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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 755

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)


  With little thought, Wang Chong rejected the Sindhu High Priest’s demands.

  “The hybrid rice is not allowed to be circulated in any country except the Great Tang.”

  Whether out of selfishness or callousness, Wang Chong would never allow anyone else to touch the hybrid rice, and no country could enjoy its benefits until the Great Tang was able to enjoy them. Not only that, Sindhu bordered Arabia, so the moment the hybrid rice entered Sindhu, it might as well have entered Arabia as well. The Arabian Empire might even choose to enslave all the Sindhu and have them farm the hybrid rice.

  When they learned of the potential benefits, the Arabs would do this without hesitation! And Wang Chong could never stand for offering such a great boon to his enemy!


  The temple fell silent. Ablonodan and Arloja had awkward expressions. In Sindhu, Wang Chong was truly a most benevolent figure. At the very least, the Sindhi had never enjoyed such treatment from the Arabs. Moreover, Wang Chong was the only one capable of raising the price of one jun of Hyderabad ore from three hundred taels all the way to seventeen hundred taels.

  The two of them regarded Wang Chong as a true friend, and the High Priest’s actions seemed like extortion, making the two of them feel rather ashamed.

  “Haha, it’s fine if you don’t agree.”

  To everyone’s surprise, the High Priest faintly smiled, not haggling at all over the matter.

  “But, I hope that the Young Marquis can provide an additional five million dan of grain!”

  The High Priest revealed his true motive. From start to finish, the High Priest had never thought about actually getting his hands on Wang Chong’s hybrid rice. Such an important thing that was tied to the well-being of the entire Great Tang Empire could not be recklessly given to outsiders.

  In the end, the High Priest’s true goal had always been grain.

  “Okay!” Wang Chong cleanly replied without the slightest hesitation.

  The High Priest’s thoughts were no secret to him. He had known from the start that the High Priest did not truly care about such things, but only about the grain that could feed the Sindhi. From Khorasan to the Hyderabad mines, Wang Chong had seen far too many emaciated corpses.

  The poverty, primitiveness, and famine in Sindhu were far worse than Wang Chong had imagined.

  In comparison to the grain that Sindhu required, any amount of gold or silver was insignificant.

  “…However,” Wang Chong finally said after a few moments of silence. “Although I cannot give you the hybrid rice, if High Priest is only seeking to help the Sindhi survive, I can assist by taking a certain number of Sindhi into the lands of the Great Tang to live. Although they will not live a life of wealth and prosperity, they definitely will not starve!”

  At this moment, the High Priest was finally moved.

  “Young Marquis, thank you.”

  The Great Tang was renowned throughout the world for its prosperity, and no one understood more than the High Priest that to obtain the aid of Wang Chong and the Great Tang was something that no amount of gold or silver could replace. This condition alone would save countless Sindhi lives every year.

  “…I represent all the Sindhi in thanking you. Ablonodan, Arloja, I leave the matter of the ore to you. Starting from now, we will cease the selling of ore to Charax Spasinu, Arabia, and all the other countries. All the ore will be sold to the Great Tang. In addition, we will not require seventeen hundred taels for each jun of Hyderabad ore. Let us go with Lord Marquis’s initial offer of fifteen hundred.”


  The group behind Wang Chong was excited to hear these words. The goal of this excursion had been the Hyderabad ore, and now the Sindhu High Priest was cutting off the supply to all the other countries and offering the total production to the Great Tang. This was far better than they had expected.

  “Many thanks, High Priest!”

  Wang Chong smiled, and then he paused and took out a folded sheet of paper from his bosom.

  “In addition, Wang Chong has another matter that he would like to seek guidance from the High Priest on.”

  The matter of the Hyderabad ore had been settled, as the High Priest’s words were like law. Now that he had spoken, there would be no mishaps. However, Wang Chong still had another matter which he regarded with even more importance than the Hyderabad ore. Wang Chong quickly unfolded the paper and revealed its contents.


  On the white paper was that mysterious black eye. The ever-composed Sindhu High Priest suddenly shivered and staggered back several steps, his face instantly paling.

  “How did you find out about something like this!”

  The High Priest’s eyes were brimming with shock.

  “So High Priest also recognizes it.”

  Wang Chong suddenly stepped forward, his expression turning grim. Bahram had been correct. The Sindhu High Priest truly did know many secrets.

  “You have still not told me just where you came to learn of this symbol.”

  The High Priest raised his head and solemnly stared at Wang Chong, no more confidence or composure to be seen on his face.

  Wang Chong immediately explained the matter of the Elam Dynasty and the Book of Paimon.

  “So High Priest truly does know some secrets of the Elam Dynasty?” Wang Chong inquired.

  “You overestimate me!”

  The Sindhu High Priest bitterly smiled.

  “Bahram was correct in what he said, but there is a problem. I am not the person who can answer your questions.”


  Wang Chong was instantly stunned.

  “Young Marquis, have you not realized yet? I am not someone who has lived for more than two hundred years.”

  The High Priest bitterly smiled once more.

  Wang Chong’s brows flew up as an indescribable feeling surged up in his mind. Countless thoughts streaked through his brain, and he felt simultaneously like he understood and like he knew nothing at all.

  “The High Priest Bahram told you about isn’t me. There is only one true High Priest, and even though I am called ‘High Priest’ in Sindhu, everyone understands that I am only his representative. I cannot answer your question, nor am I capable of even passing on your request,” the High Priest said.

  Everyone exchanged glances of surprise, but Wang Chong quickly calmed down.

  He finally understood why he had felt something to be off when Bahram had brought up the Sindhu High Priest with him. As it turned out, the Sindhu High Priest that he knew of and the one that Bahram had spoken of were completely different people. There was actually another High Priest of Sindhu, something that Wang Chong had not known in this life nor in his last.

  What had been a clear and straightforward situation was once more shrouded in befuddling fog. If not even the Sindhu ‘High Priest’ before him could get in touch with that person, it meant that he would essentially be returning empty-handed.

  It would seem as if his mission to find information on the calamity had failed.

  “None of you know where he truly is?” Wang Chong said, unwillingness in his voice.

  “It’s useless. We have no ways of communicating with the esteemed elder; only he can communicate with us. Every time, the esteemed elder will personally choose the next substitute High Priest before falling silent. The High Priest’s level of asceticism has probably transcended all records, as well as the bounds of our imaginations. Unless the esteemed elder wishes to see you, nothing can be done,” the ‘High Priest’ sternly said.

  Everyone in the temple grimaced, and Wang Chong couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow. If not even the ‘High Priest’ could find that person, it could only mean that it would also be fruitless for Wang Chong to attempt.

  As disappointment began to appear in Wang Chong’s eyes, the ‘High Priest’ suddenly spoke again. “However, even though no one knows where the Venerable High Priest is, there is one thing that is certain. He pra
ctices his asceticism somewhere in the Hyderabad Mountains. If Lord Marquis spends long enough here, it is not impossible for Lord Marquis to accidentally run into him.”

  “Many thanks, High Priest!”

  Wang Chong gave a slight bow. The true Sindhu High Priest moved in mysterious and unfathomable ways. Although Wang Chong was rather dejected, he could only accept it. Just like the High Priest said, he would have to see if he was lucky.

  A few more words were exchanged before the ‘High Priest’ suddenly turned to Ablonodan and Arloja and ordered, “Ablonodan, Arloja, it is a rare event for the Young Marquis to visit our Sindhu. You and the Young Marquis are old acquaintances, so take care of him!”


  Ablonodan and Arloja both bowed, understanding that the High Priest needed to rest. The High Priest rarely received guests no matter who they were, and for him to accompany Wang Chong for so long was simply unprecedented.

  “Then this Wang Chong will bid farewell!”

  Wang Chong bowed and turned to leave with Ablonodan and Arloja.

  But as he turned around, his eyes inadvertently passed over the right eye of the ‘High Priest’. Wang Chong’s heart thumped and his lips twitched, but he kept his mouth shut and quickly took his leave.

  Once they were very far away from the temple, Wang Chong finally broached the subject. “Venerable Sirs, the High Priest’s right eye…”

  “Lord Marquis has already noticed…”

  The two of them were somewhat taken aback, and Arloja gave a soft sigh.

  “The High Priest’s right eye truly is blind. That eye is a fake one.”

  The pair were rather saddened as they recalled this matter from the past.

  “Oh? How did that happen?”

  Wang Chong frowned.

  “It’s a rather long story, one from ten-some years ago. At the time, a group of men invaded the mine. These people wore black clothes and had their faces covered, and their methods were extremely ruthless. The High Priest tried his best to resist, but in the end, they still managed to blind one of his eyes.”

  “Was it for the Hyderabad ore?” Wang Chong asked in shock.

  “I do not know.”

  Arloja shook his head.

  Chapter 1199 - The Enormous Energy Underground!

  Chapter 1199: The Enormous Energy Underground!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “That incident was extremely strange. Those black-clothed men had never appeared before, and during our inspection afterward, we found that none of the Hyderabad ore had been taken. Moreover, even though many of those people were killed, when they retreated, they took all the corpses with them, not even leaving one behind. Even now, we have not been able to find out where they came from.”


  Wang Chong’s brow furrowed as countless ideas emerged in his mind. He had a vague idea, but he could not determine what it was at this time.

  Leaving the center of the outdoor mines, Ablonodan and Arloja brought Wang Chong to a simple and crude house, with walls of black sheet metal, floors of mud, and a blackened cot. A stench filled the room.

  “Lord Marquis, the buildings of the mine are simple and crude, with no acceptable residences. We must inconvenience you by having you stay a few days in this place,” Ablonodan and Arloja apologetically said.

  The environment and conditions of Sindhu were very poor, and most of the monks on the mountain practiced asceticism. A small house like this was already quite extravagant for them.

  “That’s fine. I’ll take care of it myself.”

  Once Ablonodan and Arloja were gone, Wang Chong made a gesture behind him. Clang! A moment later, several disciplined guards swiftly opened up a few boxes, removing metal boards which they thrust into the earth and began to put together.

  In just a few moments, another simple house had taken shape on the top of the Hyderabad mountains. Various parts and screws were quickly joined together, and in less than five minutes, a clean and simple metal house had been erected. After another layer of metal boards was laid down to serve as a floor, the house was finished.

  Zhang Shouzhi had made ample preparations before setting out. This specially-built modular house had been designed by him for Wang Chong to use.

  Although he had not been able to meet the real Sindhu High Priest, signing a contract with Sindhu to gain full rights to the Hyderabad ore was still a major victory. Wang Chong ordered Xue Qianjun and Zhang Shouzhi to discuss the finer details of the contract with Ablonodan and Arloja.

  In the You Period1, Zhang Shouzhi and Xue Qianjun finally returned from the mines.

  “How was it?”

  Wang Chong was seated in a room brightly lit by an oil lantern.

  “We already found from our investigations during the day that the efficiency of the Sindhi is simply too low. In their circumstances, the production situation won’t change for the next five to six years, perhaps even as long as ten-some years. If they continue with the same mining methods, we will be waiting a long time to get the things we want.”

  Zhang Shouzhi had a look of regret on his face. They had only finished with a part of negotiations, but Zhang Shouzhi’s greatest concern was still the tools.

  “The tools of the Sindhi are simply too primitive. They completely rely on immense amounts of manpower to mine. This must be changed! I’ve already made adjustments to the mining tools based on the terrain and their circumstances. I’ve finished drawing the diagrams already and will send them back to Khorasan tomorrow. As long as we can get that equipment built, we can increase the efficiency of the mining by at least three times.”

  Wang Chong nodded. There was nothing a determined person could not accomplish, and there was definitely a way to increase the production of the Hyderabad ore. This was also the primary reason he had brought Zhang Shouzhi with him.

  “Mm. How is the contract for the Hyderabad ore going?”

  “Following Lord Marquis’s will, we paid a price of one hundred million taels of gold to directly buy ten years of Hyderabad ore production. This vast sum should be enough to resolve much of Sindhu’s hunger problem.”


  Wang Chong nodded. With a ten-year monopoly on the Hyderabad mine, he could fully extract the Hyderabad ore and prepare himself for the coming calamity. As for the Sindhi… in the end, they would realize that they had made the most correct decision, and they would obtain far more than they had expected from this deal.

  Wang Chong questioned the two on many other things, and by the time the conversation was over and Xue Qianjun and Zhang Shouzhi had withdrawn, the entirety of the Hyderabad Mountains had fallen into silence. In the end, even those Sindhi miners had gone to sleep.

  Time slowly passed, and over the next three to four days, Wang Chong scoured the Hyderabad Mountains. He gradually gained an understanding of the natural treasures of Sindhu, but he saw neither hide nor hair of the true Sindhu High Priest. Wang Chong had searched across the entire mountain range, yet had still not found even a clue.

  “Am I really not destined to meet him?”

  Wang Chong stood on a rocky outcrop and stared at the curled-up behemoth that was the Hyderabad Mountains, extreme reluctance in his heart. Although he knew that finding the Sindhu High Priest would be extremely difficult, he was truly unwilling to go home like this.

  Night began to set in, and a dark mist began to seethe over the mountains. This was a phenomenon unique to the Hyderabad Mountains, and it apparently had to do with the ore beneath it.

  Wang Chong was depressed and dejected. He decided to go and search around the base of the mountains.

  All was quiet here, and as Wang Chong wandered alone around the base of the mountains, he suddenly felt a strange sensation.

  “Mm?” He arched a brow and stared at the nearby ground.

  Keekee! The thing hidden underground didn’t seem prepared to conceal itself, and excitedly called out as it emerged. A centipede monster su
ddenly rushed out of the roiling black mist and appeared in front of Wang Chong, its savage eyes gleaming brightly.

  Wang Chong couldn’t help but smile at the sight of the centipede monster, Masil’s pet—no, Wang Chong’s pet. Ever since Masil’s death, this centipede monster had been following Wang Chong. On this journey from Khorasan to the Hyderabad Mountains, the centipede monster had followed underground.

  “Little thing!”

  Wang Chong chuckled, his expression relaxing. Whoosh! Wang Chong leaped onto the forehead of the centipede monster.

  “Let’s go and take a stroll!”

  Wang Chong suddenly had an idea. Rumble! The massive centipede monster suddenly bored into the ground, taking Wang Chong deeper into the earth. Probably because Wang Chong rarely sat upon it, the centipede monster appeared to be extremely excited, loudly chirping as it swiftly and fiercely burrowed through the earth.

  Although the Hyderabad Mountains were extremely sturdy, the earth beneath them was extremely soft.

  Perhaps I can use this chance to search underground.

  With this thought, Wang Chong took control of the centipede monster and had it venture deeper under the Hyderabad Mountains.

  The underground portion of this mountain range is huge!

  The centipede monster only burrowed down several dozen meters before running into a layer of bedrock. The Hyderabad Mountains were immense on the surface, but their underground portion seemed to be even larger.

  Wang Chong traveled along the edge of the mountain range. One hundred meters, two hundred, three hundred… only after he had traveled around eight hundred meters did he finally reach the end of the mountain range’s underground portion. At this point, Wang Chong felt like he was venturing deep under the sea and exploring the continental shelf. This depth was already extremely dangerous, the air so thin that it was nigh impossible to breathe. However, the effect was reduced on Wang Chong, as he had noticed an ancient formation on the centipede monster’s body that could seal air within it.

  This sealed-up air was not a lot, but for someone of Wang Chong’s cultivation level, it was enough to last a very long time.


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