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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 636

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  “Beast, hurry up and move!” Masil harshly scolded, at the same time taking out a brown dagger and stabbing it into the head of the centipede monster. The sense of collision that Masil had felt was really because the centipede monster had suddenly stopped moving for some reason.

  But this was far from the only thing that would surprise Masil.

  In the past, whenever Masil stabbed it with his dagger, the centipede monster would assuredly howl in pain, but this time, the centipede monster not only did not move forward, it remained frozen in place like it had been turned to stone.

  “Damn it! Just what’s going on here!”

  Masil was both shocked and angry. The dagger in his hand, imbued with a power that was anathema to the centipede monster, stabbed down several more times, even punching a wound through which green blood flowed. Yet the centipede monster remained in place, its body rooted to the spot deep underground. It felt more like Masil was stabbing at an empty shell.


  Masil was truly getting anxious now. The threat of Wang Chong followed him like his shadow. The smallest error would lead to his death on the battlefield.

  “Masil, there’s no need to waste your energy.” At this moment, an indifferent voice rang out over Masil’s head. “I’ve already taken control of this monster. As I said before, you can’t escape!”

  The voice was flat and emotionless, but in Masil’s voice, it was like a peal of thunder, a bolt of lightning cleaving at his body.

  “Wang Chong!”

  Masil’s body trembled like electricity was arcing through it. This was undoubtedly the voice that Masil wanted to hear the least.

  A deep fear appeared in his eyes.

  And this was not the only thing he had to fear!

  The frozen centipede monster suddenly came to life as Wang Chong spoke, the joints of its massive body beginning to move. But the direction that the centipede monster moved struck fear into Masil’s heart. He could only watch as it turned its head around, ceasing its flight to the west, and began to drill in Wang Chong’s direction.

  “Bastard! Stop right now!”

  Masil lost his head, the dagger in his hand stabbing again and again at the centipede monster’s body. At the same time, he sent a strand of Psychic Energy into the mind of the monster, hoping to regain control of it. However, what greeted him was a callous Psychic Energy assault. Boom! Masil’s Psychic Energy was pulverized at the moment of first contact.

  “Just give up on this idea! In front of me, you truly are nothing more than an ant! You won’t have any space to keep up your struggles!” Wang Chong’s cold voice rang out again, but this time, it spoke directly into Masil’s mind.

  “No, it can’t be! I’ll never lose to you! I’m the commander of the Behemoth Army, a valued minister of the Caliph. I can’t lose to anyone!”

  Masil’s eyes were red as he furiously bellowed, his mind teetering on the brink of madness.

  “Say these things to the Tang soldiers you killed!”

  A chilling killing intent appeared in Wang Chong’s eyes. His Psychic Energy bored through the center of Masil’s forehead and rapidly began to invade his body.

  “No! I won’t lose to you!”

  Masil strenuously roared and struggled, but he was incapable of stopping Wang Chong’s assault. He gritted his teeth and launched counterattack after counterattack. Boooooom! Their Psychic Energies constantly collided. Masil knew that his life was on the line, and he stimulated all his potential. But these hundreds upon thousands of clashes all ended with Masil’s defeat. The ferocity of the Psychic Energy domain was far more frightening than one could imagine. Finally…

  “I’ve lost. Please, let me go. I swear an oath that I will never take another step into the Great Tang for the rest of my life!”

  Masil’s eyes finally lost their last sliver of pride and became full of pleading. In Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy, he could sense a sliver of obvious killing intent. It was obvious that Wang Chong wanted to kill him to avenge the slain Tang soldiers.

  “Hmph, too late! I’ll first make you my puppet, then put you through every torture possible until you die from the pain. Let this be the price you pay for your actions, an offering to the heroic souls of the Great Tang!”

  Wang Chong’s voice was ice-cold. Under control of his Psychic Energy, the brown centipede monster continued to approach, traveling from deep underground to the surface. Booom! Bang!Wang Chong continued to occupy Masil’s mind, seizing the channels in his mind, taking control over Masil like he had taken over the Behemoths.

  For each channel of the mind Wang Chong took control over, he would obtain many things. All that Masil had experienced, including his psychic techniques, were completely exposed to Wang Chong, serving as the spoils of war.

  Wang Chong saw Masil grow up in a dark, crude, impoverished, and crowded alley, saw him fight with a stray dog over food, saw him scare away a group of children with his savage face. He ‘witnessed’ Masil use a blunt knife to kill a child who had jeered at him during the day, stabbing again and again into the child’s body. In this way, Wang Chong lived out a completely different ‘life’.

  Wang Chong even saw Masil follow a mysterious black-robed man into a temple, where he was taught the methods of Psychic Energy. Many Psychic Energy techniques flowed into Wang Chong’s mind and became his own.

  Wang Chong was no pure Psychic Energy expert, nor did he have a systematic education in it, and he certainly did not come from an ancient lineage of Psychic Energy users as Masil had. Everything that Masil knew became Wang Chong’s nourishment, filling in all the gaps Wang Chong had in the Psychic Energy domain.

  While Wang Chong was just staggering his way blindly through the Psychic Energy domain at the start, relying on his own abilities to wander through the darkness of ignorance, he now had all of Masil’s lessons and experiences, allowing him to become a true Psychic Energy expert.

  This was also why Wang Chong had not immediately killed Masil, and instead taken control of the centipede to make it bring Masil to him.

  However, perhaps because he understood the calamity hanging over his head, Masil began to put up an even fiercer resistance. Moreover, Wang Chong had not yet been able to obtain the crucial secrets to raising the Behemoth Army. Besides that, Wang Chong could also sense that Masil’s mind hid an even greater secret deep within.

  Wang Chong had no means of knowing what this secret was, but judging by Masil’s reaction, it was an extremely important one, even more important than the secret of the Behemoth Army.

  “Let me see what sort of secret you’re hiding!”

  In the raging winds, Wang Chong stood on the shoulder of the Behemoth, his eyes cold and stern. Bang! The sky suddenly dimmed as another devilish dragon charged down from the sky at Wang Chong. Behind this hell dragon, a figure stood in the air, his black cape fluttering in the wind.

  Abu Muslim stared at Wang Chong, his eyes seething with killing intent.

  But then, there was a rush of air as an enormous ape arm swept out and smashed the hell dragon to bits with a single punch.


  The giant ape roared, its savage and beastly aura sending countless horses fleeing in fear, many of them even breaking free of their handlers. The giant ape dispelled Abu Muslim’s hell dragon with one punch while its left arm swung the iron cudgel at Abu Muslim.

  Its movements were both swift and nimble, in complete contrast with its enormous body.

  The infamous Governor of Iron and Blood Abu Muslim was unexpectedly incapable of getting a single step past the giant ape.

  “Bastard! I’d like to see how long you can endure!”

  As the Abbasid Caliphate’s Governor of the East, the highest authority from Khorasan to Samarkand, Abu Muslim was not a person who could not hold his temper. But despite all the time that had passed, all his attacks had been blocked by the giant ape, preventing him from killing the Tang youth. Even Abu Muslim began to feel a tiny hint of anger.

; But what concerned Abu Muslim even more was that the three other Behemoths together with the Tang soldiers had swiftly put the Arabs at an extreme disadvantage. The Arabs were now in complete disarray and suffering grievous casualties. Never in all of his career as governor had he suffered such a massive defeat.

  As he stared at the enormous ‘Consecrated’, Abu Muslim called out, his eyes flashing with cold light.


  Abu Muslim had barely spoken when a roiling cloud of black energy, tinged with gold and red, began to surge from behind the giant ape like a giant dragon. If one looked carefully, one would notice that at the center of this black energy was a bronze ring decorated with snake inscriptions.

  The ‘Ocean Ring’ was yet another of the Abbasid Caliphate’s extremely precious ancient artifacts. Ziyad had been gifted this ancient artifact by the Caliph after rendering great service in the army and being recommended by Abu Muslim. This was one of the two artifacts that served as the nails holding down the Arabian Empire’s eastern regions.

  It was through this Ocean Ring that Ziyad was able to reach the Great General level. It allowed him to contend against Cheng Qianli’s Supreme Desolation God and even overcome it.

  Unlike Abu Muslim, Ziyad always moved very furtively, like a snake slithering through the darkness. Ziyad would always attack with no warning, no ripple of energy or gust of wind. While Wang Chong’s attention had been taken by Abu Muslim, Ziyad had stealthily worked around to his back and struck.

  This attack had all his strength behind it, enough to kill Wang Chong in a single blow.

  Chapter 989 - The Death of Masil!

  Chapter 989: The Death of Masil!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  The moment Ziyad attacked, preparing to work with Abu Muslim to attack Wang Chong from both sides, a gout of scorching flame struck Ziyad’s Ocean Ring. Its terrifying strength exploded on the Stellar Energy Ziyad had attached to the Ocean Ring, knocking the Ocean Ring away.

  “The Burning One!”

  Ziyad paled at this abrupt assault. At this moment, the Burning One was the only thing capable of destroying this Great-General-level attack of Ziyad’s with a single gout of flame.

  “Damn it!”

  Ziyad’s heart sank. The Burning One was positioned even farther behind him. If Wang Chong could use the Burning One’s strength to shatter his attack, it meant that he had clearly predicted Ziyad’s movements.

  “Ziyad, did you really think you could hide from me?”

  Wang Chong spoke from the shoulder of the giant ape, a teasing expression on his face. Both Abu Muslim and Ziyad had deeply underestimated the power of a Psychic Energy expert. On this battlefield, Wang Chong could borrow the strength of any one of the Behemoths to observe every corner. No matter how Ziyad tried to conceal his movements, it was all pointless against Wang Chong.

  “Ziyad, be a good child and play with this one!”

  A howling wind drowned out Wang Chong’s words as an enormous white bear palm swatted at Ziyad. Ziyad turned his head and only had time to unleash a fierce black energy before he was flung aside. Behind him, the white bear Behemoth fixed its savage eyes on Ziyad and pursued.

  In the distance, the Burning One turned its head back around and continued to wreak havoc on the fleeing Arabs, having completed its mission of stopping Ziyad’s attack. The Burning One was not the strongest Behemoth, but the flames it breathed were the most effective tool on this battlefield.

  Through these four Behemoths, Wang Chong now completely dominated the battlefield. With a thought, he once more concentrated his Psychic Energy on Masil. Masil was currently less than ten zhang from the surface. More importantly, Wang Chong could sense that he had reached the final stretch of his assault on Masil’s defenses.

  In just a few moments, he would have Masil completely under his control!


  “Wang Chong, you will regret this!”

  Underground, Masil gave a howl of despair. As his Psychic Energy was thrown back again and again, it became weaker and weaker, no longer any match for Wang Chong’s. He was on the verge of being controlled by Wang Chong just like the Behemoths. What shocked Masil the most was that while Wang Chong was mentally assaulting him, he was also obtaining all of Masil’s experience in the mental domain. Wang Chong’s attacks were becoming more and more proficient, even using the techniques he had learned against Masil.

  Masil’s chances of escaping Wang Chong’s grasp were getting smaller and smaller.

  Wang Chong’s expression was cold and aloof. He ignored Masil’s words and redoubled the assault.

  “…Wang Chong, release me. I can be your slave and help you control the Behemoth Army!”

  As the odor of death grew stronger and stronger, Masil restarted his pleas for mercy.

  “Not necessary. I can control the Behemoth Army myself.”

  Wang Chong’s stance was as firm as steel. He would show no mercy to this commander of the Behemoth Army.

  Masil was at first dazed by Wang Chong’s response, but he swiftly retorted, “Hahaha, do you think you understand all the secrets of the Behemoth Army? You can’t control them! Only I, and I alone, can directly control them. I am their true master! Release me and let me live, and I will tell you everything!”

  “That’s not needed. Once I control you, I’ll know all your secrets.”

  Wang Chong loathed Masil to the extreme and would hear none of his arguments.

  “You won’t get that chance. You still don’t have a complete grasp of the mysteries of the Psychic Energy domain. If I self-destruct, you won’t get anything,” Masil anxiously said.


  Wang Chong’s brow slightly creased, and he immediately relaxed his attacks.

  “Right! Right! Release me! If you release me, I can tell you anything you want! You don’t need to go through all this trouble. I can tell you everything.”

  Masil immediately saw a sliver of hope and latched onto it like a drowning man grasping at any straw.

  Wang Chong fell silent. Although he did not completely trust Masil, he truly did have to consider the possibility that Masil’s mind might self-destruct.

  “Wang Chong, you are a great hero, the commander of the Tang. I am just a slave of the Arabian Empire, insignificant and without any status. Abu Muslim threatened to kill my entire family, forcing me to follow his orders. I’m just the knife being wielded in the hand of another. All of this has nothing to do with me. Why should you concern yourself over a lowly person like me? Releasing me will give you far more advantages than disadvantages. I can even sneak into the Arabian Empire for you and send you intelligence. Just think about it. The Arabs were the ones that started this war. Don’t you want to get revenge on them?”

  Masil continued to run his mouth, the pressure of death stimulating all his potential. He continued to speak, and as he noticed that Wang Chong was being slowly persuaded, he lowered his head and took on a meek expression, throwing aside all of his pride.

  No one noticed that as Masil lowered his head, his fingers trembled, and a sinister gleam flitted through his eyes.

  “…I’m just a lowly man. You saw my memories. I was born deformed, with everyone looking down on me and regarding me with disdain. I’ve always been someone else’s slave or subordinate, existing for the will of others. Do you really want to bother yourself with a pitiful man like me… HAHA, REAPER, KILL HIM!”

  In the final moment, Masil’s expression turned savage, and the white bear that had been fighting with Ziyad and was just going past Wang Chong suddenly swung one of its enormous palms at Wang Chong.


  Everyone was stunned by this sight, and cries of alarm rose from all around. Even Ziyad showed a slight hint of shock, clueless as to what was going on. On the other end, the white palm was getting closer and closer to Wang Chong. Even with Saint Martial Tier 8 strength, Wang Chong would be doomed if the white b
ear struck him.

  “Masil, you truly think too highly of yourself. You really thought your little tricks could fool me!”

  Wang Chong apathetically spoke from atop the giant ape, his expression cold and unmoved.


  In a flash, as countless Tang soldiers looked on in unease and panic, and all the Arab soldiers hoped to see this palm crush Wang Chong, there was an enormous boom as the giant ape’s other arm rose up and blocked the attack as if it had long ago been predicted.


  The giant ape turned its head and furiously roared at the white bear.


  Masil cried out in despair as he slumped down upon the centipede monster’s head. This time, his eyes were ashen, drained of all hope. In order to avoid Wang Chong’s perception and furtively take control of the white bear Behemoth’s palm, Masil had expended a great deal of energy, little expecting to fail once again.

  “Now! …Accept your fate!”

  A callous voice resounded in Masil’s mind. This time, there was no more pity, no more hesitation. Brrroom! An enormous flood of Psychic Energy crushed the last sliver of Masil’s consciousness. In scheming against Wang Chong, Masil had cut off his last chance to survive.


  Masil gave one last dying scream, so shrill that it penetrated through the ground and resounded over the entire battlefield. At this sound, both Abu Muslim and Ziyad grimaced.

  “I curse you! Wang Chong, and all the Tang in the east! None of you will have a good death! One day, someone will come to avenge me! This war is far from over!”

  Masil spat out this venomous curse, and then he was dead, his vitality severed and his aura utterly vanishing from the world.

  “Truly seeking death!”

  Wang Chong’s expression was cold, and there was no pity in his eyes.

  Masil’s petty schemes had only hastened his death.


  “This bastard actually killed him!”


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