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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 727

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)


  The Demonic Emperor Old Man had barely finished speaking when an enormous boom came from the distance. Qutaybah’s entire body trembled as mighty streams of Stellar Energy howled out of his body.

  “All of you withdraw!”

  Qutaybah’s expression was aloof, his eyes cold.

  “Let’s go!”

  Abu Muslim, Ziyad, and Huoshu Huicang almost simultaneously drew back their hands, dropped back to the ground, mounted their horses, and rode back to the rear. The three of them had almost completely drained themselves of energy in assisting Qutaybah. Their faces were all ghastly pale, and even mounting their horses took some strength.

  “We’ve done all we can. We can only depend on Qutaybah now. Everyone, keep back to avoid getting caught in the crossfire!” Abu Muslim said. His body leaned forward on his horse, but his head was still looking back at Qutaybah.

  Chapter 1149 - The Death of Qutaybah (VII)

  Chapter 1149: The Death of Qutaybah (VII)

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Abu Muslim had no idea what had happened to Qutaybah, but he could sense that the character of Qutaybah’s energy had undergone a massive transformation. It was like there was a blazing sun in Qutaybah’s body that was only getting brighter and hotter.

  This was not the energy they had given to Qutaybah, but some higher level of energy, more terrifying and destructive.

  It all depends on you. No matter what, you have to win.

  With this thought, Abu Muslim turned around and urged his horse into an even faster gallop. This place was now a trouble zone. Qutaybah was bound to begin a major battle, and none of them were capable of surviving that kind of enormous explosion.

  “Village Chief, Lord Gao, all of you should retreat to the rear as well!” Wang Chong called out at almost the same time.

  The Village Chief was in serious condition, and Gao Xianzhi had also greatly exhausted his Stellar Energy in the previous battle. Most importantly, Wang Chong hoped that if there were any mishaps, at least one of the Walls of the Great Tang, Gao Xianzhi, would survive.

  “Everyone, withdraw!” Wang Chong ordered as he stared at Qutaybah, who had finished absorbing energy and was slowly stepping forward.

  This would be the last and decisive battle, where the Great Tang and Arabia would determine the victor. The strength of ordinary soldiers, even elites like those of the Divine Martial Army and Divine Prison Army, would be useless in a battle of this level. Rumble! Following Wang Chong’s order, the Tang soldiers that had been around the steel defense line, relying on the beehives to maintain an uneasy standoff with the Arab soldiers, began to retreat like the receding tide. All of them had looks of extreme concern, but there was also a sense of deep conviction.

  The Great Tang was definitely in a bad situation. The existence of the Arab War God Qutaybah was like something out of their worst nightmares, hanging over all of them like a shadow. When a person reached a certain level of strength, they could make anyone feel a deep despair, and Qutaybah was undoubtedly this kind of person. No one knew how this battle would end, but all of them had great faith in Wang Chong and the Demonic Emperor Old Man.

  If there was a way that the Great Tang could win, could defeat Qutaybah, it would be through these two.


  A golden warboot, gorgeous to the extreme and imbued with boundless might and majesty, stomped down.

  Qutaybah strode through the air, his every step confident and weighty. Qutaybah walked on the air that was forbidden to most martial artists like it was flat ground, and as he strode forward, a vast hurricane of energy exploded from his body.

  Wang Chong looked over through the world of energy, and he saw that the once-frenzied energy in Qutaybah’s body had been significantly stabilized. That stream of energy that connected Qutaybah with that higher dimension was now much thicker. This energy was allowing Qutaybah to recover at astonishing speed.

  “I don’t care who you are, nor how you struggle. You will all die today!”

  Qutaybah’s icy voice boomed through the air like a peal of thunder.

  Kaclack! Qutaybah clenched his fist, causing the joints of his fingers to crack. Boom! An enormous wave of killing intent surged through the air, distorting space as it engulfed Wang Chong and the Demonic Emperor Old Man.

  The temperature instantly plunged while the battlefield of Talas was saturated with tension.

  Wang Chong and the Demonic Emperor Old Man tensed up, and they prepared to counterattack at any moment.

  “Chong-er, remember what your master just told you. There will only be one chance. There is no space for mistakes!” the Demonic Emperor Old Man whispered, his expression solemn.


  Wang Chong nodded. No one noticed him making a light gesture with his fingers.

  “Qutaybah, come!”

  Wang Chong quickly raised his head to stare at the distant Qutaybah, his eyes shining with resolve.

  “Let’s see just who will be the true overlord of the continent, the Great Tang or Arabia!”

  Bang! Wang Chong and the Demonic Emperor Old Man lunged forward, both of the same mind as they charged at Qutaybah.

  Bangbang! At almost the same moment, two powerful waves of energy exploded outward to contend against Qutaybah’s killing intent.

  Three different energies mixed together, distorting the air in their struggles.

  As the three energies battled, the surrounding region suddenly fell silent. Everyone stared silently at Wang Chong, the Demonic Emperor Old Man, and Qutaybah. Even the slowest of them understood that this was the most critical moment of the entire battle. Qutaybah, Wang Chong, and the Demonic Emperor Old Man would soon decide the outcome of this battle.

  Ordinary soldiers were pointless in a battle of this level. Once the battle between Qutaybah and Wang Chong and the Demonic Emperor Old Man was decided, the entire war would be settled. This long war would finally have its victor and loser.


  Fierce winds gusted, sweeping rocks and dust across the somber battlefield.

  For what seemed like an eternity, Qutaybah, Wang Chong, and the Demonic Emperor Old Man were in a distant standoff, but a moment later…


  With a heaven-shaking boom, a vast and boundless energy erupted from Qutaybah’s body. Crack! The space around Qutaybah for thousands of feet shattered like glass, hundreds of thousands of cracks suddenly appearing in the air.

  An Arab horseman several thousand feet away happened to be standing in the way of one of these spatial cracks. Bang! Without even a groan, the rider together with his horse and armor exploded into dust.

  “Retreat! Hurry and retreat!”

  The Arabs and Tibetans paled at this sight and immediately began to withdraw.

  They had all believed that since Qutaybah was aiming at Wang Chong and the Demonic Emperor Old Man, standing several thousand feet away would be enough to keep them from being caught up in the battle. Who could have expected that even though the battle hadn’t even begun, and Qutaybah was just making his opening move, the ripples of power he unleashed could already affect his own soldiers in the rear? Bzzzz! The tens of thousands of soldiers immediately retreated in disarray.

  Across from Qutaybah, the high steel walls were all of a sudden covered in countless tiny cracks. Bang! Just like that abruptly-vanishing Arab horseman, the steel walls that weighed more than ten thousand jin began to explode into powder.

  “All soldiers, retreat!”

  Gao Xianzhi, Cheng Qianli, Xi Yuanqing, and the others all paled when they saw those high steel walls being vaporized by those tree-trunk-like cracks in space. They immediately began to order their soldiers to retreat. As they were withdrawing, they all heard Qutaybah’s frigid voice.

  “Meet your destiny!”

  Kabooom! A peal of thunder drowned out all other sound in the world, and a moment later, everyone could see the space within one thousand f
eet of Qutaybah shattering into darkness. Even Wang Chong and the Demonic Emperor Old Man were engulfed by this darkness.

  In the center of this darkness, a golden light thousands of times brighter than the sun suddenly shot into the sky. Qutaybah, who had been floating in the air like a god this entire time, suddenly vanished, replaced by a blazing sun several hundred feet in radius that presided over the darkness.

  “Look over there!”

  An Arab horseman suddenly raised his head and noticed the highest point of Qutaybah’s dazzling beam of Sword Qi, and a look of shock appeared in his eyes.

  These words immediately had countless others casting their gazes upward. A moment later, the battlefield was awash with cries of alarm, everyone’s face frozen in shock.

  Far above Qutaybah’s blazing sun, the sky had begun to ripple, revealing countless strange images. Qutaybah’s attack had not only cleaved open the sky, it had pierced through countless dimensions to connect to some mysterious and unknown world.

  And in the depths of that world, a blazing sun of the same kind of energy as Qutaybah’s hung up high in the sky. This was exactly the sight Wang Chong had seen in the world of energy.

  Qutaybah’s sword had cut through dimensions to link with the dimension of the Subtle realm.

  The dreadful energy leaking out of that world made everyone pale. The pressure exerted on their bodies made them feel like the end of days was coming.

  That attack that spanned the gap between heaven and earth slashed down with frightening speed. This speed surpassed thought, and even the fastest martial artist would not be able to dodge it, much less block it. And when this sword slashed down, the entire world seemed to burn.

  No! It did not just seem to burn! It actually began to burn!

  As Qutaybah’s sword slashed down, countless golden flames began to appear, the air itself beginning to burn. And this was only the beginning. Crack! The earth swayed, and a massive chasm appeared underneath Qutaybah, extending westward to the Arab army and eastward toward the Tang army.

  This chasm was two to three thousand feet wide and unfathomably deep. “Aaaah!” Arab, Tibetan, and Tang cavalry screamed as the chasm devoured them.

  Chapter 1150 - The Death of Qutaybah (VIII)

  Chapter 1150: The Death of Qutaybah (VIII)

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Everyone instantly paled. Qutaybah’s attack was far more powerful than they had imagined, and all of them felt a fear that came from the depths of their souls.

  “Wang Chong, watch out!”

  Gao Xianzhi was stricken with panic. He had never expected that even while so heavily injured, Qutaybah was still capable of unleashing such a terrifying blow. Gao Xianzhi would have never been able to take this blow, not even at his peak.

  The Wushang Village Chief, Cheng Qianli, Xi Yuanqing, and the Gangke King all paled at the sight of this attack, their hearts sinking.

  “We’ve won! No one can take this attack! We’ve finally won this battle!”

  At almost the same moment, Abu Muslim, who had been watching this entire time, clenched his fists, his eyes gleaming in excitement.

  There had been far too many surprises in this battle, and such massive swings that Abu Muslim had believed Arabia had lost this battle. But in the end, Qutaybah had not let them down. This one strike alone was enough to carry the day for Arabia and utterly defeat these eastern infidels.

  “Qutaybah, I just knew that you could do it! You truly didn’t let me down!”

  Far in the rear of the army, Dalun Ruozan was mounted on a highland steed, his hair, beard, and robe being blown about by the fierce winds stirred by the battle.

  After the army’s defeat yesterday, Dalun Ruozan hadn’t so ardently attempted to stop the Arabs from leaving because he was so confident in his own intelligence. Schemes were meaningless before absolute strength, and even the wisest strategist needed someone strong to work with them. The true strategist borrowed anything they could, including strength. And Qutaybah was precisely the strength that Dalun Ruozan had chosen to borrow for his plan.

  If they could defeat the Great Tang in this battle, Dalun Ruozan was practically certain that the Great Tang would need at least ten years to recover from the setback. More importantly, many of the Great Tang’s elite soldiers had gathered here. If the Great Tang were still defeated in these circumstances, it would deal an unprecedented psychological blow to the Central Plains, crushing the people’s morale and confidence.

  Ü-Tsang would also gain from this battle and would be able to completely turn over the current military situation it had with the Great Tang.

  Dalun Ruozan looked up to the sky and thought to himself, Wang Chong, although I feel great regret in losing a rival like you, perhaps a funeral like this is the best ending for you.


  Just when all the Tang’s hearts were sinking and all the Tibetans and Arabs were rallying, everyone heard an enormous boom. Before anyone had realized what was going on, the world for dozens of li around Talas suddenly went dark.

  This phenomenon caught everyone off guard. The faces of Abu Muslim, Dalun Ruozan, and Huoshu Huicang all froze, and even Qutaybah in the sky seemed to be startled.

  “Heaven and Earth created as one, the myriad things annihilated together!”

  A voice resounded over the world, and then, boom! Boom! Two explosions rocked the void, and then a gigantic blazing sun erupted out of the center of the darkness. Immediately afterward, there was a flash of light, and a giant red moon appeared nearby.

  For the first time on the battlefield of Talas, the moon and sun brightly shone together. The sun and moon that ordinary people could only look up to had both descended to the world of mortals. However, this sun and moon were not imbued with a vitality that shone over all things in the world, but Yang and Yin, hard and soft. These two were of opposite natures, but they both contained destructive power.

  The crux of the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art was ‘Yin’ and ‘Yang’. Everything in the world was governed by these two principles.

  And the essence of the Heaven Earth Annihilation was to push the principles of Yin and Yang to their limit, using this strength to create the most formidable destructive energy. This was the key to Wang Chong and the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s counterattack against Qutaybah.

  “Qutaybah, die!”

  Wang Chong’s voice resounded through the void. For the first time, he used the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art to convert all his Stellar Energy into extreme Yang energy. As for the Demonic Emperor Old Man, he used the Myriad Spirit Sea Art to convert his own energy to mimic extreme Yin Energy. These two peak Great Generals respectively transformed their energies into opposite extremes and then rammed them together.


  As countless people watched, the sun and moon fiercely collided against each other. The world suddenly fell silent, time seeming to stop for a second. And then the world collapsed; time and space shattered.

  When Wang Chong and the Demonic Emperor Old Man as the sun and moon smashed into each other, they seemed to cleave open a crack in the world, allowing a horrifying energy to pour out and surge toward Qutaybah.

  Such was the vastness of this energy that Qutaybah’s attack instantly seemed insignificant.


  There was a terrific crash as that howling torrent of energy that was suffused with the very origin of the world shattered Qutaybah’s attack with a single strike. That golden light filling the world vanished, destroyed along with the blazing sun around Qutaybah’s body.

  “Aaaaah!” There was a miserable scream, and then the golden light, the sun, the moon, and all that terrifying destructive energy disappeared. A golden figure, its surface flowing with golden light, flew through the air like a ragdoll in a massive arc until it finally crashed to the ground.

  Boom! As Qutaybah’s feet hit the ground, a terrifying power traveled through his feet into the earth, instantly sundering it
apart and sending rocks and gravel into the air. Boom! Boom! Boom! Once, twice, thrice… after these three consecutive explosions, the area where Qutaybah was standing was instantly transformed into a massive crater with a radius of hundreds of feet, a blasted and debris-ridden landscape.


  Although Qutaybah had managed to forcefully direct that destructive energy into the earth, he was still forced to vomit blood, his face instantly turning as white as a sheet of paper. Qutaybah’s vigor also began to rapidly wane, dropping to an astonishing level.

  “No! This is impossible! I cannot lose to anyone!”

  Qutaybah with his disheveled hair seemed like a madman. His body was riddled with serious wounds, but the greatest wound to Qutaybah was still the psychological one.

  That attack had been Qutaybah’s strongest attack, and he had believed victory to be in his grasp. Never had he imagined that Wang Chong and the Demonic Emperor Old Man would unleash an even more powerful attack and tear his Sword Qi to pieces. Not only that, the energy had surged into his body, even damaging his golden armor.

  “Chong-er, now is the time! He can’t be allowed to run!”

  The boundless darkness scattered, and the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s body suddenly appeared in the air. He had been paying attention to Qutaybah’s condition this entire time. This barbarian commander was inconceivably powerful, but he had finally reached the end of his life. The destructive energy of the Heaven Earth Annihilation was at this very moment devouring his life force.

  It was time to bring things to an end!


  Two waves of energy exploded outward as Wang Chong and the Demonic Emperor Old Man both lunged at Qutaybah.

  “Protect Qutaybah!”

  in the distance, Abu Muslim was dumbfounded. Even now, he found it impossible to believe that Qutaybah had lost, but he quickly came back to his senses. Cries filled the sky as tens of thousands of Arab and Tibetan soldiers galloped toward the Tang army.

  Qutaybah was the heart and soul of the Arab army, a symbol of Arabia’s invincibility. Not even Abu Muslim could take this position. No matter what, he could not be allowed to die here.


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