ong, not after they see me tonight.” The final touch was slipping into her Earth Jimmy Choo spike heeled shoes. She wasn’t sure how long she could stand in them, but for this night, it was worth it. She never felt so alive! Tonight, the House of Mer would glow as never before.

  Doris, now shed of her tattoos unpacked a black strapless gown she bought despite the frowning of the fashion consultant. Tonight, she could wear it. She put it on and looked at this strange person in the mirror.

  “This keeps happening to me.” She thought. “I see someone I have never seen before when I look in the mirror. Boy, have things change. If Jimmy Crackers and the gang could see me now. Wow.”

  She twirled in excitement, then lifted up her skirt and put on her thigh holster with the PPK.

  “Now, I’m fully dressed!” She thought.

  Sean was in his usual quandary about what to wear. He consulted Allister and was told that the reception was for the new Earth Ambassador and since Sean was the superior Officer, he should wear Earth formal wear as the Ambassador would be wearing, and include his decorations including the new Medal of Freedom since that is the custom for white tie formal. Sean had brought two tuxedos with him. One black tie, the other more formal white tie and coat tails. This was a white tie event and would introduce the Hhearnians to Earth formal wear, they might initially find odd, but one never knows how they will react after decades of simple robes. The ladies, he knew, including Nasht-Mer, would be flaunting their Earth made designer gowns they ordered and now brought to Hhearn on Seeker. No question, tonight would be a celebration of Earth’s fashion styles. He wondered what else Nasht-Mer might be planning.

  The Hall was decorated with flowers and dimmed lights. Small group tables were scattered all about the hall to permit groups to socialize with their friends. The bar was open and lots of earth-based spirits were available.

  Once again, an Usher was stationed at the entrance to the hall to announce the arrivals. Sean, the new on-site Ambassador Wallace Henning who insisted that Sean call him ‘Wally’ arrived early. Doris and Maja were already there. Sean and Wallace stood together about one third of the way into the hall with Sean slightly forward to introduce Wallace to attendees as they came in. Doris and Maja stood to the side as security observer, one on each side of the expected line.

  With the usher announcing the arrival of each guest, Sean knew who he was meeting before they clasped hands which relieved Sean since he didn’t know most of these people despite, they all knew him. All of the Councilors came with the new Senior Councilor entering first as was his station, and he greeted Sean with a very big smile.

  “So glad to see you back Captain, I look forward to your visits and escapades, we haven’t had this much fun in a very long time.”

  “Senior Councilor, I am glad to be back, but tonight is not my work, this evening is under the hand of Nasht-Mer who, it is rumored, has something new scheduled for tonight’s festivities.” Sean said.

  “Well, then I am doubly glad I am here tonight, now, please introduce me to our new Ambassador.” Sean began the interdiction and repeated that for the whole Council who was there along with their Mates. They were followed by Hhearnian dignitaries, business leaders, and even some royals which never come to such affairs.

  As the line dwindled, the usher announced slightly louder than the others,

  “The Director General of Interplanetary Affairs of the Council of Worlds, Her Highness the Duchess of the House of Mer, and tonight’s Hostess.” The spotlight which had been set up to frame each guest as they came in was something not seen on Hhearn before, and added a new flattery to each attendee they could feel, especially those ladies that wore their new Earth gowns. But when the spotlight shined on Nasht-Mer, she literally glowed and sparkled at the same time. Murmurs raced through the crowd as they were amazed at this vision who walked into the Hall wearing Earth fashions and matching high heels all making her tall, elegant, and definitely regal. The crowd burst into applause, something she did not expect and she copied Sean’s huge smile. She went directly to Sean who was sporting the biggest smile he could manage and he introduced her to Wallace as was protocol, despite they had already met on the Seeker.

  Sean said to her after the introduction, “My dear Duchess, when you make an entrance the whole world stands still, I think Hhearn has a new star,” knowing that the whole event was being telecast throughout the fifty worlds.

  A few hours later, after almost every lady present had clustered around Nasht-Mer admiring her outfit as she looked down at them, and especially her spike heeled shoes which they had never seen. Those who had gowns from Earth came over to thank her for introducing these fashions to Hhearn and after that hey inquired about the diamonds, asked when will those designers open shops here? Finally, an elderly Hhearnian woman came up to Nasht-Mer and told her.

  “You have done more for Hhearnian royal families in one night than all the rest of us have done in the past ten annuals. Thank you, my dear.” At first Nasht-Mer did not recognize her until she had moved away into the crowd, then she realized it was the Duchess of Kal, a very wealthy and powerful royal family. She had not been seen at a public function in decades and somehow got into the room without being announced.

  Sean spent his time talking with Councilors and business types some from the other worlds who, having seen his membership presentation on the vid, were not about to miss this one. He handing out business cards with his office’s new pocketcomm number. Wallace did the same. Everyone kept them and planned on using it sometime soon. There was some interest in Sean and Wallace’s formal wear, mostly from the ladies who thought they looked quite elegant and a wonderful break from robes.

  Sean finally got a break to connect with Nasht-Mer who was similarly exhausted at handling all the ladies’ questions. Sean got her a glass of Prosecco and he, his usual American Honey on the rocks. They sat down for a while to rest their feet. They chatted for a bit on how successful the evening was going. That reminded Nasht-Mer, she had to implement her surprise.

  She got up with her drink glass and walked over to a microphone stand.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, Councilors, Honored Guests, and our special guest Ambassador Henning. Thank you all for coming tonight, we don’t get to do this very often, in fact, I would like a show of hands of all those who would like us to do this kind of event way more often!” Almost everyone in the room raised their hands. “Splendid!” She said, “We will work on that, and I encourage those of you in the private sector to do so as well. Before I make my announcements, let us first raise our glasses in a welcoming toast to Ambassador Henning.” As she raised her glass she said strongly, “Welcome to Hhearn!”

  All raised their glasses at where the Ambassador was standing and took another sip, many of those were of Earth’s spirits.

  “Now, I have a couple of announcements,”

  “First, a personal one which will come as a surprise, but not more of a surprise to you than it was to me, I assure you! I wish to announce that I have asked Senior Field Officer Captain Sean Flynn to be my Life Mate and he has accepted.”

  The crowd broke into enthusiastic applause because they realized at her age, such an event was almost unheard of.

  “Second, to celebrate this event I have arranged for some Earth based behaviors which you may find is fun. It’s a social behavior that is celebratory, entertaining, and romantic all at the same time. Sean and I, and security Officers Doris Lang and Major Maja-Bin will demonstrate this for you. Everyone is welcome to join in and copy what we are doing. At this, she signaled the event manager and Earth dance band music began to play in the hall. This music was markedly different from the classical pieces that had been played by the symphony. That difference was immediately noticed and smiles broke out among the guests. Nasht-Mer held out her hand, and Sean came to join her as they began to dance across the floor. Doris and Maja followed.

  The crowd watched for almost five minutes before some couples decided to try to copy them. Nasht-Mer had wa
ited until, later in the night for this, estimating that some earlier imbibement would help to loosen resistance. Nasht-Mer and Sean danced across the floor as the spotlight hit her diamonds and she sparkled as she twirled. That was too much for some of the ladies to resist. They dragged their Mates onto the floor. And soon the floor was reasonably full with couples smiling and laughing at missteps.

  After the night was over, Nasht-Mer and Sean went to her apartment and turned on the vid. Late news announcers were gushing about the gala event to introduce the new Earth Ambassador and had clips of Nasht-Mer’s entrance and then with her and Sean dancing. Ratings went through the roof again.

  “Sean, does Earth have dancing instructors?”

  “Yes, dancing studios with group and private lessons. There are dozens of different dance styles. I hesitate to mention the tango.”

  “Tango?” She asked.

  “Never mind.” He blurted. She smiled and was definitely going to research the tango.

  She took his hand and led him into the bedroom.

  “Help me out of this gown.”

  It was late when Sean’s security team walked him back to the Seeker. Allister told him Doris and Maja were already back and should he close up the ship for the night? Sean said “Yes,” the ship’s ramp retracted and the cargo hold sealed itself up. Sean went to his room and almost went to bed dressed but concern for his tux induced him to take it off, hang it up, wash up and then go to bed.


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