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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 109

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Wang Chong was delighted.

  Wang Chong rarely gets so agitated, and this was one of the few rare moments. In the Path of Martial Arts, there was something known as the ‘Heaven’s Gate’. This Heaven’s Gate didn’t refer to the area where on one’s head where the hundred acupoints were linked to, but the bottleneck in the connection between a human body and the external world.

  Upon reaching Origin Energy Tier 6, this bottleneck would be shattered, allowing one to absorb Origin Energy from the environment.

  This was the main difference between Origin Energy Tier 6 and Origin Energy Tier 5. In fact, the first five tiers could be considered to be preparation for the opening of the ‘Heaven’s Gate’.

  When a martial artist reaches Origin Energy Tier 6, he would gain the ability to cultivate secret arts which increased one’s strength, dexterity, and speed significantly, greatly strengthening one’s abilities.

  Take for example, the ‘Spectre Steps’ of the female assassin of the Eastern Islands, it was one of the ‘speed-type’ secret art that one could cultivate upon reaching Origin Energy Tier 6. It would be impossible for any Origin Energy Tier 5 to grasp the skill.

  To Wang Chong, that wasn’t just the case. Reaching Origin Energy Tier 6 meant that there was a huge room for Wang Chong to showcase his prowess.

  He might be the Grand Marshal of the Central Plains in his previous life, but he has already lost his cultivation. Thus, Wang Chong could only start anew.

  The opening of the Heaven’s Gate was a good start for Wang Chong.

  If say, Wang Chong’s four limbs were bound before, a single hand of his was free now.


  Wang Chong shot out a right fist, and in an instant, something incredible occurred. Kacha kacha, the bones throughout Wang Chong’s body crackled, and the length of his right arm suddenly extended by a single fold. Stabbing it into the lower crevice of the fake hill, ‘peng!’, the hundred jin boulder was lifted up.

  In Wang Chong’s hands, the weight of the hundred jin heavy boulder seemed like insignificant.

  ——This was the strength of an Origin Energy Tier 6 martial artist!

  Upon reaching this level, the strength of a cultivator would be increased immensely. It would be impossible for any ordinary man to lift a hundred jin heavy object easily.

  “Hahaha, your hard work has paid off. Gongzi’s aptitude is indeed outstanding. We’ve only guided you on the Flexible Arm Fist a few times and you’ve already understood the principles behind it, grasping it the moment you reached Origin Energy Tier 6!”

  By the corridor, Ablonodan and Arloja walked down the steps. Nodding their heads, a look of delight hung on their faces.

  The ‘Flexible Arm Fist’ was one of the secret arts of Sindhu, and it was very different from the martial arts in the Central Plains. After mastering the skill, not only would one become ambidextrous, one would also gain the ability to elongate or shorten one’s arms swiftly. When utilized in a practical battle, this technique could easily catch one’s opponent off guard.

  This was the Sindhi martial arts that they decided to impart to Wang Chong based on his cultivation realm. Initially, they thought that it would take a long while before he would be able to master it. However, the rise in Wang Chong’s cultivation surpassed their expectations.

  “This is all thanks to the guidance of the two masters!”

  Wang Chong walked over with a smile.

  In the other world, there was the saying of Bodhidharma traveling to the east to impart martial arts. As such, Wang Chong has always been curious about the Sindhi martial arts in this world.

  Sindhu faced severe poverty and a famine, and their martial arts standard was way lower than that of the Central Plains. Even so, they had their strengths as well. Of all of the martial arts in Sindhu, what that intrigued Wang Chong the most was the ‘Tortoise Breathing Art’.

  It was said that this was the secret art that Saddhus practiced. After mastering this skill, they were able to survive being buried in the ground for ten days straight without eating or drinking.

  Some of the even more incredible Sindhi Saddhus were even able to remain underground for more than three months. In fact, some experts were able to remain motionless within the earth for several years, as though a corpse.

  In his previous life, this was the Sindhi secret art that Wang Chong desired to learn the most, but it was unfortunate that he never got a chance to do so. Now that he was acquainted with Ablonodan and Arloja, how could Wang Chong allow this opportunity to slip through his fingers?

  Ablonodan and Arloja were willing to teach him, but Wang Chong’s cultivation wasn’t up to the level yet.

  Hong long long!

  Just when Wang Chong was about to speak to the Sindhi monks, the rumbling of a carriage echoed by the door. The thrilled voice of Wang Chong’s little sister could be heard clearly even across the wall:

  “Brother, time to head out! Grandfather’s birthday! Mother told us to head for the Four Quarters Embassy now! ——”

  “I got it. I’m coming!”

  Hearing his little sister’s loud voice echoing throughout the entire Wang Family Residence, Wang Chong chuckled. Anticipation flashed across his eyes.

  Regardless of the turmoil outside, the Wang Clan was in joyous mood today. Large red lanterns were hung on the roofs of the buildings.

  Other than that, many parts of the residence were painted with red, the color of joyous celebration.

  Grandfather’s seventieth birthday was a huge affair for the entire Wang Clan. Other than Wang Chong’s father, who was busy guarding the borders, everyone else, big uncle, big aunt, and little uncle would all be heading over to the Four Quarters Hall to offer their blessings to grandfather.

  Of course, Wang Chong was no different.

  Of the 365 days in a year, this was the only day Wang Chong was allowed to enter the Four Quarters Embassy to visit his grandfather.

  Even though it was frustrating, the Four Quarters Embassy didn’t belong to them. As a clan of generals and ministers, while they enjoyed several privileges, they had to give in something in return.

  “Masters, I’ll be leaving.”

  Wang Chong told them in Sanskrit.

  “Un, gongzi, we won’t be tagging along with you.”

  Ablonodan and Arloja replied respectfully. The Four Quarters Embassy was one of the restricted zones of the Great Tang, and numerous experts of the Imperial Army guarded its compounds. Even Wang Clan offsprings like Wang Chong and the others weren’t allowed to enter the area easily, needless to say, Sindhi monks like Ablonodan and Arloja.

  Wang Chong nodded. With his little sister beside him, the guards of the Wang Family Residence following along, and the experts of the Imperial Army sent, Wang Chng need not fear any mishaps occurring in broad daylight.

  Wang Chong started walking outside.

  A large red carriage was stopped at the gates of the Wang Family Residence and Wang Chong’s mother and little sister were already inside. After Wang Chong dived into the carriage, it slowly started moving.

  “Chong-er and Xiao Yao, listen well. Today is your grandfather’s birthday, and other than us, many of your grandfather’s old subordinates will be there as well. When you’re there, speak less, eat more, and look more. Don’t bring me any trouble.”

  Zhao Shu Hua felt extremely nervous whenever it was her father-in-law’s birthday.

  Even though her word was authority in the residence, everyone knew that the backbone of the Wang Clan, as well as the leader, has always been her father-in-law.

  Her father-in-law has lived a glorious life, favored by the emperor. The reason why the Wang Clan was able to rise to such great heights, becoming a clan of ministers and generals, was all her father-in-law’s credit.

  In the Wang Clan, her father-in-law held unparalleled authority!

  Zhao Shu Hua has always respected and feared him, and she wasn’t the only one. Her other sisters-in-law were the same as well.

  “Mother, don’t worry. I know what I should do.”

  Wang Chong patted his mother’s back, consoling her.

  “What’s there good to fear about grandfather? I’m not scared of him!”

  Wang Xiao Yao pouted.

  Hearing her words, Wang Chong and his mother flashed a bitter smile. Wang Chong’s grandfather has always been a stern figure in the Wang Clan. Regardless of whether it was his big brother, second brother, or his cousins, they have all suffered the criticisms of grandfather.

  In his previous life, Wang Chong was the same as well.

  The only exception was this little sister of his.

  For some reason, regardless of whether it was his grandfather or his grandmother, they were extremely fond of this powerful little sister. Despite her playfulness, grandfather has never scolded her before.

  The two elders would always smile upon seeing her, and this has incurred the envy of Wang Chong, his elder brothers, cousins, and relatives.

  But there was no way around it. The two elders simply doted on her.

  Besides, other than being gluttonous and playful, she didn’t cause any trouble.


  The carriage traversed through the alleys, heading straight east. After several hours, while Wang Chong was still seated in the carriage, he suddenly felt a powerful aura surrounding him, crushing down on him as though a massive wave.

  In that instant, Wang Chong felt as though he was facing the world’s torrent once more.

  “We’ve reached the Four Quarters Embassy!”

  Wang Chong immediately realized it. He has been to Four Quarters Embassy before and he was extremely familiar with this aura. Shua! Parting the curtains, Wang Chong gazed at that massive mansion that stood not too far away. The infrastructure was squarish, and it was around seven to eight times larger than the average residence of ministers and generals. Despite its simple design, it felt imposing and solemn.

  The very infrastructure induced deference in others, making them unknowingly lowering their voice and hurry across, fearful that they would bother the people within.

  There wasn’t an entire person living in the surroundings of the residence. At the top of the residence, Wang Chong could see a plain white plaque with three words written in black:

  【Four Quarters Embassy】!

  The words were forceful and grand. It felt as though it would soar out from the plaque and rise to the heavens like true dragons, trembling the world with its might!

  This was the Four Quarters Embassy!

  Other than the royal palace, this was the most esteemed location in entire Great Tang!

  Bodhidharma was a Buddhist monk from the Western Regions in the 5th to 6th century, and he traveled to China to spread Chan Buddhism. According to Chinese legends, he was the one who began the martial arts training of the Shaolin monks, leading to the creation of Shaolin kungfu.

  I can’t be bothered to find names for the dragon set of skills already -_-

  Cough cough, I immediately remembered Dhalsim the moment I read this chapter.

  Chapter 87: Obnoxious Big Aunt!

  The Four Quarters Embassy was silent, but Wang Chong knew that this was the most heavily guarded locations in Central Plains.

  Who knew how many Imperial Army experts were stationed here? Glancing from afar, one could see distortion in the space above the Four Quarters Embassy, and even the sun and stars looked slightly strange from here.

  The Four Quarters Embassy has a simple design, and one could easily enter its compounds by flipping over the wall. However, when one truly entered the embassy, one would realize that countless peril awaited for them within.

  One might be able to enter easily, but the same couldn’t be said about getting out!

  Everytime Wang Chong entered the embassy, he would feel as though he was entering a steel enclosure.

  “To think that I would return here.”

  Looking at the Four Quarters Embassy, Wang Chong’s thoughts wandered and complicated emotions flashed across his eyes. Wang Chong had never liked the Four Quarters Embassy.

  The reason was simple. The atmosphere here was too solemn, and it never felt like a family gathering. Rather, it seemed as though he was attending a ‘court assembly’ instead.

  Furthermore, his grandfather, or the old master (this was how Wang Chong addressed him inside) was too incorruptible and upright.

  Wang Chong was rebellious, inept, and often caused trouble. This made the old master particularly unfond of him. Thus, every time Wang Chong came here, he would be treated as though he was invisible, and he would be sidelined.

  No one noticed him, and no one was concerned about him.

  Because of this, Wang Chong grew more and more averse to coming here.

  There were many things that one would only find important after losing them.

  Wang Chong only felt the weight of that old master after his death. The entire Wang Clan lost its pillar of support, and the heavens crumbled upon them, causing them to fall all the way down.

  It was until then did Wang Chong awakened and realized the significance of the old master to the clan.

  Humans had to learn from their mistakes to grow.

  Only many years later, when he was no longer young, did Wang Chong understand the intentions of his grandfather.

  He has lived an upright and incorruptible life. Wealth, standing, and authority, none of these interest him. Even so, no one disliked being surrounded by children and grandchildren, and no one disliked living a blissful and leisure life after retirement.

  The reason why he held on for so long, remaining in the Four Quarters Embassy even during his declining years, was for this family. It was for the offsprings of the Wang Clan!

  Thus, in his previous life, many years after the death of his grandfather, when he roamed about the capital of the Great Tang once more and saw that the empty, unguarded Four Quarters Embassy, its weed-filled interiors, and that it has become nothing more than an ordinary residence, big uncle and little uncle fell to the ground and wailed in agony!

  Wang Chong could never forget that sight.

  In the past, Wang Chong felt fearful of this location, but after having lived his life once, his view of this location has completely changed.

  It didn’t just represent the kinship flowing in his blood. To Wang Chong, this was also a sliver of hope for the empire.

  If Wang Chong wanted to change the fate of the empire and the Central Plains, he had to receive the acknowledgement and assistance of the old master in the Four Quarters Embassy!

  This was Wang Chong’s only choice.


  The yelling of the coach pulled Wang Chong back to reality. Retracting his head from the windows, Wang Chong sat quietly beside his mother as the carriage headed slowly for the Four Quarters Embassy.

  This wasn’t the first time the Wang Family’s carriage was brought to the Four Quarters Embassy, and the insignia on the carriage was recognized by many in the Great Tang Empire. Even so, the carriage still underwent stringent checks. Only after double confirming that there were no errors was the carriage allowed into the compounds.

  “You should alight here! We will inform you once Duke Jiu issues his summon.”

  Before they could reach far in the Four Quarters Embassy, they were stopped by black-armored Imperial Army sentries. With impassive looks, they crossed their sword before the carriage, blocking its path.

  They were currently at the outer perimeter of the Four Quarters Embassy. Even though they were from the Wang Clan, they were only qualified to walk up to here. They had to wait here for Duke Jiu’s summons before they were allowed in.

  Without rules, it was impossible to accomplish anything great. Even though Wang Chong wasn’t used to these formalities, he knew that these were set by the current Sage Emperor to prevent anyone from sneaking in.

  The emperor thought highly of the Four Quarters Embassy.

  “Wait here. When big aunt and the others arrive, we�
�ll enter as one. Remember, don’t run about.”

  Madam Wang ordered. She was already used to the formalities here, so she wasn’t too surprised.

  Wang Chong and his little sister nodded their heads. Opening the doors of the carriage, they alighted from within.

  The Four Quarters Embassy was extremely firmly guarded. With a single glance, there was a sentry every five step, and a patrol every ten. In other words, the interiors were completely filled with Imperial Army guards.

  Those silent gazes from all directions made one feel as though every single one of one’s movements was being scrutinized.

  In his previous life, Wang Chong always felt discomfort from their monitoring, but after going through innumerable tribulations in his previous life, such minor matters could no longer shake him.

  “Mother, I’ll help you.”

  Standing by the carriage, Wang Chong assisted his mother down. Madam Wang nodded, and a surge of gladness struck her heart.

  Her child has truly grown up. In the past, he would have never been so considerate.

  If one were to disregard the Imperial Army guards whose presence filled in entire compound, the interiors of the Four Quarters Embassy were actually quite beautiful. The trees were lush, and in between the trees, there was a neatly paved bluestone path.

  At the two sides of the path, there were numerous green-colored ridged fake hills and boulders. A meticulously crafted clear stream flowed in the surroundings.

  Glancing about, Wang Chong could even see stalk after stalk of carefully cultivated bamboos. Verdant and imposing, they added liveliness to the residence.

  ——The old man favored tranquility, and he studied both academics and martial arts when he was younger. These were things that he fancied.

  Gu gu lu!

  Soon, the rumbling of a carriage echoed from behind.

  “Oh, isn’t this Zhao Shu Hua? You sure came early! Shu Hua, you sure put in a lot of effort for father-in-law’s birthday!”

  Before even seeing the person, mocking words sounded from the large green carriage. Wang Chong turned around and saw an extravagantly dressed middle-aged lady looking out from the windows, staring at them. Her lips were curled up disdainfully.


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