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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 10

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Upon seeing Wang Chong’s actions, his little sister’s mouth opened wide.

  What was her brother doing? Didn’t he know that father and mother were still at the peak of their anger? It was suicidal to run over to them at such a moment!

  However, something that left the little girl even more shocked occurred:

  “…I am at fault for this matter. I will sever my relationships with them and stay away from them in the future.”

  Wang Chong apologized with a lowered head.


  The little girl raised her chopsticks and stared at her brother intently. She was so astounded that her lower jaw was about to fall to the ground. What happened? To think that her brother would take the initiative to confess to his mistakes.

  Surely she had heard wrongly?

  Rubbing her eyes, she confirmed that she wasn’t hearing things.

  In the grand hall, the heavy and still atmosphere lightened slightly.

  Seated in the main seat of the dining table was a middle-aged lady dressed in an emerald silk robe with her hair combed into a bun. At this moment, disbelief flashed across the eyes of the beautiful lady as her face twitched slightly.

  This child actually admitted his faults?

  Zhao Shu Hua couldn’t believe her ears. She had lectured him over this matter innumerable times, even resorting to caning and grounding to change his mind, but he had no intentions of listening to her words at all.

  Sometimes, Zhao Shu Hua thought of herself as a failure of a mother. This made her extremely depressed, just that she had never expressed it before her children.

  But this time, he took the initiative to admit his faults. Did this child really change for the better?

  At that moment, Zhao Shu Hua was a little afraid.

  She wished dearly that her child had truly changed for the better, but she was afraid that it would turn out to be just her wishful thinking. After all, his performance in the past was simply too abhorrent.

  “You unfilial son! You still know how to admit your mistakes?”

  It was an ice-cold voice. It came from Wang Chong’s father, Wang Yan. He had a stern face and he had a piercing gaze that exerted intense pressure onto one, as though one was faced with a spear stabbing straight toward them.

  In the 《Book of Rites》, it is stated that ‘A father should be loving and a son should be filial’. Although Wang Chong felt pressured by Wang Yan’s gaze, he knew that his father was already keeping his might in check so as to not injure him.

  “What are you saying? Do you think that it is impossible for Chong-er to repent on his actions? Didn’t you hear him admit his faults?”

  In the beginning, Zhao Shu Hua was worried that Wang Chong was simply saying those words to console her. Even so, upon hearing Father Wang’s words, she immediately became displeased. It was a rule in the royal court that ladies mustn’t interfere in politics and as such, Zhao Shu Hua never interfered in Father Wang’s military and politic work.

  However, as Father Wang was often out commanding the army, the residence and the four children were mainly supervised by Madam Wang. In the matter of educating the children, Madam Wang held absolute authority in the family.

  Father Wang might have total authority over commanding the army in wars, but at home, his authority was beneath that of Madam Wang.

  Wang Chong’s head was lowered, but he could discern their expressions clearly. His father still had a steeled face and he refused to look at him face-on. However, his complexion had soothed slightly and it was no longer as tightly-knitted and stern as before.

  Clearly, his apology wasn’t completely useless.

  “I will listen to father’s reprimand. Chong-er was too stubborn and foolish in this past, thus causing father and mother sorrow. From today onwards, Chong-er will change anew.”

  Wang Chong said with his head still lowered.

  That single sentence caused Father Wang and Mother Wang to raise their heads. Both of them could see astonishment in the others’ eyes. To think that he wouldn’t retort upon being lectured, perhaps the sun had risen from the west today!

  His apology might just have been on the spur of the moment, but his response clearly wasn’t so. Could this unfilial son have truly changed for the better?

  “Chong-er, don’t listen to your father’s words. Hurry up and sit down. As a family, we should be eating together harmoniously, it isn’t appropriate for you to have that stiff expression on you.”

  Mother Wang hurriedly says.

  Un, Wang Chong answered. He walked obediently to his seat and sat down. His face was still lowered and he sat there quietly. Father Wang and Mother Wang hadn’t started eating yet, so Wang Chong also remained motionless.

  This action of his caused another wave of astonishment to Father Wang and Mother Wang.

  “This child has really changed.”

  The one who felt the happiest and relieved at this moment was Mother Wang, Zhao Shu Hua.

  Who doesn’t hope for their own son to soar to the heavens as though a dragon?

  Yet, the behavior of this child of hers broke her heart time and time again. Could it be that her prayers had been answered, and this child finally became sensible?

  At this moment, Zhao Shu Hua almost burst into tears from the happiness gushing through her heart.

  Wang Family referred mainly to Wang Chong’s family whereas Wang Clan referred to the entire clan, including the extended family.

  Chapter 3: Changing Myself

  Wang Chong’s heart was filled with guilt.

  Wang Chong saw the reactions of his own mother clearly. Just simple actions like apologizing and sitting properly by the dining table could make her so delighted. Through this, it was clear to him how much of a jerk he was in his previous life.

  In his previous life, he was forced to transcend here from another world and thus, he rejected everything. Even though they had always treated him as their son, deep in Wang Chong’s heart, there was always a lingering thought that they weren’t his true parents.

  Thus, Wang Chong always felt distant from them.

  This was also why in his previous life, albeit the caning and lectures, he refused to listen to their teachings. Wang Chong had always thought that this wasn’t his world and that he was just a passer-by here.

  Everyone and everything… felt just like fleeting bubbles in his life. However, reality had proven him wrong.

  Only when one lost what they possessed will they learn to treasure it; only those who are left with nothing will know how precious everything is!

  In his previous life, after that incident which caused his clan to fall, he thought that the behavior he had shown previously would cause his father, his mother and his relatives to give up on him.

  Yet, it was them who, during his arduous and hardest moments, in those days that he lived fleetingly, stayed by his side and took care of him.

  If there was a mouthful of rice, he would be the first to receive it.

  Remembering his mother, who wasn’t even fifty yet then, with a head full of white hair as though a seventy year old elderly, Wang Chong was filled with guilt.

  His mother spent the final moments of her life in his embrace. When that seemingly indomitable figure fell, Wang Chong was shocked to realize how fragile and weak her body was.

  Wang Chong’s heart bled.

  It was that moment that Wang Chong’s heart shattered and died. In the thirty years after that, the living Wang Chong was merely a walking zombie.

  Mother! Why did you have to treat me that well?

  At that moment, Wang Chong wept. In that heavy downpour, he roared in agony. That was his first time crying so painfully after coming to this world. At that moment, the entire world collapsed!

  Wang Chong awoke, but it was all too late. Nothing could be changed anymore!

  Perhaps, the heavens had heard his voice and decided to grant him a chance to start anew. Looking at his mother, Wang Chong felt his heart ache.

p; Mother, don’t worry. In this life, I will not make you sad. I will not allow anyone to hurt you, no one at all!

  Beneath the table, Wang Chong’s fists were tightly clenched.

  “Come, eat, eat! M0ve your chopsticks. We can talk after the meal.”

  Madam Wang, Zhao Shu Hua, was in high spirits. Picking up her chopsticks, she placed a large piece of roasted chicken onto Wang Chong’s plate.

  “Mother, you eat as well!”

  Wang Chong grabbed his chopsticks and placed a large piece of meat onto his mother’s plate as well.

  Madam Wang was overjoyed and relieved. Even for the steely-faced Father Wang, who was extremely dissatisfied with Wang Chong, his face toned down significantly upon seeing his actions. In the Three Cardinal Guides and the Five Constant Virtues, filial piety was the very first value. For this fellow to know to grab food for his mother, it was a huge improvement.

  The big ruckus that had occurred this time probably awakened his senses. When he thought of this, Wang Yan nodded his head in approval.

  “Father, mother. I would take to make use of this opportunity to inform you of something, and I hope that the both of you will able to agree to it.”

  Just when everyone was about to dig in, Wang Chong put down his chopsticks. His eyes rippled and he seemed to be contemplating whether he should speak of the other matter he had in mind.

  “What do you want this time?”

  Upon saying those words, Father Wang’s complexion darkened and his gaze turned cold. This beast! After doing something like that, I thought that he would have changed for the better. Truly, a leopard never changes its spots.

  After saying so much and behaving so obediently, it turned out that it was all in preparation to negotiate with them. He would like to see what this unfilial son of his was up to now.

  “Chong-er, what is it that you would like to say?”

  Unlike Father Wang, Mother Wang was greatly interested in what Wang Chong had to say and her tone carried a tinge of expectation. Perhaps it was within a mother’s nature to believe in her son unconditionally. On this point, Mother Wang did not think into the matter as deeply as Father Wang did.

  “Father, mother, I have considered this matter for a very long time…”

  With his head lowered, a look of contemplation appeared on Wang Chong’s face. This would be the key, as well as the only way to regain his parents’ trust. Wang Chong knew that what he was going to say would change his life.

  “I want to join the army!”

  Wang Chong said.

  The moment his words rung out, the entire grand hall seemed to have tremored. At that split moment, everyone was dumbfounded. Even when putting everything Wang Chong had said earlier together, it still wasn’t as impactful as this one.

  Madam Wang’s mouth quivered. She stared blankly at her son and words seemed to have jammed in her throat. This news was too shocking to her, she needed time to digest it.

  Even Father Wang, who had been treating Wang Chong coldly all this while, not even viewing him straight in the eye, had an astonished expression on his previously steeled face.

  He was a general of an army and he had led troops to war. He was someone who wouldn’t even blink an eye even if mountains were to collapse. However, this single matter that Wang Chong spoke of was simply too shocking to him.

  This son of his was simply too mischievous. He had no motivation whatsoever and idled his time away. He even befriended bad company and the rape incident this time put the entire Wang Clan to shame, making it a laughingstock of the city.

  After the ache in his heart had settled, he finally made up his mind to send Wang Chong to the military in advance. The military barracks challenged a person’s physical and mental limits. Perhaps it was the only place which could bring this unfilial son of his to the right path.

  Even if Wang Chong did not speak of this matter, he was prepared to bring this up over the meal. His will was resolute and regardless of whether Mother Wang and Wang Chong were agreeable to it or not, this matter would be done by hook or by crook.

  He never thought that Wang Chong would bring up the matter before he did.

  It was precisely because he knew what kind of person this unfilial son of his was that Father Wang’s poker face crumbled. He knew that it was difficult for Wang Chong to garner such determination.

  Joining the military wasn’t a joke. It was filled with dangers and threats. If he had thought of Wang Chong’s previous actions as an attempt to maneuver around them, then the matter of him joining the military crushed all doubts that he had. After all, this matter wasn’t one to be joked about.

  A prodigal who returns is more precious than gold. Could it be that, after going through so much, this unfilial son of his had finally repented and decided to start anew?

  At this instant, Father Wang was ecstatic. He started to believe that his son had truly changed.

  Looking at their expressions, Wang Chong knew that his words had managed to move them.

  Given his knowledge of his previous life, Wang Chong knew that even if he didn’t bring this matter up, his father would bring up the matter of enlisting him in the army over this meal as a punishment for his actions.

  Back then, he protested for a very long time but it was all in vain. His father’s hardened determination and will would not be moved. Since he knew of it in advance in this life, he might as well bring it up himself.

  This way, he could change the impression his father had of him and earn his trust!

  Furthermore, thinking back on it, this wasn’t really anything bad. Just that, it was worth thinking how he should go about doing that.

  “Chong-er, you are still a little too young to join the army. However, it isn’t really a huge problem. Have you thought about where you want to enlist at? I will go and greet them in advance.”

  Father Wang said.

  In the past, he often addressed Wang Chong as an unfilial son. However, this time, he chose to address him as ‘Chong-er’. From this fact itself, it was clear to see that Wang Chong’s decision had delighted him.

  “Father, I have thought about the matter. I would like to start from the training camps. Before metal can be molded into a sword, it has to be sufficiently tough. I would like to enter Kunwu Training Camp to train up my martial arts first before joining a division.”

  Wang Chong said the words that he had contemplated over for a long time.

  “Kunwu Training Camp?”

  This time, Father Wang was truly shocked. He had just received news from the royal court about the emperor’s decision to establish the Three Great Training Camps, Kunwu, Shenwei and Longwei. They would become the camps where the youths of Great Tang would train at.

  This matter was just confirmed not long ago. Given how confidential the matter was, how did this unfilial son learn of it?

  However, thinking about it again, this unfilial son had made quite a few bad company, so perhaps he might have heard the news from them.

  “Why would you choose Kunwu Training Camp?”

  Father Wang swiftly regained his composure and asked:

  “There is Shenwei and Longwei Training Camps too. Kunwu was specially created for sons of ordinary military officers. On the other hand, Longwei and Shenwei are of much higher level than Kunwu. It is specially targeted to the sons of nobility and authoritative officials. The training that one will receive there should be much more complete and of a higher level than Kunwu.”

  “Perhaps it will prove to be useful to your future if you go there. If you wish to, I can make use of your grandfather’s influence to enlist you into Shenwei or Longwei Training Camp.”

  Father Wang was just a general by the borders and he wasn’t a member of nobility. As such, Wang Chong was just an ordinary son of a general.

  However, Wang Chong’s grandfather was different. He was a meritorious subject who assisted the current emperor to the throne. After which, he was even promoted to become the Left Premier and his students and o
ld buddies were throughout the entire Tang Dynasty.

  Even though he had already retired, he still held considerable influence.

  By using Wang Chong’s grandfather’s influence, there wasn’t any problem to enlist Wang Chong into Shenwei or Longwei Training Camp.

  Wang Chong became silent. His father had good intentions in mind, but Wang Chong knew that the truth was opposite of what Father Wang said. Of the Three Great Training Camps, Kunwu was the best.

  In his previous life, at this period, the wise emperor wanted to pick out capable personnel from the sons of nobility and officials so as to organize a juvenile army. As such, he established Kunwu, Shenwei and Longwei Training Camp.

  At the very beginning, when everything was still at the primary phase yet, everyone thought that Shenwei and Longwei were of higher standing than Kunwu and they were better choices.

  Afterward, for a long period of time, there would constantly be many people trying all means to squeeze their way into these two training camps. However, Wang Chong knew that time would eventually prove that Kunwu was the best of the three.

  In the days that followed, when that catastrophe struck, the country plunged into chaos and all of the older generals fell one after another, nearly 90% of the highly capable generals that appeared in the Great Tang Empire afterward came from Kunwu Training Camp

  However, it would be difficult to explain this to his father.

  “Father, I have given some thought to the matter and I still think that Kunwu is more suitable for me. I know most of the scions in the capital. Father wants me to go to Longwei or Shenwei, but the others are definitely thinking of the same as well. If I were to enter Longwei or Shenwei Training Camp, wouldn’t I meet with Ma Zhou and the others?”

  Wang Chong could only find other reasons to explain the situation to his father.

  Initially, Father Wang was still opposed to Wang Chong’s decision. However, after giving it some thoughts, Wang Chong had just barely ended things with those bad company of his. It was hard for him to repent and change for the better. If he were to hang out with Ma Zhou and the others at this point and revert back to how he was at the start, wouldn’t he regret it for life? It would go against his intentions of sending him to the military.


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