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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 846

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  If this continued, the Righteous Alliance members would face complete defeat soon.

  It’s still not enough! Wang Chong said to himself. He blinked, causing the world before his eyes to become even clearer.

  This was a development that had taken place after Wang Chong’s return from the Battle of Talas. The Demonic Emperor Old Man and the Wushang Village Chief had reaped a significant harvest from witnessing Qutaybah break into the Subtle realm, and Wang Chong had also gained much. The greatest harvest was his greater sensitivity and perception toward the various kinds of energy.

  As everything became much clearer and more detailed in Wang Chong’s eyes, so did that black mass of energy on the summit.

  The black mass of energy had condensed into the shape of a dragon, and Wang Chong could make out thousands of streams of energy cycling and flowing within it.

  The complexity of the Black Yin Ancestor’s dragon form made even Wang Chong sigh in praise. The head, whiskers, tail, and scales were all composed of Stellar Energy, and only a supreme master of controlling Stellar Energy was capable of such a feat.

  In this aspect, one could see that the Black Yin Ancestor’s cultivation had far surpassed the vast majority of martial artists.

  Even so, Wang Chong remained calm and unperturbed.

  Every martial artist has a weakness. This Black Yin Ancestor is no exception! Wang Chong said to himself. His sharp gaze quickly focused on the energy flows on the Black Yin Ancestor’s exterior.

  The Black Yin Ancestor’s energy was like a storm, violent yet orderly. Even in the world of energy, Wang Chong could not see any obvious flaw.

  Wang Chong was well aware that this hegemon of the martial arts world was inconceivably skilled and powerful. There was no simple way to deal with him.

  “Young Master Qingyang, how is it?”

  The worried voice of Song Youran came from next to him.

  Wang Chong said nothing and continued to stare at the summit.

  The battle was still ongoing, and as the Black Yin Ancestor’s brash laughter echoed through the world, more and more Righteous Alliance disciples were falling. The Black Yin Ancestor alone was enough to suppress the vast majority of the Righteous Alliance’s forces.

  As fierce gusts swept down from the mountain, Wang Chong’s eyes remained fixed on the Black Yin Ancestor, every shift in Stellar Energy reflected in Wang Chong’s mind.

  “Found it!”

  After some time, Wang Chong’s eyes flashed as he locked onto a certain point on the Black Yin Ancestor’s body.

  This was a black dot the size of a fingernail, well-concealed by the Black Yin Ancestor’s evil energy. Wang Chong had needed a great deal of time to notice it.

  The fingernail-sized black dot had originally been concealed deep within the Black Yin Ancestor’s body, but as the battle continued and Stellar Energy flowed, the dot had slowly made its way to the surface. Ordinary martial artists would have never been able to sense such a minor shift, but in Wang Chong’s eyes, this dot blazed as brightly as a torch.

  This is a hidden infirmity that comes with old age. The Black Yin Ancestor became famous many years ago, and it seems like he suffered significant wounds in his youth. Those injuries have built up in his body, and though the vast majority of them were resolved with his immense cultivation, there are simply too many of these injuries. Not even someone of the Black Yin Ancestor’s cultivation level can resolve all of them.

  These hidden injuries rarely showed themselves and would have little effect. But when one encountered some powerful foe or participated in a fierce battle that caused one to push their Stellar Energy to the limit, these injuries would immediately show themselves and begin to affect the flow of Stellar Energy.

  However, the Black Yin Ancestor’s cultivation level was so high that even noticing this sort of weakness would be useless for an ordinary martial artist. But the same could not be said for Wang Chong.

  “Song Youran, listen to me. Bring over sixteen sword formations!” Wang Chong said as he stared at the summit.

  “Song Jue, pass on the order! Have those sword formations come over!” Song Youran immediately said.

  Once the summit fell, the only thing awaiting everyone else was death and defeat. The nature of the Black Yin Ancestor meant that probably ninety percent of the disciples here would be massacred.

  The fighting at the foot of the mountain was intense, but the sixteen sword formations Wang Chong wanted were still quickly sent over. The mood was fraught with tension as everyone awaited Wang Chong’s order.

  “Everyone, heed my orders! The battle on the summit is of utmost importance, but we can only offer supporting attacks. Without my order, no one is to directly attack the Black Yin Ancestor,” Wang Chong sternly said.


  Another bestial shout came from the summit as one of the Black Yin Ancestor’s massive claws slammed down. The mountain shook and dust and gravel flew into the air.


  Wang Chong’s eyes gleamed as he gave the order.

  The sixteen sword formations began to follow the orders Wang Chong had previously given. Spacing themselves at ten paces from each other, they charged up the mountain in the shape of a ‘Z’.


  One sword formation was slow to react and was struck by one of the bolts of energy from the Black Yin Ancestor, causing it to break apart. But the majority of the Righteous Alliance disciples succeeded in reaching the summit.


  With heaven-shaking shouts, the sword formations approached the Black Yin Ancestor.

  “A clown’s tricks!”

  The Black Yin Ancestor barely even glanced at these Righteous Alliance disciples, his eyes brimming with disdain. The light of fireflies dared to vie against the radiance of the moon? Without a second thought, the Black Yin Ancestor sent an explosion of energy at them.

  Chapter 1347 - Many Ants Gnawing at the Dragon!

  Chapter 1347: Many Ants Gnawing at the Dragon!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Cries of alarm came from the people on the summit, and some disciples began to retreat. Only Wang Chong remained unperturbed.

  “Kan position, the dragon body, ten inches!” Wang Chong suddenly said.


  There was a thunderous boom as at least three of the sword formations struck the dragon’s body.

  The Black Yin Ancestor had been completely focused on battling Ouyang Changheng, but at this moment, he paled.

  “Li position, dragon body, four inches!”

  Four sword formations quickly fired off milky-white bolts of Sword Qi toward another place on the black dragon’s body.

  “Zhen position, dragon body, nine inches!

  “Duan position, dragon body, two inches!

  “Qian position, dragon body, six inches!”

  As the wind gusted around him, Wang Chong remained focused on that fingernail-sized black dot on the black dragon’s body.

  Wherever the black dot moved, Wang Chong would have the sixteen sword formations attack it.

  The Black Yin Ancestor originally paid this little mind, but gradually, his complexion soured.

  These Righteous Alliance disciples that were nothing more than fleas to him were constantly attacking the places where his Stellar Energy was weakest. In normal circumstances, the Black Yin Ancestor would have hardly cared, but the constant attacks on his weakest spots were constantly draining away his Stellar Energy. More importantly, these attacks were beginning to affect the flow of energy in his body.

  And the effects were only getting more obvious as time went on.

  How could this be?!

  As he sensed those constant attacks of the Righteous Alliance disciples constantly wearing away at his Stellar Energy, the Black Yin Ancestor clenched his teeth, a look of disbelief on his face.

  This was not his first clash with the Righteous Alliance. In the past, even when there were even
more disciples than now, they had never been able to pose a threat to him.

  But this time, these Righteous Alliance disciples seemed to have undergone a complete transformation. There were fewer of them and fewer of their sword formations, but their effectiveness far surpassed that of any other battle.

  “Foul brat!”

  The Black Yin Ancestor’s dragon eyes scanned the battlefield and quickly locked onto Wang Chong.

  “You’re seeking death!”

  Bzzz! Immense Psychic Energy, almost tangible, surged through the air and locked onto Wang Chong.

  “An excellent chance!”

  It was impossible for Ouyang Changheng to not sense what was happening to the Black Yin Ancestor. He had already prepared himself for defeat, but now, the sixteen sword formations had drawn away at least forty percent of the Black Yin Ancestor’s attention and focus.

  And their attacks had also affected the Black Yin Ancestor’s Stellar Energy, causing it to flow unevenly. In a battle at this level, these things were fatal.

  “Everyone, listen up! Surround the Black Yin Ancestor! He can’t be allowed to leave!” Ouyang Changheng roared, once more summoning his energy and taking the form of the large black Qilin, its energy righteous and vast. Boom! The Qilin soared into the air, lunging at the Black Yin Ancestor.

  “Black Qilin Heaven’s Descent!”

  The air rippled like waves as a surging mass of energy transformed into a massive Qilin claw that slammed at the Black Yin Ancestor.

  Boom! Boom!

  The summit was once more engulfed in dust, the air ringing with the clashes of Stellar Energy and the cries of battle. The battle became even more intense than it had been before.

  The gusts of wind stirred up by the battle blew down the slopes, causing Wang Chong’s black hair to dance in the wind.

  “Song Youran, tell me all the techniques the sword formations of your Righteous Alliance can use! Hurry!”

  Wang Chong continued to stare at the summit as he spoke.

  Song Youran nodded and immediately began to list the techniques the sword formations could use.

  “Sword Charges at Bull and Dipper, Peerless Sword Qi, Blazing Sun’s Zenith, Bright Moon Rises from the East, Dazzling Sun and Moon…”

  Song Youran had no idea why Wang Chong was asking about this, as unless one cultivated these techniques, one would find it very hard to understand the crucial points of these techniques. However, as the situation was urgent, Song Youran instinctively followed Wang Chong’s orders.

  “The Black Yin Ancestor will soon begin his counterattack. Song Youran, Song Jue, have everyone get back two hundred feet and keep their distance from the battlefield.”

  Wang Chong’s voice was one that brooked no objection.

  Song Youran’s heart trembled. For some reason, the Young Master Qingyang at this moment exuded an aura of supreme majesty that made it impossible to refuse his orders.

  Song Youran and Song Jue both fell back, leaving a large empty space around Wang Chong.

  Meanwhile, on the summit, with the entry of those Righteous Alliance disciples under Wang Chong’s command, the situation was slowly changing. At the start, the Black Yin Ancestor had been unbridled and unstoppable. But now, he was slowly losing his edge, and besides that, the Black Yin Ancestor was beginning to struggle. He not only needed to deal with Ouyang Changheng from the front, but also the sixteen sword formations.

  Even the other Saint Martial experts were beginning to catch a few clues and were following the sword formations in attacking the weakest parts of the Black Yin Ancestor’s Stellar Energy.

  This caused the Black Yin Ancestor’s situation to get worse and worse. Let alone killing Ouyang Changheng, he was now being suppressed by the Righteous Alliance.

  “How could this be!? When did another individual of this level appear in the world of sects?”

  The Black Yin Ancestor’s mind was in turmoil, and his face looked like he had seen a ghost. As one of the luminaries of the evil path, the Black Yin Ancestor knew the established figures and rising stars of the world of sects like the back of his hand, but he had never before seen that youth on the mountain.

  Moreover, the Black Yin Ancestor was slowly beginning to realize that this boy had somehow managed to see through his flow of Stellar Energy and notice its flaw. One had to realize that this weak spot was constantly changing, moving with the flow of his Stellar Energy.

  But Wang Chong was somehow able to predict where this spot would appear, and even account for the speed with which those Righteous Alliance disciples could attack, allowing them to hit his weak point every time. This was what truly alarmed him the most.

  “Daring to make an enemy of this ancestor is seeking death! This ancestor will kill you first, and then kill that old scoundrel Ouyang Changheng and the Righteous Alliance disciples!”

  The Black Yin Ancestor instantly felt an intense desire to kill that azure-robed youth down below.


  The mountain began to quake as the black dragon began to seethe with black Stellar Energy which surged down the mountain in waves.

  This black energy began to take up the fallen swords of the Righteous Alliance and send them plunging down at Wang Chong in a rain of swords.


  A sword shrieked as it transformed into a black bolt of Sword Qi that shot toward Wang Chong with stunning speed. But Wang Chong remained calm and emotionless. As if he had already predicted this, he had taken half a step to the side, causing the sword to brush past his left cheek.

  Boom! The sword landed seven or eight paces behind Wang Chong in an explosion, the sword plunging up to its hilt into the ground and unleashing a shower of stone.

  Swish! Swish! Swish! Ten-some swords swiftly followed, but Wang Chong continued to look up at the sky as he confidently stepped here and there, easily avoiding this first wave of swords.

  “Protect the young master!”

  The Righteous Alliance experts immediately responded, flying over to fend off the subsequent rain of swords. Even the experts on the summit took note of the handsome youth down below and intervened to protect him.

  Wang Chong mentally nodded. Although he was strong enough to deal with these attacks, with the assistance of the Righteous Alliance experts, he would not need to expose himself too much.

  “Gen position, dragon body, six inches!

  “Xun position, dragon body, eight inches!

  “Li position, dragon body, one inch!”

  The Black Yin Ancestor’s attacks were sharp and penetrating, but Wang Chong’s counterattack came with incredible swiftness. In choosing to attack Wang Chong in the middle of a fierce battle, the Black Yin Ancestor had inevitably revealed even more weaknesses which Wang Chong now commanded the Righteous Alliance disciples to attack.

  The black dragon was both shocked and infuriated as it was pushed back under this wave of attacks.

  “Impossible! How could this brat dodge the attacks of this ancestor!?”

  He was an authority of the evil path, and even a righteous path expert like Ouyang Changheng found it difficult to dodge his attacks. At the very least, Ouyang Changheng could not have dodged his attacks with a few confident and leisurely steps as that youth had done.

  For someone like the Black Yin Ancestor to be so off the mark when trying to kill a single person was simply inconceivable. The only explanation was that this youth was pretending to be a pig so that he could eat a tiger, and had already predicted all the attacks he would make. Just the thought of this kind of individual greatly alarmed the Black Yin Ancestor.

  No background, no name, no origin… yet they possessed such insight and experience. The Black Yin Ancestor found this youth to be increasingly enigmatic.

  “An excellent chance!”

  Wang Chong was ever-perceptive of the battlefield situation. At this moment, the Black Yin Ancestor’s mind was in disarray from his repeated setbacks. This was the perfect chance for an all-out assault.

; “Kan position, Dazzling Sun and Moon!

  “Li Position, Blazing Sun’s Zenith!

  “Gen position, Sword Charges at Bull and Dipper!

  “Xun position, Peerless Sword Qi!

  “Qian position, Bright Moon Rises from the East!”

  Availing himself of the Black Yin Ancestor’s lack of focus, Wang Chong called six orders in a row. This time, however, at six positions around the black dragon, the sixteen sword formations of the Righteous Alliance simultaneously attacked with a heaven-shaking momentum.

  Chapter 1348 - The Lord of the Righteous Alliance!

  Chapter 1348: The Lord of the Righteous Alliance!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  The salvo of attacks came so suddenly that even the Black Yin Ancestor was caught off guard. But the true blow came from Ouyang Changheng.

  “Darkness Qilin!”

  The howl of a Qilin resounded through the air, and Ouyang Changheng’s beard suddenly began to dance while his eyes exploded with dazzling light. An enormous black Qilin pushed through a gap in the Black Yin Ancestor’s defenses and slammed like a comet of destruction into the chest of the black dragon, striking with thunderous momentum.


  The Black Yin Ancestor cried out as he was thrown out of the dragon’s body by this dreadful strike. This was the first time the Black Yin Ancestor had suffered such a blow in his battle with Ouyang Changheng.


  The Black Yin Ancestor vomited blood, his entire body trembling in shock and fury.

  Ouyang Changheng’s attack had made him angry, but the archcriminal behind all this was that azure-robed youth down below.

  If not for him, Ouyang Changheng would have never been able to injure him.

  “You useless pieces of trash! Kill him already!”

  The Black Yin Ancestor’s roars echoed across the Righteous Alliance’s base. But no one could have imagined that the target of his rage was not Ouyang Changheng, but someone who had not even fought in the battle, Wang Chong. And as the Black Yin Ancestor roared, the experts fighting with the Righteous Alliance began to notice that youth midway up the mountain.


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