Book Read Free

Yours Cheerfully

Page 27

by AJ Pearce

  ‘If you could step forward, sir, and give me your name, please,’ he said.

  As Mr Rice did as he was asked and the constable licked the end of his pencil ready to write down his name, out of nowhere there was an ear-splitting scream.

  It was Ruby.

  Anne bent down to see what on earth was the matter, but Ruby, who was absolutely beside herself, jumped up and started pulling on the constable’s jacket, trying to get him away from Mr Rice.

  ‘NO!’ she screamed. ‘THAT MAN SCARED MY MUMMY.’

  Mr Rice looked horrified and took a step back as Ruby burst into huge wails.

  ‘It’s all right, my lovely, it’s all right,’ said Anne, picking her up and holding her tightly. ‘It’s just Mr Rice from Mummy’s work. He didn’t scare me, I promise.’

  But Ruby continued to cry.

  Constable Pickering looked at her and then back to Mr Rice. His expression had changed to one of distinct disapproval.

  ‘Don’t you move,’ he said to Mr Rice.

  Anne swayed from side to side, trying to calm Ruby down. In between enormous gulps and with her flowery crown all askew, Ruby buried her head into Anne’s shoulder. ‘He. Made. You. Cry. My Mummy,’ she sobbed.

  ‘Oh, Ruby,’ said Anne. ‘Come on, baby, let’s see if we can find Tony. I’m sorry. Constable,’ she said. ‘I shouldn’t have brought her. She’s only four.’

  Constable Pickering, who already had all of Anne’s details, nodded, now looking more interested in Mr Rice.

  ‘Thank you,’ said Anne as Ruby continued to cry. ‘Don’t forget, you’re going to be a bridesmaid like a big girl today, aren’t you? And you’re wearing your crown so it’s a happy day isn’t it?’

  Ruby hiccupped and managed to gasp a brave little, ‘Yes.’

  Then, just as she began to walk away, Anne stopped and turned to Constable Pickering.

  ‘Constable, it’s not Mr Rice’s fault,’ she said as she hugged Ruby. ‘I was tearful when he told me I’d lost my job, and it upset her. She just got a bit of a shock seeing him, that’s all. She really will be fine.’

  Then she carried Ruby away.

  ‘All right, everyone, time to go,’ said Constable Pickering as he shut his police notebook. He motioned to Mr Rice.

  ‘Just so you know, Mrs Oliver just did you a very great favour,’ he said. ‘Now, I suggest you try talking to these ladies rather than making their children cry. By the New Year. I’ll be checking.’

  Then he turned to the crowd. ‘That’s it, you lot, go and do your shopping before everything runs out. Nice singing,’ he added to Irene and the others. ‘How about limiting it to carols for the rest of the day? Thank you, ladies, I think you’ve made your point and suggest you all go now. It is nearly Christmas after all.’

  Then he gave a slight nod and with no intention of letting us try to carry on, slowly and very deliberately walked away.

  ‘Well done, girls,’ called one of the soldiers. ‘You keep it up. We’re right behind you.’

  There was a small round of applause as the crowd started to disperse, and quite a few people went up to the women to speak with them.

  Mr Rice and Mr Adams were in no mood to stay around. Constable Pickering was right. The women had made their point. It was time to go.

  The rest of us followed Anne over to Tony’s pram, where Ruby was still clinging to her, but had stopped crying and was now sucking her thumb and rather enjoying being carried and not having to be a big girl at all.

  ‘Are you all right?’ I said to Anne.

  She nodded, looking overwhelmed.

  ‘Are you sure? I’m so sorry Ruby got scared. Poor old sausage,’ I said, as Ruby looked up and did another hiccup.

  ‘I’m not a sausage,’ she managed, sounding a lot more like herself.

  ‘I see,’ I said. ‘Then what are you?’

  ‘I’m a bridesmaid,’ said Ruby, now beginning to perk up.

  ‘Hooray!’ I said. ‘I tell you what. Do you want to meet the boy I’m going to marry?’

  Ruby nodded.

  ‘I do too,’ said Anne. ‘I must admit I did try to spot him before Constable Pickering arrived.’

  Ruby was now well on her way back to her usual self, and Baby Tony and the other children were all accounted for and so full of ration-defying treats from various onlookers that the greatest threat to any of them was the possibility of being ill. Now, the women were able to take a step back and contemplate what they had done.

  The Patriotic Parade had been a success. Finally, the women had started to be heard.

  ‘Congratulations,’ I said as Maeve and Violet joined us. ‘You did it. Chandlers are going to have to at least talk to some of you now.’

  ‘And give Anne and Irene back their jobs,’ said Betty, with feeling.

  It was a very good point.

  ‘I don’t know if they’ll do that,’ said Anne. ‘But goodness me, hasn’t almost everyone been nice? People really listened, didn’t they?’

  She looked more than relieved, and as everyone now began chatting, I introduced Charles, and then Bunty and I met the other women who had been marching. It gave me the perfect opportunity to ask them some questions. With Anne’s speech noted down in its entirety, I was soon happy I had enough information to write my article.

  Spotting Guy now chatting to Bunty, I put away my pencil and went over.

  ‘Do you know, I thought you might join in at one point,’ I said to him.

  ‘You didn’t need me,’ he replied. ‘You were doing perfectly well. Those instincts of yours are really very good. You knew when to stand back and watch, and when to get involved on behalf of your friends. Well done.’

  It was high praise indeed from him.

  ‘Thank you,’ I said.

  ‘Not at all. Now, this is all very nice, but what time did you say we had to leave?’

  I looked at my wristwatch for the first time since the start of the march. It was ten past eleven. We had ten minutes to catch our train home.

  ‘Oh, my word,’ I cried. ‘We have to go! Bunts, you and Guy start walking. I’ll get Charles. Anne,’ I called to her over a small crowd of her friends. ‘We have to go. Are you sure you’re all right? You are going to come to the wedding, aren’t you?’

  ‘Of course we are,’ she said, rushing over. ‘I have to talk to all the girls, but I promise that Ruby and Tony and I will be on the very next train. I’ve stuffed all our things in Tony’s pram. He probably can’t feel his feet.’

  ‘And you know where to go?’ I said anxiously.

  ‘St Gabriel’s Church if I can, and I have the address of the house if we’re too late. Look, here’s your fiancé, now GO!’

  Charles had extricated himself from the many introductions and now he grabbed my hand.

  ‘See you later!’ he said to Anne. ‘Terrifically well done today. I can’t tell you how impressive you all were.’

  Anne smiled broadly. ‘Thank you, now can you just please leave?!’

  The two of us started running. Bunty and Guy were already moving at a good speed. We now had eight minutes to get to the train.

  ‘Let’s hope it will be late,’ said Charles as we ran. Then he slammed on the brakes.

  ‘What is it?’ I said, stopping too and looking at him in alarm.

  ‘We’re going to get married,’ he said, his eyes absolutely shining.

  Then he pulled me into his chest, gave me the most enormous kiss, and took hold of my hand again.

  ‘Ready?’ he said, as I was now laughing with delight. ‘No time for laughing – RUN!’


  A Nice Idea to Split Up

  WE REALLY HAD cut it fine, but as the four of us hurried towards the platform, we could see the train sitting there with a few stragglers still getting on.

  ‘I must say,’ said Charles as we slowed down, ‘now that we’re on our way, it does feel a bit odd being together as if we’re just going on the morning train to the office or something. Not tha
t I don’t want to be with you, darling, but it’s not quite the traditional pre-wedding set-up, if you know what I mean?’

  I was less concerned. ‘I don’t mind,’ I said. ‘At one point this morning I thought we’d all end up getting arrested so it’ll be a relief just to sit down in a carriage rather than a cell.’

  ‘I’m with Charles on this one,’ said Guy as we showed our return tickets to the collector at the gate. ‘It’s not quite cricket on the old wedding etiquette front.’

  ‘There’s nothing much we can do about that,’ said Bunty. She had been on her feet all morning, not to mention having to quick march for the train, and she was leaning quite heavily on her stick.

  ‘Yes, we can,’ said Guy. ‘Now we’re safely here, it might be a nice idea if we split up. Ladies, may I suggest you get into a carriage here, while my brother and I move along to one nearer the front. Charles, you come with me. Best Man’s orders.’

  ‘That sounds nice,’ said Bunty, gratefully.

  ‘Excellent,’ said Guy. ‘When we get to Paddington, Charles can get in a taxi and I will check that you ladies are safely in one as well and as long as there isn’t a hoo-hah about the timing, you two,’ he fixed Charles and me with a stare, ‘won’t be seeing each other again until Emmy gets to the church. Everyone agree?’

  I thought it a lovely idea. ‘Perfect,’ I said, opening the carriage door. ‘Go on, Bunts, you get in first.’

  Bunty happily did as she was told. ‘See you there!’ she called before plonking herself down on the seat.

  ‘Come along, Charles,’ ordered Guy, ‘before the guard blows the whistle.’

  He began to stride along the platform towards the smoke and steam from the engine.

  ‘Be right there,’ called Charles. He turned to me. ‘We’ve got a few seconds. The guard’s helping an old chap with his bag. Can I get my last ever kiss with a girl who isn’t my wife?’

  ‘As long as it jolly well is,’ I said, quite happy to oblige.

  ‘Hurry up, you two,’ called Bunty who had dramatically put her hand over her eyes in order not to watch. ‘Don’t muck things up at this stage.’

  ‘Go on then, Emmeline Lake,’ said Charles, more or less lifting me into the train, ‘or Guy will have a fit. Goodbye, darling. Bye, Bunty. See you at the church!’

  He slammed the door behind me, blew a kiss and as we heard the guard’s whistle shriek, sprinted off before it was too late.

  I sat down opposite Bunty in the carriage, letting out a loud sigh. ‘Bunts, we made it,’ I said.

  ‘What a relief,’ said Bunty, looking much like I felt.

  We heard the guard blow his whistle for the final time.

  ‘Made it,’ I said. ‘Now we can relax.’

  The train didn’t move. I could hear it hissing and huffing, but nothing happened.

  Bunts and I looked at each other.

  I jumped up, rammed the window down and stuck my head out, Bunty by my side almost as fast.

  Shrouded in billows of smoke and steam, and already picking up speed as we watched, the front half of the train was easing itself out of the station.

  ‘NO!’ I shrieked, fumbling to open the door, although it was entirely too late to make any difference.

  Nevertheless, I leaped out. Bunty followed closely behind.

  We were the only people on the platform.

  ‘Why didn’t the guard say?’ I wailed. ‘How could he let us get on the wrong end of the train?’

  ‘I don’t think he saw us,’ said Bunty. ‘He was helping the elderly chap. It’ll be all right,’ she added, not sounding terrifically sure. ‘We can get the next one. Or Charles and Guy will get off when they realise and wait for us at the next station. If we go straight to the church rather than home first, I’m sure you’ll make it.’

  I looked at her.

  ‘All perfectly fine,’ she finished, her voice trailing off.

  ‘No, Bunts,’ I said, failing to join in. ‘I really don’t think that it is.’

  I put my hands on my hips and continued to stare up the platform, as if the engine driver would somehow miraculously reverse back to get us.

  ‘The ticket man will know,’ said Bunts, who was doing a good job at attempting to be calm in the face of complete disaster.

  ‘How did Guy and Charles not notice?’ I said. ‘They must have walked right past where they’d uncoupled the carriages.’

  ‘To be fair, Charles was running,’ said Bunty, which was accurate but unhelpful.

  I tried to pull myself together. ‘Right. Let’s think about this. The ticket collector. Good idea. Come on.’

  Bunty was ahead of the game on this point and had already started heading back to the platform gate.

  ‘Excuse me,’ she said. ‘We’ve been left behind. We didn’t realise the train was splitting in two.’

  ‘Oh dear,’ said the man. ‘Whoops a daisy.’

  Bunty saw the look on my face. ‘Leave it to me,’ she said, laying a hand on my arm. ‘Yes,’ she continued. ‘Bit of a hiccup. Do you know if the next London train is on time? It’s just we have to get there rather urgently.’

  ‘Well, now,’ said the collector. ‘There is a war on.’

  Bunty’s grip on me tightened.

  ‘Mmm,’ she managed. ‘Yes, we know that. Perhaps you can tell us if another engine is coming for these carriages?’

  ‘It is,’ said the collector.

  ‘There we are!’ said Bunty.

  ‘But it’ll be taking them into the sidings.’

  ‘For heaven’s sake,’ I muttered.

  ‘I see,’ said Bunty, showing remarkable patience. ‘Do you have any idea when we can expect the next train to London?’

  ‘The thing is,’ I interrupted, now unable to keep quiet any longer, ‘I’m supposed to be . . . well that is, I am getting married at three o’clock. And we really do have to be on the train.’

  The ticket collector chewed his lip. ‘You might be all right,’ he said. ‘Then again.’

  ‘Isn’t the next train at a quarter to twelve?’ said Bunty. ‘Em, that would still be fine as long as it doesn’t get stuck somewhere.’

  ‘That one’s been cancelled,’ said the man. ‘But there’s another at a quarter to one. Probably.’

  ‘That’s just too late,’ I said. I was beginning to panic. ‘Oh, Bunts, I shouldn’t have done this. What was I thinking?’

  ‘Let’s go back into town,’ said Bunty, having given up on the enigmatic ticket collector. ‘How long would it take by car, do you think? If we could find one? That had petrol.’

  I wished Charles hadn’t made the joke about me stealing a car. Currently it was feeling like a viable option.

  ‘It might be your best bet,’ said the ticket collector. ‘The lines are right up the spout again today.’

  ‘Come on, Em,’ said Bunty. ‘It’s worth a go. Anne may know someone. And we need to warn her about the trains, anyway.’

  I nodded. ‘Is your leg up to it? You’ve hardly sat down.’

  ‘I’m fine,’ said Bunty, looking determined.

  I didn’t believe her for a moment, but I knew her well enough to know not to push further.

  We made our way back out of the station and started walking steadily back to the market square.

  ‘You’re right,’ I said, putting my arm through hers and trying to be positive. ‘Anne will know someone. But honestly, Bunts, why did I insist on risking this?’

  ‘Why did I let you?’ she answered. ‘Because you made a promise. I’d have done exactly the same, and I bet you Charles would have too if it was his army pals. So would Guy.’

  ‘I just can’t miss the wedding,’ I said, feeling sick at the thought. I couldn’t bear the thought of Charles going away if we weren’t married.

  ‘You won’t miss it,’ said Bunty. ‘We won’t let you. And he will come back, Em. I know that’s what you’re thinking. You and Charles are not me and Bill. You are not Anne and Anthony.’

  She stopped in the
middle of the street.

  ‘Your story will have a happy ending,’ she insisted. ‘It will. Now, let’s find a way to get to London.’

  Determined and calm, my best friend had known exactly what I was thinking. She gave me a quick smile. ‘All right?’ she asked.

  I took a deep breath. ‘Yes,’ I said. ‘Thank you. For a moment I went a bit defeatist there.’

  ‘Not to worry,’ said Bunts, cheerfully.

  ‘It won’t happen again,’ I said as we started walking more briskly.

  ‘I should hope not. List D: Transport To Church,’ she said. ‘Working on it, but a bit of an oversight, currently. I can only apologise.’

  ‘I don’t know,’ I said. ‘Look over there.’

  Down the road, driving towards us at a pace, was a van. It was familiar yet could have been completely anonymous apart from the person hanging out of the passenger window.

  Noreen Noakes was waving at us like mad, while holding tightly onto a now very happy Ruby Oliver. Wilf Noakes slammed on the brakes and they came to a halt right where Bunty and I were standing.

  Bunty, who didn’t know either of them from Adam, looked at me in bewilderment. I was no help at all as I just stood there with my mouth open wondering what on earth was going on.

  Sitting next to Noreen and looking similarly deranged as she waved was Anne, with Baby Tony on her lap.

  Wilf turned off the engine as Noreen threw open the door and hurriedly put Ruby onto the seat next to her mum.

  ‘Hello,’ said Noreen, climbing out. ‘Wilf says the trains are all messed up. He’s supposed to be picking up some supplies, but he doesn’t think they’ll be here for hours. We’re giving Anne a lift to a wedding.’

  ‘Where’s Charles?’ called Anne, leaning over and clinging on to Ruby who was trying to get free.

  ‘They’re on the train,’ I said. ‘Long story. We hope they’re carrying on to Paddington.’

  ‘Ladies,’ shouted Wilf, ‘you can chat later. If we’re going to get you to London in time, you really do need to get in the van.’

  ‘Come on,’ said Noreen. ‘Do you mind a bit of a bumpy ride?’

  She walked round to the back of the van and opened the door.


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