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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 144

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

“This… I have never really considered this problem.”

  Zhang Munian shook his head. This was the first time someone had proposed this question to him.

  “Then, has Mister Zhang ever thought the idea that crops might be just like humans? It might be possible that there are differing genders among crops, and that they can be divided into male sterile lines and maintainer lines. If that’s the case, the phenomenon of high-yield crops experiencing poor yields in later harvests could be explained.”

  Wang Chong finally threw out the theory.

  Zhang Munian stared at the youngster before him as though he had seen a ghost. He had never heard of such a theory before. How could plants be divided into male and female?

  However, Wang Chong’s words had indeed sparked some ideas in his mind. His theory might be unconventional but it wasn’t entirely implausible.

  This was indeed a possible way to go about selecting seeds.

  “I’ve never really considered this idea before.”

  Zhang Munian contemplated for a moment, and eventually, he chose not to overthrow Wang Chong’s theory straight away.


  Wang Chong had been looking at Zhang Munian’s eyes all along, and upon seeing that there was no rejection in his eyes, he heaved a long sigh of relief. The main problem with new theories was that they were difficult to accept.

  But clearly, Zhang Munian wasn’t an inflexible person.

  Wang Chong had found the right person for the job.

  “Mister Zhang, I’ve been thinking that if we can determine and classify crops as male sterile lines and maintainer lines and separate them, it might allow future experiments to be much more efficient.”

  “But still, we have to acknowledge that plants are ultimately still fundamentally different from humans. Humans could be divided into male and female but plants might not follow the same gender concept. Even though there are male sterile lines, there might be a recovery line that could turn male sterile lines back into maintainer lines when cross-bred.”

  Wang Chong finally threw out the concept of ‘Three Lines of Hybrid Rice’.

  In another world, the ‘Three Lines of Hybrid Rice’ was the very essence of hybrid rice. Even though it was only a theory, its usefulness wasn’t limited by the era one was in.

  Only when heading in the right direction can one’s hard work bear fruits.

  If one’s direction was wrong from the very start, it would be impossible to ever achieve one’s goals.

  Wang Chong had neither any ‘hybrid rice’ to show Zhang Munian nor did he know anything about seed selection.

  The ‘Three Lines of Hybrid Rice’ theory was all that he had.

  For the impending crisis, the only solution was to cultivate high-yield hybrid rice in this world, and Zhang Munian was, without a doubt, the best candidate Wang Chong had to achieve this feat.

  As long as Zhang Munian could classify the three lines of rice, Great Tang’s agriculture production would enjoy a qualitative leap. This would build a strong foundation for the future of Great Tang.

  Regardless of whether it was to face the aggressive neighboring states or future foreign invaders, at the very least, a stable and reliable food supply would give Great Tang the strength to retaliate.

  “I need to give it some thoughts. Gongzi‘s theories are completely unheard of but I am willing to give it a try.”

  Zhang Munian replied gravely. Wang Chong’s Three Lines of Hybrid Rice theory had left his heart beating. Only after finding out the reason behind the unstable harvest of high-yield rice would it be possible to breed a true high-yield rice.

  “Gongzi, can you grant me a plot of land? I wish to give your theory a test.”

  Zhang Munian lifted his head and looked at Wang Chong with an excited gleam in his eyes.

  “Hahaha, of course you can. I’ve already made the necessary arrangements. The land, however, will be located somewhere beyond Great Tang. That place is the ideal location for you to conduct your experiments.”

  Wang Chong chuckled.


  Zhang Munian lifted his head in astonishment, “May I know the location that gongzi is speaking of?”


  (Northern Vietnam)

  Wang Chong smiled.

  The rice in Jiaozhi matured three times in a year, and there was a huge labor force there that could be tapped into. Thus, it was the best location for Zhang Munian to conduct his experiment.

  The rapid rate of maturity of the rice there would greatly shorten the time required for Zhang Munian to successfully breed a variety of hybrid rice.

  Soon after, Zhang Munian left.

  Accompanying him were a hundred thousand gold taels and fifty guards which had been provided by Wang Chong’s big uncle, Elder Ye, Duke of Hu, and group.

  The group didn’t alarm anyone as they traveled silently to the south.

  At the same time, two letters that Wang Chong wrote reached their respective recipients, Big Uncle Wang Gen and King Song, Li Chengqi.

  The matter of demarcating a region for Zhang Munian to conduct his experiments was a small matter so he only had to inform them of it so that they could pass the required instructions down.

  Yao Clan, King Qi, and the others also would not be bothered by something so minor over in the faraway Jiaozhi.

  “I’ve already given you all that I can. Whether or not Great Tang will be able to survive the upcoming crisis will be up to you!”

  Seated in his study, Wang Chong muttered to himself as he watched Zhang Munian disappear into the horizon.

  He knew that he wasn’t the key to Great Tang’s survival in the upcoming ordeals.

  Rather, it was banking on a fifty-year-old agriculture official.

  Zhang Munian, the hope of Great Tang!

  Chapter 186: Second Brother, Wang Bei!

  After settling Zhang Munian’s affair, Wang Chong passed several hundred thousand gold taels to Cousin Wang Liang for the building of the fleet and the hiring of required personnel for the journey such as guards and sailors.

  Due to his contract with the Zhang Clan, Wang Chong was still able to bear this kind of heavy expenditure.

  “Alright, it should be about time for me to head to the royal palace to take a look.”

  Wang Chong sighed as he boarded the carriage and headed for the royal palace. At the entrance, an Imperial Army guard was already waiting for him.

  “Follow me!”

  Without any hesitation, the Imperial Army guard led Wang Chong through the complex labyrinth of the palace. After what seemed like countless twists and turns, an underground opening appeared before Wang Chong.

  In front of the opening were just two words:

  “Death Prison!”

  The two words were barely legible as much of the paint had worn off due to age. Twelve well-built Chamberlains of Imperial Insignia stood guard around the entrance as though demons guarding the gateway to hell.

  This was the death prison!

  In the royal court, there were a total of two prisons, the ‘imperial prison’ and the ‘death prison’. The most heinous of criminals who were sentenced to capital punishment were locked in the imperial prison as they awaited their deaths.

  The possibility of leaving the imperial prison alive was next to zero.

  On the other hand, the death prison was for those who were sentenced with lighter verdicts. Wang Chong’s second brother, Wang Bei, was locked in the death prison!

  An ominous wind blew as Wang Chong looked out through the windows of the carriage. Glancing at the twelve dark-armored Chamberlains of Imperial Insignia guarding the entrance, he sighed deeply.

  The Wang Family had a total of four siblings, and the one whom Wang Chong was closest with wasn’t Big Brother Wang Fu nor Little Sister Wang Xiao Yao. On the contrary, it was actually Second Brother Wang Bei.

  Big Brother Wang Fu was much older than him, and he had joined the army not too long after Wang Chong was born. The one who had acc
ompanied Wang Chong during his growing phase was Second Brother Wang Bei.

  However, as time passed, their relationship slowly drifted apart. This was one of the deepest regrets in Wang Chong’s heart.

  Wang Chong knew the reason for it but his helplessness only served to deepen his regrets.

  Wang Chong was about to join the Kunwu Training Camp, and he had to name a single person whom he wanted to meet the most before his enlistment, it would have to be Second Brother Wang Bei.

  “Open the gates!”

  Wang Chong stepped down from the carriage and flashed a token before the twelve Chamberlains of Imperial Insignia guarding the entrance. This was the token King Song had given him just a moment ago.

  With this token, Wang Chong gained the privilege to travel to most locations within the royal palace.

  Hong long long!

  Upon seeing the token Wang Chong was holding, one of the cold-faced Chamberlains of Imperial Insignia stepped forward and slowly opened the gates.


  Frigid air immediately gushed out from beyond the gates. Then, a black and cold mist slowly drifted into appearance from beneath. Wang Chong frowned slightly before stepping into the passageway.

  The passageway was exceptionally quiet, resulting in Wang Chong’s footsteps echoing loudly.

  Finally, in a unique cell, Wang Chong met his second brother.

  It was a specially-crafted cell which was much wider than the others in the death prison. Every single cell bar was a bowl thick, and they were forged with the resilient deep ocean metal and inscribed for resilience.

  At the very center of the cell sat a motionless, thin figure. His hair was unkempt and his eyes sunk into his sockets. His four limbs and waist was shackled with five thick chains which intersected intricately as though a spider web, locking him firmly.

  This was his second brother, Wang Bei.

  If not for witnessing it himself, Wang Chong would have never believed that that haughty second brother of his could be reduced to such a state.

  “Second brother, I’m here. I’m sorry for only coming to see you now.”

  Seeing the unkempt, tortured, corpse-like figure within the cell, Wang Chong’s heart sunk.

  This wasn’t how his second brother should be.

  This damp and dark cell wasn’t the world he should be in.

  The cell was completely quiet—other than Wang Chong’s voice, there was no other sound to be heard. The figure within the cell remained motionless, as though there was nothing in the world that could reach him.

  “Second brother, all of us miss you. Big brother misses you, little sister misses you, mother and I miss you as well. Come out, second brother, you don’t belong in there!”

  Wang Chong sighed.

  The death prison was where criminals were held. However, Wang Chong knew that the situation surrounding his second brother was slightly different from the other prisoners.

  That was because his second brother had chosen to impose this incarceration upon himself.

  All of the Wang Clan members who were afflicted with the ‘Berserker Syndrome’ had the option of locking themselves up in the death prison. This was the magnanimity that the Sage Emperor granted grandfather back then.

  Grandfather had specially requested for this expensive cell to be built in return for his contributions in assisting the Sage Emperor to the throne.

  In this generation, Second Brother Wang Bei was the one who ended up being afflicted by the ‘Berserker Syndrome’. As such, he had chosen to be incarcerated out of his own free will, and no one could deny him of his freedom.

  The cell remained completely silent and there wasn’t a sound to be heard. Wang Chong sighed and continued.

  “… Second brother, if you’re doing this because of the eldest son of Duke of Zheng, then there’s no need for that. He has already recovered from the injuries from back then!”

  “Do you think that I’m doing this because of Marquess Zheng?”

  A cold voice suddenly sounded from the prison, interrupting Wang Chong’s words. At some point, Wang Bei had lifted his head, and he stared at Wang Chong coldly with crimson eyes.

  “Second brother!”

  Wang Chong was taken aback for a moment before delight gushed within him, “You’re finally willing to speak to me.”

  “Do you really think I’m doing this to myself because of him?”

  Wang Bei disregarded Wang Chong’s words and continued staring at him coldly.

  “Get out! Get out now! I don’t need you to visit me, I don’t need anyone to visit me! Get out! ——”

  As he shouted his last word, a powerful gale enveloped the entire death prison. Even with Wang Chong’s Origin Energy Tier 7 cultivation realm coupled with his Might of the Barbaric God and Dragon Bone, he was still forced back.

  Even though Second Brother Wang Bei would lose his rationality whenever the Berserker Syndrome activated, that didn’t hinder him from becoming one of the top experts within the capital.

  The gale faded as swiftly as it arrived.

  In just a short moment, tranquility returned to the death prison.

  “Second brother, if it isn’t because of Marquess Zheng, why do you refuse to go out?”

  Despite the other party’s wrath, Wang Chong had no intentions of backing down.

  The reason why he eventually chose to come was in hopes that he could at least change something. As long as this matter wasn’t settled, he wouldn’t allow himself to leave.

  Wang Bei remained motionless, seemingly oblivious to Wang Chong’s words.

  But Wang Chong didn’t give up.

  “Given your capability, this cell isn’t sufficient to hold you. It has already been more than half a year since you came in here. Do you really intend to spend your entire life here?”

  Wang Chong said as he slowly advanced toward the cell bars.

  “Don’t force me to make a move on you. Get out, right now! ——”

  Wang Bei finally reacted once more. He lifted a hand and pointed toward the exit of the death prison with a frigid voice.

  “Second brother, it isn’t completely impossible for you to triumph over the Berserker Syndrome. With your strength…”

  “Berserker Syndrome! Hahaha, you’re talking to me about the Berserker Syndrome? Do you even know what it is?”

  Hong long, the chains in the cell trembled violently. A strong sense of danger suddenly gripped Wang Chong’s heart. Hong! Amidst the clanging of the chains, an emaciated pale face with red sunken eyes exuding an immense killing intent appeared right before Wang Chong.

  This rampage came abruptly. That cold gaze filled with killing intent felt like something that had crept out from a nightmare.

  Even those with the greatest mental fortitude would stagger upon being stared at by these eyes but Wang Chong remained composed.

  He looked straight into those demonic cold eyes with no intentions of retreating at all.

  “… This time, I’ll never back down!”

  Looking at the eyes filled with blood vessels and the pale face which hadn’t seen the sun for a very long time, sorrow flashed across the depths of Wang Chong’s eyes.

  Wang Chong was here to atone for his sins!

  In truth, Wang Chong knew clearly the reason why Second Brother Wang Bei chose to impose this incarceration upon himself. The ‘Berserker Syndrome’ was a terrible curse within the Wang Clan. Once it worked up, one wouldn’t even recognize their own kin.

  Second brother was afraid of harming his own family—that’s why he chose to seal away his own heart and put on a cold front.

  He wanted to create a huge fracture so that no one he cared for would get close to him.

  The pain that the ‘Berserker Syndrome’ brought wasn’t fearsome, loneliness wasn’t fearsome either. What that had truly hurt second brother was the fear from his own family.

  Yet, Wang Chong wasn’t aware of that.

  The first time Wang Chong saw him act up, he staggered
backward in fear. It was precisely then that Wang Bei chose to close his heart and distance himself from him.

  On that day, the second brother who would put him on his shoulders and spin him around joyfully in the snowy fields disappeared.

  What that replaced him was the cold-faced Wang Bei who distanced himself from everyone.

  Looking at the pale face and reddened eyes, Wang Chong couldn’t help but recall how he personally pushed the other party down into the abyss.

  His moment of insensitivity had cost him his beloved second brother!

  That single step of retreat had permanently severed the brotherhood between the two of them, and this had become Wang Chong’s deepest regret. There were many things that one would only learn to treasure when lost.

  In his previous life, it was already too late to make up for his mistakes. Thus, in this life, Wang Chong was determined to change it all.

  “Aren’t you afraid that I might kill you?”

  Wang Bei stared at the calm Wang Chong in astonishment.

  “Why should I fear? You are my second brother. You have always been my second brother, and you’ll continue to be so for eternity to come. No matter who I fear, I will never fear you!”

  Wang Chong spoke determinedly across the other side of the fence as he stared deeply into the other party’s eyes.

  These were earnest words that came from the depths of Wang Chong’s heart.

  In this life, he was determined to not allow his second brother leave him. Even though the ‘Berserker Syndrome’ was incurable, Wang Chong was willing to dedicate his entire life to helping him overcome this problem.

  Wang Bei was taken aback. Pain and fear suddenly flashed across his reddened eyes. He released his grip on the cell bars and staggered backward.

  “Leave! Leave! I don’t want to see you, get out of here! This isn’t where you should be!”

  Wang Bei turned around and waved Wang Chong away. Deep pain could be heard within his voice.

  Seeing his second brother’s wretched state, Wang Chong’s heart ached. Even so, he didn’t display it on his face.

  “Second brother, there’s nothing that cannot be overcome. The Berserker Syndrome is a hereditary bloodline disease, not a mental illness. ‘Don’t allow your soul to anguish over your form’, I hope that you can remember these words. Use your strength and will to fight the Berserker Syndrome within your bloodline.”


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