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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 933

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  With this fragmented consciousness, these walking corpses could patrol the palace and attack any outsiders.

  And the stronger their mind, the greater their reaction time and fighting power, and the more they were able to deal with the changes in the outside world.

  Wang Chong’s plan had been established on the premise that all the other walking corpses had a consciousness similar to the third-generation’s, but the second-generation’s mind was clearly much stronger. This also meant that their plan could be exposed at any time.

  The plan was not going as smoothly as they had hoped.

  Chapter 1499 - Walking on Thin Ice!

  Chapter 1499: Walking on Thin Ice!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “What do we do?!”

  The Lone Silence Ancestor and the Wushang Village Chief instinctively turned to the Demonic Emperor Old Man, their hearts quavering.

  “Chong-er, you decide!”

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man’s voice resounded in Wang Chong’s mind, brimming with absolute trust and support.


  Wang Chong grunted and nodded.

  No matter how difficult it was, he had to at least try. This was the only way out.

  Wang Chong could already sense that the Supreme and Infinite Origin Immortal Art was a great boon to his body.

  Merely the first layer had greatly improved the condition of his injuries. If he obtained the complete Origin Immortal Art, he might be able to fix the innate flaw of his art and bring it to a higher level.

  He might be able to bring it up to par with the Origin Immortal Art or perhaps even develop an entirely new technique.

  Wang Chong had the third-generation successor step forward.

  Thump! Everyone awaited the outcome of this simple step with bated breath.

  The footfall seemed to shake the entire palace.

  All four of them stared at the second-generation successor on his white jade throne, not daring to neglect even the smallest movement.

  Plans were one thing and reality was another. This first step was to determine whether this walking corpse would attack the walking corpse of another area.

  If they couldn’t even make this first step, they could forget about trying anything else.

  As expected, this small step caused the second-generation successor to immediately look over. All of them held their breaths, and even Wang Chong appeared grim.


  At this moment, the second-generation successor sat up.

  This simple action seemed incredibly ominous.

  What’s going on? Are the walking corpses so territorial that they won’t even let those from other areas enter?

  Wang Chong’s mind was in turmoil with countless thoughts.

  “Chong-er, get ready!”

  At almost the same moment, the Demonic Emperor Old Man, Wushang Village Chief, and Lone Silence Ancestor tensed, preparing to fight.

  But just then, that enthroned figure stopped moving.

  The two walking corpses stared at each other, both of them like statues.

  Back in the passage, the group was stunned, but they began to understand what had occurred and calmed down.

  The walking corpses each attended to their own duties, and something like this has never happened before. This walking corpse is familiarizing himself with the other walking corpse’s aura, Wang Chong noted to himself in understanding.

  But as the matter was not yet settled, Wang Chong remained vigilant.

  After what seemed like an eternity, the second-generation successor slowly looked away, the look on his face much gentler.


  The group sighed in relief. This short moment had seemed even longer than a century to them.

  His heart relaxing, Wang Chong had the third-generation successor take another step forward.

  Bzz! The second-generation successor looked over, but his eyes were softer and much less vigilant.

  “Master, Seniors, it’s our turn!”

  Wang Chong sent his voice through his Psychic Energy into the minds of the three.

  The first test had succeeded, so now, they needed to rely on the energy of the third-generation successor to cover their approach.

  Everyone’s lives were on the line, so Wang Chong remained solemn and vigilant.

  With the third-generation successor in front and the four of them behind, they progressed forward. As they had planned, the third-generation’s energy cover allowed them to attract little attention.

  In the entire process, the second-generation successor hardly glanced at them.

  The results caused the group’s confidence to swell.

  As Wang Chong made step after step, that divine existence on the throne only shot him the occasional glance.

  It was like Wang Chong and the others didn’t even exist.


  The Lone Silence Ancestor’s brows unfurled. Even the Demonic Emperor’s solemn expression seemed to relax.

  Wang Chong’s capture of the third-generation successor had completely altered their plan. As long as they could deceive the second-generation successor, it meant that they could use the same method to deceive the strongest successor as well.

  There was no need to fight a fierce battle, and they could save their strength, something that they hadn’t imagined possible before.

  The group cautiously made their way out of the long corridor and into the palace guarded by the second-generation successor, but the experience was more harrowing than it was dangerous. No battle was provoked.

  They quickly made their way up the steps, but as they did, the air began to tense up once more.

  Only the last barrier is left!

  Wang Chong’s expression turned solemn as he looked past the second-generation successor.

  Not far behind the second-generation successor was a narrow passage. This was the only exit leading out of the palace.

  If one wanted to enter this passage, one would have to go past the white jade throne, but standing in front of the throne was the second-generation successor.

  The group suddenly stopped not far from the second-generation successor.

  The Lone Silence Ancestor sent his Psychic Energy into Wang Chong’s mind. “Your Highness, the distance is too close. At such a close distance, the concealment effect of the Origin Immortal Stellar Energy might be greatly reduced. Is there no way of using Psychic Energy to control him like you did the third-generation?”

  The second-generation successor was truly very strong, his golden light even purer than the third-generation’s. Even though he had yet to use any of his might, the group already felt like there was a dagger pressing at their spines.

  Moreover, with the precedent of the third-generation successor, they couldn’t help but wonder if they could also control the second-generation.

  With the Subtle realm second-generation and half-step Subtle realm third-generation successors, they would basically have nothing to fear in this underground palace.

  At the very least, only a very small number of things would be able to threaten them.


  Wang Chong shook his head.

  “These Origin Immortal Art successors have been dead for many years, and Psychic Energy is their greatest weakness. But it’s precisely for this reason that they have formidable defenses against Psychic Energy attacks. If he receives a Psychic Energy attack now, he will immediately counterattack, and our attempt to conceal ourselves will have been a wasted effort.

  “In addition, I was able to control the third-generation because he had a wound that left an opening. But I’ve been watching all this time, and I’ve observed that the second-generation is completely unscathed, and even his armor is in perfect condition. My Psychic Energy has no way of entering his body to take control of it.”

  A battle of Psychic Energy was fraught with danger and not as easy as others might imagine. If Wang Chong hadn’t pu
nctured the third-generation successor’s defenses, he would have been the one killed.

  The Lone Silence Ancestor had astonishing cultivation and strong Psychic Energy, but he was still a pure martial artist and was still far from being a proper psychic practitioner. He naturally couldn’t understand just how dangerous the battles of that domain were.

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man spoke at this point. “Let’s go one by one and move slowly. Try your best to not draw the second-generation’s attention.”

  Everyone nodded in unison.

  The third-generation successor led the way, the Wushang Village Chief had the second position, the Lone Silence Ancestor was third, Wang Chong was fourth, and the Demonic Emperor Old Man held the rear.

  As the group got closer and closer, the second-generation successor seemed to sense something and looked over. But there was no going back now, and a nervous tension filled the air.

  The third-generation successor soon reached the white jade throne.

  The second-generation successor noticed this and turned to the third-generation with confusion in his eyes.

  This subtle shift had everyone’s hearts thumping.

  “Continue!” the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s voice resounded in everyone’s minds.

  Although the second-generation successor had a different look in his eyes, he had not done anything yet. This was their chance.

  As long as there was any hope of getting through without fighting, they could not give up.

  It was soon the Wushang Village Chief’s turn, and he took his white cane and calmly walked toward the throne.

  The others could only watch with bated breath, afraid that any other movement might alarm the second-generation elder.

  One step, two steps, three steps… each of them watched and counted every step the Wushang Village Chief took.

  It took a few minutes to cover the short distance, and finally, as the Wushang Village Chief reached the throne, everyone exhaled.

  With the Wushang Village Chief leading the way, the others also began to walk forward.

  The Lone Silence Ancestor, Wang Chong, and then the Demonic Emperor Old Man went through the process, the whole time acting like they were walking on thin ice.

  At least, even the Demonic Emperor Old Man managed to arrive next to the throne.

  The four of them were gathered next to the throne, their minds remaining tense.

  They were now less than one meter from the second-generation successor. Wang Chong could even see the thick black eyebrows of the second-generation successor, the veins on his skin, the fine hair on his ears, and the simple carvings on his armor.

  As Wang Chong looked over, he saw the second-generation successor’s eyes slowly turning to look back at him.

  Chapter 1500 - Unexpected Mishap!

  Chapter 1500: Unexpected Mishap!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  It was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop. The air was pervaded by tension and the thick stench of death.

  The nearby second-generation successor was like the Sword of Damocles hanging suspended over the heads of the group, ready to fall down at any time and cast them into a bottomless abyss.

  Around the throne, a bizarrely calm atmosphere was maintained. No one made any careless movements. The second-generation successor did not move, simply looking suspiciously at the group but doing nothing more. Even so, the group did not dare to be careless.

  “Let’s hurry!” the Demonic Emperor Old Man urged.

  To stand in this place was like standing in a furnace and was far too dangerous. Their first priority was to leave as quickly as possible and enter that passage. The Wushang Village Chief was the first to move, then the Lone Silence Ancestor and Wang Chong. The order was the same, except that the third-generation successor who had once led the way now remained at the back to guard against any attack from the second-generation successor.

  Everyone moved with silent cohesion and succeeded in cautiously making their way to safety. The experience was more frightening than dangerous, as the only thing the second-generation successor did was glance at them as they moved.

  However, when the Lone Silence Ancestor had made it halfway to safety…


  With no warning at all, the entire palace and the ore vein that contained it began to fiercely tremble. It was like some massive and invisible hand had gripped the vein and was shaking it about.

  Not only that, all of them could once more hear the deafening rumble of some giant machine.

  “It’s the Origin Immortal Villagers!”

  Wang Chong’s mind trembled as a thought passed through his mind.

  He was no stranger to this immense trembling and clanking. He had heard it at least three times in the underground river. It was apparent that the Origin Immortal Villagers had once more used some massive mechanism against the men in black.

  Wang Chong hadn’t felt much while in the underground river, but now, he felt an extremely ill foreboding.

  “Shit! Careful!”

  A cry of alarm exploded in Wang Chong’s mind.

  “There’s falling rocks!”

  A resounding howl came from overhead. The group looked up and saw that the shaking had knocked several rocks loose from the ceiling. Forty-some craggy stones of various sizes were now hurtling toward the platform at the top of the steps.

  One of these had a diameter of twenty-some meters and a weight of six to seven thousand jin. It broke off the ceiling with ten-some smaller stones and was now smashing toward the Lone Silence Ancestor, with Wang Chong and the Demonic Emperor Old Man also in the impact zone.

  Everyone instantly paled.

  None of them had expected this development, which had come too abruptly to take any countermeasures.


  Almost instinctively, the Lone Silence Ancestor raised a palm toward the rock. If a martial artist didn’t use their energy, they would be crushed to death just like an ordinary person by this massive rock. But before he could attack, there was a golden burst of light. A suddenly raised arm had shattered the falling boulder.

  Wang Chong had taken control of the third-generation successor and attacked!

  It was much better for the third-generation successor to take action than the Lone Silence Ancestor.


  Behind Wang Chong, the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s lips trembled as if he wanted to say something, but it was too late.


  As the rock was shattered, an energy of unprecedented magnitude erupted, illuminating the area like the sun. This energy contained an immense pressure that instantly spread throughout the palace.

  The faces of the four were instantly drained of blood while their bodies went stiff.

  What they had all feared had finally taken place. The shaking of the ore vein, the falling rock, and the third-generation successor taking action had finally alarmed the second-generation successor by his throne.

  Crackcrack! Bones groaned as the nearby second-generation successor turned around, his dim eyes reigniting with bright light as he stared at Wang Chong’s group.

  The second-generation successor’s armor also erupted in light, the golden flames that had once been only a few feet long exploding to several dozen feet. Even space itself began to distort, causing the second-generation successor’s figure to slowly turn indistinct.

  His energy instantly exceeded the third-generation successor, entering the Subtle realm. With a vast boom, the ‘Trayastrimsa Heaven’ emblematic of the Origin Immortal Art appeared behind him.

  But unlike the third-generation successor, the second-generation’s Trayastrimsa Heaven was so vast and grandiose that its top actually vanished into the ceiling of the palace. It was hard to determine how many layers it actually had.

  Clangclangclang! As the Trayastrimsa Heaven appeared, the golden light around the second-generation successor shifted, turning into countless golden compasses tha
t merged into a giant formation, far sturdier than the third-generation’s.

  The golden fortress of the third-generation successor had simply appeared gorgeous and exquisite, but the second-generation’s… it was so solid that it had gone beyond Stellar Energy and seemed to be cast from metal. From this alone, one could see that the second-generation was far stronger than the third-generation.


  Absolute silence!

  Everyone felt an intense danger.

  This is going to be difficult!

  Wang Chong’s eyes twitched. Rocks were still falling from the ceiling, but nobody cared about them anymore. The suddenly active second-generation successor was now the most dangerous existence here, and his terrifying strength made their blood freeze and their breathing almost stop.

  The sudden falling rock had thrown all of them into grave peril.

  The second-generation successor seemed like a god, and at this moment, with a stomp, he left his throne and began to walk toward the group.

  This single step had the weight of ten thousand jun and made the entire hall shake.

  He suddenly stretched out his hand. Clang! A part of the ceiling caved in as an ancient sword around four feet long and covered in the designs of the Western Han Dynasty descended. As the sword fell, it suddenly accelerated into the open hand of the second-generation successor.

  It’s his weapon!

  Wang Chong immediately understood.

  The Trayastrimsa Heavens that appeared behind the Origin Immortal Art successors could transform into weapons. The third-generation’s Trayastrimsa Heaven had transformed into a powerful golden halberd, but the second-generation had elected to not use the Trayastrimsa Heaven. Rather, he used his four-foot sword.

  But this made Wang Chong only feel more danger, not less.

  If the second-generation successor was not using the Trayastrimsa Heaven but a sword, it could only mean that he had some astounding level of cultivation in the sword arts that made a sword far more terrifying than the Trayastrimsa Heaven’s weapon.

  The second-generation successor gripped the sword and was clearly about to strike. Wang Chong’s mind groaned with tension.


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