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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 706

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Chapter 1111 - Strike! Demonic Emperor Old Man!

  Chapter 1111: Strike! Demonic Emperor Old Man!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Let’s go!”

  In the air, Ziyad threw out the Ocean Ring, which seethed with black energy as it exploded onto Cheng Qianli’s Supreme Desolation God. Bang! Ziyad snapped a few of the Stellar Energy chains Cheng Qianli had thrown out and quickly fled.

  Ziyad had participated in many battles, but this could be considered the strangest he had ever fought. It had begun very quickly and ended just as quickly.


  After Ziyad, Huoshu Huicang and Dusong Mangpoje jolted back their own opponents and began to charge into the distance.

  At this time, Abu Muslim also threw back Gao Xianzhi with a punch and began to fly off.


  But as he was retreating, he suddenly heard an enormous explosion, and even at a distance of tens of thousands of feet, he could still feel the waves of energy.

  “Not good!”

  Abu Muslim’s heart trembled as he suddenly turned around.

  “It’s Qutaybah!”

  The two energies fiercely clashing in the distance left even someone of Abu Muslim’s cultivation alarmed and wary. The only two people who could give Abu Muslim this feeling on this battlefield were the Governor of War and the mysterious old man.

  Abu Muslim turned his head and saw a sandstorm on the other end of the battlefield with a radius of several dozen feet, the sand rising thousands of feet into the air. This sandstorm was formed from countless bits of stone, dirt, and the remains of horses and soldiers. All of this rapidly revolved and shrieked in the air.

  Bang! A pile of corpses on the edge of this ‘sandstorm’ suddenly exploded and was swept up into the furious storm.

  Abu Muslim’s body froze in the air.

  Someone of Qutaybah’s personality would never retreat!

  In a flash, Abu Muslim recalled the order Qutaybah had given: ‘Anyone who retreats, dies!’

  In the first battle, Abu Muslim had blown the horns and compelled Qutaybah to retreat, but this could not be repeated. Qutaybah would be too proud to retreat in front of so many Tang.

  More importantly, although Abu Muslim was the highest commander in the east, his orders had no effect on the soldiers under Qutaybah’s command.

  He could see that all of Qutaybah’s top-class armies, the Revelation Army, the Death Army, and the Blood Beast Army, were not retreating, and this was causing the other soldiers to hesitate. This was absolutely fatal to the Arabs.

  “This is a problem! We can’t retreat! If we don’t convince Qutaybah, this retreat is certain to result in defeat!”

  At almost the same time, the distant Dalun Ruozan’s eyes flew open while his expression turned gloomy.

  If Qutaybah did not retreat while everyone else did, then the three empires would be ushering in an unprecedented defeat. And if the rest of them left without caring about Qutaybah, the result would be unpredictable. At that time, the Great Tang would emerge victorious in this battle while the Arabs would have nothing to be happy about.


  Just when Abu Muslim was preparing to issue an order to assist Qutaybah, there was another enormous boom. As hundreds of thousands of soldiers watched, the massive sandstorm that soared dozens of meters into the sky abruptly exploded. Two unimaginably enormous powers had fiercely collided within and had torn the sandstorm apart.

  Thud! Thud!

  A golden figure and a black figure appeared in the center of the sandstorm.

  The golden figure that was a god in everyone’s heart was forced back more than a hundred feet. Clack! The golden helmet that had accompanied Qutaybah for ten-some years flew off his head, cracking in the air. By the time it hit the ground, it had been completely crumpled. And without the helmet, Qutaybah’s hair now danced freely in the wind, ragged and disheveled.

  Everyone immediately fell into an uproar.

  The Arab cavalry stared in disbelief. In their hearts, Qutaybah had always been powerful and confident, wielding a strength that could crush all. No matter what, no one would ever be able to make him retreat, and this was also why many of them had not retreated. Everyone in Arabia, even Abu Muslim’s soldiers, admired Qutaybah, the true War God of Arabia. But no one had ever seen Qutaybah being pressed so hard in all his years of battle.

  “Impossible! This can’t be! No one in this world can defeat Milord!”

  No one was more stunned than the soldiers that Qutaybah had brought with him from the northern war zone. The sight of Qutaybah’s helmet being flung aside and his hair flying in the wind had set off an earthquake in their hearts.

  At this moment, Abu Muslim, Aybak, Ziyad, Huoshu Huicang, and the others were just as shocked as the soldiers.

  “How could this be?!” Abu Muslim muttered to himself.

  The more ‘intimate’ one was with Qutaybah, the more one would realize just how powerful Qutaybah was, and the more one would be shocked by this scene.

  Almost subconsciously, Abu Muslim turned his eyes to the person standing across from Qutaybah. The mysterious black-robed old man was floating in the air, his hair scattered and his face pale. It appeared that he had been just as injured as Qutaybah.

  “Who dares to retreat!”

  A voice as cold as could be resounded in his ears.

  Qutaybah stared at the Demonic Emperor Old Man, his eyes vicious and his hair disordered, the murderous intent in his heart only rising. Bzzzzz! The space for a thousand feet around him began to distort, causing the entire area to become blurry and indistinct.

  “Old thing, you’ve angered me!”

  Qutaybah fiercely glared at the Demonic Emperor Old Man.

  In his entire life, no one had ever been able to force him to this state. Even Abu Muslim had to restrain himself and lower his head in front of him. For the first time in his life, Qutaybah strongly believed that he needed to kill this man, this eastern elder whom he had never met before and whom he didn’t even understand.

  “Barbarian of the Western Regions, do you really believe that no one can control you!”

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man’s aloof face was rather pale, but it showed no signs of backing down. In the battle just now, the two had been equally matched, neither able to get the upper hand over the other.


  A concerned shout came from the distance.

  Atop the White-hoofed Shadow, Wang Chong looked worriedly at the Demonic Emperor Old Man. Qutaybah appeared to be rather worse for wear, but his master’s condition also appeared to be rather poor. In Wang Chong’s heart, the Demonic Emperor Old Man held a peerless status and he hoped that no harm would ever come to him.

  “Lord Gao, General Cheng, Father, Village Chief, General Li! Let’s work together and kill Qutaybah!”

  Wang Chong’s voice resounded over the battlefield.

  He then cast aside the three major cavalry forces and led the seven thousand Wushang Cavalry charging at Qutaybah.

  At almost the same time, Gao Xianzhi, Cheng Qianli, Wang Yan, the Wushang Village Chief, and even the black-armored guard responded, all these Imperial Great Generals charging at Qutaybah.

  As long as they could kill Qutaybah, this war would be a complete victory for the Tang.

  Wang Chong rode through the fierce winds, his eyes blazing more brightly than the sun. In this war, the most critical individual was Qutaybah. If they killed him, the Arab army would be incapable of reversing the tides.

  Rumble! The situation on the battlefield rapidly changed, and the air seemed more fraught with danger than it had in any moment previous.


  A black boot that was twice the size of a normal boot stomped on the ground. The banner holder’s number one priority was to protect the banner, but he could still participate in this battle while not going against his duty.

  One, two, three, four… seven Great
General auras shot through the air and locked onto Qutaybah.

  Even Qutaybah had to grimace at this. If these were ordinary Great Generals, he wouldn’t really care, as he could handle all of them alone. Individuals like Cheng Qianli were hardly worth any concern. But Qutaybah could sense three existences that could threaten him, including the Demonic Emperor Old Man.

  “Let’s go!” Abu Muslim roared, his face fraught with worry.

  Osman was currently too injured to participate in the battle. If they began to fight, Abu Muslim had no confidence in their victory while they were down a man.

  Even as those powerful and vast energies approached him at astonishing speed, Qutaybah remained motionless. This was the proud War God of Arabia. Having him retreat was far easier said than done.

  “Hurry and go!”

  Abu Muslim’s mind was on fire with concern. If they missed this chance, then they really wouldn’t be able to retreat.

  “Brother Wenfu, I’ve come to help you!”

  At this moment, the Wushang Village Chief spoke in his elderly voice. He had been the closest, so he was the first to arrive.

  Hwooom! The winds howled as all the Origin Energy within a hundred li began to gather around the Wushang Village Chief. At the center of all this Origin Energy, a blue hand as massive as a mountain shot into the air and flew toward Qutaybah.


  Qutaybah’s face immediately contorted in surprise.

  The technique the Wushang Village Chief had used was very similar to the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s. These two, just like him, also seemed to have touched upon that realm. In front of one Demonic Emperor Old Man, Qutaybah would never retreat, but things were different now that the Wushang Village Chief had appeared.


  A majestic beam of golden Sword Qi immediately slashed at the Wushang Village Chief’s giant blue hand. But at almost the same time, the surrounding Origin Energy gathered into another massive fist that flew toward Qutaybah.

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man had also chosen to strike.

  Chapter 1112 - The Army Victorious!

  Chapter 1112: The Army Victorious!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  The earth rumbled and mountains shattered. The golden beam of Sword Qi shattered the giant blue hand into pieces, but soon after, Qutaybah’s Sword Qi was shattered to pieces in turn by the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s fist.

  “Let’s go!”

  Even though Qutaybah’s pride made it difficult for him to draw back, when confronting the Demonic Emperor Old Man, the Wushang Village Chief, the black-armored guard, and all the other Great Tang Great Generals, Qutaybah was compelled to retreat.

  Hwooo! In a golden flash of light, another massive beam of Sword Qi penetrated through the heavens and toppled toward the Demonic Emperor Old Man, the Wushang Village Chief, and the vast sea of Tang soldiers.

  As for Qutaybah, he transformed into another golden beam that shot off toward the rear.


  With Qutaybah’s departure, the Arab soldiers together with the Western Turks and Tibetans finally began to recede back into the west!

  “After them!”

  With this order, the energized Tang army charged off after the Arab army.

  “All ballistae, advance at full speed!”

  In the rear of the army, Su Hanshan’s gaze was calm as he seized the opportunity and ordered his ballistae to advance without the slightest hesitation!


  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Ballista bolts howled through the air, instantly piercing through the fleeing Arab cavalry and cutting them down in swaths.

  In just a few moments, tens of thousands of Arabs, Tibetans, and Western Turks were killed in the middle of their retreat. The Tang were leaving the defense lines and pursuing the enemy, holding the advantage completely.



  “The Tang are coming!”

  The faces of the Arabs, Tibetans, and Western Turks were stricken with panic and fear as they fled into the distance. Plush!An Arab horseman that was too slow was caught by a pursuing Tang horseman and stabbed through the neck. The air flickered with more sharp light as the scene repeated itself across many other Arab horsemen.

  The retreat was so disorderly that the cavalry in the rear were being obstructed by the cavalry in front. Occasionally, horsemen even crashed into each other and caused both riders to drop to the ground, where the soldiers of the Divine Martial Army, Divine Prison Army, and Dragon Stallion Army would end their lives.

  “All Tibetan cavalry should travel on the left flank! Duwu Sili, send out all your gray wolves to stop the Tang soldiers!”

  Dalun Ruozan’s mind was in turmoil as he issued out a string of orders.

  Duwu Sili had not brought many soldiers with him to this battle, but he had brought an enormous number of wolves. Even though many of them had been shot to death by the Great Tang, there were still twenty to thirty thousand. These wolf packs might not have been able to pose much of a threat to the Tang soldiers, but they were perfect for slowing down the pursuit.


  As swords swung down, a massive wolf even larger than an adult man was cleaved in two by a top-class Tang soldier right through the forehead. Blood and organs dropped down from the corpse, but this did not stop the wolf packs from madly charging into the Tang army.

  The alliance between Duwu Sili and Dalun Ruozan had always been a conservative one, with every order having a greatly reduced effect. But this time, Duwu Sili showed no hesitation and truly did send all his wolves to stop the pursuit.

  This battle had ended up completely beyond what he had expected, leaving even Duwu Sili feeling rather timid and alarmed.

  If they didn’t stop the Tang soldiers, even his Western Turk soldiers might end up being completely wiped out.


  With a wave of Su Hanshan’s arm, sharp ballista bolts shot forth and quickly cut straight lines through ten-some wolves. Even though the ballista bolts were extremely precious and had always been used on enemy soldiers, at a crucial moment like this, Su Hanshan couldn’t worry about such things.

  Awooo! The wolves yowled as they were ceaselessly cut down and slaughtered. In a single spurt, the Tang army killed all the wolves and began to pursue their foes once more.

  But in the end, Duwu Sili’s wolf packs had managed to buy the soldiers a crucial moment to breathe.

  The tens of thousands of soldiers continued their pursuit without obstruction, and this time, they did not stop the pursuit halfway. All the Tang soldiers worked together to chase the Arabs, Tibetans, and Turks to the western edge of the battlefield and then continued onward in a dogged pursuit.

  They pursued for ten-some li, leaving a trail of corpses and blood to mark the path that the three-party army had retreated in.

  “All Wushang Cavalry, hear my order! Charge at full speed!”

  Wang Chong’s voice was as clear as ever in the surging dust. Behind him, the six-thousand-some Wushang Cavalry were still maintaining the Asura Hell Formation as they pursued their enemies, its dreadful strength like a nightmare that had the enemy soldiers all fleeing like stray dogs.

  The Wushang Cavalry were the fastest of the Tang soldiers, and with the four Halos of Dusk Stallion, even the Mamelukes would find it very hard to compare. This was also the force that posed the greatest threat to the Tibetan, Western Turkic, and Arab soldiers, with many of their men dying at the hands of the Wushang Cavalry in this pursuit.


  Just as Wang Chong was preparing to lead his army, a black figure ahead swayed, nearly dropping from their horse.

  Wang Chong didn’t care at first, but when he took a second glance, he immediately paled in alarm.


  Wang Chong’s body trembled as he immediately lunged toward that familiar figure, shooting off the back
of the White-hoofed Shadow toward the Demonic Emperor Old Man. At this moment, the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s face was as white as a sheet of paper. Although his expression was normal, Wang Chong could clearly see a trickle of blood on the corner of the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s lips. And though his right hand was trying its best to hide it, Wang Chong also spotted blood dripping from his fingers.

  “How could it be like this!”

  Wang Chong was alarmed and anxious. He immediately grabbed the Demonic Emperor Old Man and sent a furious surge of energy into the Demonic Emperor Old Man.

  “Chong-er, don’t be nervous.”

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man waved his hand, closed his eyes, and began to calm the Stellar Energy in his body.

  “It’s just a small wound. I can endure it. The most important thing is that we can’t have the Arabs and Qutaybah notice this.”

  As the Demonic Emperor Old Man spoke, the aura around his body became more disorderly.

  The coup in his sect and the betrayal of his two disciples had affected him far more than Wang Chong had imagined. Although the Myriad Spirit Sea Art had allowed him to make his every pore and acupuncture point a dantian, this did not mean that his actual dantian was no longer important or that it could not be shattered.

  In truth, that the Demonic Emperor Old Man was able to cultivate the Myriad Spirit Sea Art to this level while his dantian was shattered was probably something that not even the creator of this supreme technique had envisioned. But even so, the crippling of the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s dantian was still a latent and serious danger.

  “Master, don’t talk. I’ll help to treat your injuries!”

  As the commander of the army, Wang Chong had always been farsighted, calm, and rational, but at this moment, as he looked at the injured Demonic Emperor Old Man, tension and anxiety appeared on his face for the first time.

  “Wang Chong, let me do it,” the Wushang Village Chief urged as he rode out from the rear. “I have the greatest understanding of your master’s condition. Moreover, you don’t have enough energy!”

  In truth, he had noticed the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s condition earlier than anyone else. They had succeeded in intimidating away Qutaybah in that battle, but the Demonic Emperor Old Man had suffered wounds far more severe than they appeared on the surface.


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