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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 850

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Chapter 1353: Night Raid of the Men in Black (II)

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  If not for a freak combination of factors allowing him to infiltrate the Righteous Alliance, Wang Chong would have to face the men in black alone, and in his current state, it would truly be a large problem.

  But now, he had the mortal foes of his master on one side and a force that would go to any lengths to kill him on the other. This was a perfect time to have them bite at each other, exhausting their strengths.

  Since you’re here, I can’t let you leave without paying a price!

  Wang Chong smiled as he vanished from the summit.

  “Just who are you all?”

  At the foot of the mountain, the muscular Sikong Yuanjia stepped forward, his eyes stern and cold as he glared at the eastern winds. But what came in reply to Sikong Yuanjia was a shrieking whistle.

  A boulder weighing several thousand jin hurtled through the sky like a cannonball, shooting toward Sikong Yuanjia.

  “Seeking death!”

  Sikong Yuanjia’s face turned cold. Clang! There was a metal clattering as a golden halo erupted from his feet. A moment later, Sikong Yuanjia was gone, leaving an afterimage in his place, and then he slammed into that massive boulder.

  Kaboom! Sikong Yuanjia’s fist instantly obliterated the boulder, sending debris flying in every direction.


  Just when Sikong Yuanjia was ready to charge out, a burst of screams from other areas resounded in his ear, and the screams of the dying immediately caused Sikong Yuanjia to pale. Just when he was about to go to their aid, he felt an intense danger.

  “Seeking death!”

  With no time to think, Sikong Yuanjia gathered all his Stellar Energy. His right arm rapidly swelled, transforming into a Qilin which surged forward.


  As the palms clashed, there was a tremendous explosion, and then two flames, one violet and one black, wrapped around Sikong Yuanjia’s fist as if they had lives of their own and began to rapidly encroach on the rest of his body.

  “Not good!”

  Sikong Yuanjia grimaced and immediately erupted with even greater Stellar Energy to push back the man in black. He rapidly retreated, creating a distance of ten-some paces with his adversary.

  “How could this be? What art is this?!”

  Sikong Yuanjia had a nasty grimace as he inspected the still-burning flames of violet and black on his arm.

  While Sikong Yuanjia was kept busy, after the Celestial Powder had been spread across more than half of the Righteous Alliance disciples, fifty to sixty men in black appeared and began to charge toward the mountain.

  These people were cold and silent. Upon reaching the mountain, they gathered together and swiftly charged in one direction, not even trying to start a large-scale battle with the Righteous Alliance.

  These men in black had only one goal.

  As the clashing of weapons rang out in the surroundings, a voice spoke softly to avoid attention. “Blood Eye, have you found the target?”

  A man in black with red eyes nodded. “I’ll use the soul eagle to guide us!” He stopped, his right foot propping up against a rock, and raised his head to the sky. A moment later, a blazing light flashed from his eyes.


  The sharp cry of an eagle came from overhead, and then the eagle with blood-colored eyes broke out of the clouds, its wings pulled back so that it descended like an arrow to a certain part of the mountain.

  “Over there!’

  Blood Eye’s eyes flashed with cold light, and then the group immediately began to make their way toward the location indicated by the soul eagle.

  “Enemy!” a Righteous Alliance expert called out from the darkness as he led the charge against the men in black.

  Behind him, more Righteous Alliance experts were converging, and they were rapidly assuming sword formations to attack the men in black.

  “Hahaha, these ants of the mortal world are truly suicidal!”

  A man in black with cruel eyes swayed, and then he vanished using his spatial movement technique.

  Swishswishswish! Six Righteous Alliance disciples who were charging over suddenly had bloody lines across their necks. Before they even understood what was going on, blood gushed out and they dropped to the ground, their eyes lifeless.


  Furious bellows rang out, and the bodies of some of the men in black began to crackle and pop as their bodies enlarged. A few moments later, they had taken on their half–Lu Wu forms. With a flash, they charged at the Righteous Alliance disciples.


  Swords swung down from all directions at one of these half–Lu Wus, but in a shower of sparks, they were all repelled.

  “What kind of monster is this?!”

  A Righteous Alliance disciple reeled back in fear, his body trembling.

  There were many kinds of martial arts in the world of sects, many of them bizarre and evil, but none of them allowed the user to transform into such half-man half-monster beings.

  The appearance of these men in black had completely overturned their understanding of the martial arts world.

  However, the disciple was only able to retreat a few steps…

  Boom! A beast twice the size of an ordinary man slammed a claw into the chest of this disciple.

  “Aaah!” With a scream, the Righteous Alliance disciple was sent flying twenty-some meters into the air. Blood gushed out of his body, and he was dead before he hit the ground.

  “Hurry and stop them!”

  Furious and frantic roars could be heard. These black-clothed men who had come from nowhere were not numerous, but they were inconceivably powerful and had all kinds of bizarre techniques. The Righteous Alliance was the number one sect of the martial arts world, and it knew of all the various sect alliances of this world. But it had never heard about this faction of men in black.


  More and more Righteous Alliance disciples entered the fray, but they were incapable of stopping the men in black.


  There was a flash of light.

  Black and violet flames shot forward, and these Fires of Ju Bi and Mara burned away the Stellar Energies within the Righteous Alliance experts. The character of their Stellar Energies was completely incapable of stopping these despotic flames.

  The Celestial Powder, the Fire of Ju Bi, the Fire of Mara, and this large group of men in black—this was undoubtedly the most terrifying, most bizarre, and most unexplainable night the Righteous Alliance had ever experienced.

  They had never even heard about any of these techniques the men in black had used.

  As these several dozen men in black were killing their way through the mountain, a roar resounded through the sky. “Evil toads and demons, you dare act so unbridled before the Righteous Alliance?!”

  The man in black closest to the source of this roar immediately trembled and sent a raging sea of Fire of Mara at the place where the voice had come from.

  But a moment later, the man in black looked up and paled.

  “Not good!”

  The black-clothed man tried to retreat, but it was too late.

  The sky went dark as an enormous black silhouette slammed down.

  Booom! The explosion of Stellar Energy caused dust to rise more than one hundred feet into the air. A gigantic black Qilin had descended from the heavens, one of its claws pulverizing the man in black who had used the Fire of Mara just now.

  The man in black fired off one more Fire of Mara before he died, and those flames began to burn across the black Qilin’s body. But with a burst of Stellar Energy, the Fire of Mara was forcefully extinguished.

  The grandiose number one faction of the martial arts world had actually been poisoned and ambushed by some mysterious men in black and suffered grievous losses. Ouyang Changheng was utterly enraged by this sight.

  Although these men in
black were powerful and their black flames bizarre, Ouyang Changheng was a peak Saint Martial expert. The threat these inextinguishable flames posed to him was much less than it was for others.

  Without the slightest hesitation, Ouyang Changheng in his black Qilin form moved to attack the other black-clothed experts. Boomboomboom! These powerful men in black were all sent flying by the black Qilin. Plush! A half–Lu Wu man in black charged at the black Qilin, but a single stomp from the Qilin was enough to pulp his organs.

  “Leave this person to me! The rest of you continue advancing!”

  The apparent leader of this group gave a bestial roar.

  This man was instantly engulfed in darkness, vanishing from sight. Raaaa! A moment later, a giant Black Flame Asura rose from the earth, but unlike other Black Flame Asuras, this one was fifteen to sixteen meters tall, and it did not have six arms, but eight. The Stellar Energy making up its body was so concentrated and dense that it seemed to be made of steel.


  The eight-armed Asura stomped forward and slammed into Ouyang Changheng’s black Qilin. At the moment of collision, time seemed to stop, but a moment later, a dreadful shockwave of energy burst out from the point of impact.

  “Let’s go!”

  As the two experts fiercely battled, Blood Eye flew forward with incredible speed toward the area indicated by the soul eagle.


  Battle cries rang out over the mountain as the Righteous Alliance experts heedlessly threw themselves at these mysterious men in black.

  Fwoosh! At some point, a fire was ignited on the mountain, but this was a bonfire lit by a Righteous Alliance expert. As this bonfire banished some of the darkness, a second bonfire was lit, then a third, a fourth… The scattered bonfires soon created a region of fiery light on the mountain, and with this light, the members of the Righteous Alliance were finally able to somewhat keep track of the men in black.

  But the Righteous Alliance had still underestimated these ghostly and wicked men in black. They did not seem to care that they had been discovered, and in their half–Lu Wu or Black Flame Asura forms, they charged up the mountain in a black torrent.

  Chapter 1354 - Scheming Against Ji Andu!

  Chapter 1354: Scheming Against Ji Andu!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  As the soul eagle lunged down, Blood Eye arrived on the scene. He raised his hand, and a dense wave of black flame hurtled toward that azure-robed figure in the darkness.

  This figure was identical to the one the soul eagle had spotted during the day.

  But a moment later, in an explosion of Stellar Energy, that azure-robed figure was obliterated, showering the area with bits and pieces that were soon consumed by the black flames.

  A decoy!

  Blood Eye’s pupils constricted and he instantly paled. Although the black flames were powerful and able to burn anything, they were not so powerful that they could instantly burn a living person to nothing.

  Blood Eye instantly realized that he had taken the bait.

  “Damn it!”

  Blood Eye recalled a certain rumor, and his heart exploded with rage. It was said that the old scoundrel from Sindhu had given their target an object that could allow him to notice them beforehand. There was no question that this was exactly what had occurred.

  They had all been played!

  “Milord, we’ve discovered the target on the southwestern part of the mountain!” a black-clothed subordinate suddenly said.

  “Let’s go! Today, no matter what, we have to kill him and obtain the objective!” Blood Eye fiercely said. With the three commanders holding down the base of the mountain, that brat would find it difficult to escape even if he suddenly sprouted wings. As long as he remained on the mountain, he would never escape their grasp.

  Just as Blood Eye was about to lead his men elsewhere…


  “Monsters of the evil path, where do you think you’re going?!” an elderly voice brimming with killing intent roared, and before they could react, a vast torrent of energy came pouring down the mountain.

  Blood Eye grimaced and immediately turned around, thrusting out a palm. Two steely tides of energy collided, but Blood Eye remained steadfast, a rock standing tall in the middle of a dreadful river. However, before Blood Eye could counter, he heard a chorus of screams. Ten-some men in black were swept away by this energy like autumn leaves on the breeze.

  “You members of the evil path dare to act so unbridled in the territory of the Righteous Alliance! This old man will spare none of you!”

  In the darkness stood an old man with white hair and muscular arms, his entire body exuding an astonishing aura.

  Zhong Lizi!

  This was a guest elder of the Righteous Alliance, and the Sect Master of the Origin Yang Sect. Zhong Lizi had been a good friend of the Righteous Alliance Lord for several decades and was one of the strongest elders of the Righteous Alliance, on par with Sikong Yuanjia.

  “Hmph! The rest of you go!”

  Blood Eye made a gesture behind him while he remained to keep a watch on Zhong Lizi.

  Plush! A sound like a sharp blade cutting through flesh could be heard, and then a sharp bone more than two feet long protruded from Blood Eye’s spine, followed by a second, a third… In the blink of an eye, a sharp bone had protruded out of every part of Blood Eye’s back. And his aura also experienced a heaven-shaking transformation, becoming much more dangerous, brimming with ruthlessness, cruelty, and chaos.


  Zhong Lizi’s pupils constricted and his face twisted.

  Zhong Lizi had seen many things in his decades living in the world of sects, and he understood countless martial arts like the back of his hand. But he had never heard of an art like this that could transform one’s body and multiply one’s strength several times. This was no longer in the scope of ordinary martial arts.

  “Devil! You’re all devils!”

  A look of extreme shock appeared in Zhong Lizi’s eyes, but also intense killing intent. No matter who they were, their conduct tonight alone was enough to sign their death sentences.

  “Kekeke, how can ordinary folk know the methods of the celestials? Ant, let me end your life!”

  Blood Eye’s long hair dropped down and began to dance and tremble. Strange laughter came out of his mouth as he stared at Zhong Lizi, his body erupting with an intense and almost tangible killing intent.

  In a burst of Stellar Energy, Blood Eye shot toward Zhong Lizi.

  Boom! Boom!

  In a flash, the two of them were moving around like lightning bolts as they fiercely battled. The other men in black, however, swiftly made their way to the southwest. But after barely setting out, that man in black who had first notified Blood Eye suddenly stopped and grimaced.

  The organization of men in black had a special technique: as long as they had an article of clothing or something that the target used every day, they could detect the target’s aura within a certain range. But just a moment ago, while they still sensed their target in the southwest, they had also detected their target’s aura in the southeast and northeast.

  Although they didn’t know exactly what he was doing, there was no question that their target was playing with them.

  “You guys go to the northeast and southeast!”

  The man in black turned around and gave an order before leading off a part of the group toward the southwest. The remaining men in black split in two, separately heading toward the southeast and northeast.

  More and more Righteous Alliance experts were appearing on the slopes, and all the elders and Protectors were lunging into the fray to battle with the men in black, each side inflicting losses on the other.

  Although they had been caught off guard and more than half their forces had been afflicted by the Celestial Powder, there were still nearly one thousand disciples of the Righteous Alliance on this mountain. Even though the men i
n black had used poison, they had only been able to sprinkle poison over one side, not the entire mountain.

  And it wasn’t like the experts of the Righteous Alliance were unable to fight against these men in black.

  “Hurry! What are you bastards doing?!”

  In the southeast, Ji Andu was standing on a rock and issuing order after order, commanding the Righteous Alliance experts to attack the men in black. With everyone gathered here, Ji Andu did not dare to run off this time.

  Ji Andu had also abruptly received the news. When he was still trying to understand what was going on, the Righteous Alliance was already under attack.

  “Damn it! Just what’s going on here? Is there actually a faction in this world that the Righteous Alliance doesn’t know about?!”

  Ji Andu was stunned and confused. But no matter how many people the Righteous Alliance lost, Ji Andu really didn’t care. In any case, those dying were not his own subordinates. As long as he could escape at any time, nothing else was important.

  The mountain is in chaos. I wonder if that brat is dead yet! Ji Andu suddenly thought of that ‘Young Master Qingyang’.

  Although he didn’t have enough evidence, Ji Andu had never believed that this was the real Young Master Qingyang. From the moment he first met him, that youth had given him a strange feeling. Of course, the most important factor was that Ji Andu loathed seeing other people around Song Youran, and he was certainly not pleased to see people opposing him.

  Ji Andu could not deny the hostility he felt toward that Young Master Qingyang.


  As Ji Andu was thinking, a cold light suddenly flashed from his eyes. Although he hadn’t seen anything, he was already sensing an intense danger. Boom! Suddenly, a figure dressed in black clothes shot out of the darkness, the sword in his hand slashing at Ji Andu.

  “Not good!”

  Ji Andu’s heart chilled and his face paled. With no time to think, Ji Andu shot backward, his Stellar Energy erupting from his body as he threw a fist at his attacker.

  Boom! Fist clashed with sword, but a moment later, Ji Andu was left dumbstruck. That seemingly vicious strike collided with his fist, but there was no weight behind it. Ji Andu’s fist continued forward, exploding the assassin into nothing.


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