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Girls from da Hood 14

Page 19

by Treasure Hernandez

  “Aaah, fuck her, Mike Mike. Why her? She ain’t shit and don’t give two shits about you, apparently.” He couldn’t hear me, and since the boat was so loud, I doubt others did either. Snatching the bullet from inside me, I tossed it across the room. Aggravated and annoyed, I’d gotten caught up with him once again, losing my much-needed relief.

  Jumping up and sliding the crotch of my swimsuit back over my slippery pussy, I crashed the bar, popping the cork of the courtesy 1800 and tilted it back. Hearing her phone set to send him to voicemail, and he calling again enraged me. I was a bad bitch, top of the line, who sucked his dick like a pro, and he was treating me like scum. Setting the bottle down, running across the room, I snatched up her purse, sifting the Android out immediately. Seeing his picture flash up on the main screen of her phone brought about mixed emotions. He was looking so fine, so sexy, so likable—but so not mine. But the truth was staring me in the face. He was blowing her up, checking to make sure she stayed in line. I was nothing to Mike Mike, so fuck him for that.

  “Guess you’re looking like the fool now, huh? Pretty Princess Bitch ain’t trying to answer,” I spitefully spat into the phone.

  “What the fuck? Where’s Sable?” Mike Mike shouted into the phone out of breath, huffing and puffing. I’d never heard him sound so angry. He had me shaken and wasn’t even asking for me. “Where’s that rotten, bottom-feeding bitch?”

  “Whoa, Mike Mike, huh? Now she’s a bitch?” His harsh words for his precious girl caught me by surprise. “Yesterday, she couldn’t be topped.” Something in me said to hang up, erase the call, and go back to my girls. But Mike Mike was my magnet, and anything that dude talked about was golden. Plus, I was nosy.

  “Look, I ain’t got time for that crybaby shit right now, yo. Where’s Sable? Put that ho on the phone.” My ears hadn’t heard him wrong. From the sound of it, li’l Miss Thang’s throne had been compromised.

  “At the pool party, and she’s been ignoring your calls, duh.” I made matters worse. “She doesn’t even know I’m in here answering the phone to you. How about that?”

  “What motherfucking pool party?” He wasn’t screaming by now, but the agitation in his voice hadn’t disappeared. I didn’t care, though, especially since, yet again, Sable was the topic of our conversation when he should’ve been apologizing for the spiteful shit he’d said to me.

  “What else do you think goes down in Miami but partying, Mike Mike?” I naively asked, looking out the window at the crowd starting to clear out. The Captain’s Party was set to begin in a couple of hours.

  “Y’all scummy hoes down there living right off my money, huh? I’m gonna kill that bitch. That’s my word.”

  “Oh, you ain’t about to drag me into what you two got going on,” I yelled back at him, not feeling like I should be part of the attack. “You sponsored her, so what the fuck?”

  “That bitch is a thief, and when I catch up to her, she’s gonna pay.” He’d caught me off guard. I wasn’t expecting those words.

  “Thief? Huh? What are you talking about, Mike Mike?”

  “She stole my stash—about fifty thousand to be exact. I ain’t into sponsoring no gay trips, and you can bet that. I want that tramp’s head on a platter.”

  Even though he wasn’t yelling and seemed to be calmer, the anger and hatred in his voice were clear and evident. On my end, I was blown back. Sable had been out here stunting and showboating when all along, she stole it from her man. Oh, hell naw. I couldn’t blame her, though. He had done her like trash—well, before I came into the picture, and had she not left him broke, he wouldn’t have aimed to change.

  “That serves your ass right. You and everyone else thinking that girl don’t have foul stinking shit like us all. And she got down on you,” I mocked him, laughing hysterically, taking another swig from the 1800 bottle. “Good for ya dumb ass.”

  “Zip your lips, Roxy. It’s time for you to prove your loyalty. How much do you love me, girl?” Turning his suave game on, I started to melt into his game plan like putty. “You want to be number one so bad, well, here’s ya chance.”

  I melted. “You know I love you, baby. You just keep playing with my heart.” I kept it real, not wanting to ruin the moment or miss my opportunity.

  “Well, it’s time for all of that to end. Sable has fucked up with me for the last time, and there’s no way I’m allowing her to get back right. Now, are you sure you’re ready to be with me?” My heart was starting to beat fast. I’ve been waiting to hear him ask me that since the first time I dunked on his dick.

  “You know I’m ready, Mike Mike. I’ve been ready. So, now, what’s up?”

  “I can’t have no thieves or liars in my camp, Roxy. Sable is going to get taught a swift lesson for fucking with my money, baby. You know that, right?”

  “Yes . . . of course, and she deserves one.” My personal thoughts could stay just that—personal. I wasn’t about to go against the grain or disagree with him just because I had another belief in mind. This wasn’t my plight to have out with him. Sable had made her bed to sleep in.

  “Promise me that you’ll never cross me like her rotten ass and that you’re dedicated to the team. I’ve had my share of ghetto bunnies. And with Sable, and I’m not up for taking any more losses. Are you 100 percent down with me, or what?”

  “Baby, I swear that it don’t get no realer than me. I’ll never go out like Sable. You can trust that. She’s down here clowning, acting like you don’t exist and shit.” Jumping ship like a snitch, it was easy to rat out my longtime friend and spill the beans on her questionable mannerisms. “You’ve got my word, Mike Mike. I’m down for you and only you. I’m your new number one.”

  “Those words are like magic to my ear, Roxy. That’s precisely what I wanted to hear. Hold on a second.” Hearing him having background conversation asking for directions to his gate, he got back on the phone and continued to butter me up. “Yeah, baby, back to our chitchat, a nigga hates to be so rude,” he said, sounding sincere. I’d never heard Mike Mike act so sweet. This must be the type of love and affection Sable was accustomed to.

  “It’s okay, Mike Mike. I’ll hold on for you.” I kept caking with him, loving the mood he was creating. Continuing to sip straight from the bottle, I was buzzing off both the liquor and him smooth-talking me heavy. At this point, the Sunrise and its party atmosphere meant nothing to me.

  “Will you do anything for me?”

  “On demand, baby, and you wouldn’t have to ask twice.”

  “Good. I need you to confirm Sable stole my cash. Have you seen it? Do you know where it is? Can you find it?” Mike Mike didn’t waste any time going in on me and testing my word.

  “Ummm,” I tried thinking, but the liquor had me floating. “She’s been spending big. I know she probably has it.”

  “Where the fuck is it?” He screamed like I stole it in the first place.

  “Okay, damn, let me look.” Running through the room, I was searching hard for the Nike duffel bag she had aboard the boat. “She only brought one bag, so I know it’s here.” Huffing and puffing, working hard to please Mike Mike, I had to find this bag and his money.

  “Hurry up. I’m about to have to hang up in a second,” he yelled, back to his usual bossy self. No doubt, this dude had split personalities, but it didn’t dry up my thirst.

  “There’s a safe here, but it’s closed. I wouldn’t know where to start with the combination.” Sitting down beside it, I knew this was the only place it could’ve been. I looked all around, and if I were hiding stash money, it would be here.

  “A safe? Fuck. What type of combination keypad does it have?”

  “Huh? Um, its square, and you press the numbers in. Is that a good enough description?”

  “Damn, okay . . . let me think.” Giving me two different five-digit combinations, I could hear the frustration in his voice as someone in the background asked him to power off his handset. “Gimmie two seconds, sweetheart,” he told her, then directed his at
tention back to me.

  “Where are you at, Mike Mike?” I questioned, kind of getting jealous because he was around another girl calling her sweetheart. I wouldn’t be taking the outright disrespect like Sable.

  “Never mind that. Push in 21707, and don’t fuck up. After this, the safe will lock up, and she’ll know someone has tampered with it because the hotel management will have to be notified.”

  Taking my time to push in the code exactly as he told me, I couldn’t believe my eyes when the lights flashed green. “Mike Mike, it’s open! It worked, it worked!” Pulling it open quickly, I snatched the bag out and shook it unwrinkled, thinking the money would drop out. “How did you know?”

  “That was the due date of our first baby. Now, is my money in that safe or not, Roxy? Tell me what the fuck is going on.”

  Baby? What the fuck did he mean, baby? Sable didn’t tell me that she had been pregnant. I wonder if Jazz knew. I dared not to say anything else about that to him. This wasn’t the time, and there was no reason to make him upset.

  “I’m still looking, babe, probably so—” I cut off as I unzipped the compartment seeing more money than I’d ever touched in a lifetime stuffed inside. “Oh my God, baby, you were right. That bitch. I’ve got the money in my hands.”

  “That’s my baby.” His tone got calmer. “I knew I could count on you to do everything right. Now put everything back in place just how you found it.”

  “But why, baby? Let me out this snake and blaze her. I could be on the first plane smoking back to you in no time,” I whined, not wanting to part with the cash so soon. I’d just got my hands on it, and already, it was gone. Wanting to take a few stacks for my troubles, I didn’t ask him again, knowing he wasn’t going back on his word. Stuffing everything back in the safe, I left it cracked open, just in case I decided to take a few for my troubles.

  “Do as you’re told. I’m gonna handle her when I get down there.”

  “You’re coming? You’re on the plane? Oh shit.” Everything in my life was glowing. Sable was about to be replaced, and for once, I’d be put on the pedestal before her and in front of her. I’d finally top that trick.

  “Listen, Roxy, listen. Stay cool and act like you haven’t talked to me. Exactly where are y’all at now?” I could hear the same lady rushing him off the phone, but he was still holding her off.

  “On this party boat called the Sunrise off South Beach. It gets back at 8:00 a.m. We’re staying at the Clevelander,” I blurted out, anticipating the moment everything with us would finally be official. Tired of fucking in back rooms and short stays, my kids and I were finally getting ready to be legitimately set up straight.

  “Cool. I need you like never before. Prove yourself, baby, and remember to play all your cards the same. Don’t tell Sable or Jazz I’m coming. We’ve never talked. You got it?” He continued to repeat himself, but he didn’t have to. I wasn’t a slow learner, and when it came to street life, I caught on quickly.

  “Mike Mike, I know my role, baby. I ain’t shit like Sable, and I ain’t never turning on my team. That female left you broke, and you can trust when you get here, I’m tag teaming to fuck her up. Until then, I’ll play it cool. I got you.” Giving him a spill, I tried to show my love and keep reminding him that it was unconditional.

  Out of all the things I poured out to him, the only thing he could focus on was being outsmarted and done foul. “No one gets down on Mike Mike. You can trust a nigga got stash boxes like I got hoes. I’ll check for your ass in a few. This creepy cracker flight attendant is lurking again.” Hanging up, I reflected on his last comment, which had me shaken. If he thought he had hoes, after today, they’d be dismissed.

  “I’m finally one up on you, Sable.” I victoriously shouted out into the cabin suite even though she wasn’t in here. Deep down, I was excited and happy. Mike Mike was finally going to make good on his word and send her packing—maybe even dead—for stealing his cash.

  Everything in my life was about to go ten times better than it had ever gone before. No more knockoffs, bad weaves, and eviction notices taped to my window. Mike Mike was known for getting a bitch off craps. I’d seen so with my own eyes when it came to Sable. Picking up my bullet from the floor, then taking a few swigs of 1800, I leaned back and resumed my sex session, this time, with thoughts of how Mike Mike would whack this up once he got down here and fucked Sable’s world up.

  Mike Mike

  Roxy was just as dumb as I thought she’d be. Never in a million years could she be my wifey with the fucked-up track record she was rolling with, but she fell into my hands like putty with the mere mention of us being together. I needed her help to lead me to Sable, so until then, whatever I had to do to keep her on my team was fair game. She’d already proven to be an asset by confirming my now ex-girlfriend was the for-sure culprit. I couldn’t wait to see the look on that bitch’s face once she saw me in the flesh to collect what was mine. Having backup money in more than one place, of course, a broad will never have full access to what really makes Mike Mike, Mike Mike. And once this straight shot landed, I’d be beating her into the ground, literally, once and for all.

  Leaning back in my chair, counting the hours until my dream could become a reality, I rubbed at my still sour, bubbling stomach. Whatever drug Sable snuck me with was still fucking me over, but I was fighting through it. Damn, I couldn’t wait to lock my hands around her throat. That undercover whore was going to regret fucking me over and biting the hand that has fed her most of her rotten, no-good life. Her time was coming.

  “What up, doe, my nigga? Have you talked to that slimeball bitch, Roxy?”

  Mike Mike had just taken his second shower for the day. He was trying to get his life together. His body worn out from the last twenty-four hours, the drug dealer fought to stay stable minded. “Naw, guy, why would I be talking to her? You the one that’s been giving the ho the dick lately, so she your headache now, not mine.”

  Lenny laughed at the statement and the person who was saying it. “Say what now?” Mike Mike hawked up a gang of thick mucus that was continuously forming in his throat.

  “Come on, now, I ain’t no fool. You and her fucking around is the worst-kept secret in the damn hood. So, naw, guy, I been stop running up in that rotten-womb trick. Matter-of-fact, all us have.”

  “Whoa, hold up, Len.” Mike Mike was finally feeling better after spitting out the last glob of what had him bent.

  Lenny was amused once more. “Dawg, once you started hitting Roxy, she thought she was about to take ya girl place. That bitch had her ass on her shoulders. So, yeah, she marked her pussy as damn near off-limits.”

  Mike Mike hated that what he thought was his deceitful business, in fact, wasn’t. Despite sneaking around, he was not discreet. However much he crept, apparently, he was not. Here his boy Lenny was blowing him out of the water. “Look, man, I just need you to come my way. I got some shit on the table, and I need to put it in full motion.”

  “Oh yeah?” Lenny eagerly pondered, smelling the impending opportunity to make some money in the air.

  “Yeah, my dude. And before you ask, yeah, it’s a come-up for you in the long run. So swing by my crib. Time is ticking.” Mike Mike had just about read his homeboy’s mind. A hustler out in the streets, he’d learned a long time ago that nothing motivated a nigga to move faster than cash on the barrelhead.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Ole girl was acting like she didn’t want to get in my zone and wasn’t down with the bisexual world, but I knew that was some straight bullshit. No girl plays that much and isn’t willing to give it up, but I could tell off rip she wanted to play games. With a body as banging as hers, I’d be willing to only partake in them for a little while. Time was money, and already, I’d had more money pile in tonight than any other night this year. Being a skilled pimp in my game, I could easily replace Sable, but I liked the thrill.

  Going into the main ballroom of the boat, I checked the décor, stage, and
setup to ensure everything for tonight went successful as planned. A few acts were already rehearsing, and the live band was starting to get their equipment prepped. As always, my crew ran like a well-oiled machine. Taking off the snapback hat I was wearing to wipe the sweat from my brow, I frowned. Even though business looked butter smooth, something heavy was eating at me.

  Pulling out my iPhone, I scrolled through my missed call log and messages to see if any were from Gianna. The last call was last night before I swooped her up on a booty call. I shook my head, knowing I’d pissed her off royally. “Damn, baby, pick up,” I spoke into the receiver as her phone kept ringing but to no avail. The voicemail picked up again. Swiping the call to end, I tried to gather my composure. Gianna’s uncalculated behavior had me feeling uneasy. I knew her like the back of my hand, and she couldn’t be trusted. Gianna was the type of bitch you needed to keep tabs on—a real nutcase. I needed a blunt to calm my nerves.


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