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The Eld Queen (The YaraStar Trilogy Book 2)

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by Jeanelle Frontin

  I need to do this on my own. I can’t keep depending on Guidestar to show up when I ask…and regardless, that never happens when I need it to anyway.

  Pushing herself up, face set with determination, Yara walked to the head of the stones. The crowd grew so silent that their beating heartstars could be heard. Taking a deep breath, Yara allowed herself to acknowledge the royal blood that flowed in her. This was her birthright. This was what she was born to do. This world was hers to command.

  I am the Queen of the Eld, the Queen of Mira!

  “Photaks, it is my sovereign duty to educate you on this day about the many secrets the Elders have kept from you, and the many things that none of you may know. I know that much of what I have to share will shock you… and some of it will erode the very fabric of all you believed about your lives before this day. I ask that you erase everything you have ever been taught—you will need an open, clear mind for this…”

  Yara told them the truth about their origins as creations of the Eld, their past culture, and their purpose for existence before the planet was attacked. She told them of all the secrets deliberately and unfairly kept from them for thousands of years by the Photak Elders. She then told them that Mira had awoken again, and that the first night would occur the next day.

  Gasps and gulps echoed in the air. Many Photaks turned toward the Elders, who all looked away. This stood as proof of their knowledge of the Photak origins and the truth of her words. Some villagers reacted in tears, and others were frozen in complete shock.

  In many ways, Yara empathized with what she suspected that they were facing within themselves. She knew what it was like to have her entire identity stripped away, and to be left feeling lost while trying to find a new footing. In fact, it was exactly what she was facing once again in this new life. The only difference was that while the Photaks now had to see themselves as much less than what they had thought they were, she was being made to see herself as much more than these…


  It was a strange sensation to think it almost naturally. Every other time that word had been used, it had made her feel uncomfortable. But as she stared out at them, seeing how weakened they were by their loss of a sense of belonging, a challenge she had faced every day of her life, “creatures” started to feel oddly appropriate. At least it did, until she saw Mila’s scared face as she sat in the crowd holding her crying mother, May.

  While Yara despised the creature May and her lifelong jabs at Yara for being a “blue-haired nuisance” in the village, Mila was different. She was genuine, kind, and brave. She was the fiercest little warrior on all of Mira. Yara felt ashamed that she would ever view Mila, or even Toler, in such an insulting, lowly manner.

  What’s happening to me… why am I starting to see them this way…?

  Disoriented, Yara decided to pass the baton on to one of the Masters to explain the meaning of the first night and its dangerous lights. She knew they would know better than she, as they had all experienced it. She turned to Master Nox and Master Lucerne, but felt confused as to who she should choose for the task. She felt more inclined to nominate Lucerne, but she knew it might be unwise as it could be taken as a lack of loyalty to her House.

  She cleared her thought as they both looked expectantly at her.

  “Master Nox, of the House of Agarb, will now explain the dangers of the lights of the first night and how to best prepare yourselves for the Blurry.”

  Lucerne’s face dropped and Nox shot him a smug glance before making his way to the head of the stones.

  “Photaks,” Nox boomed with confidence, “the core of our planet, Mira, has long powered an energy that is quite unlike anything you have experienced in your short lifetimes. The core gives off light waste, but only at night. It will be seen floating through the darkness of the atmosphere, sometimes coming down as low as the ground when there are light storms. This energy is made up of the same light as our Eld markings, but as it is not contained in a strong living vessel, such as an Eld or in our animals and even some of Mira’s plants, it is very dangerous. Should any creature, Photak or Skotad, interact with it in any way, they will instantly die. Thus, while this energy is usually harnessed by the Eld for our divine uses, it is strictly off-limits for creatures—if, that is, you value your lives.”

  Yara brows knitted upon hearing the last sentence of Nox’ speech. She glanced at Lucerne who nodded at her, intuitively acknowledging her need to understand, what Master Nox meant.

  As Nox opened the floor for questions, which only a few frightened Photaks braved, Lucerne made his way toward Yara. Bending down, he gazed upon her with bright, cunning eyes.

  “My Queen, may I respectfully say that I do not believe that anyone should have the right to keep anything from you as the Eld Queen?”

  Yara scrutinized him, then looked toward Master Nox who seemed nervous that he couldn’t intercept their conversation.

  “And what do you believe is being kept from me, Master Lucerne?”

  “Well, my Queen, did you know that it is only at night that the Eld are able to come into the fullness of their powers? What you were able to execute so skillfully today, was actually performed at your lowest possible charge. You have yet to experience the true range of your power, once you are taught how to harness it, of course. But I suspect that may not be a lesson the Agarbs will want to risk teaching you after today…”

  “My lowest charge…?” Yara whispered breathlessly. A sense of pure exhilaration began to creep over her, laced with overwhelming intrigue. The tantalizing power she had experienced was beyond anything she could have ever imagined, and now she was being told that it was nothing close to what she was capable of doing…

  I want to know more… I need more…

  “Take up my dinner invitation, my Queen…” Lucerne whispered charmingly. “I cannot wait to introduce you fully to yourself. I long to serve a Queen who is uninhibited…completely free to be all that she is.”

  Chapter Nine

  When the deliberations were over, the Eld gathered into their ranks to prepare for the journey back to the Skotad territory. A small fleet of Bravad Elds was tasked to assist and monitor the Photak village. Another fleet was assigned to various points in the Greens to the progression of light when the first night came.

  Yara observed that her interactions with the Bravads, and their receptivity to her instructions, felt different from when they had set out. They, too, seemed to have a greater respect for her queendom. Everyone did.

  Perhaps this display of my le-feer has served me in more ways than I realized…

  As the conversations with the fleets concluded, both Master Nox and Master Lucerne stood nearby observing her.

  “I noticed you whispering to the Queen while I engaged the Photaks, Master Lucerne,” Nox began. “I believe your actions call for a reminder that, during this time of testing, none are to advise the Queen other than the House of Agarb from which she is birthed.”

  “Dear Master Nox, must you always be so suspicious? I sought only to check in on the Queen’s well-being, given all the energy she expelled from her le-feer today. I found it odd that she passed on the responsibility to you of informing the creatures of the coming night, so I assumed she must have been quite… affected.”

  “The Queen was fine, as she will always be under my watch, Lucerne,” Nox sneered as Yara turned to make her way toward them.

  “Of course, she is!” Lucerne drawled as Yara walked up. “And we will all do our part to ensure it stays that way. I am especially excited to contribute to that honorable cause, and I am pleased to have the opportunity to do so given that she has happily accepted my invitation to dinner. She will soon be charged up… by our supreme Spreuken cooking, of course. This will only add to her full recovery. Don’t you agree, Nox?”

  Nox’s eyes widened as he gawked at Lucerne, jumping as Yara finally reached them and began laughing gaily.

  “Master Nox, you look like you’ve seen Sunstar in the flesh
! What is this expression that has taken over your face? What has Master Lucerne told you?”

  Nox stammered, and Lucerne chuckled heartily with glinting eyes.

  “I think he is a bit surprised that you were so open and gracious enough to accept the sharing of a meal at our humble Spreuken abode. Your inclusive style of leadership is one to be greatly admired, my Queen!”

  “Master Nox,” Yara began with a tinge of irritation, “do you really think so lowly of me to be that shocked by my response? Of course, I accepted! And thank you, Master Lucerne, for the invitation – I hope it will be one of many. I intend to get to know all of the Houses of the Eld so that I may serve to unify our great race once again.”

  “How auspicious!” Lucerne responded, smiling. Then, turning his back to Nox and toward Yara, he lowered his voice to confidential tone, but still loudly enough for Nox to hear. “May I make one suggestion before we leave, Queen Yara?”

  “I think the Queen has had enough of your suggestions for today, Lucerne!” Nox snapped, finally finding his voice.

  “I believe I can decide that for myself, Nox,” Yara said cuttingly, purposely addressing him in an informal manner. “What is it you wanted to suggest to me, Master Lucerne?”

  Lucerne smiled widely.

  “Does my Queen desire to look once more upon the creature you most rightfully punished before we leave? Even though we will be returning after the first night to question the Elders, I think it is important for him to see your face once more. I believe it will serve to reestablish the grave consequences of violating the will of the Queen of the Eld, and it will encourage the remaining Elders to share only the truth upon your return.”

  Yara took a moment to think about Lucerne’s suggestion. She wondered what would happen if, upon seeing Malek, her le-feer got out of control again…

  If I lose control again… I don’t know what I’d do…

  She noticed Nox shaking his head in panicked disagreement, almost pleadingly at her. She felt a sense of disdain for the old Eld. He was keeping too many secrets from her, and seeking to retain control by using her ignorance against her. She needed him to know that there were consequences for anyone who violated the Queen of the Eld.

  Lucerne is right… and perhaps this is an opportunity to teach the Agarb as well...

  “I think this is a wise suggestion and a brilliant approach, Master Lucerne,” Yara eventually responded with far more confidence than she felt. Her mind was racing as she struggled to think of a way to control her le-feer in Malek’s presence.

  Perhaps I need to carry the Spreukens with me… at least they are willing to teach me…

  “I would like you, and Atlase, to accompany me to the main keep,” she said to an immediately enthusiastic, nodding Lucerne. “Malek is being held there while he recovers. Nox, we will be back shortly. Please ensure my carriage is ready to head out upon our return.”

  Nox, blinking, silently bowed in submission, then turned abruptly and walked away.

  Lucerne called to Atlase, who was in discussion with a few of the Bravad Masters just a little way off. He jogged up to them as they walked toward the main keep, eyes fixed upon Yara with great intensity.

  “My Queen,” Atlase saluted as he reached them. “And yes, Father?”

  “Atlase, our Queen has requested that we accompany her to see the creature called Elder Malek before we leave.”

  “Certainly, Father. I serve at the pleasure of the Queen, always,” Atlase responded charmingly, smiling at Yara with softened eyes.

  Yara felt her le-feer swooning within her as her face flushed in the unusual shade of red that seemed to appear in his presence. She looked away quickly, chastising herself.

  Why can’t I control this? What is it about this Spreuken that gets to me so much…or maybe this has nothing to do with him, and everything to do with my inability to control my le-feer overall...

  “Master Lucerne,” Yara started slowly as they entered the main keep, “perhaps you can begin the first lesson now, on training my le-feer to respond to my wishes.”

  Atlase glanced up at his father, confusion shadowing his face for a moment before it was masked with a smile once again.

  “If may be honest, that is another reason I made this suggestion, my Queen. I had hoped you would want to begin right away,” Lucerne responded with a caring smile. “And I promise that any opportunity we get, I will provide you with the training and knowledge, you rightfully deserve.”

  Yara smiled back at him, breathing a sigh of great relief. For the first time since her queendom began, she felt a little more secure and a bit less like an outsider. There was a weird tinge of opposition from another place within her at that notion, but she shook it off quickly.

  They were almost at the room where Malek was being kept.

  The medical room was very calming, with perfect, exquisite symmetry between its function and form. It was a space the Photaks loved to be healed in, even more so than any other medical room in the main keep.

  Yara had been there a couple times when her Tribe father was carving every crevice and corner of it. His dedication caused him to miss their family dinner many times as he passionately attended to every possible detail. Yara had brought mushrooms for him for sustenance when her Tribe mother was busy, and she had been awed by the peaceful beauty of the room.

  Her Tribe father’s workmanship spoke to her in waves of emotion once again as she pushed the intricately carved door open. The Photaks hadn’t deserved the gift of his hands, and Malek certainly didn’t deserve to recover within his still-present energy.

  As they entered, the Tribe nurses gasped and scurried away like timid creatures while the other Elders shot up and stumbled back, stammering. Their faces were frozen in alarm as Yara walked up to the bed upon which Malek lay, still unconscious.

  The Photaks’ fear of her evoked raw memories of what it was like to be raised among them. All she had ever wanted back then was for them to see her as a Photak, and to treat her the same way as anyone else in the Tribe. To finally stop fearing her…

  The irony…

  “These creatures are finally giving you the respect you have always deserved, I see,” Lucerne said.

  Yara realized he must have picked up on what she had been thinking. But perhaps he was right. Perhaps this is what it meant to be the Queen of all living things upon Mira…not to be liked, not even to be loved, but to be feared.

  She nodded.

  He’s right. I do deserve their respect, no matter the cost.

  Yara felt the weird tinge of conflict within her again as her le-feer began a small frenzy of chaotic pulses. As her eyes moved up Malek’s barely-breathing body, observing the blood-stained bandages on his legs and arms, she felt even more empowered by Lucerne’s words…so empowered that her le-feer emitted a little pulse and raised a small breeze within the still room.

  A Photak nurse let out a small, cry as the others in the room stepped back more, shaking. Lucerne scoffed at their timidity and Atlase shook his head.

  “My Queen, it is astonishing to me that although you were raised among such weak creatures, you are so incredibly strong and brave,” Lucerne said. “These creatures are completely unimpressive, nothing compared to the brazen Photaks of our time. We failed in creating proper watchers for this planet if this is what they have turned into in just a few thousand years!”

  “Completely failed,” Atlase muttered with disdain.

  Yara heard what they were saying, and wanted to respond, but she couldn’t avert her eyes from Malek. She couldn’t even blink. Something was rising within her once again as rage seeped into her soul.

  How dare you heal in the energy of my father’s making? How dare you even seek rest in his presence after murdering him with no honor?!

  The small breeze picked up and blew a group of dark medicinal vials off of a wooden shelf. They shattered into red shards as they hit the ground.

  The nurses began to sob. They wanted to run but were terrified that
there would be punishment. They huddled together, softly praying to Sunstar for mercy.

  Lucerne and Atlase exchanged glances as they observed Yara’s marking emit unrestrained power in a way they recognized. Atlase nodded at his father, agreeing on a plan without using words.

  Lucerne then slowly approached Yara from behind. He gently rested his hands on the sides of her shoulders. The wind picked up even more but, as he whispered an Eld chant into her ear, it began to ease. He spoke in the old Eldish tongue, but Yara felt the meaning of every single word.

  “From the rise to the fall, the air knows it all. From beat to silence, the heartstar finds alliance. May you feel all your le-feer power, but may you know even greater willpower. May it be with intent that you choose every path of torment. And all else may you adeptly circumvent.”

  He repeated it over and over until the words became a song in Yara’s mind. As she breathed in the air around her, she could feel the thumping rhythm of her heartstar align with its beat. She could feel the frenzy of her le-feer traveling deep within her to a reservoir of pure, destructive power. Then, she felt the hold… something within her that longed to ensure she was fully in control, that drove her to choose her next move with wisdom, and strategy…something that insisted that her powers should be subject to—

  “Your Wielder...” Lucerne whispered. “There she is. I can feel it all over you, and in you.”

  Yara knew exactly what he meant. There was something inside her giving her the reins of her power, holding them out to her with light laughter, wooing her to grab them and feel what it was like to be in complete control of herself. Enticed by the alluring call, she felt herself grope for those reins and, for the first time in her life, she knew exactly what she was doing.

  “Look at that magnificent Spreuken control,” Lucerne drawled. “Your father blessed you with our precious blood, dear Queen, with the blood of the Wielder. It is with that inner Wielder that you will train your le-feer into submission. It will surrender completely to your will, and to your will alone.”


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