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Stolen Heart

Page 2

by Rita Hestand

  "I have not seen you so interested in a woman in a long time my brother."

  "That should tell you something."

  Bear Paw turned all his attention on his friend, "It does." He affirmed with a smile. "I am happy for you."

  "Thank you."

  "Have you told the elders yet?"


  "Your parents?"


  Bear Paw smiled at his friend, "Then I am the first you have told?"

  "You are!"

  "I am honored. And I wish you well."

  "Thank you!"

  "Have you seen the man you must fight to win her hand?"


  Bear Paw shook his head. "Then I will pray for you Black Wolf, that your dreams come true."

  "Thank you again, my friend."

  Black Wolf stayed with his friend for a long time that warm afternoon, talking and sharing dreams of their futures.

  Bear Paw noticed his injury.

  "She sewed you up?"

  "Yes, fine work too."

  Bear Paw smiled. "She must be very special."

  "She is."

  After Black Wolf healed and began to get his strength back, he went to the sweat lodge and prayed. He had visions during the day and dreamt of his future. He could see clearly in his visions of his life and how hard it would be to earn the love of Sasha. There would be much strife at first. The visions only went so far and spoke of death too. But as a whole it was a positive life with Sasha. He spent three days there fasting and praying, when he came out, he felt renewed, and knew he was right about Sasha.

  He sat with the elder's council talking and telling them of the great battle they had won. But the visions and dreams he would not talk about. Not yet. First, he would have to win the challenge.

  He walked about his tribe now, and every day his wound healed more. Many of the young maidens in his tribe sought his favor, but he found no hint of love with any of them. He had no idea why this Arapaho had captured his heart so easily, but he knew she had.

  He knew that Sasha was the one he wanted and needed.

  He went hunting with his friend Bear Paw, and they brought back three deer, five rabbits and four wild turkeys. It was a good hunt to be shared with many of his people. The camp was excited about the hunt and the women went to work cleaning and preparing the meat and skins for the tribe.

  All the women remarked what a great hunter Black Wolf and Bear Paw were.

  Two weeks later, Black Wolf walked into the new encampment of the Arapaho's. He was alone, but he had the confidence he knew he would need to win this battle. There was all manner of curiousness going on, as he strode up and asked for their chief. Many followed behind him, waiting to find out what a Shoshone might want in their camp.

  An old Indian came out of his tepee when he heard the crowd building outside. His face was weathered from age, but Black Wolf knew he was the chief as there was much wisdom in his face. He stood tall and he faced him squarely.

  "What brings a Shoshone to my camp?" The Chief asked him. "You do not belong here."

  Black Wolf sized the old chief up quickly. "I have come to challenge Big Knife for the hand of Sasha the healer."

  The chief stared at him for a long moment. "You know my daughter."

  Black Wolf looked at him a bit taken aback. He did not know she was a chief's daughter. But that would not stop him from having her. "I have met her, yes."

  "What do you offer for her hand?"

  "Fifteen horses and a supply of corn and skins for your people." Black Wolf said proudly. "It will be a cold winter." He added.

  "Fifteen horses?" The chief looked pleased that his daughter was so valuable. Others who stood around curiously staring, spoke among themselves at the offer.

  "And who are you to offer this?" Chief Walking Bear asked.

  "I am Chief Black Wolf of the Eastern Shoshone tribe. At least one of them."

  "And I am Walking Bear." The old man eyed him, "You would give fifteen horses for my daughter?"

  "I would, and I will fight for her hand." Black Wolf declared. "As I'm told she is promised."

  "Have you met Big Knife before?"

  "No, I have not."

  "And yet you challenge him without seeing him?"

  "I do."

  The old Chief turned to his tepee and called his daughter out.

  Sasha came out and saw Black Wolf, and her eyes widened. "You!"

  "I've made an offer to your father for your hand in marriage." Black Wolf beamed.

  "Father… " she whirled around at her father and began to plead. "You cannot do this."

  The old chief looked at Black Wolf. He studied him for a few minutes before speaking. "He has offered fifteen horses for you and is willing to fight for your hand. He has the right to challenge, as he is a chief. You are daughter of a chief. He is worthy of your hand in marriage. Big Knife must accept this challenge."

  "But I'm already pledged to Big Knife." She protested and shot Black Wolf a discerning glance.

  "It is a fair offer, I will allow it, now be still my child."

  "But father, I love Big Knife."

  "You are the daughter of a chief, and this man has asked for your hand too. The only fair way to settle is to let them fight. Besides, he honors you with his offer, he is a Chief of the Shoshone."

  "But father… " she cried. "Surely, you won't let him… "

  "It is befitting that a chief's daughter marry well, child." The old chief frowned, then he turned to Black Wolf. "You must fight Big Knife and bring your horses, tomorrow at sunup." The old chief told him.

  "Thank you, until tomorrow." He glanced at Sasha now and she frowned at him mightily.

  As Black Wolf walked off, he heard her plea to not permit this. He smiled to himself, she would be a real challenge to win over.

  Now he would speak with the elders of his own tribe and make things right. Tomorrow he would face Big Knife. He hadn't even seen the man and knew nothing of what it might take to win this battle. But his wounds had healed well, and he wanted this woman for a wife. Her father was right, she deserved to be a chief's wife.

  He felt his new scar and smiled. He was confident of his victory. He would have her as his wife and as Shaman for his tribe.

  The elders of his tribe gathered to consider his choice, that evening. Ten old men sat in a circle around a fire and spoke of his decision. He'd known them all his life and there was much trust between them.

  "You have not found one of our own people?" One of the younger elders asked.

  "No," He stood up and walked around the circle of elders. "I have tried, but there is nothing in me to give to them. Perhaps I know them all too well!" Black Wolf smiled.

  The older tribesmen grunted with laughter.

  "This maiden is not married?"

  "No, she is promised to another. But I have asked to challenge him in a fight." Black Wolf informed them.

  "What is it that makes you want her as your wife?" One of the oldest asked.

  Black Wolf studied the elders' question. "For one, she is a healer, for another, she would be of value to our tribe. Especially since our Shaman was killed by the Sioux. Being a healer, means she thinks, she is strong and challenges me. And, she is beautiful beyond compare." Black Wolf smiled. "She doesn't know me yet, and she would challenge me, as a chief needs to be challenged."

  "You wish your wife to be a challenge?" The old man's brow rose in question.

  "I do!" Black Wolf stared into the old man's eyes, knowing his answer was important. "If I married anyone here, they would not speak up but submit willingly to my commands. Because I am chief, they would always do my bidding, but never speak up for what they really thought. I do not want that. I do not want a slave, but a wife who thinks for herself. A chief has many duties to his people. But alone, with no one to challenge his decisions he can make mistakes. A woman with a mind can stimulate and help me seek the right answers for our people."

  The elder nodded, "You are wise b
eyond your years, Black Wolf, but you must also realize that challenging you might cause more strife for you. You might even be killed."

  "I know, but I accept that strife. She does not love me, but she will learn to. She will question everything, and I like that. A woman who submits easily is no help to a chief. She must be as strong as I, in her thinking at least."

  "And if you die, who would take your place as Chief as you have no children yet?" the younger elder asked.

  Black Wolf thought of all the warriors and their bravery, but he answered swiftly. "There is one that stands out to take my place, if I should die. It is Bear Paw."

  The elders considered his words. "Have you spoke with him about this?"

  "No, but I speak to you about it, in case something does go wrong in the challenge."

  "You feel this strongly about the woman?"

  "I do!"

  The elder nodded. "Then I approve this marriage."

  The others spoke one at a time and all but one approved. The one who didn't was the youngest, and not quite as wise as the others. Black Wolf nodded. "I thank you for your trust. And I honor you for your wisdom."

  "You have not yet won the fight, though." The youngest elder informed him.

  "No, but I will." Black Wolf smiled. "For the Creator is with me."

  "And how do you know this, have you met this man?"

  "I have never laid eyes upon him. But the Creator knows my heart, and I will win the challenge."

  Black Wolf went to the sweat lodge then to relieve him of the impurities in his body. He set his mind to victory and was sure he was on the right path, but still he prayed to the Creator that he had chosen well. "I pray her heart softens on me."

  The next day at dawn he went to the Arapaho camp. He did not think of the battle, as he was well used to those. He thought of the challenge he would have with Sasha if he won her hand in marriage.

  There was much excitement in the air, as everyone had heard of his challenge.

  Bear Paw came to sit with him that evening. "You are still going to do this?"

  "Yes, my brother, I am."

  "Then may the Creator be with you."

  "I have named you as the next chief if I die." Black Wolf told him.

  "Me?" Bear Paw was shocked.

  "Yes, I trust you no matter what. To keep the peace and take care of our people. You are a great warrior and a great hunter, and you think much like me. I could only name you, as my successor."

  "But your brother… "

  "Is too young yet."

  "It is your wish?"'

  "Yes," Black Wolf smiled, "But I do not intend to die."

  "Of course you won't."


  Sasha had prayed to the Creator herself that this arrogant chief would lose the battle and thus it would be settled for her to marry Big Knife. His outlandish offer of fifteen horses amazed some of her tribesmen. How could he own so many horses? And so carelessly give them away.

  Naomie, her friend came to her tepee. She was a beautiful young maiden, with soft eyes, and well-endowed body. Most of the tribe's women envied her. But Sasha was not jealous, for she thought clearly that Naomie was not the brightest of women, and Sasha had defended her as others used this knowledge to offend Naomie. Sasha was weaving a basket. Naomie joined her, sitting across from her so she could look into her eyes. "You must be very proud that a Shoshone would offer so much and challenge Big Knife."

  "He is arrogant, and the Creator will not allow this."

  "I do not understand this word, arrogant?"

  "It means he thinks much of himself." Sasha said with impatience.

  "Oh. But fifteen horses for one woman, it is a great compliment. And I'm told he's a chief of his tribe."

  "He is the enemy. Why would my father allow a challenge with him?"

  "Perhaps to prove how much stronger we are than they?" Naomie offered.

  Sasha twisted about to look at her friend, "I suppose that could be. But I love Big Knife, and although I find this man arrogant, I do not wish his death for such a ridiculous challenge. And surely Big Knife will maim or kill him."

  "Are you so sure Big Knife would win?" Naomie asked, her brow lifted in question.

  "Well, he's not as tall as Big Knife. But he is built well, but I think Big Knife can handle him easily enough."

  "What did Big Knife say when you told him of it?"

  "My father informed him. He was shocked and thought I must have flirted with this… man."

  "Did you?" Naomie let a smile linger on her lips.

  "No, why would I, I love Big Knife."

  "It would seem he is quite determined to have you."

  "Yes, but I can't help but wonder why!" Sasha shook her head with disgust. "I treated him for a battle wound, and he told me then he would ask for my hand, I thought him delirious." Sasha explained.

  "Well," Naomie sighed, "He is here, and he has brought the horses with him, and if he wins, I'm afraid you will have to go with him." Naomie smiled. She got up and peaked out of the tepee. "He is very handsome too."

  The way Naomie said that had Sasha rethinking the man. What if he won? How could she accept it?

  "I could never love a man like him." Sasha insisted.

  "Do you know him so well?" Naomie questioned.

  Sasha loved Naomie, but it was a fact that Naomie had an eye for Big Knife too. Sasha never dreamed that fate would lend Naomie a hand to find favor with her. Big Knife did not profess his love like Sasha had hoped for, but it was presumed. She was not as sure of Big Knife as she wished to be, but he had asked for her hand, perhaps because she was the chief's daughter. But this Black Wolf wouldn't have known this at the time he told her he would challenge Big Knife. Her curiosity of the man made her doubt things she never doubted before.

  "No, I don't know him at all." Sasha hung her head.

  "Perhaps he's not as bad as you think, he honors you with such a prize as fifteen horses. He is also very handsome. The entire tribe is amazed at his boldness."

  "He's arrogant, that's all. He thinks much of himself." Sasha insisted.

  "He is a chief, I am told, he must think well of himself." Naomie argued, "for what chief does not."

  Sasha glanced at her friend. Since when did Naomie become so intelligent. Had she somehow misjudged her friend?

  Sasha turned on her friend then faced her, "Will you marry Big Knife if this man wins my hand in marriage?"

  Naomie hung her head, "That would be up to my father, I suppose. But if you marry this man, then, yes, I would accept, if he asked me."

  "He favors you almost as much as he does me," Sasha insisted. "I'm sure of it."

  "It is useless to speak of such things. We have to see who will win the challenge." Naomie said lowly, casting her eyes to the ground.

  "I know you love Big Knife too," Sasha took her by the shoulders. "I cannot deny that he looks upon you as much as he does me. Maybe even more. You are quite a beautiful woman. Every man in our tribe wants you."

  "Are you jealous because he looks at me?" Naomie asked staring directly at her now.

  "No, of course not. I mean, I think every man in the tribe that is not married looks at you, Naomie, you are beautiful beyond compare. You are like all women should be."

  Naomie touched her hand and smiled. "Thank you. I do love him Sasha. I cannot hide my feelings, I have tried not to look upon him like that, for your sake, but my heart is with him, but it is impossible. Perhaps he would take us both in marriage. Would that bother you?"

  Sasha heard her words and was startled by them. She shot her a quick glance. "I would not like that." Sasha fussed.

  Naomie stared at the ground again. "You could not share him?" She muttered.

  "I would not like that. For I believe like the white man's bible says, one man and one woman. Could you?"

  She could not believe Naomie would suggest it. It had been done many times in her tribe, but old ways were dying out and Sasha could not believe Naomie would consider such a thing.<
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  Naomie faltered a moment, "If it meant the only way to be his wife, then yes. I would. We would have separate homes, and that is good."

  "It is not right, Naomie to take more than one wife." Sasha raised her head proudly. "We are not like some that take many wives. The old ways are dying, Naomie. One wife should be enough, if she can produce children."

  "If it was the only way to have him, would you?"

  Sasha moved away and stared outside, "I don't know. I really don't know. Has he suggested it?"

  Naomie bowed her head shyly now. "He mentioned it once. He does look upon me. I cannot deny that. And if you marry him, what will you do, if he continues to look at me? If he proposed to me, I would marry him, yes. I am sorry."

  Sasha's cheeks flushed. Never had Naomie spoken so frankly of her love for Big Knife. Shocked by this news, Sasha stared at her friend now. For the first time, Sasha realized that what Naomie suggested might happen. Sasha was a healer, and the daughter of the chief. Any man that married her would improve his stature in the tribe. Big Knife knew this. But the fact that Big Knife had suggested this to Naomie worried Sasha. She did not believe in multiple marriages. "I don't know. I hadn't considered it." Sasha felt her heart fall. How could he look upon Naomie her best friend like that? And if he wanted her too, would she agree to another wife? Would it even be up to her?

  "Well I would share him with you, if he asked, that is how much I love him." Naomie declared. "It all may be settled for us today."

  Sasha stared at her friend. It was easy to see that Naomie hoped the stranger would win. "Yes, I guess you are right."

  Chapter Three

  Still this revelation had her looking at her friend differently now. She hadn't realized just how much Naomie loved Big Knife. But in her heart Sasha did not like this conversation. She believed the white man's religion that one woman and one man were to be one. She had gone to mission school and studied it. It was in the book, the book they called the bible. And she had become Christian at the mission.

  A crowd was building outside, and they went out to watch.

  Big Knife saw her and frowned.

  Did he think she had encouraged this battle? From the look on his face he did. She wished she could explain.


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