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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 271

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Siling and Xu Gan, nothing must happen to you both!, Wang Chong prayed worriedly.

  If it wasn't for him, they wouldn't have found themselves plunged into this dire situation. At this point, he could only hope the both of them left the area as fast as possible.

  Otherwise, none of them would live.

  Seven zhang, eight zhang...

  Seemingly sensing the will of his owner, the White-hoofed Shadow also gathered all of his strength to display an unprecedented level of swiftness. His figure blurred like a phantom as he charged furiously ahead.


  Suddenly, the shrill whiz of a sword sounded right above Wang Chong. Alarmed, he immediately pulled on the reins and leaped to the side.

  Hong! A masked assassin had leaped from his steed, and his sword fell just a few inches away from Wang Chong.

  The other assassins followed suit one after another as well. They nimbly leaped from the back of their steeds to attempt a strike on Wang Chong.

  The current speed they were moving at on horseback was already frightening, but pairing it with their movement technique as they leaped forward pushed their speed to higher realms. Reminiscent of the echoes of death, those sharp blades shrilled across the air as they pierced towards Wang Chong.

  Peng peng peng!

  Tree after tree was destroyed under their might. Even though the attacks came ceaselessly like the endless waves in the ocean, Wang Chong still managed to dodge all of them by a hair's breadth.

  "Damn it!"

  "That steed is too agile!"

  "Chase him! Don't let him get away!"...

  Deep, frustrated voices sounded from behind. Even though the attacks of the six masked assassins had fallen empty, this failure didn't make them give up.


  At the instant their attacks fell empty, the assassins threw their whips out, wrapping them around their steeds. Pulling on their whips, they leaped forward and landed back onto their horses.

  Di da da, the six assassins continued to pursue Wang Chong!


  Seeing as Wang Chong was about to cross the peak of the mountain, an abrupt change occurred. A third steel arrow suddenly flew out from nowhere, tearing apart space, clawing its way toward him.

  This attack had come so abruptly that Wang Chong couldn't evade it.

  Boom! With a deafening blast, it struck Wang Chong's back. Vaguely, the sound of a metal object being crushed into countless fragments sounded.

  Puuuu, a large mouthful of fresh blood spilled from his mouth.

  The force behind the arrow was so great that not only did the Stellar Energy tear through his organs, even the White-hoofed Steed beneath him suffered severe injuries as well.


  Amidst a desolate cry, Wang Chong with his steed was jolted flying by that rampaging might, and Wang Chong even flew off the back of his steed in the midst of the flight.

  Neighhh! But at the crucial moment, the White-hoofed Steed bit tightly at the snaffle bit connected to his reins and jerked his head. Through this motion, he managed to latch the reins around Wang Chong and forcefully pulled him back onto his back.

  "Little Shadow!"

  Seeing blood oozing from the White-hoofed Shadow's mouth, and his eyes which had dimmed from exhaustion and severe injuries, Wang Chong's eyes reddened.

  Even though he had allowed Little Shadow to roam free all along, he could sense that Little Shadow did possess a sharp intelligence. Not only did the latter regard him as his master, he also viewed him as his closest kin.

  At the same time, Wang Chong was extremely fond of Little Shadow.

  This was the first time Little Shadow had suffered such grievous injuries because of him.


  Even though Little Shadow had sustained heavy injuries, perhaps due to the burning desire for survival, it also triggered the hidden potential within him. Gathering the final bits of his strength, he sped up instead. Making use of the impact from the arrow, he actually leapt across the other end of the mountain and disappeared on the other side.

  "Damn it, don't let them escape!"

  "What the heck is with that steed? How can it still run so swiftly despite suffering such heavy injuries?"

  "That bastard had a Heart Fortification Mirror on him! That arrow struck the mirror!"...

  Watching as Wang Chong disappeared across the mountain, pulling apart the distance from them, the six masked assassins finally lost their composure.

  "Chase him! We mustn't allow him to escape regardless of the cost!"

  The six assassins stabbed their blades into the steeds beneath them, forcing their steeds to rush forward as fast as they could.

  This mission was vital to the six of them. Their superior had emphasized gravely that they had to eliminate their target by hook or by crook, and failure wasn't an option.

  Di da da!

  Trees, shrubs, and thorns retreated by the sides as swift as shadows. On the back of his steed, Wang Chong felt a sweet sensation on the back of his throat as the world spun around him.

  That immense force on the arrow was still making its rounds in his body. Had Wang Chong not used the Golden Organs to strengthen his innards, and taken in the energy which he had absorbed before using the Little Yinyang Art, he might have already lost consciousness.

  That intense feeling of danger that caused a pang on his temples had disappeared. He knew that after passing the peak of the mountain, the archer had already lost sight of him and no longer posed a threat.

  Even though the six masked assassins were still pursuing him relentlessly, their speed couldn't match up to his. With the White-hoofed Shadow galloping at its limits, it was impossible for them to catch up.

  Hua la!

  After an unknown period of time, Wang Chong suddenly released his grip and flew from the White-hoofed Shadow. Huala! He fell into a lake in the midst of the mountain.

  "Little Shadow, I'll be leaving the rest to you!"

  In the last moment before submerging into the water, Wang Chong gazed deeply at Little Shadow before activating his Tortoise Breathing Art as he sank into the depths of the water.

  Both Little Shadow and he had suffered grievous injuries. While Little Shadow's primal instincts propelled him to gallop at an unprecedented speed under his injuries, such a state was not sustainable in the long run.

  The only way they could survive was to separate from one another. Wang Chong would hide somewhere the others wouldn't be able to find him, and without him weighing Little Shadow down, Little Shadow would be able to easily flee from the pursuers as well.

  Like a crab, Wang Chong lay unmoving at the bottom of the lake. At this point, the Sindhi Saddhu's Tortoise Breathing Art played a crucial role.

  An ordinary man might only be able to sustain himself for two minutes or so at the bottom of the water, but through the Tortoise Breathing Art, even in his injured state, he could sustain himself for around twenty minutes.

  At the same time, by lowering his bodily functions to the minimum, he could minimize the spread of his internal injuries as well.

  "Quick, chase him! We mustn't let him run away!"

  "He's injured, so he can't have gotten far. Search the vicinity!"...

  Not too long after Wang Chong sank to the bottom of the lake, the ground trembled as the six masked assassins finally arrived on the shore. However, they left a short moment later, headed in the direction they thought the White-hoofed Shadow had disappeared in.


  Right after the clopping sounds produced by the six masked assassins disappeared, Wang Chong immediately swam up from the bottom of the lake, checking the surface warily before rushing up to shore.

  I can't remain here for too long. I have to leave as soon as possible, Wang Chong thought.

  Indubitably, the lake was an extremely conspicuous geographical terrain on the mountain. The assassins had only overlooked it due to their anxiety.

  When they finally realized that there was no
one on top of Little Shadow, they would definitely return to check this area.

  The keen senses of a top-notch assassin should never be underestimated. Every last one of them had gone through long years of training, allowing them to swiftly find even the slightest of a trace their target had left behind.

  Playing down the abilities of a professional assassin was no different from playing with one's life.


  Not too long after stepping onto the shore, Wang Chong coughed violently into his hands. His body wobbled unsteadily, and his reflection in the water revealed a face devoid of any color.

  Opening his hands, he saw crimson blood flowing through his fingers, and his face turned grim.

  His injuries were far more severe than he had thought. In his current state, he wouldn't be able to get far.

  It seems like I can only do that!

  Wang Chong swiftly scanned the surroundings before walking over to a shrub. Whipping out his Wootz steel sword, he swiftly cut the upper layer of grass before digging out a four chi deep ditch.

  Lying in the ditch, Wang Chong swiftly placed the layer of grass above him, followed by withered leaves and shrubs.


  Using the final sliver of Stellar Energy within him, he compressed the three chi deep layer of soil above him tightly together. This way, it would be difficult for anyone to notice the anomaly from the surface.

  After which, with a hollow tree branch inserted in his mouth, Wang Chong activated the Tortoise Breathing Art as he lay there unmoving. Gradually, his consciousness blurred, and his body turned cold.

  Under the effects of the Tortoise Breathing Art, the only thing remaining of him was his basic senses.

  Hong long long!

  Not long after doing everything, the ground shook as the six masked assassins returned. Hua! One of them leapt into the lake without any hesitation.

  Not too long later, the splashing of water sounded once more. It seemed like the person who had dived into the lake had returned.

  "How is it?" Wang Chong heard a person asking.

  There was no response, but the vague splashing sound seemed to suggest that the assassin in the water had shaken his head. Hua! In the next instant, it seemed like another assassin had jumped into the water.

  After that came a long moment of silence, interrupted only by the disturbances in the lake.

  Holding his breath, Wang Chong suppressed his bodily functions to the bare minimum.


  After a period of time, Wang Chong could barely make out the sound of two men coming up to shore.

  "We have taken a look, but there's no one at the bottom of the lake!" one of the assassins said.

  "That's impossible. We have pursued him tightly along the way, there's no way he had the time to escape from us. Furthermore, considering his lack of a mount and his grievous injuries, it's impossible for him to get far. Of everything we have seen, this lake holds the greatest suspicion of all," a cold and authoritative voice replied.

  It seemed the owner of this voice held a position higher than the other assassins.

  Chapter 380: Zhao Qianqiu’s Bamboo Tube!

  Chapter 380: Zhao Qianqiu’s Bamboo Tube!

  "What the heck is with this mission! There are so many of us, but we can't even catch a brat!"

  "Who knows? But still, to think that that brat would have a Heart Fortification Mirror on him, causing even that fellow to fail. Could he have known that there would be assassins going after him right from the start?"

  "That's impossible! How could he have known that? Don't spout nonsense! If such words reach that person's ears, we might be killed!"

  Beneath the ground, Wang Chong's heart jolted upon hearing those words. However, in the time to come, there was not a single sound to be heard.

  The area by the lake had plunged into silence.

  Wang Chong couldn't help but sigh deeply within. These assassins were indeed professional. Even in a remote forest, they knew better than to reveal crucial intelligence.

  "At this point, the only thing I want to know is what is with the steed of that brat," a voice suddenly broke the silence. "There are so many of us, and the steeds we are riding on are top-grade breeds carefully selected for this mission. Yet, they can't even compare to that colt, resulting in that brat escaping right beneath our eyelids. This is a huge humiliation!"

  This mission was by no means difficult, The six of them were top-notch veteran assassins, and they had even prepared themselves thoroughly for the operation.

  Yet, due to that colt, they actually screwed this up.

  Despite their efforts, they weren't able to catch up to that horse. As powerful as they were, how could they kill a target who they couldn't even catch up with?

  In fact, at the very start, when the six of them first rushed out from the forest, had Wang Chong's reaction been an instant slower, he would have already died. However, that colt reacted far swifter than any other steeds would have in the face of danger. It was that split second of a difference that turned a certain kill into a pursuit.

  To see their prey slip right through their fingers was extremely frustrating.

  "That colt... It looks very familiar. Hooves as white as snow... Could it be the royal breed, White-hoofed Shadow? If that's the case, it's impossible for our steeds to match up to it!" a hesitant voice sounded after a moment of silence.

  Even though they were a little doubtful, that did seem to be the case, especially considering the incredible speed of that colt.

  "Damn it! That wasn't in the intelligence we received!"

  "If I ever get my hands on that beast, I'll surely skin it alive!" a voice overflowing with killing intent spoke up.

  Beneath the ground, Wang Chong heaved a long sigh of relief after hearing those words.

  It seems like they didn't manage to catch up to Little Shadow, so he's still fine for now!, Wang Chong thought.

  The one he was the most worried about at the moment was Little Shadow. From the looks of it, even though they did notice that there was no one on Little Shadow's back, they weren't able to keep up with him.

  As soon as they realized that Wang Chong wasn't on his steed, they immediately rushed back to comb through the area.

  At least Little Shadow got away safely, Wang Chong thought.

  This was the best piece of news Wang Chong had received ever since the assassination began.

  "I found traces of blood! With this, we can confirm that he did hide in this lake at one point!" Suddenly, an excited voice carrying a hint of savagery shouted out by the shore of the lake.


  Wang Chong's heart suddenly froze.

  Fresh blood!

  He instantly recalled the blood he had coughed when he first stepped out of the lake.


  The masked assassins immediately rushed over to where the voice had come from.

  "These are indeed blood traces! Judging from its color, the brat should still be in the vicinity!" a voice sounded as a tense atmosphere lingered in the area.

  "Not bad, he's indeed smart to know how to lure us away. However, it's useless! He can't possibly get far. Even with the Heart Fortification Mirror taking the brunt of the impact, that fellow's arrow isn't something that one can take that easily.

  "With this kind of injury, he couldn't possibly have gotten far!"

  "Everyone, comb the area thoroughly. He must be in the vicinity!"...

  The masked assassins immediately scattered to search the area, and a strong scent of danger lingered in the air.

  Beneath the ground, Wang Chong's face turned grave.

  Those assassins were more formidable than he thought.

  He had already cleaned up the bloodstains by the lake, but those assassins were still able to find a trace and deduce the rough area he was in through it. This put him in an extremely disadvantageous situation.


  Wang Chong immediately shut all of the pores throughout his body
and even halted his breathing. He pushed all of his bodily functions to the minimum, to the point where even his senses became dulled.

  In the time to come, Wang Chong would be at risk of being found at any moment.

  "Search every nook and cranny, don't overlook anywhere at all. There is a high chance that he's still around here!" A vicious voice sounded.

  The six masked assassins immediately combed through every bush, tree, and shrubs in the region. Even the crevices in boulders, they would check thoroughly without fail.


  Suddenly, the ground shook as a large foot fell not too far from where Wang Chong was hidden.

  Wang Chong could feel his heart pausing for an instant.

  He had tried his best to conceal himself, but his technique wasn't foolproof. Assassins possessed far sharper instincts than an ordinary man, so there was still a possibility that he might be found should they come into proximity with him.


  Another foot fell at a distance even closer to him. He could feel the light trembling of the ground above him.

  As if having noticed something, the assassin carefully searched through the bushes in the area.

  Weng! The ground trembled once more.

  Yet another step closer to him.

  Wang Chong could feel goosebumps rising all over his skin. Just another step forward, and the assassin would be stepping on the ditch he had dug.

  At such a distance, the chances that Wang Chong would be found was extremely high.

  "Number Two, have you found anything there?" a voice in the distance asked at this moment. Instead of addressing one another by their real name, assassins tended to use numbers and nicknames.

  Upon hearing that voice, the footstep above him halted just a chi away from where Wang Chong was hidden.

  "Nothing at all!" At an area where Wang Chong's eye couldn't see, a slender masked assassin gazed upon the ground above Wang Chong and poked at it casually with his sword before replying.

  From his perspective, there was indeed nothing doubtful to be found in this area.

  "Damn it! Search through the vicinity once more! He can't have gotten far with his injuries!" the man who seemed to be the leader of the assassin band howled. His voice seemed to have come from a high altitude. Perhaps, he might be standing on top of a tall tree.


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