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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 422

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

Even if other people might have been deceived, Jiaosiluo knew that the true commander of this battle, including the battle with Duan Wuzong, was not some other general of the Great Tang, not Wang Yan, not Xianyu Zhongtong, not Zhao Wujiang. From start to finish, it had always been that unfathomable youth on the summit who had seemingly appeared out of thin air.

  Great General's judgment was correct. Of the four major regions of the mountain, the northeast corner is the easiest to break through, Jiaosiluo said to himself as he looked up at the mountain.

  The entire slope was covered in the soldiers of the Whitestone Corps, who seemed almost magnetically attracted to the soldiers of the Annan Protectorate army. At present, the northeast corner was where the defenses were weakest and where the Tibetans could most easily open a path.

  Of course, there was actually an even better path up the mountain. But…

  Jiaosiluo glanced at that nearby ten-some-zhang-wide 'path'. As his eyes passed over those hundreds of thousands, perhaps even one million, caltrops of all sizes, his heart shivered.

  This was a path of death for cavalry. No cavalry could charge through that path covered in caltrops that ranged from the size of millstones to that of dates. Even clearing up all of them would require several months.

  And one also had to account for the fact that Wang Chong had arranged for ballistae and master archers to guard the path, their arrowheads all targeted at the base of the mountain.

  Anyone who stepped on this 'path' would only be delivering themselves to the feet of the god of death.


  Veins bulged up from his forehead, but Jiaosiluo quickly managed to cool his temper.

  "Soldiers, hear my order. Be ready to follow me!"

  Jiaosiluo suddenly waved the halberd in his hand. Immediately after, his horse neighed as he began to charge to the summit, his black and red cape fluttering behind him.


  Thousands of Tibetan soldiers followed him like carp swimming up a river. All of these cavalry were skilled with both the bow and the horse, and they charged through the 'metal walls' as if no one was there to stop them.

  "Brat, if you think these metal pimples can stop us, then you're gravely mistaken! Nothing in this world can completely block us Tibetans!"

  Jiaosiluo clenched his teeth as he pressed his muscular body against the body of his highland steed, his heart enraged.

  The cavalry of the plains learned how to ride from the time that they were children. The metal walls that Wang Chong had set up on the mountain truly were very large barriers, but it was impossible for them to completely stop the Tibetan charge.

  "Everyone, follow me! Let us slaughter them until they're forced to cast off everything in their attempts to flee!"

  Jiaosiluo raised his halberd high and bellowed.


  The Tibetan soldiers behind him roared in response. If one looked down from the sky, one would see a black dragon weaving through the openings in the metal walls, twisting and turning as if swimming through a river.

  If a straight charge was impossible, then the cavalry would take an indirect route. This was the method Jiaosiluo had thought of to break through Wang Chong's metal walls.


  Hmph, he's taken the bait!

  On the summit, Wang Chong immediately noticed Jiaosiluo's army weaving through the walls to the northeast, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

  It really was from the northeast corner! Huoshu Huicang, you really have read quite a few of the military texts of the Central Plains.

  Wang Chong inwardly sneered.

  There had been a rumor for some time that Huoshu Huicang had obtained no small number of military texts from Dalun Ruozan. From them, he had developed a deep understanding of the style of the generals of the Central Plains and was able to easily defeat them.

  But because Huoshu Huicang commanded forces consisting of pure cavalry, not the primarily infantry forces of the Central Plains, no one had ever been able to completely verify this rumor.

  But with this casual test, Wang Chong had immediately confirmed that there wasn't simply a possibility that Huoshu Huicang had read the military texts of the Central Plains, but an absolute fact.

  The rumor could not be false!

  To use the military texts of the Central Plains to deal with the commanders of the Central Plains, Huoshu Huicang, I really have to hand it to you for thinking of the idea… Jiaosiluo, since you're here, don't think about leaving. I've prepared a large gift for you!

  If Jiaosiluo were to see Wang Chong's expression at this moment, his heart would tremble in fear.

  "General Luo!"

  "This general is here!"

  Responding to Wang Chong's voice, a black-armored general wearing a black cape, whose dark face wore a dignified and stern expression, walked out from behind Wang Chong.

  "What order does Young Master have? This general will carry it out at any time!"

  The general's pitch-black skin seemed forged from metal, and his every movement was imbued with a powerful will that set him apart from other generals.

  Luo Ji, nicknamed 'Iron Spear Luo', was a high-ranking general of the Annan Protectorate army, his rank no less than Zhao Wujiang's. However, while Zhao Wujiang was close to Xianyu Zhongtong, Luo Ji had never mixed well with Xianyu Zhongtong, even though they had both served under Zhangchou Jianqiong.

  It wasn't merely because Luo Ji was loyal to Zhangchou Jianqiong. More important was the fact that Luo Ji had always believed that Zhangchou Jianqiong was the only person capable of holding the position of Annan Protector-General. Although Xianyu Zhongtong was Zhangchou Jianqiong's appointed successor, his abilities were not enough for him to inherit the position.

  The southwest was linked to Mengshe Zhao and Ü-Tsang, at the intersection of three empires. The situation here was no less complicated than the situations in the Western Regions or Andong. Problems were bound to crop up if a suitably powerful person was not standing guard.

  Luo Ji had been proved completely correct by how things had developed.

  When the army broke out of Lion City, Luo Ji had immediately chosen to break with Xianyu Zhongtong and lead a part of the army to follow Wang Yan. In Luo Ji's view, the Wang Clan father and son had far greater insight than Xianyu Zhongtong.

  At the very least, they always seemed to know what to do in this war and not lead the army into danger like Xianyu Zhongtong.

  He truly is a fierce general!

  Wang Chong's eyes were very sharp, and when he saw Luo Ji step forth, he mentally gave a nod of approval. The reason he had chosen Luo Ji was very simple. Luo Ji was extremely skilled in using the spear, and was incredibly tough on the offense.

  Last time, on the summit, Wang Chong had realized that while Jiaosiluo showed no fear of the rest of the officers that Wang Yan had brought with him from the Annan Protectorate army, he had been extremely wary of Luo Ji.

  In the battle, he had done all he could to avoid Luo Ji. In fact, not long after Luo Ji arrived on the scene, he had quickly retreated.

  At the time, Wang Chong's sharp senses had noticed that while Jiaosiluo's Swordfanged Beast transformation possessed incredible defensive capabilities, Luo Ji's terrifying spear arts just so happened to counter the Swordfanged Beast.

  This was one of the primary reasons Jiaosiluo avoided him.

  But, Jiaosiluo, it won't be so easy for you to leave this time!

  A cold smile hovered on Wang Chong's lips.

  "Zhang Long, Zhao Hu, Chen Qiong, Li Zhi, Fang Tang, Zhou Han!"

  "Your subordinate is here!"

  "Xu Shiping, Xu Andun!"

  "Your subordinate is here!"

  "Accompany General Luo! You should know what to do, correct?"

  "Your subordinate understands!"


  With a wave of Wang Chong's sleeve, six of Li Siye's Black Dragon Bandit elites set off together with Xu Shiping and Xu Andun.

  Luo Ji's strength was enough to present a ma
ssive threat to Jiaosiluo, but this threat was far from fatal. The six Black Dragon Bandit elites and the two high-ranking commandants were the assistants that Wang Chong had provided for Luo Ji.

  "General Luo, wait a moment!"

  As Luo Ji was preparing to head down, Wang Chong suddenly thought of something. He took the multi-segment spear from his bosom and threw it over.

  "If you want to deal with Jiaosiluo, you'll need this. Take it!"

  Even someone as composed as Luo Ji was slightly moved at the sight of this folded-up and retracted spear. At this time, Wang Chong would not be giving him any normal spear. Luo Ji could only think of one possibility.

  It had to be a Wootz Steel weapon!

  "Thank you, Young Master!"

  Luo Ji turned around, his heart moved, but his face remained calm and composed.


  Wang Chong laughed and said no more.

  This segmented spear was based on Marchioness Yi's weapon. The materials making up the spear shaft weren't that high-level. It was simply high-class refined iron mixed with Meteoric Metal powder, further buffed with a large number of toughening inscriptions.

  The crucial part was the spearhead!

  Wootz Steel was truly too rare, so Wang Chong had decided to save on materials and made only this single Wootz Steel spearhead.


  Warhorses rumbled off as Luo Ji mounted his black horse and led his troops charging down the mountain. Regardless of what Wang Chong was thinking, this gift of the Wootz Steel spear was like giving a tiger wings.

  The vastness of the mountain made it so that very few people noticed Luo Ji moving out.

  Chapter 573: The Decisive Battle! The Wind Blows, Generals Clash!

  Chapter 573: The Decisive Battle! The Wind Blows, Generals Clash!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Warhorses neighed as Jiaosiluo led thousands of Tibetan cavalry charging up the mountain slope. This immediately had an effect on the two sides fighting on the mountain.


  A warhorse flew forward as one with its rider, and a heavy hoof smashed against the shield of a Tang soldier. With a scream, the soldier was sent flying into the air by the massive impact.


  One Tibetan cavalryman after another charged up the slope, and with each one, another Great Tang soldier would be sent flying. Cavalry was the most powerful fighting force on the continent, so the power the Tibetan cavalry were able to display far surpassed that of the Whitestone Corps.

  Even though their speed was inhibited by the terrain and the metal walls, the Tibetan cavalry were still able to display more power than the Mengshe Zhao soldiers.

  "Anyone who stops me dies!"

  There was a heaven-shaking roar as the Swordfanged Beast of the Five Tiger Generals, Jiaosiluo, charged into battle. Boom! A massive explosion with Jiaosiluo at the center rippled through the battlefield.


  All the soldiers of the Annan Protectorate army in the area were thrown aside together with mud, rock and gravel, and even a few Whitestone Corps soldiers who were too slow to dodge.


  Even a few of those massive metal walls were pulled out of the earth by this explosion, crashing back down onto the Annan Protectorate army.

  "Die for me!"

  Jiaosiluo's helmet suddenly exploded, his hair wildly flying in the air. He leaped off his horse, vanishing into the ranks of the Annan Protectorate army. Boom! A massive Halo of Thorns began to expand through the crowd.


  Shrill screams filled the air as the Tang soldiers were thrown around like ragdolls. These Tang elites who had experienced so many battles were insignificant ants before a top-class general like Jiaosiluo.

  Boomboomboom! Jiaosiluo jumped left and right, no one able to stop him. A Great Tang officer charged forward in an attempt to stop him, but he was still three zhang away when Jiaosiluo's plentiful Stellar Energy sent him flying with a jolt.

  His chest was caving in while in midair, and he was already breathing his last.

  "Hahaha, foul brat! All shitty tactics are nothing before absolute strength! Your death is certain today!"

  Jiaosiluo seemed to be insane as he roared in Tibetan.

  He was treating the Annan Protectorate army before him as a manifestation of Wang Chong, each individual as a Wang Chong through which he could vent his rage.


  Jiaosiluo was like a dragon in human form, slaughtering wherever he went and invigorating the Tibetan soldiers. The armored cavalry rushed behind him, inflicting heavy casualties on the Annan Protectorate army.

  "Hahaha, this is all the Tang are!"

  "Last time, they needed to rely on the rainstorm and the night. These bastards don't even dare to face us head-on!"

  "You're completely right, hahaha!"

  "Kill, kill them all!"


  All the Tibetans immediately regained their energy, especially those who had experienced those two consecutive defeats with Jiaosiluo. Before the battle, each of them had a thick shadow hanging over their hearts, but now, this shadow was no more.


  The arrival of the Tibetans had completely altered the course of this battle, and altered the balance of power between the Whitestone Corps and the Annan Protectorate army. In the northeast corner, wherever the Tibetans struck, the Tang lines would fall into utter chaos.

  And once they sensed the changes brought about by the Tibetans, the Mengshe Zhao troops in the other areas also rallied.

  "Everyone, don't be afraid! The Tibetans have moved out!"

  "Hold! The Annan Protectorate army isn't invincible. The Tibetans are their bane!"

  "Everyone, work hard! The Great Tang is about to lose! They can't be any match for us!"


  All the Whitestone Corps soldiers had originally been fearful and only thinking about fleeing. Suddenly, however, their morale was revived, and one by one, they began to turn and fight back against the Annan Protectorate army.

  And despite the fighting power of the Annan Protectorate army, it couldn't do anything against them for a few moments.

  The situation had rapidly reversed, Mengshe and Ü-Tsang working together to put the Great Tang at an extreme disadvantage. Yet on the other side, Zhao Wujiang gave a faint smile.

  "It really is as Young Master said. Ü-Tsang wasn't able to restrain itself!" Zhao Wujiang said as he listened to the fighting. Besides holding down Duan Wuzong, he had also received another order.

  Everything was going as Wang Chong had predicted. Even the Tibetans had mobilized their forces at the exact time.

  "Jiaosiluo, you won't be able to go back this time!"

  Sheathing his blood-red saber, Zhao Wujiang smiled as he pulled on the reins of his horse and rode off toward the northeast corner, not caring about the battle before him.

  "Jiaosiluo, I've come to fight you!"

  This mighty shout was like the ringing of a gong, reverberating through the heavens. Even someone several li away could hear it.

  "Hmph, not knowing your own strength!"

  A derisive snort, equally loud, came from the northeast. At almost the same time, Jiaosiluo was leading his army like a tiger leaping in Zhao Wujiang's direction.

  Although Huoshu Huicang had ordered him to break through the northeast corner, that was purely because the Whitestone Corps had the smallest number of soldiers there, making it most convenient for the Tibetan cavalry to charge onto the mountain.

  But in Jiaosiluo's heart, the main objective was to defeat the general who had defeated Duan Wuzong, Zhao Wujiang!

  "What's the point in defeating someone weaker than you? Only by defeating someone stronger than you can you prove your worth!"

  This had been always been the Swordfanged Beast Jiaosiluo's long-held conviction, the principle that he abided by.


  Zhao W
ujiang's horse ran seventy-some zhang, but the mountain was too packed with people for him to travel too quickly. He suddenly jumped off his horse, landing on a metal wall ten-some zhang away.

  With another jump, he appeared on yet another wall ten-some zhang away. A majestic Halo of Thorns constantly glimmered, making the armored Zhao Wujiang appear like a god, visible even from several li away.

  That dazzling light immediately attracted the attention of everyone on the mountain, and even Huoshu Huicang and Dalun Ruozan couldn't help but look over.

  As a high-ranking general of the Annan Protectorate army, Zhao Wujiang had quite the prestigious reputation in the southwest, and almost no one could not recognize him. Even Geluofeng and his son Fengjiayi had heard of this person's thunderous deeds.

  "It's Zhao Wujiang!"

  Crown Prince Fengjiayi's eyes widened.

  Zhao Wujiang was a very special existence in Mengshe Zhao. After all, he had once served as a good-natured emissary from the Great Tang to Mengshe Zhao, and he was intimately related to the establishment of the Whitestone Corps.

  Before Mengshe Zhao had fought with the Great Tang, Zhao Wujiang had been very famous within the Six Zhao of Erhai.

  The people of Mengshe Zhao had a very complicated attitude toward Zhao Wujiang.

  Thus, even though Zhao Wujiang had defeated Duan Wuzong, none of them felt much hostility. It was just that the southwestern war was too important for Mengshe Zhao to allow a defeat.

  "Royal Father, I'll go up with some troops!"

  Fengjiayi's brows rose as he immediately had the impulse to move out.

  Geluofeng seemed willing, but when he glanced at Dalun Ruozan and Huoshu Huicang, he immediately restrained himself.

  "Wait a moment. It's still not time for us to act. If we intervene now, we might displease Huoshu Huicang. In addition, as allies, it should be time for them to make a contribution."

  The first part had been spoken in the language of Mengshe Zhao, but for the latter part, he had softened his voice and switched to a dialect that very few people within the Six Zhao could understand.

  Fengjiayi looked blankly at him before switching to that Erhai dialect and asking, "But, Royal Father, Jiaosiluo has already moved, so the Great Tang might dispatch another general. Previously, didn't they dispatch Zhao Wujiang when we sent out Duan Wuzong?"


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