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The Council of Hhearn Trilogy Box Set

Page 40

by P F Walsh

  Maejel was on vacation from England and what she thought was becoming a very unfulfilling existence. She knew everyone, well, everyone that was important. And she knew an endless list of musicians, and performers, both contemporary and classical. Several of the Maestros had tried to woo her, but she realized they were all musical madmen, emotional and so involved with their music as soon as they heard a musical note, any note, she virtually disappeared from their view when their heads turned in that direction. Still, it was a life of magical delight, but not sustained satisfaction at having done something meaningful.

  There was something missing. She was consuming but not contributing. Her skill, while not professional, lay in arranging events with a largess of smoothness that other professional booking agents didn’t seem to have. So many affluent clients needed that extra understanding that brusque New York and London Agents didn’t get. Of course, she didn’t get paid for her efforts. She was well off from a large inheritance when she became 30 years of age.

  She mildly resented her Aunt for the implementation that prevented her from inheriting until she was 30, but now that she had been there these past four years, she understood. Things look quite different when you are a single woman who is 30 years old or older, and are a person without a purpose in life. This dinner date with Mr. Lewis was a lark to disturb the framework of her otherwise standoffish mode, and yet, he had gained her serious interest. She expected a pleasant dinner and who knew where that could lead? “Dinner with a policeman, what camp!” She thought, at least he dresses well. He had told her he would pick her up in front of the Hilton promptly at 7 PM. Despite her inclination to make suitors of any ilk wait, she went down to the lobby a few minutes early and strolled outside the portico and took in the semi-circular construction. It was pleasant and a breakaway from the square box of most hotels squirming to get as much mortar and brick into a square lot.

  The night was pleasant and she was comfortable in throwing her pashmina over her shoulders to block the slight breeze. There were dozens of people coming and going, being picked up, dropping off, and arriving to register. Lots of activity at the front entrance. When suddenly cars stopped coming in and others were hustled out of the curved driveway. For a minute or so, nothing came about, Then, she could see a small convoy coming with police lights flashing. She stepped back against the front door as the first SUV pulled up a bit ahead to allow for the limousine to arrange itself directly in front, center.

  The guests all bunched up to watch who was the bigwig that was arriving. Two men got out of the lead SUV and went to open the door to the limousine, another came over to the crowd, looked them over and spotted her. He approached her and said,

  “Miss Tripperty?”

  “Yes,” she answered, surprised.

  “Secretary Lewis is in the limo and would like you to join him for dinner Ma’am. This way please.” As he stuck his arm and hand out toward the open door of the limo. To the amazement of the gathered crowd, she walked over to the limo and was helped in alongside the Secretary. The limo and the vehicle entourage moved smoothly out away from the hotel.

  She looked over at him with a small exasperation on her face, and playfully hit him in the shoulder exclaiming,

  “You didn’t tell me you were somebody!” She babbled.

  He laughed and said, “I actually am somebody, I am John Lewis.”

  “No, you know what I mean!” She answered back trying to suppress a smile while she talked.

  “Will that affect the quality of tonight’s dinner?” He asked.

  “Well, no if it is good, but it isn’t often that I get surprised and you definitely caught me with my knickers showing.”

  He laughed again and said,

  ” Perhaps you had better tuck them in, we’re going to a very nice, intimate restaurant where the dress code is accommodating, but not unlimitedly so.”

  They chatted as the limo cruised on between the two SUV’s and then arrived at the 1789 Restaurant in Georgetown on the other side of the Potomac from the Washington Hilton.

  This intimate and unique restaurant is a Washington favorite with an interior that reproduces the ambience of late 1700's America.

  The convoy arrived, and the doorman opened the door of the limo as the security guard stood close by. First to exit was Miss Tripperty and then came the Secretary. She took his arm and they entered this historic building that now contained the restaurant.

  The Maître D’ broke a big smile and said, “So glad to see you again Mr. Secretary, I have your table ready. It’s a corner table so if you would like us to put up a screen, we can.”

  “I don’t think that will be necessary, thank you.” The Secretary replied. The Maître D’ guided them to their table while eyes in the room brightened up to realize who they were all having dinner with tonight, “and who is the woman he is with?” they all wondered.

  They got seated with the expected draping of a napkin on the lap by the waiter and then he took their drink orders. Once the drinks came the Secretary said,

  “Allow me to toast the expectation of a wonderful evening with a very lovely young lady.” And moved his glass to click with hers. She broke out a dazzling smile that enforced the wish he just spoke.

  “Well it seems likely that it won’t be a shambles doesn’t it? Very well, give it up now, you’ve squired me away in a stretch, surrounded by lots of muscle, and here we are in a lovely restaurant with a very accommodating Maître D” and I want to know... Secretary of what?” She asked with raised eyebrows.

  “State” he said.

  “Secretary of State?” she asked

  ‘Yep’, that’s American slang.”

  “Of the United States?” with more incredulity in her voice.

  “Yes Ma’am, there’s days I of course regret that, but this isn’t one of them.” he replied with a smile.

  “Well now, this is a bit, how do I address you?”

  “I would be grateful if you would just try ‘John’.

  “Brilliant, of course.” She chuckled. “In that case my first name is Maejel (she pronounced it as my-yel) with unusual spelling.”

  “Yes, so many do that now, but I can even recall when Mary was spelled m-a-r-y.”

  “you’re dodging me, aren’t you? You’ve had me at a disadvantage since yesterday. I should say that’s not very ‘Stately” of you is it?” She smiled.

  “I apologize for all that. The process of asking a lady to dinner here in Washington at my level usually requires an act of Congress and several months of committee investigations. I was so pleased it was simple, and you accepted. This is a rare treat for me.” he said

  “You don’t get out much like this do you?” She asked.

  “Almost never, too many political adversaries laying compromising traps. Say, you aren’t a spy, are you?” he asked jokingly.

  “No Sir, be assured your state secret of entre’ choice is mostly safe with me, but I must warn you I shall pass all menu decisions straight away to the Queen when I return.”

  The dinner went well and the two got to know a bit about each other, the Secretary not revealing that he already knew all about her from the query he made to his department investigators. Old English money, fine family, graduate of Cambridge, member of the hunt club, etc. He was coming to see she was not only a splendid dinner companion; she just might be the right person for a project he and the President had dreamed up, and at the same time, recognize their British ally’s importance by selecting one of theirs.

  Three days had passed since their dinner date. Maejel’s cell rang as she was resting in her suite at the Hotel after a long day of touring Washington monuments and experiencing what Washingtonians ate for lunch and dinner. Quite a bit aside from England ‘s fare, but so far, all of it she ordered was very tasty.

  She picked up her phone and heard, “Are you there?” a jibe at her English background.

  She replied, “Who is this?”

  “It’s John.” He replied.

“Oh, Mr. Secretary, hello.”

  “Mr. Secretary? The other day it was John, what happened?”

  “Well, if you had called the next day it would have been ‘John’, but it’s three days later and now it’s Mr. Secretary.’ She chided.

  “Bloody Hell.” He barked back laughing, “You sure are a connection, I say, do I actually have the right number?” Still teasing her. Now she was laughing.

  “Well,” She said, “I had my worries on whether the telephones in the colonies would be up to it, but it appears they may, at least for this call, I have no idea who will be next, could be the Vice President.” She handed back.

  “Not likely for him, he’s married, but I warn you the President is not, so beware. He’s very persuasive. Listen, would you like to meet tonight for a few drinks? I have someone I would like you to meet. Can I pick you up at 8 PM?

  Yes, that would be fun. Will it be the same vehicle circus?” She asked.

  He laughed and said,

  “Yes, I’m sorry, but it might cause the Hotel to upgrade your room to VIP if it keeps up.” he said with a smile in his voice.

  She finished the call and skipped around the hotel room with excitement. Now, she really had to look through her packing to find the right cocktail dress that said, ‘maybe.’ She couldn’t understand why England had such a hard time overcoming the American forces when she just waltzed into the White House and snagged the Secretary of State. She was in an exceptionally good mood that she hadn’t felt in a very long time.

  “My besties will be over the moon when I tell them all about this. I wonder who we will be meeting tonight?” She thought as she prepared to clean up for tonight.

  The Millador, A fast packet freighter owned by Beztl-Tor arrived in Earth Orbit and after getting shuttle control’s approach approval and routing, their shuttle descended to the shuttle port at Base Andrews. Beztl-Tor turned to the pilot of the shuttle and said,

  “Here’s your orders,” as he handed a shipping order to the pilot, “Give this to the Captain, and depart immediately, and I mean immediately, not a minute’s delay, we are on a very tight schedule.” He grabbed his bag, got out, closed the door to the co-pilot’s seat, and walked to the reception building as the shuttle raced back to the ship. He offered fake identification as Heltza-Lak a trader, and was given a thirty-day pass. He shifted aside questions of what he was trading, and who did he want to see with,

  “I won’t know what I want to buy until I see it will I?”

  The agent checked off ‘Speculative Trader’ and moved on to the next trader in line. Beztl left the reception building and walked to the employee parking area. He was looking for a Tan Range Rover like the picture he had unfolded. When he found it, he reached up under the front left fender and found the small magnetic box. He pulled that out and removed the vehicle keys from inside it. He dropped the box on the ground, opened up the Rover and threw his bag on the passenger seat and got in. He looked around inside the vehicle examining the controls and features. He could see that there were two large suitcases, gun cases, and several boxes in the back area. Those would be his clothes and supplies. The vehicle had an unusual scent despite he insisted that the vehicle be brand new. He sniffed the seats and learned it was the hide used on the seats. They were comfortable so he thought this wouldn’t bother him much. He started the engine and spent some time figuring out the navigation panel from the instruction book that was already translated for him and in the glove box. Once he had keyed in his destination, he slowly drove it out of the parking lot checking to see if the fuel was full, and getting the feel of the accelerator and brakes.

  “This will do nicely,“ He thought, now only a very long drive to Trapper’s Lake, Colorado, a new safe house 27 light years away from Hhearn and maybe a bit of hunting. I can use the rest and they tell me the food is excellent.

  Dinner aboard the Discovery this night included Speaker Nool, Chairman Andregga, Sean, Doris, and Rooky the ship’s counselor. Sean had the synthesizer produce an Italian Pasta dish that seemed to go over so well with everyone outside of Earth who tried it. He arranged for a bottle of wine and fresh baked bread to round out the meal. Tonight, Sean was the server since there wasn’t anyone one of his crew assigned as galley steward. This amused Doris and Speaker Nool who had struck up a friendly conversation. After the meal while everyone was sipping the second glass of wine, Sean began to talk,

  “I would like to make some suggestions to our two guests here, now that the hostilities have stopped. Both of you need resource assistance and I am sure that Earth will help out as much as they can. However, there is a larger question to be considered. I have explained to both of you the difficult process of becoming a Member of the Council of Worlds. The trading opportunities would be an enormous boost to your economies once things got going. In your weakened state, there’s a few Councilors who may see you as an opportunity for imposition of being a vassal planet. I am against that one hundred percent!” He said.

  “However, being members of the Council would tend to bind your planets together and I suggest that you consider making an application as a twin planet ‘associate’ member. That would allow you to avoid the single planet application danger, and allow the new Council leadership to introduce a new class of member who does not need to endure the danger of losing your autonomy. It is easier to add a category than to change the old one that has been in place for a few hundred years.” he said.

  Both of the planet leaders agreed and asked Sean if he would carry back the application request with two diplomats, and of course, he agreed. The rest of the evening was spent socializing. No one brought up his role as the Majjoo. They all thought that was just too spooky to be coincidental and there was no avoiding the Sisters did exist.

  The next day, the Discovery ship left Lotma for Denknish to return Speaker Nool and her honor guard to Denknish. Messages had snapped back and forth between the planets over the last solar or so with instructions for shipping the agreed assistances each of them agreed to share. Freighters were being loaded at each end and set to depart soon. Traffic was about to pick up substantially between the two worlds as the Discovery, for the second time, approached Denknish.

  The defense net had been set to idle to accommodate the incoming and outgoing freighter traffic and Discovery slipped by the net and set down on its original landing spot. The Speaker and her honor guard were received by a huge crowd that included several military leaders and almost all of the Assembly. They were all smiling and applauding as she stepped onto the ramp to disembark. It was a joyous return. Before she left the ship, Sean had asked her to arrange a favor and she agreed. He was to come to her office later in the solar and pick it up.

  In the late sun of the solar, Sean secured a ride to the Assembly Building and presented himself at the Speaker’s Office. As he entered her office, he was met with a round of applause from a large group of people who were all jammed into her office. He walked through the opening in the crowd to the Speaker who was standing on front of her desk smiling. He touched palms in greeting and she said,

  “Captain Flynn, it is with the greatest of pleasure that on behalf of the people of Denknish we award and present to you the second Felicit Andregga Peace medal for your invaluable assistance in bringing about the implementation of peace between two worlds.”

  She handed Sean the open velvet box which held the gold medal with Felicit Andregga’s image and a small ribbon bar to be worn with his others. Sean was speechless and felt his contribution was minuscule, but he could not refuse a heartfelt gift. He smiled and just nodded his head, not knowing what to say. He finally eked out a quiet “Thank You” which could just barely be heard by the group assembled. They all broke into applause again. When it diminished, the Speaker said,

  “Captain Flynn, there is no way we can thank you adequately for having the heart and courage to return the personal effects of the lost crew and the cargo, both were invaluable to us. I would like to additionally present you with a certifi
cate of thanks from Denknish. The last paragraph recognizes your recovery of the ship Zilphlyxx under lawful salvage, and has entered the name change to Discovery on the Denknish ship’s history as well as the transfer of ownership. All from a grateful world. Lastly, your crew mentioned you had planned on a metal plaque with the original crew’s names listed to be mounded in the ship’s dining area. We have prepared that for you.” As she handed him the plaque and certificate. She clasped his free hand and said, “Thank you.”

  Sean’s receipt of the Felicit Andregga Peace Medal was a bit of an embarrassment to Sean since he didn’t think his efforts equaled in adequate measure to those of Admiral Andregga. The Speaker disagreed and felt Sean’s contribution history making.

  The only thing he ever wanted from Denknish was peaceful agreement that the ship was now his. And now, it was.

  Speaker Nool was not done yet, as the applause faded, she continued.

  “I have one additional award today. This one is for service to Denknish as well. Would Doris Lang please come forward.”

  Doris was not expecting this and momentarily didn’t know what to do until someone next to her nudged her shoulder to move. She came up to the Speaker and stood there.

  “Officer Lang, if it were not for your quick and precise action in preventing an assassination, I would not be here. An attempt such as that is an assault upon the leadership of this planet. You prevented that as we exposed a murderer. For this service to me and to the Denknish Office of The Speaker of The Assembly, I award you the silver Daughters of Denknish medal with sincere gratitude for your service.”


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