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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 328

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

At almost the same moment, Wang Gen opened his eyes. The discussions before had just been foreplay. The most important was the matter of war in the southwest.

  "Your Majesty, Geluofeng has greatly offended the Great Tang. He cannot be allowed to get off like this! To show such ingratitude, they must be taught a lesson. This lowly minister recommends that we immediately attack Mengshe Zhao and have them pay a price!" another general said in an impassioned voice.

  Wang Gen recognized him as Wu Zhengpeng of the Bureau of Military Personnel. He was a fourth-rank general and old-timer of the bureau who did not belong to any particular faction.

  Both King Song and King Qi had attempted to pull him to their side, but they had both failed. He was, however, a staunch warhawk.

  There were actually many people in the Bureau of Military Personnel like Wu Zhengpeng who were loyal to the imperial clan and did not join any political faction.

  "Your Majesty, this minister seconds the motion! I request that the Sage Emperor dispatch troops to punish Mengshe Zhao! Let Geluofeng understand what it means to be a subject!"

  "This minister agrees!"

  "This minister agrees!"

  "This minister agrees!"


  In the hall, all the hawkish ministers began to voice their approval.

  "This minister objects!"

  Just when the crowd had reached its angriest point, a resounding voice spoke out. The speaker, a civil official with a scholarly air and vigorous demeanor, his hair and beard all white, faced down the angry glares of the crowd.

  "A war cannot be entered into until the matter is investigated. Mengshe Zhao and the Great Tang have always been at peace. For Geluofeng to suddenly attack, there must be a reason!"

  "Lord Feng's meaning is that the incident on the southwest border is fake? Did all those common folk and Governor Zhang Qiantuo die in vain?" a general immediately replied, his eyes glowing with anger.

  Another minister stepped forward and shot back, "Lord Feng said no such thing. All of you speak endlessly about war, but do any of you know how many people will die in a war? So many people have already died. Do you want to add to that number? Such an important matter of state cannot be conducted with such recklessness!"

  Along with hawks, there were also doves. So it had been for all the dynasties throughout the ages, and this dynasty was no exception.

  "Reckless? You civil officials dare to call this reckless? If Mengshe Zhao is not disciplined, they'll get even more vicious. If they grow even bolder and kill even more people, will all of you take responsibility?"

  The criticized hawkish generals began to grow red from fury, the blood rushing to their heads. It only took a few moments for the mood in the hall to turn hostile.

  There had always been conflicts between civil and martial officials, hawks and doves, but the nature of this one was different.

  Debate quickly turned to argument, argument into quarrel! In the end, everyone became a participant, and the entire court fell into chaos.

  "Lord Wang!"

  "Lord Wang!"


  While Wang Gen was in deep thought, he heard a voice, followed by many others.


  Wang Gen's expression froze as he returned to his senses. It was only now that Wang Gen realized that the arguments in the hall had come to a stop. Everyone was looking at him with strange gazes.

  "Lord Wang… What do you think about Mengshe Zhao's attack on the Great Tang?" someone asked, their expression strange.

  Wang Gen had a dazed look before finally understanding why everyone was looking at him. The Wang Clan had always been part of King Song's faction, so the Wang Clan naturally stood with the hawks.

  Since the hawks and doves had reached a stalemate, the hawks had planned to use him to strengthen their momentum!


  1. The author actually writes here as one of the ministries, but this would translate as 'Bureau of Agriculture', which is not one of the traditional Six Ministries and would probably be a division under the Bureau of Revenue. I have replaced it with the Bureau of Rites.

  Chapter 469: Wang Chong's Request!

  Chapter 469: Wang Chong's Request!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  In the past, Wang Gen would have assuredly voiced his opinion. The Great Tang had sufficient strength to deal with any force, whether it was Mengshe Zhao, Ü-Tsang, the Eastern and Western Turkic Khaganates, Goguryeo, or the Abbasid Caliphate.

  If it didn't have this strength, the Great Tang would not have its current prosperity.

  Every person of the Great Tang firmly believed this point.

  But this time, Wang Gen was quiet. For some reason, Wang Gen heard the message from Wang Chong that Old Eagle had relayed to him.

  "No matter what happens, please tell Big Uncle to not issue any opinions!"

  This was a message from several days ago. It seemed like Wang Chong had already expected this to happen.

  Chong-er, just what did you see? Just what reason has you so deeply concerned about this matter before the court?

  Wang Gen's eyes were unfocused, his mind in turmoil.

  Wang Chong had been acting too strangely as of late, but no one dared to say that he had gone crazy. At the very least, he had found out what happened in the southwest a long time ago, much earlier than the Imperial Court.

  It was hard to say if his nephew had already anticipated all this.

  After all that he had experienced, Wang Gen found himself more and more unwilling to disregard his nephew's advice.

  "Lord Wang? Lord Wang…?"

  Whispers could be heard as the gathered ministers looked curiously at Wang Gen. In the past, Lord Wang had always been wise and astute, bold and decisive. But today, he had twice been absentminded and slow to respond.

  The hawkish officials found it even more strange.

  Wang Gen and King Song were stalwart hawks. To be more precise, they were the banners under which the hawks gathered. Although Wang Gen himself was a civil official, the Wang Clan was an authentic clan of ministers and generals that wielded immense influence in the court.

  There was no reason for Wang Gen to show any hesitation on this matter.

  "On this matter…"

  "Court is over!"

  Wang Gen was interrupted by a sharp voice from above. Bzzzz!A massive pressure descended upon the officials, causing them all to lower their heads in panic.

  But before they could react, this massive pressure retreated like the tide.

  When they raised their heads, they discovered that the beaded curtain had been raised and that imposing figure had vanished.

  "This is…"

  "What's happened to His Majesty?"


  The officials were all lost. Seldom did the Sage Emperor leave before the ministers had finished debating. For a moment, no one could understand the Emperor's intent and all were bewildered as to what to do next.

  That's good. I managed to dodge this problem!

  On the other hand, Wang Gen internally sighed. The Emperor's stance was unfathomable, but at least he did not need to make his own stance known.

  I should go and see Chong-er!

  Seeing the furrowed brows of a few of the hawkish ministers and thinking about where his own decision was trending, Wang Gen hurriedly left the hall.

  This court session had been very uncomfortable. He had to find out as quickly as possible why Wang Chong didn't want him to express a stance.


  The pressure exerted by the Court of Judicial Review and Chamberlain of Dependencies was unimaginable. Although Wang Chong knew that it wouldn't be easy for his big uncle to get in, it was quite a few days until Wang Chong was actually able to see him.

  Candles guttered in the gloomy prison.

  Wang Gen was dressed in black informal wear and appeared calm, but the anxiety on his face was impossible to conceal.

  "Big Uncle

  Wang Chong's eyes lit up at the sight of his big uncle and he hastily stood up. This was his first meeting with his big uncle in many days.


  Wang Gen nodded his head, his gaze taking in Wang Chong's emaciated look, a tinge of heartache manifesting on his brow.

  Of the grandsons of the Wang Clan, the one Wang Gen regarded most highly was not his own son, nor was it Wang Chong's two older brothers, but Wang Chong, this nephew of his that once ranked least in his estimations.

  Wang Gen truly found it hard to bear this haggard appearance. But by gritting his teeth and hardening his heart, Wang Gen quickly calmed down.

  Wang Chong had killed many Hu in Drunken Sparrow restaurant, attacked the soldiers of Youzhou, and killed Zhang Shougui's subordinate in front of his face. This was far too serious an incident, one that had even dragged in An Sishun, Vice Protector-General of Beiting.

  Although An Sishun was only Vice Protector-General, the Beiting Protector-General had always been a vacant post, as it was common practice for the members of the imperial clan to control it from afar. In other words, An Sishun was actually the most influential figure in the Beiting Protectorate.

  Although Wang Chong had gotten into conflicts with him in the past, none of them had been this big.

  The Old Master had already issued an order that no one was allowed to involve themselves in this matter. Wang Chong had to bear the punishments for his mistakes.

  Otherwise, it would have been impossible for Wang Chong to be locked up in this prison managed by the Imperial Army, Chamberlain of Dependencies, and Court of Judicial Review.

  "Relax—after a while, once things have settled down, no matter what the Old Master says, I'll think of a way to get you out of here… My words are also useless against your grandfather, but even he has to listen to King Song's words."

  In the end, Wang Gen still found it a little difficult to accept his nephew's circumstances.

  "Big Uncle, I know that you want to help me, but I've never worried about these things."

  Though these words made him feel warm, Wang Chong still shook his head. Everything had its price, and when he had decided to kill An Yaluoshan, Wang Chong already knew what he would have to pay.

  Wang Chong had never regretted his decisions. He was more concerned about something else.

  "Big Uncle, tell me, is the Imperial Court in complete turmoil right now! …You don't need to hide it from me. I can guess," Wang Chong said, worry in his eyes. In this period of time, what he anticipated the most was news from his big uncle.

  The tragedy from his last life was playing out once more in this one. Wang Chong could smell the coming of a storm on the wind.


  Wang Gen sighed and nodded.

  "The court is currently united in favor of war. The voices from the court and the people are too loud. Even many old ministers in favor of peace couldn't hold on and changed their minds. I can't last for much longer either. Chong-er, you must tell me what exactly you want me to do."

  The clouds of war were currently gathered thick over the capital. In the few days in which Wang Gen was attempting to arrange a visit with Wang Chong, he had been visited by countless officials, both civil and military.

  Every one of them was asking for Wang Gen to give his opinion. Only Wang Gen knew how much pressure he had endured in this time.

  Wang Gen had always favored this nephew of his, but this matter was no game!


  The moment Wang Gen finished speaking, he heard a loud boom. Under Wang Gen's flabbergasted gaze, Wang Chong got down on both knees and bowed, his eyes red.

  "Chong-er, what are you doing?"

  Wang Gen's eyes were wide, his face frozen. It was obvious that Wang Chong's display had caught him by complete surprise.

  "Big Uncle, I know that you have many questions and are facing many difficulties, but only you can help me with this matter."

  Wang Chong had a very solemn expression as he kneeled. Based on the memories from his last life, there was no doubt that this matter had already reached the critical juncture.

  In his last life, the Wang Clan had declined ages ago and lost any right to intervene in this war, but this time was different. Whether or not the tragedy of his last life could be avoided would be decided soon, and he could not allow the slightest error.

  "Chong-er, what exactly do you want to do?" Wang Gen said gravely, looking down at his kneeling nephew. The intuition he had refined from decades in the court told Wang Gen that Wang Chong was planning something.

  "Big Uncle, if the time comes for the final decision, I ask that no matter what, you and King Song must oppose the war together. The war with Mengshe Zhao must not happen at this time!" Wang Chong sternly said, his head sinking even lower toward the ground.


  Shock covered Wang Gen's face.

  "Chong-er, do you know what you're saying? Jiange is a ruin, and many people have died. This isn't some simple decision. If the Wang Clan opposes an attack, it'll be universally condemned!"

  Wang Gen had truly been stunned by Wang Chong's request. He had always believed that Wang Chong had asked him to delay any opinion because he had something important to tell him, but not this.

  To abstain, remain silent, and not express a stance was completely different from objecting.

  "…Moreover, our Wang Clan and King Song have always been the leaders of the hawks, and all of them follow us blindly. It's precisely because of this that we can build so many connections in the court. The Wang Clan can remain silent, can abstain, but it absolutely cannot shield Geluofeng and object to the war. If I do as you say, the reputation the Wang Clan accumulated over the decades will vanish into nothing. No! I cannot agree to your request!"

  Wang Gen swept his sleeve. He didn't even need to think. He had never expected that this would be Wang Chong's request.

  If he did this, the Wang Clan would forfeit all of its hard-earned reputation. Like rats leaving a sinking ship, no one would ever heed the call of the Wang Clan or agree with its decisions again.

  If he did this, the fall of the Wang Clan would be right around the corner.

  It hadn't been for no reason that many of the doves had changed their stances.

  "Big Uncle, if we don't object, then it truly will be a catastrophe!"

  Wang Chong lowered himself to the ground, pain in his voice.

  "The Great Tang was founded more than three hundred years ago, but its collapse might be today!"

  In the vast Central Plains, among the countless people living within, the only people who had the foresight and understanding to deal with this crisis were him and the Wang Clan. If not even the Wang Clan could take the proper measures, what hope would there be for the Central Plains?

  Without the powerful Great Tang, just who in this vast world would be able to resist when that calamity descended?

  He had already failed in his past life. Was he fated to fail in this life as well?

  "Chong-er, just what are you saying?"

  Wang Gen stood in a daze, completely stunned by Wang Chong's words.

  He had watched Wang Chong grow up, but never had he seen him like this.

  Chapter 470: The Last Try!

  Chapter 470: The Last Try!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  "Big Uncle, once the war begins, the Great Tang will be sure to lose!"

  Wang Chong kneeled on the ground and said with a grief-stricken voice, "I absolutely do not intend to help Mengshe Zhao by stopping this war. I am only worried about the Great Tang. This war involves 300,000 Mengshe Zhao elites and the 180,000 soldiers of the Great Tang Annan army. Once it begins, it will be a war of unprecedented scale. Big Uncle, have you ever thought about what would happen if the Great Tang loses?"

  Wang Gen was dumbfounded.

  He was a civil official and thus no master of military strategy. The Imperial Court had been spending its time discuss
ing how to punish Mengshe Zhao and Geluofeng.

  As for if the Great Tang lost, no one had even thought of that problem, nor would anyone ever consider problems from this angle.

  The Great Tang would not lose. This was a conviction deeply rooted in everyone's minds.

  However, victory and defeat were commonplace for a soldier. Wang Gen had to admit that once war began, victory and defeat were equally possible. The Great Tang was completely capable of losing.

  Wang Gen did not believe in his heart that the Great Tang would lose, but as a member of a clan of ministers and generals, he couldn't possibly be unaware of this principle.

  For a moment, Wang Gen was transfixed by Wang Chong's question.

  The dark prison was cold, the dim light shining on the even colder bricks on the floor. Wang Chong felt endless cold traveling up from his knees, but his heart was even colder.

  Other than the sound of breathing, there was only silence around Wang Chong. But Wang Chong could clearly hear a thunderous drumming at his ears.

  This was the warning sound of fate.

  This world of millions of beings was once more walking toward the abyss of destruction. A sliver of light would appear before dawn. A leaf would fall before the coming of autumn.

  The war in the southwest was no ordinary war!

  The complete defeat of 180,000 elites, the millions of lives turned into bones, the southwest of the Great Tang completely defenseless for the first time to two foreign countries…

  These disastrous circumstances would stun the entire empire! They would also shock all the Hu along the vast Great Tang border, the jackals and wolves.

  The defeat of the 180,000 elites would inflict an unprecedented wound on the empire. The Great Tang military would lose almost one-third of its strength.

  In the history of the Great Tang, this scale of casualties was unheard of.

  This war inspired all the great powers on the Great Tang's periphery: the Eastern and Western Turkic Khaganates, Goguryeo, the distant Abbasid Caliphate and Charax Spasinu, and even Mengshe Zhao and Ü-Tsang, the ones that had started the war…

  For the first time, these powers bordering the Great Tang realized that it was not as strong as they had imagined. The Great Tang was no longer that invincible and dreaded Great Tang.


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