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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 235

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  At another bend, he saw several figures clashing with one another in the garden, within the pond, above the fake mountains, and beneath the walls. Some of them were armed with wooden swords, some were armed with wooden sabers, and some were unarmed altogether.

  This was the spars that the members of the Deflecting Blade Manor conducted daily.

  A spar should always emulate real conditions, and on a battlefield, combat wouldn't just be limited to flat ground. Hill, forest, river... All of these were possible fighting grounds.

  This was what Wang Chong believed in, and he shaped the Deflecting Blade Manor for it as well.

  ——Battle emulation!

  Ultimately, all training was conducted with the goal of being applied to the real world. As such, even though there were sparring grounds in the Deflecting Blade Manor, there weren't too many of them.

  What was promoted amongst its members was to make use of the terrain and fight freely.





  Upon seeing Wang Chong, everyone immediately stopped what they were doing, stood up, and bowed respectfully.

  "There's no need to stand on ceremony, continue what you were doing."

  Wang Chong waved his hand with a smile. Hearing those words, everyone returned back to the task they were doing before. This was just a usual day in the Deflecting Blade Manor, and everyone was already used to it.

  There were those who worked hard in their training while there were also those who were resting and playing around. The group ahead of Wang Chong sat back down and continued sipping on their tea and chatting with their buddies.

  Many found themselves fancying the rattan chair and table set which Wang Chong specially prepared. As such, they also had their own crafted and brought to the Deflecting Blade Manor. At the moment, there were already more than ten sets of them placed in the courtyard.

  Grape, pomegranate, Custard apple, pineapple, fig... All kinds of delectable fruits that came from the Western Regions or even further were placed in a luxurious spread on the various small rattan tables.

  Most of these fruits were prepared by Wang Chong while the remaining were contributed by the scions of the capital. They were all extremely fresh, and some of them were even wrapped with a layer of frost when bought from the Western Regions merchants.

  What the scions brought weren't just limited to chairs, tables, and fruits. If one were to glance at the wall, one could see the tips of massive halberds protruding slightly above the wall.

  Accompanied with each of these halberds was an extraordinarily powerful aura!

  These were the steel guards of the Chi Clan.

  ——The Chi Clan was a little hesitant toward the attitude they should take toward Wang Chong, but it seemed like they had made up their minds already. To show their earnest goodwill, the Chi Clan had dispatched all of these valuable guards to Chi Weisi.

  While those guards were under Chi Weisi's command on the surface, Wang Chong actually possessed the authority to command them as well.

  This was the Chi Clan's way to express their support for Wang Chong and the Wang Clan.

  Not only so, there were also the guards from other clans as well. After the matter with the spirit vein, countless clans had offered their own guards to Wang Chong to provide security.

  Nevertheless, Wang Chong didn't simply accept all that was offered to him. He would sieve out and take in only the strongest of the group. But even so, there were still many prestigious clans who were sending letters to Wang Chong, persuading him to take even more of their clan's guards.

  "Be careful! ——"

  At that moment, a loud exclamation suddenly sounded. Di da da, a loud rumbling reminiscent of thunder boomed, and a cloud of dust flew into the air. Five dashing black steeds passed inches by Wang Chong's side. Lifting his gaze, Wang Chong could see the fluttering hair and robe of the rider.

  "Damn it!"

  "It is those bastard cavalries again!"

  "Can't you all choose a better place?"

  "Are you bastards dying to knock us to death? Why do you always choose to pass by us?"


  A tirade of displeased criticisms echoed in the courtyard. Of the group in the courtyard, it was the scions who were leisurely enjoying their cup of tea who were the most furious. The cloud of dust raised by those war steeds had soiled their tea and clothes.

  However, the five riders ahead only burst into laughter at those criticisms.

  "Xu Jin, Huang An, and Zhang Tu, what are you all doing? You nearly bumped into gongzi!"

  With a straightened back and an austere expression, Wei Anfang berated the riders ahead.

  "AH! Gongzi, we're sorry!"

  "We really didn't see you there!"

  "Shit, we're done for. How could we have bumped into gongzi?"


  The loud gleeful laughter from the successful prank abruptly silenced. The five riders immediately stopped their steeds and turned around to face Wang Chong. Their expressions revealed their awkwardness and unease.

  It was one thing to prank the others, but nearly crashing into gongzi was a huge affair.

  In the Deflecting Blade Manor, regardless of one's standing, members would address one another by their names. As such, there was only one person who was addressed as gongzi in the area, and that was Wang Chong.

  "I'm fine, just be careful the next time around. Don't go charging into crowds."

  Wang Chong waved his sleeves.

  "Yes, gongzi."

  The unease finally fell from the faces of the five riders, as if they had pardoned from their heinous crime. They hurriedly slipped past the gates of the Deflecting Blade Manor and disappeared toward another mountain.

  "Wang Chong, I didn't call those ladies here to squeeze fresh juice for you. Quickly call a few of of your members over to serve us!"

  As Wang Chong was watching the readers leave, a furious voice suddenly sounded by the side. In a shed not too far away from where he was standing, Marquess Yi was glaring at him furiously. As she spoke, she abruptly drew her spear and pointed it at him, as if threatening to teach him a lesson should he utter a single word of complaint.


  Seeing the furious demeanor that Marquess Yi had put on, Wang Chong could feel cold sweat flowing down his back. He had invited the other party here to help share his burden.

  But who could have known that birds of the same feather would actually flock together.

  Out of the shyness, the ladies whom Marquess Yi had brought in would still help with several chores in the Deflecting Blade Manor.

  However, after being berated by Marquess Yi against that several times, they began to follow her around and put on airs.

  Furthermore, under the protection of Marquess Yi, there was nothing Wang Chong could do about them.

  "Anfang, try to find a few brothers to help Marquess Yi."

  Wang Chong glanced at Wei Anfang and instructed.

  "I understand."

  Wei Anfang's complexion darkened, but this only provoked the laughter of the ladies in the area.

  He had always tried to avoid this area as much as possible. As the only female marquess of Great Tang, not even Wang Chong could curb her, needless to say, him.

  How could he have allowed this to slip his mind this time around?

  "That's more like it, you can leave now."

  Receiving a positive answer, Marquess Yi finally smiled in satisfaction.

  "Wang Chong, what about me? When are you going to hand the intelligence network to me?"

  Barely after Wang Chong could take a few steps, another shadow flashed across, blocking Wang Chong's path. Her face was cold, betraying her malicious intentions.

  By her side, an old granny with an unfathomable level of cultivation stared at Wang Chong threateningly.

  Of the entire Deflecting Blade Manor, the only one who could speak to Wang Chong with such a tone and yet he could do n
othing about could only be Princess Ni Huang.

  After Wang Chong was spot-on about the matter regarding Li Yichao, this royal princess had decisively chosen to coop herself in here so as to keep an eye on Wang Chong.

  "Your Highness, I have already told you that such a thing doesn't exist. The news came from the military."

  Wang Chong explained patiently with a smile.

  "Stop trying to fool me, I have already looked into the matter. When you told me about Li Yichao losing the Black Mountain, not even the Beiting Protectorate Manor has obtained the news yet. How in the world can you get the news from the military when even the frontline is unaware of it?"

  Princess Ni Huang exposed Wang Chong's lie coldly.

  She wasn't a mere spoiled princess of the royal family. After the matter regarding Li Yichao was verified, she immediately sent her men to the north to investigate the matter.

  But to her shock, she realized that not even the Beiting Protectorate Manor was aware of the loss of the fortress at Balck Mountain. Yet, a man who was cooped in a training camp in the capital actually managed to grasped hold of such information.

  She would have to be a fool to not notice that there was something amiss in this matter.

  Chapter 321: Xu Qiqin!

  Chapter 321: Xu Qiqin!

  Thus, Princess Ni Huang theorized that the Wang Clan was in grasp of an extremely secretive but powerful intelligence network.

  Her goal was simple—she wanted Wang Chong to hand over that network. The value of such a swift network could be considered to surpass even that of the spirit vein.

  As such, she decided to coop herself in Wang Chong's Deflecting Blade Manor to see if she could find any traces of that secret intelligence network. In any case, Wang Chong wouldn't be able to chase her away either.

  "Hahaha. Your Highness, there is nothing I can do if you don't believe me. I have already said the truth, and it is up to you to believe me or not."

  Wang Chong shrugged with a smile.

  It was indeed true that he didn't possess such intelligence network, so Princess Ni Huang's efforts were doomed to end in futility.

  "Hmph, it's a matter of time before I catch you by your tail."

  Seeing how Wang Chong was adamantly denying the matter, Princess Ni Huang furiously threw behind these words before stomping back to the shed where Marquess Yi was seated.

  "Your Highness, calm down. Here, drink a cup of pomegranate juice."

  Marquess Yi passed a cup of juice by her side to Princess Ni Huang, and surprisingly, Princess Ni Huang took the cup and replied with a rare expression of gratitude.

  "Sister Yi, thank you."

  ———One of the main reasons why Wang Chong had invited Marquess Yi over was to have her help mediate in the relationship with Princess Ni Huang. But one thing Wang Chong could have never imagined was that the two ladies would actually become good friends instead.


  Passing by the bamboo shed which Marquess Yi privately constructed, Wang Chong arrived at a huge hall. This was the most important location of the Deflecting Blade Manor, the Chess Hall.

  The Chess Hall was the largest building in the Deflecting Blade Manor, as well as the place where an important chain to Wang Chong's plans would unfold.




  Upon seeing Wang Chong, the guards in the Chess Hall hurriedly bowed respectfully. In response, Wang Chong did a downward movement with his hands to gesture for them to remain silent.

  Unlike the bustle outside, the interiors of the massive Chess Hall was extremely silent.

  Around thirty examinees had their eyebrows knitted together, deep in thought. Sitting opposite to them was a corresponding 'examiner', and placed between each examiner-examinee pair was a chessboard each, where black stones and white stones were clashing with one another.

  Strength is just one of the many factors required for a general, a strong understanding of warfare and wisdom are important as well.

  This was also the reason why Wang Chong arranged this to be the first round of tests.

  All examinees who wished to join the Deflecting Blade Manor would have to clear this test and enter the Chess Hall first.

  And the examinees who were accepted into the Chess Hall would, in turn, serve as examiners for the next batch of examinees.

  This was a system which Wang Chong slowly developed over this period of time.

  Through this system, he could save valuable manpower while cultivating some fondness for the Chess Hall amongst the new members. At the same time, it could reinforce the importance of warfare as well.

  ——And more importantly, it would temper the players' thoughts to be more flexible to various situations.

  Without alarming anyone, Wang Chong walked up a spiral staircase from the first floor to the second floor.





  Around a dozen students turned to Wang Chong and bowed respectfully. Their eyes were filled with admiration and anticipation, a gaze which one wouldn't direct to a fellow peer.

  With his outstanding birth and the immense prestige of the Deflecting Blade Manor, Wang Chong had gradually become an idol in everyone's hearts.

  However, this wasn't the reason behind their anticipation and tension. More importantly, the event today would determine their qualification to enter the spirit vein to cultivate.

  There were two different examinations conducted in the Chess Hall.

  The first examination determined whether one possessed the capability to join the Chess Hall or not. Due to the lower importance of this matter, Wang Chong entrusted this responsibility to all members of the Deflecting Blade Manor.

  On the other hand, the second examination was one conducted by Wang Chong himself, and it was directed toward all members of the Deflecting Blade Manor.

  Anyone who could pass Wang Chong's test would be given the qualification to cultivate in the spirit vein.

  This was the most effective way to reinforce the importance of warfare and the Way of Chess in everyone's mind. This could subconsciously shape the members' attitude toward this matter.

  With this strong motivating factor, the members of the Deflecting Blade Manor would put their heart and soul into studying warfare

  A man who was both strong and adept in warfare—this was the type of general and comrade that Wang Chong wanted to fight alongside with.

  "There's no need to stand on ceremony."

  Wang Chong waved his hands before gesturing to Wei Anfang behind him.

  "The examination shall begin everyone. Please take a seat."

  Wei Anfang walked up and announced.

  With the official commencement of the examination, the group of people immediately sat down with tense faces.

  Half of the men who chose to enter Deflecting Blade Manor had come for the spirit vein. Thus, it was easy to imagine how much they desired to pass this examination.

  There were more than a dozen examinees, but there was only one examiner. Nevertheless, this didn't stump Wang Chong.

  "Let's begin."

  Everyone hurriedly began preparing the chessboard before them neatly. Following which, Wang Chong began walking from the first table to the last one, putting down a single stone as he passed.

  Wang Chong's attitude was extremely casual, and he was able to make his moves without much thought.

  After all, he was a man who could even defeat War God Su Zhengchen. Dealing with his fellow peers who had a far weaker foundation in Go was a walk in the park.

  Soon, the second floor of the Chess Hall grew silent. Everyone's expression gradually tightened. Even the feared examiners on the first floor could only be considered as examinees here.

  The only one who was relaxed in the room at this moment was Wang Chong. After going a cycle across the chessboards, he even had some additional time to glance out of the window and gaze at the construction work taking pl
ace not too far away.

  After deciding to take in recruits from Longwei and Shenwei as well, Wang Chong knew that space surely be an issue in his Deflecting Blade Manor. Thus, he decided to embark on expansion works.

  On top of that, he also constructed several additional facilities around the Deflecting Blade Manor for leisure purposes.

  Other than the recruits from the three training camps, the scions from the capital also visited this area frequently.

  Their purpose here was to play about. In the first place, Wang Chong had never intended the Deflecting Blade Manor to be a military camp. He felt that some space for leisure was necessary as well.


  Just as Wang Chong was making a round across the various chessboards once more, his eyebrows suddenly shot up.

  "There is something peculiar about this person!"

  Wang Chong thought as he assessed the second person on the third row intently. He was a fair-skinned young man with sharp eyebrows and a beautiful jawline that seemed to have been depicted with a paintbrush.

  His gestures, be it slight frown or the pressing of his lips together, were extremely graceful and aesthetically pleasing to view. Despite his appearance, there was an air of femininity around him.

  And most importantly of all, Wang Chong realized that he didn't have an Adam's apple.

  ——Even though he had been trying to lower his head to conceal this fact, his efforts were futile before Wang Chong's sharp eyes.

  "A lady?"

  Wang Chong's fell into thought. Without an Adam's apple, there was a very high chance that the other party was a lady. However, what was bizarre was that the ladies of the Deflecting Blade Manor should have all gathered around Marquess Yi. Why would there be another one here?

  Furthermore, even in menswear, this person was extremely beautiful. If she were to revert back to her original appearance, she would definitely be a ravishing beauty.

  "Anfang, who is that young man?"

  Wang Chong beckoned Wei Anfang over and asked.

  "Xu Chong!"

  Wei Anfang replied without any hesitation. He had perfect grasp over the details of the matters he had taken charge of, and this was one of the main reasons why Wang Chong admired his capability.


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