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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 810

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)


  Several days later, in the Wang Family Residence.

  “Your Highness, there’s a voice rising from the streets. The people are gathering together and asking for there to be no more war!”

  In the early morning, Su Shixuan rushed into Wang Chong’s room.

  The situation was getting worse and worse. The stories told in the tea houses and inns about the shift in the economic situation on the borders after wars and the Hu of various countries entering the capital had caused the voices rejecting war in the capital to get stronger and stronger. The mass disarmament of the surrounding countries and the withdrawal of the armies had strengthened these voices, causing the situation to get increasingly dire.

  The occasional call for reason would be drowned out.

  “Are the people of the Confucian Sect in the crowds trying to guide their voices?” Wang Chong calmly asked.


  Su Shixuan shook his head.

  “These are all small groups of people who have been influenced by the anti-war atmosphere in the capital and decided to group together!”

  Wang Chong said nothing, only closed his eyes, concealing the worry within them.

  “We have to do something,” Wang Chong said. He raised his head slightly, his mind in turmoil.

  War was cruel, and none enjoyed it. And it was understandable for the common people to be tired of war. But unlike a child’s game, there were no do-overs in war, and feelings meant nothing. It was irrelevant if one hated war or liked war. In the face of war, one’s only options were to fight or not fight.

  And not fighting a war would lead to the ruination of the land and people, the obliteration of everything one cared about. This was the case whether one hated war or not.

  When an enemy was knocking on one’s door, one did not have the right to refuse. The Confucian Sect’s ideas of war were far too simple! Moreover, the common people had been influenced by this attitude to think of war too simply as well. Wang Chong could already sense that an undercurrent was building strength. Although this undercurrent had been guided by the Confucian Sect, there was an even deeper and more fundamental reason.

  Li Junxian and the Confucian Sect were only exploiting and driving this thing. Even without them, this ‘energy’ would still probably erupt. If one tried to ignore it, it would only present an even greater danger.

  Wang Chong closed his eyes and suddenly said, “What’s the situation with the commander base?”

  Su Shixuan was quiet, and after a long while, he finally said, “Given the enormous amount of manpower and resources invested into the commander base, it was finished on schedule. But now… the soldiers are uneasy, and the commander base has not received many applications. Venerable Senior Zhang would like to ask Your Highness if perhaps we should delay the opening somewhat?”

  The longing for peace and disgust for war had not just affected the people of the capital, but also the soldiers on the border. Ü-Tsang, the Eastern and Western Turks, Goguryeo, Arabia, Mengshe Zhao… all the countries around the Great Tang had reduced their armies by a total of nearly one million soldiers. Such a thing had never happened before in the history of the Great Tang. And the Great Tang had also signed peace treaties with all these countries, and the foreign armies had withdrawn three hundred li from their original fortifications while the Great Tang had withdrawn two hundred li.

  This meant that the armies were now an additional five hundred li from each other. Not even scouts could perceive them anymore. This was like walking with swords at the ready and a vigilant air into an uninhabited desert. The duty of soldiers was to defend against and defeat any aggressors. (AN: The regulations of the army are that the observation range of scouts cannot exceed five hundred li in front of the army’s vanguard.)

  But if the opposing side had no hostility, if one could not even sense one’s opponent, why did the army even exist?

  In the current situation, even the most experienced general in the army was left befuddled. Had the Great Tang truly realized peace with all the foreign countries? Was the existence of soldiers gradually losing its necessity?

  All this information was being sent back by the border generals to the Bureau of Military Personnel and Wang Chong.

  “There’s no need! Tell Venerable Senior Zhang and the Bureau of Military Personnel to continue as normal. In addition, keep a close watch on the Confucian Sect. I sense that this is not all that they want! They will definitely be trying something else!” Wang Chong sternly said.

  “This subordinate will deliver this order!”


  The Secretariat Advisor Residence.

  During the day, countless people filed in and out of this place, but at night, it was countless messenger birds flying in and out. There were some from the foreign countries, some from the capital, and some from the other areas throughout the Great Tang; all the information from these regions was gathered in this place. When night fell, the Secretariat Advisor Residence was placed under heavy guard, countless fully-armed soldiers warily examining the surroundings, staring at anyone so careless as to draw close.

  The center of the Secretariat Advisor Residence was brightly lit.

  In the light of these countless lanterns and candles, one could see many figures of powerful aura going in and out. Almost all of these people had the ink symbol of the Confucian Sect on their wrists.

  “How is the disarmament of the foreign countries proceeding?”

  In the center of the hall was a wooden table. There was nothing on this table except a cup of clear tea. Li Junxian sat next to this table, his handsome and elegant face exuding a transcendent aura. But at this moment, the air in the hall was tense.

  “Young Master, everything is proceeding according to plan. Goguryeo is the first to complete the disarmament, and when we sent men to inspect, we found that they truly did disband two hundred and eighty thousand soldiers. In addition, the Eastern and Western Turks, Ü-Tsang, the Xi, the Khitans, and Arabia are all keeping to their treaties and have already disbanded eighty percent or more of the soldiers that they said they would! Our men have been observing this entire process. In addition, we’ve noticed the men of the Bureau of Military Personnel. These were agreements we made with the foreign countries, but the Bureau of Military Personnel is intervening without our agreement. Should we warn the Bureau of Military Personnel and have them withdraw their personnel?” said a bowing, azure-robed young expert of the Confucian Sect. If one looked carefully, one would realize that this was none other than the masked sword dancer from Drunken Moon Pavilion.

  Li Junxian waved his hand and carelessly said, “There’s no need! There are advantages to the Bureau of Military Personnel sending its own men. At the very least, the other countries will be on their guard. This will help us ensure that they are disarming their soldiers as we agreed!”

  Li Junxian’s every movement naturally exuded the demeanor of a farsighted general, as if everything was under his control, whether it was far off in the distant countries or close at hand in the capital.


  “In addition, Sword Ghost, what’s the situation in the capital?” Li Junxian said.

  “There are thirteen hundred storytellers in the tea houses and inns of the capital, all of them talking about the information that we gathered. All the information was obtained from the Bureau of Revenue and offered without modification. In addition, the entry of the Hu into the capital last time had a much better effect than we imagined. In the past, the people of the capital were fearful of the Hu and would pale at the mere mention of them, but with this interaction, everyone has come to understand that the Hu are ordinary people just like us and are not terrifying as the rumors say they are. Just as Young Master said, war originates from fear of the unknown. As long as both sides deepen their understanding of each other, there won’t be as many wars.

  “The results are already beginning to show. Many people in the capital are gathering together and adding
to the anti-war voices. All of this developed on its own, without any interference from us!” Sword Ghost sternly said.

  “Not bad! But just this alone is still not enough! Elder Song, how much longer until the people we arranged for arrive?”

  Li Junxian suddenly turned to the black-robed Elder Song.

  “They all arrived at the capital two hours ago and are awaiting Young Master’s order,” Elder Song sternly said, his face hard and rigid.

  “Very good. Sometimes, for the sake of the welfare of more people, for the sake of a greater goal, we are compelled to use certain methods. Elder Song, begin! Let it all start from tonight!”

  Li Junxian finally stood up from his seat.


  With these words, the people of the Secretariat Advisor Residence began to turn like a millstone. And even though many people had not realized, all the people in the capital began to turn according to Li Junxian’s order.

  Chapter 1287 - A Battle of Paths!

  Chapter 1287: A Battle of Paths!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Wang Chong, the heart of the people is the heart of the heavens, and the will of the heavens is the will of the people. Now, the minds of the people have begun to change to a longing for peace and a disgust for war. Do you still have a way to deal with this? This is the way of the world, and the strength of any man is insignificant before the march of history. A praying mantis trying to stop a carriage will only bring destruction upon itself. Now, it is time for me to see what you choose. This is your last chance!!”

  Li Junxian’s eyes became extremely sharp with these final words. A waterfall descending from a high mountain was grandiose and unstoppable. From start to finish, the trend had been set, and no one could stop it now!

  Even Wang Chong… could do nothing!


  “Your Highness, it’s bad!”

  Early in the morning of the next day, Su Shixuan rushed into Wang Chong’s study, his face ghastly pale.

  “…The Confucian Sect has invited many ordinary people affected by the chaos of the wars on the border to the inns and tea houses, and they are telling everyone about their experiences of the damage inflicted by war. This matter has sent an earthquake through the capital, and these inns and restaurants are basically packed!”


  Wang Chong’s eyes widened and his hands froze mid-writing.

  “When did these things happen?”

  “Just last night!” Su Shixuan said, his entire person brimming with concern. “The Confucian Sect’s people in the past would always try to at least somewhat conceal their actions, but they’re not hiding this time. Your subordinate worries that this is only the beginning. The Confucian Sect will probably start taking even more actions now!”

  As Su Shixuan spent more and more time with Wang Chong, he had gradually begun to grasp a few principles and develop some understanding. The Confucian Sect would never be satisfied with the current situation. It definitely had even greater ambitions, and Wang Chong was one of its primary targets.

  Wang Chong said nothing, but his brow began to crease.

  The storytellers the Confucian Sect had sent into the inns and tea houses of the capital had already built up the mindset of the people in the capital to a certain extent, akin to a powder keg. Now, the Confucian Sect was lighting a spark so as to detonate this powder keg.

  “Investigate this further!” Wang Chong said.

  Su Shixuan quickly left with this order, and soon after, countless warhorses left the Wang Family Residence, headed for the various inns and tea houses of the capital.

  Whether it was Wang Chong, Su Shixuan, or even the instigators of it all, Li Junxian and the Confucian Sect, they had all gravely underestimated the effects those common people who had been affected by the chaos of war would have on the capital.

  The cruelty and terror of war and the pain that came from losing one’s loved ones had provoked all the people of the capital. This, together with the encouragement of the Confucian Sect, had hundreds of thousands of people gathering together to call for the continuation of peace and the cessation of all wars, to cherish this hard-fought moment where treaties had been signed with all the foreign countries. There were even some who proposed that the Great Tang should reduce its own armies!

  They pleaded for sons to leave the army and return to the sides of their parents so that the pain of eternal separation could be staved off.

  And in the span of a single day, the people of the Confucian Sect were able to take advantage of this large-scale petition to propose to the Imperial Court that the army be reduced by three hundred thousand soldiers.

  This proposal shook all of society and the entire empire.

  “Impossible! This is unacceptable!”

  A voice thundered through the Imperial Court. Wang Chong was like an enraged lion, his eyes bloodshot and apparently ready to devour people alive. Everyone was frightened out of their wits by Wang Chong’s stance.

  “The Great Tang has already greatly reduced its army. If another three hundred thousand soldiers are disbanded, even if the soldiers disbanded belong to the prefectural armies, the entirety of the Great Tang will only have around three hundred thousand soldiers left. With such a small army, how can the empire be protected if there’s an incident on the border?!”

  Wang Chong’s rage was on full display. The Confucians’ actions had touched his bottom line.

  “As long as I am here, this proposal will never be passed!”

  On the other side, when Li Junxian heard Wang Chong’s words, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

  “King of Foreign Lands! You have seen the people of the capital. The people long for peace, and there is nobody who wants war. Do you plan to use this incident to make a name for yourself?” Li Junxian sternly said. With a wave of his sleeve, he stomped forward and opposed Wang Chong. In the entire Imperial Court, only the Confucian Sect’s Secretariat Advisor could contend against Wang Chong.

  “Moreover, the foreign countries have already reduced their armies by a total of nearly one million soldiers. By reducing its armies, the Great Tang is expressing its resolve to never again engage in war with the foreign countries. Since there will be no more wars, what need is there for so many soldiers?!”

  “Absurd! This proposal can never be allowed to pass! Since the beginning of history, when have wars ever truly ceased? If we lack an army when a war begins, the land and people will suffer calamity. Will you be able to take responsibility when that time comes?!” Wang Chong harshly said.

  There was a limit to everything, and the actions of the Confucian Sect posed a severe threat to the empire. For the first time, Wang Chong felt an intense desire to kill Li Junxian.

  “Thus, are we not still maintaining three hundred thousand soldiers instead of dissolving the entire army? It is absolutely imperative that the army be reduced! King of Foreign Lands, the world is at peace, the general trend set. Anyone who breaks this hard-won peace will be a criminal to history. Or perhaps, King of Foreign Lands, with your gift for speaking, you can go and explain things to those people who have lost their sons, daughters, wives, fathers, and brothers!”

  An arrow on the string compelled itself to be loosed. Now that the Confucian Sect had reached this point, anyone who dared to get in its way would be its eternal enemy.


  Suddenly, the First Prince spoke with a thunderous roar.

  “The matter will be set aside for today. A decision will be made once Imperial Father has reviewed the situation!”

  For the first time, the First Prince did not immediately agree with Li Junxian. He was the first in line for the throne after the Sage Emperor, so even he had to be cautious when reducing the army.

  Once the court session was over, Li Junxian and Wang Chong walked out of Taihe Palace together. At the very end of the white jade stairs, the two of them almost simultaneously stopped.

; “King of Foreign Lands, you are at a crossroads. In the past, you could win every battle and create a legend of invincibility because you were responding to the will of the people. But now, you have chosen to oppose the will of the people and make them your enemy. It is oft said that a full moon shall wane and even the greatest prosperity will decline. You are choosing the path of destruction for yourself!”

  “Is that so? Perhaps I’m choosing the path of destruction for myself, but you are choosing the path of destruction for the entire empire. One day, you will realize that your path of salvation is actually the path of destruction and that you have sinned against the entire Great Tang.”

  His expression twisted in rage, Wang Chong left with a sweep of his sleeve.

  Those of different paths could not conspire together, and as he and Li Junxian advanced, their paths were getting farther and farther away from each other.

  Li Junxian was in a daze, apparently not having expected this answer from Wang Chong. But he quickly regained his composure.

  “Rest assured, that day will never come!” Li Junxian softly said, his expression firm, and he too left.


  Three days after this court session, while Wang Chong, Li Junxian, and the entire Imperial Court were still embroiled in the matter of reducing armies, a black hunting falcon flew through the darkness into the capital of the Great Tang, bringing with it a stunning piece of news.

  Several days ago, an army of six hundred thousand Arab soldiers had advanced east, crossing the Tigris River, and were in the middle of besieging the city of Khorasan. The entire Sassanid Dynasty and all the rebel armies were putting up a fierce resistance. But though the walls of Khorasan were high and manned by countless soldiers, without the fifty thousand Tang ballistae, the soldiers of the Sassanid Dynasty were incapable of standing up against the frenzied Arab assault. Khorasan was in great peril and could fall at any time.

  Sassanid Empress Adiya had sent a formal request for assistance to the Great Tang!


  This news was like a bomb, shaking the Great Tang and shocking the entire world!


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