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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 722

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  The Stone of Destiny seemed to unleash a deluge of messages on Wang Chong, and as it spoke, the Karmic Battle Armor that Wang Chong was wearing began to change. It exploded with golden light, and in the middle of this golden radiance, mysterious runes began to flow. At this moment, Wang Chong could clearly feel the vast energy of the principles of the world bursting out from the depths of spacetime and pouring into the Karmic Battle Armor.

  Wang Chong’s Karmic Battle Armor rapidly began to change, turning from black to a magnificent gold. And this was not merely a change in color. The essence of the Karmic Battle Armor underwent a massive transformation as well.

  Five golden claws extended from the shoulders to grasp them while mysterious inscriptions began to carve themselves onto the armor. These inscriptions were different from any known inscriptions. They were gorgeous, mysterious, abstruse, and infused with the principles of the world. As these inscriptions began to cover the armor, they made Wang Chong appeared dignified and majestic. On Wang Chong’s left breast, the metal seemed to come to life, bulging outward and transforming into the visage of an ancient beast, even older than human history. From a distance, it was both savage and majestic, instilling fear in all who looked upon it.

  Clangclangclang! As the head of this ancient beast appeared, barbs shot out from Wang Chong’s elbows, knees, and other joints, sharp needles that seemed capable of stabbing through the firmament. In a flash, Wang Chong’s silhouette had completely changed.

  This abrupt transformation left Qutaybah, Abu Muslim, Huoshu Huicang, and Aybak dumbfounded.

  “What’s going on here?”

  Abu Muslim’s brow creased. Despite his vast experience and knowledge, he had never encountered a situation like this. In the middle of this intense battle, Wang Chong’s armor had suddenly changed in both shape and aura. It appeared to be even stronger than before, a very concerning matter.

  More importantly, no one understood what Wang Chong had done. Even Qutaybah couldn’t help but frown.

  “Master! Village Chief, General Li, Lord Gao, go! I can protect myself!” Wang Chong urgently called out.

  The auras of the Demonic Emperor Old Man and the Wushang Village Chief were getting weaker and more disorderly by the second. If this continued, Wang Chong was worried that something that he would not be able to endure would take place.


  The Demonic Emperor Old Man, the Wushang Village Chief, the black-armored guard, and Gao Xianzhi all grimaced, hesitation in their eyes. All four of them had seen Wang Chong’s transformation, and even though they didn’t want to leave him behind, it truly did appear that Wang Chong was the only person capable of simultaneously holding off Qutaybah, Abu Muslim, Aybak, Huoshu Huicang, and Ziyad.

  “Hurry and go!” Wang Chong anxiously said.

  Wang Chong immediately punched, his fist infused with the Great Destruction Art. In front of this power, even Abu Muslim was forced to beat a temporary retreat.

  “Brother Wenfu, let’s go! Now is not the time for hesitation. Trust in that child! He can do it!” an elderly voice yelled out, brimming with panic and concern.

  At this moment, the Wushang Village Chief was probably the only person that could make the correct and rational decision. Both the Demonic Emperor Old Man and Gao Xianzhi had their judgments tinged with so much emotion that they had failed to notice that enormous shift in Wang Chong’s aura. At the very least, this golden suit of armor afforded Wang Chong a great deal of protection.

  “This… Go!”

  The first to make his decision was Gao Xianzhi, then the black-armored guard, and finally the Demonic Emperor Old Man.

  They were in no state to last much longer. If they stayed any longer, they would be staying forever.


  The four of them quickly fell back, drawing away from the battlefield. Meanwhile, Wang Chong could hear the Stone of Destiny ringing in his mind.

  “Congratulations to user for obtaining the Heavenly Mandate Battle Amor!

  “Heavenly Mandate Battle Armor, a top-class suit of armor. Once user equips it, user’s Stellar Energy will be strengthened. The explosive power, shattering power, and damaging power of user’s Stellar Energy will be increased by 60%. In addition, the rate at which Stellar Energy Piercer activates is increased. In addition, when user equips the armor, user will gain a recovery effect. The speed at which user’s physical energy and Stellar Energy recover will be increased by 60%.”

  Chapter 1140 - The Power of the Heavenly Mandate Battle Armor!

  Chapter 1140: The Power of the Heavenly Mandate Battle Armor!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Defense buff: When user equips the Heavenly Mandate Battle Armor, damage will be greatly reduced. All Stellar Energy attacks will have their damage weakened by 40%!

  “Strength buff: Since user has not passed the Heavenly Mandate Battle Armor’s training mission, this ability is locked!

  “Notice! Because user is using the Heavenly Mandate Battle Armor despite level restrictions, 80 points of Destiny Energy will be deducted for every five seconds the Heavenly Mandate Battle Armor is used until user has no more points of Destiny Energy available. When user does not have sufficient Destiny Energy, the Heavenly Mandate Battle Armor will unequip on its own and store itself in the armor dimension.

  “User has obtained the Armor Equip skill. In all battle and non-battle situations, user can summon the Heavenly Mandate Battle Armor and swiftly equip it at any time.”

  A string of messages surged through Wang Chong’s mind, but he had no time to pay attention to them. No matter how many points of Destiny Energy were required to use the Heavenly Mandate Battle Armor, Wang Chong did not care.

  “Qutaybah, eat my sword!”

  Wang Chong’s eyes were bloodshot as he lunged at Qutaybah, his Wootz Steel sword in hand. Even though there was still a gap between him and Qutaybah in terms of strength, Wang Chong had chosen to challenge Qutaybah first.


  In a flash of golden light, an unimaginably heavy Sword Qi slashed down and collided with Wang Chong’s Sword Qi. Boooom! Destructive bolts of energy shot off in every direction as the point of Wang Chong’s and Qutaybah’s impact rapidly became brighter than the sun.

  “You’re seeking your death!”

  Qutaybah stared disdainfully at Wang Chong, these four words serving as his reply to Wang Chong’s challenge. His cultivation level was constantly rising as he comprehended more and more of the Subtle realm. In just a little while longer, Qutaybah sensed that he would be able to break through the barrier and step into the realm that he had dreamed about. When that time came, not even the Demonic Emperor Old Man in his peak form would be a match, not even if everyone else present tried to help him.

  But no one except Qutaybah knew this. Even Wang Chong could only sense that Qutaybah was outrageously strong.

  “Abu Muslim, ignore that brat! Let Qutaybah deal with him. Stop those Tang commanders. No matter what, they can’t be allowed to flee to the Western Regions!”

  A ruthless voice resounded in the air. Aybak viciously stared at Gao Xianzhi, the Demonic Emperor Old Man, the Wushang Village Chief, and the others, his eyes seething with killing intent.

  It had been extremely difficult to reach this stage of the battle, with countless Arabs dying for the sake of this moment. Even a powerful Great General like Dusong Mangpoje had died while Osman had been forced to use his Blood Escape. If the Demonic Emperor Old Man, the Wushang Village Chief, and Gao Xianzhi were still allowed to retreat with their bodies intact, all their efforts would be for nothing.

  It was impossible for Wang Chong to singlehandedly hold all of them back. Even if Wang Chong wanted to sacrifice himself, Aybak would not be such a fool as to give him what he desired.


  Aybak immediately began to pursue. But even though Aybak responded to the situation quickly, Wang Chong was even faster. Booom! A s
econd later, there was an explosion so loud that it seemed to be from the creation of the universe, and an enormous ‘sun’ appeared. At the same moment, an enormous attractive force began to draw in Aybak, Huoshu Huicang, Ziyad, and even Abu Muslim.

  In his battle with Gao Xianzhi, Abu Muslim had consumed too much strength. If he had been at his peak, perhaps he would have been able to resist this attractive force, but now, even he was incapable of resisting Wang Chong’s Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art.

  Rumble! The four Great Generals as well as Brigadier Generals and other soldiers were drawn in by Wang Chong’s Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art.

  “Bastard! If you want to die, I’ll fulfill your wish!”

  Aybak ground his teeth and quickly turned around. In the current circumstances, if he didn’t kill Wang Chong first, he wouldn’t be able to kill any one of Gao Xianzhi, the Demonic Emperor Old Man, or the Wushang Village Chief.

  “Death Gaze!”

  The giant image of a pharaoh appeared behind Aybak, but this pharaoh’s head was different from before. His eyes were pitch-black and his narrow head deformed, exuding the thick aura of death. And behind Aybak, behind the pharaoh, a dark shadow had manifested. In this shadow was a pitch-black river, and on this river, countless corpses, rigid and wrapped in white cloth with their arms crossed over their chests, were bobbing on the surface as they were slowly carried along by the current.

  Above the river and the corpses was an enormous black scale that seemed to be weighing something. Below the scale was a pair of terrifying and dreadful eyes. The Death Gaze was a curse originating from a distant god of the underworld, and it was Aybak’s strongest and most lethal move.

  Using this technique consumed a great deal of mental and physical energy, and for a month afterward, it would be impossible to participate in any top-class battles. Thus, Aybak rarely used this technique, but he knew that now was not the time to worry about such things.

  “Vairocana Illuminates All Things!”

  At almost the same time, Huoshu Huicang thrummed with Buddhist energy as he once more rose from the ground into the form of the Vairocana Buddha. With a swing of his scimitar, he sent a heaven-sundering slash at Wang Chong. Over the course of this battle, Huoshu Huicang had built up a furious bonfire of rage in his body.

  Four Great Generals and the Arab War God Qutaybah were unexpectedly unable to deal with the seventeen-year-old Wang Chong. This was the greatest farce in the world! Just when had this youth that had only been able to contend with them in the southwest through intelligence become so powerful that so many people were required to deal with him?

  “First kill him, and then deal with the others!”

  Huoshu Huicang’s eyes were brimming with killing intent, his rage and desire to kill causing the Vairocana Buddha’s face to deform.

  Boom! The saber energy tore through the air as it descended on Wang Chong’s head.

  “Ocean Ring!”

  A blue blur of light shot through the air. With his sharp eyesight, Ziyad had chosen to cast out his Ocean Ring at this moment. Bzzzz! Winds howled, thunder rumbled, and dark clouds began to gather. It was the same Ocean Ring, but it seemed several times more powerful than before.

  At this crucial moment in this battle, Ziyad had chosen without hesitation to unleash all the strength in his body to lash out with his strongest attack.

  Aybak and the others had cut off Wang Chong’s path of retreat while unleashing their most powerful attacks. Meanwhile, Wang Chong also had to contend with Abu Muslim and Qutaybah.

  “Asmodai’s Fury!”

  Abu Muslim’s face twisted in fury as the three-headed demon god swayed in the air. This time, it did not remain behind Abu Muslim, but strode past him, its mountainous fist flying at Wang Chong. Qutaybah chose the same moment to strike.


  As his understanding of the Subtle realm continued to deepen, Qutaybah suddenly slashed out with his sword, unleashing a dazzling beam of golden Sword Qi that seemed to span the gap between heaven and earth. Fwoosh! As this beam of Sword Qi slashed down, golden flames burst into life, so hot and scorching that even space began to deform under the heat.

  Five Great Generals in five different directions were unleashing five powerful attacks against Wang Chong in the center. It was like some mighty formation that had sealed him there. Such destructive force was enough to make any Great General quiver in fear and experience the ultimate dread.

  This was because no single Great General could deal with all this. Yet in the face of this lethal situation, Wang Chong’s eyes were cold, his entire body bursting with fighting intent and showing no desire to retreat.

  He had to take on this battle, and he would never retreat from it!

  “Great Destruction Art!”

  His bellow was infused with boundless fighting intent. A moment later, an enormous golden god appeared behind Wang Chong, which employed the Great Destruction Art, the strongest of the three moves of the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art. Booom! A fissure tore through the world, unleashing a cataclysmic torrent of destructive energy that swept through the world.


  Everyone looked on as Wang Chong poured all his strength into his strongest move, using it to oppose the strongest attacks of Qutaybah, Abu Muslim, Aybak, Huoshu Huicang, and Ziyad. At the moment of impact, the entire world seemed to go dark.

  But a second later, there was an enormous bang like the one that had heralded the birth of the universe. The darkness shattered, drowned out by a blinding radiance ten thousand times brighter than the sun. Everything fell silent, leaving only that dreadful banging and booming.

  Hwooo! After the explosion, destructive gales of wind swept out, stirring up vast clouds of dust.

  The scene at that moment left an indelible impression on everyone’s mind, instilling them with deep awe and respect!


  Sensing these astonishing ripples of power, the Demonic Emperor Old Man and the retreating Tang army turned to look at the center of the explosion, their faces pale and bloodless.

  Chapter 1141 - Striking Back in Desperate Straits!

  Chapter 1141: Striking Back in Desperate Straits!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Qutaybah and four other Great Generals had unleashed their most powerful attacks. Not even the Demonic Emperor Old Man before he had been trapped by Dusong Mangpoje would have been able to take on all these attacks.

  “Wang Chong!”

  Gao Xianzhi’s lips trembled as he looked toward the explosion. For a moment his mind was blank, overcome by an indescribable sorrow.

  “Lord Marquis!”

  Nearby, Li Siye, Xue Qianjun, Kong Zi-an, Su Hanshan, and all of Wang Chong’s other subordinates turned deathly pale. A furious windstorm was rising from the point of the explosion while the ground in the area was collapsing. The destructive energy of the five attacks was still far from scattering, continuing to pulverize the surroundings and sunder the earth.

  But before they could be grief-stricken for too long, a golden figure exploded out of the storm and dust. It soared into the air like a hawk, and then flipped around in the air before beginning to rapidly rush toward the first defense line.

  “Everyone, go!”

  Wang Chong’s roar resounded like thunder over the battlefield.


  “Lord Marquis!”

  The depressed and silent Tang army instantly exploded with cheers.


  Everyone was excited and elated, and even the Demonic Emperor Old Man, Wushang Village Chief, and Gao Xianzhi broke into smiles after shaking off their initial shock.

  “Ballista army, retreat first!

  “Zhang Shouzhi, take command of the beehives! Use them to push back the enemy!

  “All cavalry, get on your warhorses and prepare to withdraw!”

  Gao Xianzhi began to issue a string of orders.

  A good kid! I kn
ew that you wouldn’t die so easily!

  The clouds of worry on Gao Xianzhi’s brow were swept away. Wang Chong’s aura was ragged and disordered, a part of his clothes had been blasted off, while his arms, shoulders, face, and neck all showed scorch marks from the explosion. But it was far more important that Wang Chong had been able to survive. Gao Xianzhi couldn’t imagine surviving such an explosion himself, not even at his prime.

  Rumble! Following Wang Chong’s and Gao Xianzhi’s orders, the entire Tang army, including Wang Chong, began to draw back.

  “Damn it! Can you really escape!”

  Qutaybah’s eyes blazed with fury as he saw this sight. This was not the first time Wang Chong had blocked his attack, and it seemed like no matter how much strength he used, Wang Chong would never die.

  What had been complete disregard became light disregard, and then a serious attitude, and finally, Qutaybah had made Wang Chong one of his top priorities. His attack had consumed a vast amount of energy, but in the end, Wang Chong had still managed to escape with his army. This battle had been both a victory and defeat.

  At least to the proud Qutaybah, it was a complete humiliation.


  The air boomed as a massive golden wave erupted from under Qutaybah’s feet. In the blink of an eye, he was gone, leaving a long white trail in his wake as he shot toward Wang Chong and the first defense line.

  No matter how this battle turned out, Wang Chong had to die.

  “After them!”

  At almost the same time, Abu Muslim swung his hand down and began to follow Qutaybah. Behind him, Huoshu Huicang, Ziyad, and Aybak followed, their eyes vicious.

  “This bastard! Even that didn’t kill him! What a tenacious soul! But I’d like to see how much longer you can last!” Aybak harshly cried out.

  This battle was settled. After all the painstaking effort, Arabia had finally carried the day. The Arabs had never spared any of their enemies, and they were in no habit of letting their foes run off.

  “All soldiers, hear my order! Pursue with full speed!”

  “Enforcers, go! Execute all those who retreat!”


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