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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 920

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  “Found it!”

  A cold light gleamed in Wang Chong’s eyes.

  The bamboo hat leader’s ‘Yellow Scarf Warrior’ was incredibly powerful and almost impossible to beat in this environment. However, Wang Chong had already realized that before each long-distance attack, the bamboo hat leader would first have to gather energy. This energy that could control the earth and rocks would take the form of an earthen yellow energy core. It was only after this core was formed that one could launch an attack.

  Since he knew of this weakness, Wang Chong could not possibly allow his foe to successfully form the energy core.


  A moment later, Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy became tangible, stabbing into that ball of energy like a sharp sword.

  Psychic Energy was normally intangible, and no other person would have been capable of such a feat. But Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy had already evolved to become an existence similar to Stellar Energy. Rumble! The Psychic Energy pierced through the energy core, causing it to swiftly collapse.

  As the energy core exploded, the passage and the surrounding rock immediately stopped shaking.

  “How could this be?!”

  Far back in the passage, the three bamboo hat men were in hot pursuit of Wang Chong. Suddenly, their leader grimaced and came to a stop as he sensed what had happened. The two other bamboo hat men seemed to understand what had happened and glanced at each other in shock.

  “How could this be? He broke my Yellow Scarf Warrior’s control over the earth?!”

  The two sensed an unprecedented shock.

  Their leader’s Yellow Scarf Warrior was hailed as the Tyrant of the Earth. Using it allowed one to fuse with all things in the world. Amongst all Earth Element techniques, no technique could compare to the Yellow Scarf Warrior and its energy core. Moreover, the Earthen Core was specifically designed so that it was extraordinarily difficult to find.

  And even if the energy core were discovered, destroying it was no simple matter. A distance of nearly one thousand meters was enough to neutralize the vast majority of martial arts. Besides that, the core had a unique ability to transfer the power of any attacks it received into the surrounding earth.

  But now, the surrounding earth remained undamaged, yet the core had been shattered.

  The situation simply didn’t make sense, and the three couldn’t recall any similar incident.

  “After him! No matter what, he must die!”

  The bamboo hat leader’s body erupted with a cold killing intent, and he lunged into the passage.

  He might have been pursuing Wang Chong initially because he had been ordered to do so, but Wang Chong had now triggered his earnest killing intent.

  He could not allow anyone who had the ability to counter the ‘Yellow Scarf Warrior’ to survive.


  Wang Chong continued to run while the three bamboo hat men pursued with all their strength. One Earthen Core after another formed, but before they could fully condense, they were shattered by Wang Chong’s immense Psychic Energy.

  Wang Chong’s tangible Psychic Energy attacks were even more effective than Stellar Energy.

  “Bastard! Let’s see just where you can run!”

  The bamboo hat leader gnashed his teeth in rage.

  As one of the leaders of the men in black, he possessed a very composed personality that was not prone to showing emotion. But Wang Chong’s constant shattering of the Earthen Cores that he took so much pride in, making him incapable of using the power of the Yellow Scarf Warrior even once, had stirred up the most rage and killing intent he had ever felt.

  But as the three of them chased Wang Chong down, several explosions came from up ahead. Upon hearing these sounds, the trio slowed down and scowled.

  The bastard had collapsed the entire passage!


  The three bamboo hat men had sensed correctly. At the final moment, Wang Chong had used his enemy’s strategy, collapsing the passage to stymie the trio’s pursuit.

  A figure rushed out of the cloud of dust, flipping in the air before landing and running off once more.

  Although it’s hard to actually keep them there, it should be enough to hold them for a while, Wang Chong said to himself as he continued to run.

  The bamboo hat leader’s Yellow Scarf Warrior was truly too powerful. It was impossible for the collapse of the cave passage to truly stop them. But this had not been Wang Chong’s true intention.

  Though the three bamboo hat men were formidable, what truly frightened him was that man wearing the three-eyed deer mask. This was also the reason for his frantic flight.

  Wang Chong had only seen this man once, at the core of the Origin Immortal Formation, but that single meeting had left an extremely deep impression on his mind.

  That man was much more terrifying than the bamboo hat leader. Not even at his peak state was Wang Chong confident in his chances against this man.

  Wang Chong sensed an extremely powerful and dreadful energy, an energy that he recalled sensing on only one other person…

  The Arab War God, Qutaybah!

  This was a power that transcended the peak Saint Martial realm, an energy that arose from the higher dimension of the Subtle realm.

  Just like Qutaybah, the man with the three-eyed deer mask was a Subtle realm expert, but Wang Chong sensed that the masked man was even stronger than Qutaybah!

  Until he actually broke through that threshold and reached that realm, Wang Chong had no confidence in dealing with an expert of that level.

  Wang Chong continued to try to distance himself from the men in black, and a moment later, the passage opened up into a massive cavern.

  Unlike the spider cave and Nightmare Beast cave, this cavern had a diameter of a hundred-some meters. Moreover, the walls were studded with green flames that cast an eerie light over the cave.

  But what surprised Wang Chong the most was the familiar figure standing on the other side.

  Chapter 1476 - The Successor of the Origin Immortal Art!

  Chapter 1476: The Successor of the Origin Immortal Art!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Four Ends Martial Lord?”

  Wang Chong stared in shock at the figure in the cave.

  The man standing there was none other than the first to enter the pit, the Four Ends Martial Lord. When everyone was still hesitating over the hidden dangers within the pit, the Four Ends Martial Lord had gone in without hesitation.

  Wang Chong had encountered the Black Yin Ancestor and many other martial artists on his path here, but he had not seen this individual most esteemed amongst the unaffiliated martial artists.

  He hadn’t expected to run into him here.

  The Four Ends Martial Lord was standing tall, his body exuding power and majesty, and the bright armor and large cape he wore clearly indicated his identity. This sort of mighty and soldierly aura was very rare in the martial arts world.

  “Martial Lord?”

  Wang Chong slowed down and began to slowly walk through this eerie cave toward the Four Ends Martial Lord.

  But the Four Ends Martial Lord appeared to not hear Wang Chong. He remained motionless, seemingly thinking of something or looking at something. Wang Chong couldn’t see his face, so he couldn’t determine what he was actually doing.

  One step, two steps… as Wang Chong got closer and closer to the Four Ends Martial Lord, the Martial Lord’s cape fiercely snapped and fluttered, but the man himself remained motionless.

  Wang Chong creased his brow, sensing that something was wrong but not exactly knowing what the problem was.

  “Martial Lord?”

  Finally, Wang Chong reached the front of the Four Ends Martial Lord. With just a glance, Wang Chong trembled and paled.

  The Four Ends Martial Lord was standing in front of a passage, his eyes wide open and his veins bulging, but his complexion was the ghastly pale white of a dead man. Wang Chong could sens
e no vitality from his body.


  Grimacing, Wang Chong extended a finger to the tip of the Four Ends Martial Lord’s nose. It was cold to the touch, and there was no sign of any breathing.

  And to Wang Chong’s consternation, when he sent his Stellar Energy probing into the Four Ends Martial Lord’s body, he found that all of the meridians were broken. It was like some extremely powerful external force had snapped them all.

  “How could this be?”

  Wang Chong felt an unprecedented shock as he staggered backward.

  He knew of the Four Ends Martial Lord, and while this extremely prestigious member of the martial arts world might have been lacking compared to Righteous Alliance Lord Song Yuanyi and the Eternal Spring Mantra he cultivated, the gap was probably not large. In the martial arts world, they belonged to the same class of experts.

  Moreover, when he had first appeared before Wang Chong, he had been riding a warhorse and radiating a most fierce Yang Stellar Energy, so intense that it had manifested into searing flames that threatened to ignite the very air itself.

  One could only manifest this effect by cultivating one’s Stellar Energy to a sublime level.

  Even Wang Chong would have found him a very troublesome opponent.

  Wang Chong had never imagined that the fearless Four Ends Martial Lord and his supreme energy would die here. And from what he could tell, his meridians had been shattered by someone with an even more fierce and bright energy.

  This sort of situation was simply absurd!

  “Just who was it that killed the Four Ends Martial Lord?”

  Wang Chong’s mind was in turmoil, throwing out all sorts of ideas.

  He followed the gaze of the Four Ends Martial Lord’s dead eyes, but all he saw was darkness and some strange green mist. Yet this sight made Wang Chong feel intensely nervous.

  Anyone who could use fierce Yang energy to shatter the Four Ends Martial Lord’s body could not be ordinary!


  Wang Chong immediately sent his Psychic Energy into the darkness, toward the dark passage and that green mist.

  But not even Wang Chong could have imagined the consequences this action would bring.


  Two cold flashes of light devoid of any emotion appeared in the green mist.

  “Who goes there?!”

  His heart chilled as warning bells sounded off in his mind.

  In a flash of light, a black figure appeared like a ghost in front of Wang Chong, moving with simply absurd levels of speed.

  An immense Yang energy, akin to an erupting volcano, emerged from this man’s body. For a moment, Wang Chong felt like the entire world was burning.

  This scorching energy was even more terrifying than the Four Ends Martial Lord’s Fierce Yang Divine Art. A blazing sun had appeared in front of Wang Chong.

  The passage lit up like it was daytime.

  “Not good!”

  The moment this man appeared, the sense of danger in Wang Chong’s mind multiplied. Goosebumps rose from his skin while his hair stood on end, his entire body stimulated by a thick stench of death that threatened to engulf him.

  “Great Yin Yang Art!”

  With no time to think, Wang Chong took the risk of triggering his cultivation defect, summoned up all his Stellar Energy, and used one of the three great techniques of the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art.


  That dreadful energy that was even hotter than the sun, supreme and radiant, shot toward Wang Chong in an explosion of wind and an unstoppable torrent of fire.

  If Wang Chong weren’t experiencing it for himself, Wang Chong would have never imagined that someone could cultivate Stellar Energy to this level.

  Each grain of Stellar Energy was like a grain of golden sand, and each one was packed with a molten energy that seemed capable of directly turning a human into smoke and steam. Wang Chong suddenly understood how someone of the Four Ends Martial Lord’s strength had been killed.

  Wang Chong’s sharp intuition proved critical in countering this incredible danger. Just as the golden Stellar Energy was about to strike, his own supreme energies of Yin and Yang emerged, fusing together and rotating like a millstone.

  The power of Yin and Yang caused that flood of dreadful energy to divide into two.

  One half of this energy continued onward to collide into Wang Chong’s body, but the other part brushed past, guided by the energy of the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art to crash into a cave wall.

  Wang Chong was bowled over by this supreme Yang energy, his entire body in a state of chaos as it was jolted out of the cave.

  The Great Yin Yang Art could both attack and defend. When attacking, it could use the opposite energies of Yin and Yang to heavily injure the foe with a terrific explosion. When defending, it could use the power of Yin and Yang to divide the enemy’s attack in half, weakening it by as much.

  But even so, the remaining half was still immensely powerful, and in his current state, Wang Chong found it very difficult to endure.

  “Just what is this thing that’s so powerful?!”

  Wang Chong was stunned as he stared at that figure in the green mist.

  In this underground world, he had encountered many traps and mechanisms: the metallic storm, the Dragonbeasts, the Stellar-Piercing Beetles, the Nightmare Beast, and also the Darkshadow Spider with its peerlessly sharp spider threads.

  But the thing before him did not belong to this category, because no monster could use the martial arts of a human.

  Wang Chong still didn’t understand what this was.

  As Wang Chong was preparing to retreat and at the same time further inspect what was in that passage, a familiar and slightly tense voice emerged in Wang Chong’s mind.

  “Don’t move! Seal your pores! Retract all your energy!”

  The Lone Silence Ancestor?!

  Wang Chong instantly recognized this voice in shock.

  At any other time, Wang Chong would have never stopped just because someone else told him to.

  But for some reason, the slight tension in the Lone Silence Ancestor’s voice made Wang Chong’s body unconsciously decide to obey.

  How is he here?!

  Wang Chong’s mind was reeling.

  And what was most incredible was that the Lone Silence Ancestor’s voice was actually coming from within the passage.


  There was no time to think. As Wang Chong stopped, the area became still, even the sounds of breathing fading away.

  The cave became frighteningly silent.

  In the passage across from Wang Chong, the green mist continued to drift, but that imposing silhouette that had been just about to attack Wang Chong again had suddenly stopped.

  In an almost oppressively tense atmosphere, that figure began to slowly approach Wang Chong.

  A puff of air blew away some of the green mist, and Wang Chong finally saw what that figure was.

  It wasn’t a monster like the Nightmare Beast or the poison spider, but an ordinary human martial artist that was seven to eight feet tall.

  His long hair hung loose on his back and he wore a silver-white robe. But unlike other martial artists, this man’s clothes were in the ancient style common to the final days of the Sui.

  Wang Chong was stunned to see this.

  As the dynasties of the Central Plains replaced each other, each dynasty would bring its own unique symbols and style. As an offspring of a clan of ministers and generals, Wang Chong had come into contact with some things from the Sui, so he had instantly recognized the style of clothes.

  And when he saw these clothes from the Sui Dynasty, he felt a very bizarre feeling.

  Wang Chong continued to watch, and the green flames of the cave soon illuminated the man’s face.

  It was the face of a dead man, a pale white utterly devoid of blood. This feeling only intensified when he saw the man’s eyes.

  They were vacant and lifeless, not at all the eyes of a
living man.

  He’s dead!

  Wang Chong’s mind shivered in understanding.

  All was silent and eerie as Wang Chong and that man stared at each other, the corpse of the Four Ends Martial Lord between them. The lifeless eyes of that living dead man shifted and turned in their sockets.

  But as Wang Chong spotted a Yin Yang Wuji symbol on the man’s silver robe and what appeared to be a majestic phantom golden compass of sorts behind the man that was slowly retracting, still brimming with mysterious energy, he suddenly understood something.

  A successor of the Origin Immortal Art!

  In a flash of insight, Wang Chong understood who this was.

  Chapter 1477 - A Lineage of Six Generations!

  Chapter 1477: A Lineage of Six Generations!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Wang Chong instantly focused on the massive ‘golden compass’ behind the man, unprecedented shock rippling through his mind.

  Two hundred years ago, the Origin Immortal Art did have successors, but it had been so long since they had vanished that they had been forgotten. The Yin Yang Wuji symbols on their robes served as the best evidence of their identity.

  In his last life, Wang Chong had heard of the might of the Supreme and Infinite Origin Immortal Art, the world’s number one art. Its reputation was an irresistible allure for all martial artists.

  But Wang Chong had never imagined that this was how he would encounter the Supreme and Infinite Origin Immortal Art for the first time.

  The Fierce Yang Divine Art of the Four Ends Martial Lord was formidable, but in the end, it could not compare to the world’s supreme art.

  Wang Chong watched as the golden compass vanished into the air. That successor of the Origin Immortal Art turned his eyes here and there, but as if he couldn’t see Wang Chong, he turned back around and walked back into the cave, vanishing into the green mist.

  After a long while, Wang Chong began to cautiously move backward.

  Each successor of the Origin Immortal Art had been an astounding genius possessing transcendent power. Even a peak Imperial Great General would have been in grave peril against them.


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