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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 178

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  The Southern Protectorate Manor that Zhangchou Jianqiong had guarded for two decades would completely fall due to this, and the Five Great Protectorates would be reduced to just four.

  Losing its southern barrier, countless civilians of the empire would be embroiled in the flames of war, and the casualties would eventually add up to nearly a million!

  And the cause all of this was a man and two women.

  The man was Jiannan Commandery Chief Zhang Qiantuo, while the two women...

  Neither of them was ordinary. They were the famously beautiful wife and daughter of Emperor Ge Luofeng of Mengshe Zhao!

  However, there were no eyewitnesses to the incident. After all, that kind of matter couldn't possibly have any eyewitnesses!

  Wang Chong only heard the truth from rumors.

  A lustful lecher, when Erhai Mengshe Zhao's Emperor Ge Luofeng's wife and daughter visited him, Zhang Wentuo raped and killed the both of them in the City Lord’s Residence.

  Ge Luofeng erupted in anger when he received the news. He immediately led his army into Great Tang and took down the closest fortress to exact vengeance for his wife and daughter. Eventually, Zhang Qiantuo died in the initial phase of the war as well.

  Out of lust, Zhang Wentuo humiliated the wife and daughter of Mengshe Zhao's Emperor, thus triggering a huge war. 180,000 valiant elite troops of Great Tang ended up lying eternally in sleep in the southeast. With such heinous crimes, there would be no punishment too harsh for him.

  After the Battle of Nanzhao, the entire empire flew into an outrage. The wrath of the entire Great Tang was focused on Zhang Qiantuo. In fact, there were even few who went to the extent of digging up his bones to vent their anger.

  Because of that war, Zhang Qiantuo went down in history as a heinous criminal!

  Wang Chong didn't know much about Zhang Qiantuo as Jiannan was simply too far away. Not to mention, the person in question had always maintained a low-profile. Even Yang Zhao, a socialite, knew very little of him despite having stayed in Jiannan for a period of time.

  Even so, Wang Chong had a feeling that there was something that went deeper than the surface. There were simply too many doubtful aspects to the Battle of Nanzhao and the Jiannan Incident.

  The reason was simple. Zhang Qiantuo had committed suicide!

  When Ge Luofeng mobilized his army to attack Jiannan, Zhang Qiantuo, as the Jiannan Commandery Chief, understood the weight of his sins and chose neither to retreat nor escape. Instead, he chose to kill himself in repentance to his country!

  Ge Luofeng didn't deny this matter either.

  Furthermore, if Zhang Qiantuo had truly kidnapped Ge Luofeng's wife and daughter, he would have surely made sure that news didn't leak out.

  No one could say for sure what truly happened back then, as everything had occurred within the City Lord’s Residence. Other than his closest aide, no one could have possibly known what had happened back then.

  But all of Zhang Wentuo's closest aides died in the war, and the truth ended up being buried along with their bodies. So everything that was known to the world came entirely from Ge Luofeng.

  But in that event back then, Ge Luofeng wasn't in the city either. How could he, an emperor of Mengshe Zhao, know about the matters within the territory of Great Tang when no one else did?

  This matter became a huge mystery, and no one could verify anything back then.

  But there was one thing Wang Chong was certain of. A lecherous person who couldn't even hold back his lust toward an esteemed guest couldn't possibly commit suicide in repentance to his own nation.

  Wang Chong could believe that he was killed by those around him, or that he was killed by his enemies in the midst of battle. But suicide? That was inconceivable. A person who indulges himself in the pleasures of the physical body couldn't possibly have the courage to commit suicide.

  Besides, Yang Zhao had also said that Zhang Qiantuo was a person who respected his wife. Even if Zhang Qiantuo was truly a lecherous person, there wasn't any need for him to hide it, and besides, it would be difficult for him to do so.

  But Ge Luofeng's wife and daughter did die in Jiannan, this was an irrefutable fact. Even though Ge Luofeng was an ambitious person, in this current era, there was no man who would allow himself to be played a cuckold, or be known as one.

  The entire “Jiannan Incident” was shrouded in mystery. There were simply too many contradictory points to it.

  In his previous life, this was a mystery that no one could unravel. But in this life, Wang Chong was determined to pull the veil off it. This incident didn't just concern Zhang Qiantuo alone. 180,000 Great Tang elite troops and nearly a million civilians would be implicated, and eventually, the entire Great Tang as well.

  It's just a matter of time before Zhangchou Jianqiong is inaugurated into the capital, and as the Jiannan Commandery Chief, according to conventions, Zhang Qiantuo would have to come to the capital to submit a report every three years. Given that such a huge matter has occurred, even if the three years deadline isn't up yet, Zhang Qiantuo would still have to head to the capital and undergo the Sage Emperor's questioning. During that time, Wang Chong would be able to determine the authenticity of Zhang Qiantuo’s loyalty to his country, and whether he was wronged in his previous life.

  Wang Chong stared at the fleeting clouds in the skies and many thoughts flashed through his mind.

  As a commandery chief of Great Tang, Zhang Qiantuo was a figure that not everyone would have a chance to come into contact with. But as a member of Wang Clan, it was easy for Wang Chong to find such an opportunity.

  It would be at least two months before Zhang Qiantuo arrives at the capital. There's no rush for this matter, Wang Chong contemplated for a moment before leaving the mountain. Now, he had something important to deal with.



  Amidst the lush forest at the foot of the mountain, Wang Chong saw Zhuang Zhengping and Chi Weisi. The duo also noticed Wang Chong, and they could vaguely sense the sword qi in his body. A hint of fear surfaced in their eyes.

  "Zhuang Zhengping and Chi Weisi, are the experts your clans dispatched here yet?" Wang Chong asked.

  "They have long arrived!" the duo nodded. The both of them had come here after receiving Wang Chong's letter. Given that Wang Chong was the one who was in need of the experts from Zhuang Clan and Chi Clan, there was no way this matter could be delayed.


  Suddenly, two sharp calls echoed out. The ground trembled and a cloud of dust rose into the skies in the distance. The clopping of horses hooves echoed from the depths of the dense forest.

  Where the hooves of the horses stepped, the snapping of branches could be heard. It was like a humongous monster was charging out of the forest.

  Neighhhh! A long neigh sounded, and a monstrously-built horse appeared from the forest.

  The massive war steed leaped, flying a distance of more than ten zhang over the group's head. In that instant, Wang Chong clearly saw a well-built, heavy-armored rider sitting on top of the steed. The flying cape behind him seemed to be claiming dominance over the skies.


  The four legs of the war steed landed on the ground behind the group. At this instant, one could see a brilliant blue Halo of Thorns rippling into the surroundings from beneath the hooves of the war steed. The steel armor looked extremely heavy, but yet, the rider was still able to maintain an upright posture with ease.

  "Young master!"

  Wang Chong could feel a clear threat from the other party. Without a doubt, this person was extremely powerful.

  "The Zhuang Clan's steel cavalry indeed lives up to its name!" Wang Chong remarked as he assessed the armored rider in awe.

  The steel cavalry of the Zhuang Clan was limited by quantity. Back then, when he finally become the Grand Marshal, the steel cavalry had already died out on the battlefield.

  As such, Wang Chong never got to witness the might of, nor command the world famous Zhuang Clan st
eel cavalry.

  Zhuang Clan's war steed was exceptionally buff and tall compared to ordinary steeds. Their bones and muscles were also incredibly compact and powerful. The clearest signs of this were the bulging muscles on its four legs and neck.

  It was hard to imagine the extent of destruction these monstrous horses could deal on the battlefield.

  TL Notes: Just to clarify, Mengshe Zhao is a part of Nanzhao (and in some era, Mengshe Zhao = Nanzhao).

  Chapter 235: Miyasame Ayaka’s Return!

  Chapter 235: Miyasame Ayaka’s Return!

  “This sure is a good steed!” Wang Chong was delighted. Half a cavalryman’s strength was derived from his steed. As an ex-Grand Marshal, Wang Chong possessed a particular fond toward such horsemen.

  The steeds, riders, and armors; all of these would require a unique training and forging method. Without a doubt, the Zhuang Clan has already formed an entire system of it. Every single mounted troop is of utmost importance to the clan, so it’s no wonder why the Zhuang Clan would regulate the deployment of their cavalry so strictly, Wang Chong thought.


  In the midst of his thoughts, a crisp sound echoed from the forest, and one after another, huge trees fell to the ground.

  Amidst the ruckus, one could vaguely hear the sound of something sharp cutting into wood. It seemed as though nothing in the forests, no matter how thick it was, could stop the rampage of the sharp object.

  Boom boom boom!

  A moment later, three large trees the size of a human’s embrace were slashed before everyone’s eyes, and each of those gigantic trunks fell down in a different direction. Behind those trees, two brawny, fully-armored men appeared.

  Their eyes were sharp and their footsteps were coordinated. However, what caught everyone’s attention instantaneously were the massive halberds in their hands.

  The domineering aura they exuded felt like even mountains would be sliced aside before them.

  The Steel Guards of the Chi Clan!

  Even without Chi Weisi’s introduction, Wang Chong could easily recognize the identity of these halberd-wielding warriors. The three chi long halberd of the Chi Clan was exquisitely crafted. It had a clear mirror-like surface with a crimson flood dragon inscribed on both sides. Not to mention, its capability of splitting a mounted soldier along with his mount in a single cut could easily induce shivers in any opponent.

  In an intense battlefield, they were the sharpest weapons for a frontal breakthrough. There was almost nothing that could block the path of these fearsome halberds.

  “Young master!” the duo nodded slightly. For them, this was sufficient for a greeting. Regardless of whether it was in the Zhuang Clan or the Chi Clan, these cavalry and guards were a strategic asset, and they possessed an exceptional standing to match it.

  “This is Wang Chong, Wang gongzi, an offspring of Duke Jiu. For the next few days, you shall be following Wang gongzi, so give him your full support!” Zhuang Zhengping and Chi Weisi turned to the steel cavalry and steel guards respectively and gave their orders.

  “Yes, young master!” Hearing the name of Duke Jiu, a hint of respect immediately appeared in the eyes of the Zhuang Clan cavalry and the two Chi Clan Steel Guards.

  In the Great Tang Empire, Duke Jiu was regarded with utmost respect. This wasn’t limited to the royal court but the military as well. Considering the fact that the person before them was an offspring of Duke Jiu, then it wasn’t too difficult to infer his identity.

  Harboring such thoughts, the respect in their eyes deepened.

  “Gongzi, are these people enough? Do you need us to have more personnel deployed over?”

  “Indeed. Even though it’d be difficult to mobilize the strength of our clan, if it’s for Wang gongzi, I’m sure that our clans would surely agree to it,” Zhuang Zhengping and Chi Weisi said. The orders they had received before entering Kunwu Training Camp was that regardless of the situation, they had to befriend the Wang Clan’s Wang Chong.

  In exchange, the clan would offer them whatever they needed.

  “There’s no need for that, these people will suffice!” Wang Chong waved his hands, turning down the duo’s goodwill. What he was aiming for wasn’t a direct confrontation on the battlefield.

  Besides, this wasn’t a matter that could be solved through a direct confrontation, either.

  Thus, three people were enough for him.

  “Come out!” After Zhuang Zhengping and Chi Weisi left, Wang Chong walked into the forest and abruptly halted.


  In that instant, the sound of sabers and halberds moving, and the metallic clanging of armor sounded. The two Chi Clan steel guards and Zhuang Clan cavalry immediately jerked in alarm, and they quickly and warily scanned the surroundings.

  And yet, the surroundings remained completely silent. Except for the slight whistling of the wind, there was nothing to be seen.


  The trio immediately turned around to stare at Wang Chong in bewilderment. They were all True Martial realm experts, but they couldn’t detect anything at all.

  They couldn’t help but wonder what an Origin Energy realm martial artist like Wang Chong could have noticed.

  Wang Chong only smiled in response at their bewilderment as he looked at the surroundings, not bothering to explain his actions.


  All of a sudden, without any warning signs, at a distance extremely close to the group, sou!, a petite silhouette suddenly jumped down from the branch of a camphor tree, and several other shadows instantaneously appeared above everyone’s head. The sheer speed of the silhouettes was inconceivable.

  “Careful!”“It’s an enemy attack!” the trio exclaimed in alarm. Chi, two massive halberds were swiftly swung in the direction of the silhouette above. At the same time, the rider also sprang into action. The spear in his hand jerked, stabbing straight for the silhouette above as though it were an enraged dragon.


  The petite silhouette stepped lightly on the tip of the halberd of the Chi Clan steel guards. At the same time, a sword by the silhouette’s waist flicked, striking the tip of the spear of the Zhuang Clan rider lightly. Making use of the momentum from this action, the silhouette flipped in midair and landed on the ground lightly.

  This astoundingly flexible and nimble series of actions left the trio dumbstruck. They had never met such a formidable opponent before. The silhouette was like a floating feather, completely unfazed by their strength.

  “Kill her!” Alarmed, killing intent immediately gushed from the trio. The steed neighed furiously, and a spear was thrust forward in an attempt to impale the silhouette.

  “Stop!” At that split moment, a voice sounded from behind them. “Miyasame Ayaka, come over!”

  The petite silhouette stood up from the ground as she nimbly sheathed the two swords in her hands back into the scabbards at her waist.

  “So she’s an acquaintance of gongzi!” Only then did the steel cavalry and steel guards came to a realization. They retracted their weapons, and hurriedly backed down. At the same time, a slight hint of fear sprouted in their hearts.

  While the black-clothed assassin was a female, her fighting prowess was formidable. Even a cooperative effort among the three of them was unable to faze her in the least.

  “How is it? Did any problems occur?” Wang Chong asked, staring at Miyasame Ayaka. After two months of absence, Miyasame Ayaka’s skills had improved significantly, and her movements had become more nimble and profound.

  “Everything went fine!” Miyasame Ayaka reported, Knowing what Wang Chong was referring to. “There are no problems with the crew. While I did find some fellows who harbored unwanted intentions, I’ve gotten rid of them personally.”

  As Miyasame Ayaka didn’t remove the black cloth veiling her face, only a pair of bright eyes was revealed. With outsiders around, Miyasame Ayaka was unwilling to expose her identity.

  “Gongzi, are they your new subordinates?”
Miyasame Ayaka asked as her gaze swept across the trio.

  “What do you think of them?” Wang Chong chuckled.

  “Not bad, just that they’re a little too bulky and clumsy! With their strength, they clearly aren’t enough to protect gongzi.” Miyasame Ayaka replied impassively.

  “Bastard, what did you say?” Seeing that their capabilities were being doubted, the trio flew into a rage.

  “Hmph, I’m just speaking the truth.” Miyasame Ayaka harrumphed coldly before walking over to Wang Chong. Her eccentric behavior left the trio even more enraged.

  Watching the sight, Wang Chong chuckled inwardly. Most likely, Miyasame Ayaka was discontented with Wang Chong’s action of liaising with this trio and was expressing her unhappiness through this.

  “Alright. Unlike you, they are warriors of the battlefield. Strength is of vital importance on the battlefield, so they have a much different fighting style as compared to nimble and flexible assassins like you,” Wang Chong said with a smile.

  The battlefield required a significantly different fighting style than a normal martial artist. If the Zhuang Clan steel cavalry and Chi Clan steel guards were placed on a battlefield, they would be no different from a slaughtering machine.

  While their immense strength might be ineffective against a nimble assassin, on the battlefield, where troops were gathered densely and there was little space for maneuvering, their true prowess would shine through.

  Hearing Wang Chong’s words, the complexion of the trio improved.

  “Gongzi, where do we go now?” Miyasame Ayaka asked.

  It had been awhile since she had returned, but she hadn’t been able to meet Wang Chong since the latter had been cooped up on the mountain. Given that the latter had suddenly left the mountain, he must be up to something.

  “Hehe, follow me and you’ll know soon enough.” Wang Chong flung his sleeves and proceeded forward.


  In the west of the city, in the vicinity of Falling Jade Pavilion, a massive and majestic gambling den was erected amidst a group of buildings. Installed on the ridge of its golden roof wasn’t a dragon—the convention in Central Plains—but a golden-colored Three-legged Crow.


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