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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 741

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Boom! In a bright flash and a gust of wind, the arrow streaked across the Tigris River and thudded into the walls, only a few feet from the top.


  The wall slightly caved in where the arrow landed, and the arrow shaft vibrated from the force of the impact. A letter had been clearly tied to the end of the arrow.


  Wang Chong faintly smiled as he stretched out his hand. The golden arrow thrust into the wall immediately flew up and into Wang Chong’s hand.

  With a light flick of his finger, Wang Chong shattered the golden arrow and then proceeded to open the golden letter.

  The contents of the letter were extremely simple, but each word exuded an aggressive and domineering aura.

  “General, the Arabs demand that we immediately disarm, give up the city, and surrender. Otherwise, once the city falls, we’ll all be killed together with the Khorasani in the city. The Arabs want to massacre all the residents of the city!” Bahram said from behind Wang Chong. Although Wang Chong knew a little Arabic, he had to rely on Bahram to fluently translate this Arabic letter.

  After reading the contents of the letter, Bahram turned to Wang Chong to await his decision.

  Wang Chong placed his hands behind his back and asked, “Bahram, how much time did the Arabs give us?”

  “One hour! If they haven’t received a reply in one hour, they will commence the assault on the city. In addition, for this assault, they have dispatched the Three Titans of Black Radiance,” Bahram said, his voice tinged with deep concern.

  Rumble! As if in response to Bahram’s words, the distant Arab army suddenly parted, allowing three muscular warhorses clad in heavy armor to trot out of the sea of soldiers.

  The three riders said not a word, but their bodies exuded an immense and suffocating pressure. In a flash, the walls of Khorasan became much quieter. The trio did nothing, but even the most ordinary of warriors could sense their vast and dreadful auras.

  The Three Titans of Black Radiance!

  Bahram had recognized them with a glance. The trio possessed a thunderous reputation, and in terms of reputation and strength, the Three Titans of Arabia even surpassed Bahram, having forged their reputations long before he had.


  Although Bahram had a dour expression, Wang Chong was carefree and relaxed.

  “Didn’t the Arabs give us an hour to consider surrender? Tell them that we will seriously consider our options.”


  Everyone on the walls was left dumbstruck by this reply, even Bahram.

  “Lord Marquis!”

  At a moment like this, even Chen Bin didn’t know what to say.

  “…In addition, tell them that one hour isn’t enough. I need to discuss this matter with all the rebel leaders, so I need at least six hours!” Wang Chong added.


  First, there was silence, and then everyone began to understand, faint smiles appearing on their faces.

  “Understood. Leave this matter to me!”

  Bahram was the first to respond, a grin on his face. As more and more began to understand, they began to chip in with their own comments.

  “How could six hours be enough? Lord Marquis, we need at least eight!”

  “That’s still not enough! We need at least twelve hours!”

  “How could that do? Think about how many rebel armies there are!”

  The wall was all smiles as everyone joked around. At this moment, everyone understood what Wang Chong was up to. A few moments later, a letter personally written by Bahram was tied to an arrow and handed over to a Khorasani master archer.

  “We’ve finished thinking it over! Receive our reply!” Bahram called out from the walls, after which he glanced at the master archer next to him.

  Boom! An arrow streaked through the air, unleashing an explosion of dust and debris as it landed in front of the Arab army.

  Neeigh! An Arab horseman quickly rode up and snatched the arrow from the ground, after which he rode back to the Three Titans of Black Radiance and Hular in the rear.

  Fadi, the Head of Black Radiance, opened the letter with a flick of his finger. After just a glance, he creased his brow.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Hular scooted over and glanced at the letter, and just like the Three Titans, he creased his brow.

  The demand for surrender had just been a courtesy. None of them had expected the Tang to actually agree, though they had asked for eight hours to further discuss the matter.

  “What does it mean?”

  Fadi threw the letter to Hular. The Three Titans of Black Radiance were mighty Arab governors who had made their names long ago, and they had extremely high status in the military. If this were any other war, the trio would have never creased their brow. However, the contents of this letter had left all Three Titans stunned and confused as to how to respond.

  “Hular, what do you think?” the Blade of Black Radiance, Imron, suddenly asked.

  Hular frowned and pensively said, “This… I also do not know, but this general believes that the Tang are scheming something!”

  “So you mean that we should commence the assault on Khorasan right now?” Imron asked. His face was completely obscured by a black helmet that made it impossible for anyone to see his expression.


  Hular’s mouth opened as he hesitated. His instinct told him to say ‘yes’, but he retracted this response the moment it touched his lips. For a moment, all was silent, neither the Three Titans nor Hular saying a word, all of them put into difficult straits by Wang Chong’s letter.

  “Lord Marquis, look over there. The four of them seem to be in some difficulty. They definitely never imagined that we would reply to them saying that we would seriously consider surrender.”

  On the distant walls of Khorasan, Xue Qianjun, Xu Keyi, Chen Bin, and Su Hanshan were keeping a close watch on the movement from the Arabs. The horses of the Three Titans of Black Radiance and Hular were paused there as if petrified, appearing almost comical as they were frozen in indecision.

  “As expected, Lord Marquis’s reply has put these fellows in an awkward position.”

  Chen Bin chuckled.

  “Wang Chong, how do you think they will reply?”

  Gao Xianzhi was also observing the situation, and he couldn’t restrain his question.

  “It doesn’t matter to me if they agree or not. Let’s just see what they choose.”

  Wang Chong held his hands behind his back and smiled.

  Wang Chong and the others didn’t have to wait long. A few moments later, thwish! A golden arrow nailed itself to the walls, its trembling shaft carrying the Arabs’ reply.

  The Arabs had agreed to the request of the Great Tang, but they had only given six hours. If the gates were not opened in six hours, the Arabs would immediately attack.

  Everyone seemed stoic upon receiving the Arabs’ reply, but their bellies were already aching from having to hold down their laughter.

  “Write another letter. Tell the Arabs that some of the rebels are putting up extreme resistance and have already begun to talk of revolt. Six hours isn’t enough. We need even longer,” Wang Chong once more commanded.

  Bang! Another arrow was sent out from the Great Tang side, carrying the reply into the Arab camp.

  The Three Titans and Hular were even more perturbed by this reply. On this campaign, they had accepted the prospect of a tense and fierce battle, but this development had taken them completely by surprise.

  In normal circumstances, or in the past, the Arabs would have never even considered these demands. They would have charged up, breached the walls, and killed all the Tang.

  But everyone knew just how high and sturdy the walls of Khorasan were, and there were also two hundred thousand rebels inside, a significant number. Even in normal circumstances, the Arabs would have to pay a hefty price for victory.

  Even if there was a one-in-one-thousand chance that the G
reat Tang side would actually open the gates and surrender, the Arabs would be tempted. Even more vexing for the four commanders was that even though they knew that there was a high chance the Tang were just playing games, all of Wang Chong’s replies were reasonable and serious, making it impossible for them to know what to choose.

  Chapter 1174 - Delay? Playing Games!

  Chapter 1174: Delay? Playing Games!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “What do we do?”

  It was Hular’s turn to ask the question, a difficult expression on his face.

  “Let them do it,” said the Blood of Black Radiance, Firas. “It’s just eight hours, right? I’d like to see what sort of tricks they can pull.”

  The Three Titans of Black Radiance quickly seemed to reach an agreement. After issuing an order, the three of them turned their horses around and returned to the depths of the army.

  Meanwhile, the Great Tang side broke into cheers upon receiving the news from the Arabs. Eight hours was half a day. Just a few simple words had the Arabs dancing in their palms.

  “Let’s go back and rest. Great General Bahram, I leave the walls to you. Although the Arabs have promised not to attack until after eight hours have passed, they won’t completely keep their word. Protector-General Gao and I will be ready to assist you at any time.”

  After fighting alongside Bahram, Wang Chong had slowly begun to develop an understanding of this Great General of the Sassanid Dynasty. This man’s way of fighting was straightforward and proper, steady and firm, so tight that not even a drop of water could get through. With him holding the walls, even if a problem did occur, Bahram would be able to buy enough time.

  “Be at ease. Leave this to me.”

  Bahram’s eyes were bright as he patted his chest.


  Wang Chong nodded and turned to Li Siye.

  “Li Siye, you remain as well. Work with Bahram to defend the walls.”

  “Yes, Milord!”


  Wang Chong quickly descended the walls of Khorasan and entered the governor’s mansion, accompanied by Zhang Shouzhi, the Gangke King, and Banahan.

  Wang Chong seated himself in the hall and solemnly said, “Senior Zhang, have you finished preparing what I ordered you to do?”

  Zhang Shouzhi lowered his head and respectfully said, “Lord Marquis, according to your orders, we began preparing eight days ago. Everything has arrived. There will be no mistakes.”

  “Milord, we’re ready on this side, but—forgive me for speaking out of line—will it really turn out as Milord says it will?” Banahan dubiously asked. When he had first received Wang Chong’s order, he had privately asked this question, but he still felt this matter to be far too absurd.

  “It’s fine if it doesn’t get to that level, but if it’s really what I imagine it to be, then when the time comes, it won’t be just the Arabs, but also us who will collapse without a battle.”

  Wang Chong slowly scanned the people in front of him, his expression grave.

  In front of everyone else, he was always relaxed and assured as if victory was in his hand, but only Wang Chong knew that this matter was far from simple. If it was not done properly, the entire army was at risk of being wiped out.


  Seeing how serious Wang Chong was, all of them immediately voiced their approval.

  “Inspect everything again!” Wang Chong said.

  “Yes, Milord.”


  As time slowly passed, the Arab ranks became more concentrated and ever closer, now only ten-some paces from the surging Tigris River. Seven hundred thousand soldiers packed together exuded a formidable pressure. However, just as had been agreed, the Arabs did not begin to attack and instead waited for the Tang to open the gates and surrender.

  In the blink of an eye, it was noon, and everyone was awaiting Wang Chong’s answer.


  An arrow soon flew from the walls of Khorasan and landed in front of the Arabs.

  A messenger holding the arrow rushed into a tent in the rear. “Milord, the Tang have sent another letter saying that the resistance of the rebels in the city is intensifying. Although many of the rebels have agreed, another two hours will be needed to make all of them submit.”


  Hular suddenly stood up, his expression wrathful. The Three Titans of Black Radiance remained seated, but their brows creased.

  “What’s going on? Eight hours have passed. Does he still plan to keep fooling us?” Hular angrily said.

  “Milord, we’ve already given them eight hours. If Khorasan really is in the state that they describe, won’t we have given them that time in vain if we attack now?” a general said.

  Hular froze, immediately speechless.

  “Many rebels have come this time, and all of them have their own ideas,” another general commented. “The Tang are newcomers, and even if they want to surrender, it will be very difficult for them to get the approval of the rebels.”

  Hular’s eyes widened, and he became even more speechless. He could sense that he was being played around with by that young Tang commander, and this was not a pleasant feeling.

  “Pass on my order. Give them another two hours.”

  The Three Titans finally made up their mind, but this was an extremely uncomfortable feeling. The trio somewhat regretted that they had accepted the previous proposal.

  Flapflap! A messenger bird soared into the air and into Khorasan.

  But two hours later, another message came from the Great Tang. The rebels still did not agree, and even more time was needed, but it wasn’t far until all of them were on the same page. The Great Tang hoped that the Arabs would be patient and wait for news.


  A steely fist slammed into a sturdy table made of Arabian steel, leaving a deep impression. Hular was apoplectic, and even the Three Titans of Black Radiance seemed greatly perturbed.

  These negotiations had lasted for an entire twelve hours. When one thought about it, it truly seemed absurd. Moreover, as time went on, even the Three Titans began to think that the Tang were just buying time. But even so, the four of them were not entirely sure what they were trying to do with all this.

  “Two more hours! Give them two more hours! If they still do not surrender, no matter what reason they give, immediately commence the assault!”

  The Head of Black Radiance, Fadi, finally made his decision. Every game had to come to an end, and fourteen hours was the absolute limit of the Three Titans of Black Radiance.

  Past that time, it would soon be nightfall, and then, even if the Arabs wanted to attack, they would be incapable of doing so.

  Flapflap! A second Arabian hunting falcon flew into the sky, delivering the final decision of the Three Titans to Khorasan.

  Winds would herald a coming storm, and even though neither the Great Tang nor Arabia had attacked each other yet, the air was tenser than it had ever been before. Both sides had assembled their armies, and everyone understood that the moment a battle began, it would rock the world and cover the ground with corpses.

  And as time passed and the sky darkened, dusk began to approach. Flapflap! Finally, a messenger bird flew out from Khorasan and landed in the Arab camp.

  This time, the Arabs had received the last reply from the Great Tang.

  After many arduous negotiations, the Great Tang, Khorasani, and various rebels had reached a conclusion that would benefit all sides: they would never surrender!


  A furious roar shook the heavens. The Three Titans, Hular, and all the Arab generals were completely enraged by this letter.

  “Pass on my order! Immediately begin the assault. Once the city is breached, kill all the Tang and Khorasani. If it’s a living being that can still breathe, kill it!”

  The order of the Three Titans of Black Radiance swiftly spread through the army.

e! The calm earth instantly began to quake as the seven hundred thousand soldiers began to advance on Khorasan. This enormous momentum caused even the Tigris River to shudder.


  With a heaven-shaking roar, the Arabs suddenly pushed forward countless small boats into the Tigris River. The warhorses swiftly boarded these boats and began to make for the opposite shore.


  A sharp cry resounded through the heavens, and war drums suddenly began to bang within Khorasan as soldiers ascended the walls. Kacreak! Several thousand ballistae lined up on the walls of Khorasan, the tips of their bolts aimed at the small boats and Arab cavalry several hundred feet away on the Tigris River.

  The Arabs had clearly made ample preparations for this battle. Each boat was manned by an extremely skilled soldier who swiftly rowed the boat to the other shore. Two hundred feet, one hundred feet, fifty feet… the Arabs were getting closer and closer to the opposite shore, until finally…


  Chen Bin swung his sword down. The first to attack were not the several thousand Tang ballistae, but the beehives that had been removed from the steel walls. Boomboomboom! Explosions came from the walls, and a moment later, a thick shower of arrows blotted out the skies over the Tigris River like dark clouds.

  Swishswishswish! A destructive blow was inflicted at that moment. Countless Arab cavalry, caught unawares, were shot through by the countless arrows, trembling once or twice before stiffly falling from the boats.

  Thud! Thud! In this one assault, tens of thousands of Arab cavalry plunged into the chilly rapids of the Tigris River, dyeing the clear waters red.

  The Arab soldiers here had all been transferred from elsewhere and had never battled with the Great Tang before. Thus, they were completely unprepared for the Great Tang’s attack methods and suffered gruesome losses.


  After the initial panic, the tens of thousands of Arabs on the small boats took out their personal shields and placed them over their heads. In addition, not only did they lie prone on the boats, they also hid behind their horses, using their bodies to block the arrows.


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