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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 948

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Almost all the men in black moved out, and the air was soon resounding with screams. The martial artists were incapable of holding back the tide and suffered severe losses.

  “Take up formation!”

  Righteous Alliance Lord Song Yuanyi’s eyes brightly gleamed as he gave the order. His voice was deep, steady, and extremely calm. Amidst the chaos, he imbued the hearts of his men with stability and confidence.

  The surrounding martial artists subconsciously began to gather around the Righteous Alliance.


  The Righteous Alliance experts immediately divided into teams of three, each of which formed a small formation, and five small formations combined into a major formation. All the formations rippled with energy that combined together into a single whole.


  The men in black advanced, and they were soon assaulting Song Yuanyi’s position.

  A half–Lu Wu man in black, his hair disheveled and his face savage, viciously howled and then lunged at Song Yuanyi.

  “Alliance Lord, watch out!”

  Cries of alarm could be heard. These men in black transformed into half–Lu Wus had tough bodies that could hold fast against Stellar Energy, and they had already killed numerous martial artists.

  In the face of it all, Song Yuanyi was calm and composed, no sign of panic in his eyes.

  Boom! As the man in black charged over, a green light gleamed on his body.

  Without Song Yuanyi even moving, the bestial half–Lu Wu came to a sudden halt three feet from him as if he had run into an invisible barrier.


  Song Yuanyi remained motionless, his hands behind his back, but his robe snapped for a moment. A jade-green Stellar Energy surged out, entering through every pore of the man in black’s body.

  Creak! Crack! Countless leaves and vines erupted from every pore of the transformed man in black, even some blood-colored flowers.

  His exposed skin rapidly turned from black to green.

  “How could this be?!”

  The man in black raised his head with great difficulty and stared in disbelief at Song Yuanyi’s indifferent face.

  Creak! Crack! A few moments later, the tough and unstoppable body of the half–Lu Wu had turned completely into a tree that stood in front of Song Yuanyi.

  But his life energy had utterly vanished.

  Half–Lu Wus!

  By sacrificing a large quantity of Stellar Energy and latent potential, one could greatly increase one’s physical strength and speed, becoming a monster.

  Alas, this sort of pure physical enhancement was very easily dealt with by Song Yuanyi’s Eternal Spring Mantra.


  A bamboo hat man who saw this turned cold, and he immediately rushed at Song Yuanyi and the Righteous Alliance experts behind him in a black whirlwind.

  “Universe Sundering Art!” At this moment, a confident and assured voice spoke, and Vice Alliance Lord Xie Guangting stepped forward and punched.

  His fist moved with deceptive speed, and Xie Guangting’s attack arrived before the bamboo hat man could get close.


  The earth rumbled and Stellar Energy howled. A white light more dazzling than the sun erupted from Xie Guangting’s fist.

  The fabric of space itself trembled in the face of Xie Guangting’s art, countless cracks appearing on it as if it was made of glass.

  At the same time, it sundered the blade-like Stellar Energy of the bamboo hat man.

  “Universe Sundering Art!”

  When it came to single combat, shattering martial arts, and blasting through Stellar Energy, no art in the world could compare to the Universe Sundering Art.

  Even Song Yuanyi and his masterful grasp of the Eternal Spring Mantra, granting him an extremely dense Stellar Energy and a peerless defense, would be in danger of having his defenses breached by Xie Guangting, let alone anyone else.

  “All Righteous Alliance disciples, hear my order! Attack!”

  Song Yuanyi’s expression chilled as he gave the order to go on the offensive.


  Several dozen Righteous Alliance experts, Elder Sikong Yuanjia amongst them, angrily howled as they charged at the men in black.

  Bang! Song Yuanyi stomped forward, sending streams of Eternal Spring Stellar Energy traveling through the earth and into the bodies of the Righteous Alliance experts.

  Chapter 1527 - Intense Battle Beneath the Earth! (II)

  :Chapter 1527 Intense Battle Beneath the Earth! (II)

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  The Eternal Spring Stellar Energy rapidly revitalized the Righteous Alliance experts to peak condition, at the same time healing their wounds.


  A few seconds later, the formations of the Righteous Alliance clashed with the men in black.

  Above their heads, light flashed and explosions ensued, Stellar Energy blasting into the men in black.

  Screams could be heard as seven or eight men in black were instantly slain by Song Yuanyi’s Eternal Spring Mantra.

  “Seeking death!”

  At almost the same time, Xie Guangting’s eyes coldly gleamed as he entered the fray.


  Putting aside Song Yuanyi and Xie Guangting, on the left side of the passage, the Five Ancestor Alliance was also under the frenzied assault of the men in black.

  But unlike the Righteous Alliance, the Five Ancestor Alliance did not have complicated arrays or tactics. Their method of fighting was simply to fight to the death with all their strength.


  With a heaven-shaking roar, a massive black dragon lunged forward, its long tail striking ten-some men in black and flinging them into the air.

  Boom! A dragon claw swiped down, and a man in black, his face stricken with fear, had his Stellar Energy barrier dashed to pieces and his body crushed into pulp without even the chance to dodge.

  “Hmph, I’d like to see if you have the skill to kill this old man!”

  The Black Yin Ancestor’s cold voice resounded over the battlefield.

  Behind him was a cliff, and the Five Ancestor Alliance was already in dire straits. Even a trapped beast would fight, let alone an evil path leader like the Black Yin Ancestor.

  As the Black Yin Ancestor began his assault, the earth quaked and another enormous storm of energy appeared.

  Raaaaa! Right behind the black dragon was a bone devil thirty to forty meters tall, black smoke coming off its body.

  “Bone Devil’s Rage!”

  Countless bones suddenly rose from the ground and fused with the right arm of the giant bone devil. These thousands of bones merged together into a giant fist that slammed against the ground.

  Rumble! The earth trembled at the impact and the ground sank inward, seeming to be on the verge of completely collapsing.

  Men in black screamed, as not even the half–Lu Wus and Black Flame Asuras could stand against the Bone Devil Ancestor’s strike and were crushed to death.

  And a deathly energy was also surging forward, seeping into the bodies of the men in black.

  It ate away at them until nothing but white bones were left to drop to the ground.


  The elite experts amongst the men in black who were on par with the three bamboo hat men charged at the Bone Devil Ancestor and the others.

  The battle intensified, shouts and the collisions of Stellar Energy ringing out endlessly. In a short while, a bloody fog had gathered in the air while the ground had become covered in corpses.

  Even though Song Yuanyi, Xie Guangting, the Black Yin Ancestor, Bone Devil Ancestor, and Myriad Ghost Ancestor, the elders of the righteous and evil paths, and the unaffiliated martial artists were working together, the men in black still had far more strength than the forces of the martial arts world.

  Their martial arts were brutal and tyrannical like a wildfire, walking a completely different path from the
martial arts of this world.

  These righteous and evil experts accustomed to contests with each other were incapable of defending themselves against such bizarre arts.

  “It’s time for us to strike!”

  Clang! Wang Chong suddenly took two steps forward, raising the Origin Immortal Sword. Immense power was seething within the sword, far more power than Wang Chong had first imagined.

  And after his battle with Bagushidu, Wang Chong had grown more proficient with using the Origin Immortal Sword, gradually understanding how best to use it.

  “These men in black are truly like maggots clinging to a bone. But it’s about time for us to make our counterattack!”

  As Wang Chong looked at the men in black pushing forward, a harsh gleam appeared in his eyes.

  He had reached the end of his patience, nor was there a need to continue being patient. His power had returned, his illness was cured, and with the divine sword in hand, he had nothing to fear.

  “Master, I give this to you. I got it from the altar. As for the rest, leave it to me!”

  Wang Chong threw over the gourd-shaped bottle he had taken from the altar, and then he charged into the battle like an unstoppable god of war.

  The moment he stepped forward, the earth trembled and a storm of energy swept out from his body.


  With a cold flash of light in his eyes, Wang Chong turned into a twisted lightning bolt and vanished.


  One hundred feet away, a violet streak as thin as a hair appeared for a brief moment. Boom! Boom! Boom! The Origin Immortal Sword swept in a long arc through the air, unleashing a series of explosions that blasted apart all the men in black in its path.

  In this brief moment, the men in black had lost ten-some experts, and this was only the beginning…


  Without any warning, men in black who had been slaughtering the martial artists and battling with the righteous and evil experts suddenly cried out in panic. Their bodies trembled uncontrollably, and most uncontrollable of all was their Stellar Energies.

  Boom! Their energies flowed like rivers merging into the sea. Even those Black Flame Asuras wrapped in the Fire of Mara could not prevent their Stellar Energies from breaking out of their bodies and joining the flow that converged on Wang Chong’s body.


  The men in black began to shrivel up and fall to the ground, their cultivations completely absorbed by Wang Chong.

  The Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art!

  Now that Wang Chong had recovered his power, he could once more display the might of the number one evil art, and its strength had risen to a whole new level.

  Rumble! A great storm howled around Wang Chong, exerting an immense pull.

  With the help of the Origin Immortal Sword’s vast might, Wang Chong was able to boost his Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art to the Subtle realm, and its power had been substantially increased.


  The men in black screamed, their bodies wreathed in black smoke as they dropped.


  The third bamboo hat man, who was using the Greater Void Step to traverse the battlefield like a ghost and slaughter all in his path, suddenly turned his head, his eyes cold.

  “Ha, it’s you! You actually dared to show yourself!”

  The third bamboo hat man’s eyes gleamed with wicked sharpness. He had noticed Wang Chong upon first reaching the core, but as the three Immortals were present, the bamboo hat man had not dared to act recklessly. But attacking now was an entirely different matter.

  This time, Wang Chong would not be able to escape his grasp!

  “If you want to die, I’ll fulfill your wish!”


  There was a shrill metallic howl as the third bamboo hat man vanished into the void. Pa! A thin whip, as sharp as a saber, emerged from the depths of the void, slicing through the air as it flew at Wang Chong.

  The third bamboo hat man’s metal whip had a powerful Stellar-Piercing ability. It could tear through a martial artist’s Stellar Energy and tear them in half.


  Wang Chong suddenly smiled. This was not his first encounter with this man in black, as this was the one who had pursued him into the underground river. At that time, Wang Chong had been very weak and he had been in danger of triggering his cultivation defect, so he had been forced to avoid a battle.

  But that was then and this was now. Even Bagushidu had died to him, let alone this bamboo hat man.

  “Just what I wanted!”

  Wang Chong’s lips curved into a smile, and then he shot forward, going on the offensive.


  Even before Wang Chong vanished, he had sent out his immense Psychic Energy, which now savagely struck the hidden third bamboo hat man.

  The Greater Void Step was much faster than the Void Movement Technique Wang Chong had obtained, meaning that Wang Chong would not be able to compete with him when it came to speed.

  But unfortunately for the third bamboo hat man, Wang Chong had no need to go through all that trouble.

  His tangible Psychic Energy far surpassed that of a Subtle realm expert, so the third bamboo hat man’s Greater Void Step was of no use against him.


  There was an explosion in the void, and then a cry of alarm. A violet lightning bolt flashed through the air, striking the third bamboo hat man with sheer destructive might.


  While the surrounding people were still trying to understand what was going on, the third bamboo hat man screamed and was sent flying like a ragdoll.

  Bang! He smashed into the cave wall ten-some meters behind him.

  Large slabs of rock accompanied by great clouds of dust came down. The frightening power in Wang Chong’s single strike had blasted the third bamboo hat man deep into the cave wall.


  The bamboo hat leader, who had already transformed into the thirty-some-meter-tall Yellow Scarf Warrior, now fiercely turned his head. As he turned around, countless stones fell around him, all Stellar Energy that he had converted into rock.

  At his feet were the scattered bodies of lifeless martial artists, their eyes vacant.

  Chapter 1528 - Intense Battle Beneath the Earth! (III)

  Chapter 1528: Intense Battle Beneath the Earth! (III)

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  The bamboo hat leader had been far stronger than his opponents. Even in death, an invisible energy continued to creep through the bodies of the deceased martial artists.

  Their skin, hair, fingernails, and even the blood in their veins were slowly turning to stone.

  “Kid, you’ve truly got some luck!” the bamboo hat leader loudly said as he loomed like a god. “Since that’s the case, I might as well kill you now to prevent any future problems!”

  The earth rumbled as the bamboo hat leader moved his massive body filled with boundless strength. His every moment caused the area to tremble as if it couldn’t endure his immense might.


  With a speed and agility completely out of sorts with his massive body, the Yellow Scarf Warrior charged at Wang Chong.

  His massive fist exploded with golden light, wreathed in destructive torrents of energy.


  The Yellow Scarf Warrior’s fist moved quickly, but Wang Chong’s attack came with even greater speed.

  Wang Chong showed no signs of backing down against this dreadful power that could petrify martial artists and their Stellar Energy.

  Now that he was fully recovered and even stronger than before, he could even fight evenly with Song Yuanyi. Wang Chong was ready to fight with all his might and not give a single inch.

  “Art of God and Demon Obliteration!”

  Wang Chong instantly used the supreme sword art of the Central Plains.

  The air buzzed, and a moment later, a vast sword in
tent howled out of Wang Chong’s body.

  A milky-white light filled the world, instantly transforming into a beam of Sword Qi several dozen feet long that shot toward the massive figure of the Yellow Scarf Warrior.


  These two energies that far surpassed a peak Great General collided in the air.

  Crack! For a moment, it felt like space itself was being torn apart, and then fierce gales exploded outward.

  Men in black and martial artists were swept up in the violent shockwave.

  But in this contest of apparently equal foes, the final result left everyone surprised.

  Boom! The white bolt of grandiose Sword Qi tore unstoppably through the almost armor-like Stellar Energy around the Yellow Scarf Warrior.

  In a flash, it had struck the thick, rocky arm of the Yellow Scarf Warrior.


  There was a wretched scream and a thunderous explosion. The Yellow Scarf Warrior staggered backward, his face of stone covered in shock.

  “How could this be!?”

  The Yellow Scarf Warrior appeared to have been given an extremely bad fright. As he backed away, he cast aside the massive stone arm, which fell apart into rock slabs.

  But he was too late.

  The other parts of the Yellow Scarf Warrior’s body were instantly covered in cracks and began to break away.

  Through these cracks in the stone, one could see countless strands of white Sword Qi swimming like snakes through his body.

  Even after the clash, the dreadful sword intent and Sword Qi of the Art of God and Demon Obliteration continued to travel through and wreak havoc on his body.

  Not only that, the remnants of Wang Chong’s Sword Qi had caused the bamboo hat leader to lose control of his Yellow Scarf Warrior body for the first time.

  The destructive power of this sword art was greater than he had imagined.


  The Yellow Scarf Warrior’s massive body staggered back, and finally, boom! It crashed into the wall in a great cloud of dust.


  For a moment, all was silent. The other two bamboo hat men paled in shock at this sight, disbelief in their eyes.


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