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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 629

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  This was why Cheng Qianli and Gao Xianzhi had instantly made the decision to sacrifice themselves.

  If only one person could survive, Wang Chong was the best choice.


  At some point, massive bolts of lightning had begun to cleave through the air. At some point, dark clouds had gathered from all around, descending upon the battlefield. All of Talas was trembling beneath this thunderstorm.


  As a bolt of lightning cleaved down, Wang Chong raised his head and swiftly began to work. His body wavered, but he did not retreat, instead lunging right at the enormous ape before him.

  “Wang Chong!”

  “Protector-General Wang!”

  Cries of shock and alarm came from all around. Neither Gao Xianzhi nor Cheng Qianli had ever imagined that Wang Chong would choose not only to not retreat, but to charge straight at the Behemoth. At this moment, however, Wang Chong was deaf to the world. Retreat was death, an eternal descent into the abyss, and he would never make such a choice.


  With a shout, Wang Chong began to climb up the giant ape’s arm like a tiny ant. As he ascended, he waved his Wootz Steel sword, unleashing a blazing white Sword Qi ten-some zhang long. Vibrating in the air, the white Sword Qi turned violet and sliced into the giant ape’s body.

  In this attack, Wang Chong had managed to attach the Strength of Lu Wu to the Art of God and Demon Obliteration.


  The giant ape gave a miserable howl, pulling back its massive arm as its body shook in pain. Moreover, its cruel and savage eyes of scarlet instantly fell into chaos.


  Wang Chong landed back on the devastated battlefield and looked at the yowling ape, which suddenly punched at the ground.

  “It’s not right!”

  Suddenly, Wang Chong’s eyes widened as he noticed something off. This giant ape’s punches had always been aimed at him. While this punch was still aimed at him, the direction…

  Chapter 975 - Psychic Energy Expert!

  Chapter 975: Psychic Energy Expert!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  A thought suddenly occurred to Wang Chong, and he decided to stand still and no longer dodge. Boom! Debris flew into the air as the furry black fist several times larger than Wang Chong smashed into an area around seven zhang away.

  Thud! A craggy boulder flew in Wang Chong’s direction, but before it could get within a zhang of Wang Chong, it was blocked by an invisible barrier of Stellar Energy.

  “It’s not right!”

  Wang Chong was still standing there, unharmed and unaffected. At this moment, he was beginning to get a few ideas, but he still couldn’t understand completely. Boom! The giant ape punched out again, once more striking an area several zhang from Wang Chong.

  Wang Chong could sense that the giant ape which had so doggedly pursued him had been drained of hatred, instantly losing its objective.

  “Damn it! What is that violet flame?”

  Deep underground, Masil clenched his teeth, a hint of astonishment in his eyes, but he quickly reassumed control over the Consecrated. In the blink of an eye, the cruelty and savagery in the giant ape’s eyes returned, and it once more fiercely punched at Wang Chong. This time, there was no error, and it headed straight for Wang Chong’s head.

  Brooom! Dust and debris once more filled the air, but the ape had still missed. Wang Chong had once more managed to barely dodge the giant ape’s iron fist. This time, Wang Chong did not pay any more attention to the giant ape, instead choosing to rush toward the part of the battlefield where the Arabs were most numerous and the Behemoths were inflicting the most damage.

  As he rushed toward the area, Wang Chong’s eyes constantly swept the battlefield. The feeling in his heart was getting stronger and stronger, and the truth seemed on the verge of being revealed.

  It’s wrong! It’s completely wrong! There must be something that I’m missing. The Behemoths have a weakness, they must! They only appeared for a little while before disappearing. There has to be a reason for that.

  Peals of thunder were booming in Wang Chong’s mind.

  “What is that infidel thinking? Does he think that he can rely on his own power to stop my three Behemoths?”

  Underground, Masil was dumbstruck by Wang Chong’s movements, but he quickly regained his composure.

  “Hmph, struggle on death’s door all you want; you’ll still die!”

  Masil was not very strong, but he was able to borrow the power of his centipede monster to travel deep underground, where no one could harm him. And while he controlled the four supreme Behemoths, no one could oppose him. Even Great Generals would have to bow their heads.

  On the ground, Wang Chong continued to remain unaware. His gaze flitted onto the white bear Behemoth to the northwest and then suddenly froze. The enormous white bear was wreaking havoc as it proceeded toward the walls of Talas, but just when it seemed like it would crash into a group of Arab soldiers charging up from the rear, it made a sudden turn and charged off in another direction.

  In this battlefield where hundreds of thousands of soldiers were fighting, the white bear Behemoth’s strange movement was hard to spot, and had lasted for only a few seconds. If Wang Chong had not been watching at that very moment, he would have never noticed.

  “It’s not right!”

  The feeling in Wang Chong’s mind intensified.


  His eyes turned to the center of the battlefield, where the giant lizard that spat fire was together with the other large Behemoth. There, he noticed a few more strange things.

  The two Arabian Behemoths were devastating the surroundings as they advanced, but as they did so, they began to unwittingly get off course and grow closer and closer together. But just when they seemed like they were about to collide, invisible strings seemed to pull at their heads. These Behemoths on the verge of collision suddenly returned to their original tracks, maintaining the proper distance as they charged in straight lines.

  Wang Chong’s eyes widened. The sensation he was feeling was now at its maximum.

  Roooar! The giant ape bellowed as it came up behind him, its pitch-black fist once more punching out with mountain-shattering power at Wang Chong. Wang Chong was on the ground, and given the giant ape’s height, when it was attacking Wang Chong, it should have also been looking at the ground.

  Strangely, however, its scarlet eyes weren’t focused on the ground at all. It gave a feeling like its mind and body were not in sync, that it was being controlled.


  Wang Chong’s body trembled all over as this thought occurred to him. He finally understood what was wrong.

  These four Behemoths were all being controlled!

  The Behemoths acted according to instinct, which meant that they shouldn’t have differentiated between the Tang and Arabs. The Behemoths would never alter their course if they noticed any Arabs in front of them. Similarly, Behemoths acting on instinct would never just travel in a straight line. And that giant ape wouldn’t have its hands and eyes acting incongruously, a low-class mistake which made it seem like it was being controlled by another.

  Once or twice could be written off as coincidence, but three was certainty. These four Behemoths were not acting normally.

  Psychic Energy!

  Wang Chong had a flash of insight. If a person wanted to control another living being, particularly something as enormous and powerful as a Behemoth, they would never be able to do so with Stellar Energy.

  The only energy capable of this feat was Psychic Energy.

  How could it appear here? The calamity hasn’t descended yet, so how could someone possess such enormous Psychic Energy? They can even use it to control such gigantic beasts!

  Wang Chong’s mind was tossing and turning with shock. In this world where martial arts were revered, everyone cultivated Stellar Energy. Powerful martial artists could be f
ound all over this world, but formidable mental energy experts were few and far between. Wang Chong had only seen Psychic Energy on a few of the otherworldly invaders in the calamity.

  Psychic Energy was shapeless and immaterial, and it was difficult to form into effective attacks. However, those people had been able to condense Psychic Energy into solid form and inflict real harm on supreme martial experts. They had even managed to control some of the elite generals under Wang Chong’s command. But this was an ability that only the otherworldly invaders possessed. It was only through fighting with ‘them’ that the human experts began to slowly understand this ability and research methods that could resist Psychic Energy.

  But there were still several years until the calamity’s descent. Wang Chong had never imagined that he would meet a Psychic Energy expert powerful enough to control the Behemoths so early on.

  Just what’s going on here? Why does the Abbasid Caliphate have such a powerful Psychic Energy expert?

  Wang Chong’s mind was raging, his understanding of the world completely overturned.

  Martial artists would find it very hard to fight against Psychic Energy experts, unless… they could find their actual body!

  With this thought, Wang Chong quickly made up his mind. The greatest difference between Wang Chong and other martial artists was that, as a reincarnator, although his martial arts had returned to the peak of the Saint Martial realm, his Psychic Energy was still at the level of the War Saint.


  Wang Chong lunged forward, once more dodging the giant ape’s attack. At the same time, his left hand began to make strange hand-signals. In the next moment, a majestic stream of Psychic Energy burst out from his forehead, surging into the air.

  He didn’t notice anything at first, with the air showing nothing unusual, but when the ape withdrew its arms and swept its scarlet eyes over the area, Wang Chong immediately sensed a well-hidden psychic ripple shuttling through the ape’s body before vanishing.

  If Wang Chong hadn’t been looking for it, he would have never noticed anything strange.

  “Over there!”

  Wang Chong’s gaze immediately began to pursue that ripple of Psychic Energy. But when he saw where it had emerged from, he immediately grimaced. That ripple of Psychic Energy had come from under! Ground!

  “How could this be?”

  Wang Chong was stunned. He had guessed that the Psychic Energy expert was nearby, even hidden amongst the nearby Arab army, but he had never imagined that they would be hiding underground. This was far too unexpected.

  With Wang Chong’s Saint Martial Tier 8 strength, Wang Chong could attack his opponent wherever they were above the ground, even in the air. But his abilities were not sufficient when it came to an opponent hiding underground.


  Wang Chong suddenly heard a burst of panicked shouts.

  “Save General!”

  Wang Chong turned in surprise, and saw Chen Shusun in the distance. Chen Shusun was pale, his eyes looking upward in despair. Following his gaze, Wang Chong immediately noticed the giant golden-armored god in front. The armor of this god was completely wrecked, its aura dim. Across from it, the fire-breathing lizard had opened its mouth and spewed out a thick gout of destructive flame, more searing than the sun. Its target was the golden-armored god that was already on the back foot.

  Fwooom! The gout of flame had already traveled more than a zhang. The golden-armored god was already at its absolute limit, about to collapse at any moment. If it were struck by the lizard’s flame, the controller of the god would end up either dead or heavily injured, both of which were terrible for the Great Tang.

  Chapter 976 - Battle Between Psychic Energy Experts!

  Chapter 976: Battle Between Psychic Energy Experts!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  Wang Chong’s mind trembled. He had been so focused on thinking of ways to deal with the Behemoths that he had never noticed that his father’s Mighty Miracle God was in desperate straits. But at this distance, not even someone of Wang Chong’s strength could come to Wang Yan’s rescue.

  “Hahaha, die!”

  Deep underground, Masil exploded with crazed laughter. He was never an easy man to satisfy, and in this operation, not just the young Tang commander, but also the three other Tang commanders were his targets.

  Killing enemy Great Generals was always a game and craving that he never got tired of. Nothing could be more sublime than killing the Tang youth and the other Tang commanders.

  “Little fellow, first kill this Tang for me!”

  The underground Masil took control of the Burning One and had it spit a long gout of searing flame. Ten zhang, twenty zhang, the flame shot forward, but just when it seemed like the Burning One’s flame was going to heavily injure Wang Yan, Masil encountered an unexpected snag…


  A powerful Psychic Energy shot forward, striking the Burning One as well as the Psychic Energy Masil had attached to it.


  Only now did Wang Chong’s shout arrive. Not even Masil could have predicted that in Wang Chong’s panic, he would almost instinctively launch a pure bolt of Psychic Energy at the Burning One.

  Booom! That gout of flame that could melt even rock veered, crashing into the ground ten zhang from Wang Yan. Wang Chong’s surge of Psychic Energy had pulverized the Psychic Energy Masil had left on the Burning One.


  The world seemed to fall silent as Masil froze atop his centipede monster, his eyes wide open in shock.

  How could it be?!

  Masil’s mind was tossing and turning with mighty waves. Even though it was just a sliver of his Psychic Energy that had been destroyed, this was no less than an earthquake to Masil. Even if all four of his Behemoths dropped dead in front of him, Masil would still not be as stunned as he was right now. Everyone knew that Psychic Energy experts were an extreme rarity in this world. Although it wasn’t impossible for two formidable Psychic Energy experts to appear on the same battlefield, the chance was practically nil.

  Could it be that these infidels also have a supreme Psychic Energy expert on their side? Impossible! It can’t be! How could such a thing happen?!

  Masil’s mind was still reeling, Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy having given him an unprecedented blow.

  “Coincidence! It must be coincidence!”

  Masil clenched his teeth as he mastered his emotions. As the commander of the Behemoth Army, he had obtained many Psychic Energy tools from the Caliph. Moreover, as a priest, he had obtained an ancient legacy. Together, these things allowed him to possess a formidable Psychic Energy. No ordinary martial artist would ever be able to possess comparable Psychic Energy.


  There was practically no martial artist in existence that could have Psychic Energy like this. He didn’t believe it. It had to be a mistake!

  “Burning One! Attack!”

  Masil inwardly screamed as he began to communicate with the Burning One.



  On the battlefield, Wang Yan’s Mighty Miracle God slowly looked away from the nearby pile of molten rock and toward Wang Chong. The fire lizard’s attack had been extremely powerful, melting rock and leaving a hole ten-some zhang in diameter, the insides of which were black and spewing smoke.

  The red lizard’s attacks had never missed before. Although Wang Yan didn’t know the exact reason, he could guarantee that it had to do with Wang Chong.

  Wang Chong could sense his father’s gaze, but his shock was no less than Wang Yan’s. As the War Saint, he possessed astonishing Psychic Energy, but he never had the opportunity to actually use it. This was Wang Chong’s first clash with a powerful Psychic Energy expert on a large-scale battlefield. In that moment, Wang Chong had instinctively sent out a burst of Psychic Energy, but he hadn’t actually expected it to do anything.

  Roooar!r />
  With this abrupt bellow, soldiers began to cry out in alarm.

  “Milord! Careful!”

  “Not good! That Behemoth is about to breathe fire again!”

  The soldiers on the field were panicked, and Wang Chong was also nervous. Turning his head, he saw that the Behemoth had lowered its body to the ground, its throat swelling as it gathered up a flame more searing than the last. Boom! As Wang Chong and Wang Yan turned to look, the Behemoth opened its mouth and spewed.


  With no time to think, Wang Chong sent another powerful stream of Psychic Energy from his forehead, which immediately crossed the battlefield to strike the enormous red lizard.


  Nothing seemed to happen in the air, but Wang Chong could sense that he had run into what felt like firm steel. In the body of the fire lizard, he could clearly sense a cold and sinister layer of Psychic Energy.

  A Psychic Energy expert!

  Although he couldn’t see it, Wang Chong was sure that this was the Psychic Energy expert controlling the Behemoths from behind the curtains.

  “Brat, just who are you?!”

  Masil’s furious voice echoed in Wang Chong’s mind.

  “The person who will kill you!”

  Wang Chong mentally sneered as he sent another stream of Psychic Energy, this one more powerful than the last. His two streams of Psychic Energy combined and collided against the dark and cold barrier formed by Masil’s Psychic Energy, once more shattering it into pieces.


  At almost the same moment, the flame spat out by the Burning One seemed to be struck once more by an invisible energy, veering off course and scorching the ground thirty-some zhang from Wang Yan.

  “Retreat! Pass on my order! All soldiers, retreat!”

  Wang Yan gave the order, but he himself did not move. Although he didn’t understand what was going on or what Wang Chong had done, there was no question that the situation was favoring the Great Tang at the moment, serving as the perfect cover for the army’s retreat.

  In order to cover the army, Wang Yan’s infantry had suffered gruesome losses.


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