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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 959

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  “Something’s going on!” the Bone Devil Ancestor suddenly said at almost the same time. His brow rose and he seemed anxious and uneasy.

  “I have a bad feeling. We might be in trouble!”

  “Ancestor, is that brat inside causing trouble?” Wei Changting, Song Youran’s once-pursuer, suddenly asked from his place behind the Bone Devil Ancestor.

  “No, it doesn’t seem to be him!” The Myriad Ghost Ancestor spoke up, his brow furrowing.

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man, Wushang Village Chief, and Lone Silence Ancestor also raised their eyebrows in concern.

  “Something’s not right. This shaking isn’t normal. Is Chong-er okay?”

  The Wushang Village Chief looked worriedly at the dazzling Origin Immortal Palace in the fog.

  “Let’s wait and see. If Chong-er still doesn’t come out, we’ll try and find a way to force our way in,” the Demonic Emperor Old Man sternly said.

  Meanwhile, within the Origin Immortal Palace, the air had become tense.

  This development had come too abruptly, and the information divulged in that mysterious voice’s words to the Origin Immortal Lord had left Wang Chong stunned.

  “Senior, who is that person? What’s going on here?” Wang Chong sternly said. He currently had an extremely ill foreboding.

  “That moment has finally come…”

  After what seemed like a second and like countless epochs, the Origin Immortal Lord finally spoke.

  “Do you remember what I said to you before? You will encounter three mortal crises in your life. And the first one is now here!”


  Wang Chong’s eyes flew open. He naturally remembered the Origin Immortal Lord’s words from just before, but this… it was too fast, too abrupt!

  “Time is limited. Starting from now, remember every word I say. The statue you hold is my insignia and also an extremely important object for this world. Those men in black you mentioned before have come for it.

  “I built these caves and secluded myself here partially to wait for you, but also to resist them and protect that insignia. More than one thousand years have passed, and though I tried my best to hide, they still managed to find me.”

  Wang Chong stood up and sternly said, “What is this thing? With Senior’s abilities, why can’t you destroy it?”

  “It’s not that simple. That insignia was created using the most unique materials, and nothing in this world can destroy it, not even me. In addition, I also can’t just give it to someone else, including you. Remember, once you get out of here, if you can incubate the seed I gave you, then you also have to find a way to collect seven insignias like these. This will be extremely important for the coming calamity.”

  In the tense air, the Origin Immortal Lord’s words only made Wang Chong more uneasy. The Origin Immortal Lord was the strongest person Wang Chong had ever encountered, but based on his tone, he was not sure if he could stop this new foe.

  Wang Chong grimaced.

  The Origin Immortal Lord seemed to want to tell Wang Chong more, but he soon grimaced and looked up, his eyes piercing through the roof of the palace.

  “No time! He’s here!”

  His eyes penetrated through earth and space and reached the surface.

  At the same time, far above the ore vein, past rocks and dirt, sixteen thousand meters above…


  A gale swept over a vacant piece of land, and a moment later, a man radiating heaven-sundering energy appeared at the entrance to the Origin Immortal Treasury.

  This man was entirely engulfed in golden light, and all light within three feet distorted around him. Nothing could be seen of him except a pair of chilling eyes.


  This mysterious figure coldly snorted as he stared at this bottomless hole that made even birds incapable of flight. Boom! The man shot forward in an explosion of energy and instantly vanished from the surface.

  Deep underground, the patrolling Dragonbeasts who were seemingly restricted from entering the core area suddenly shivered. They looked in the direction of the pit and began to howl and roar.

  A moment later, in a flash of golden light, that golden figure appeared in the underground caves.

  The sight of this golden figure had these ancient beasts with steely and energy-resistant bodies suddenly trembling in fear, and there was terror in their eyes.

  A powerful Dragonbeast even lowered its head and body to the ground, shivering all the while.

  These beasts were not as intelligent as humans, but they possessed formidable bestial instinct. These fearless and vicious beasts now felt a fear that came from the depths of their soul.


  Suddenly, one of the four Dragonbeasts seemed to shake off the fear of death and lunged at the human.

  “Foul beast!”

  The man merely turned his chilling eyes on the beast and cursed. A moment later, the Dragonbeast seemed to be dealt a heavy blow. It was blown back several dozen feet and dropped to the ground, dead.

  A single curse had ended the life of a Dragonbeast!

  In another flash of light, the man appeared next to the other three Dragonbeasts.

  “Follow me!”

  The man extended a finger and lightly caressed the Dragonbeasts, who became like little dogs and began to follow the man into the depths of the caves.

  Boom! The man stomped forward, releasing an explosion, and then he was gone. Behind him, the three Dragonbeasts howled and followed.



  Only a few seconds had passed, upon which an enormous and terrifying energy began to press down on the core region of the Origin Immortal Treasury, as heavy as a mountain.


  Before anyone could react, a golden silk boot stepped out of the dark passage and began to stride into the air.

  Fierce gales began to rip through the core region, and the lanterns that still flickered on the stone bridge began to wildly sway.

  Song Yuanyi, Xie Guangting, the Black Yin Ancestor, the Bone Devil Ancestor, and all the other martial artists sensed a terrifying pressure. It was like that golden boot was stepping not on the air, but on their shoulders.

  “Wh-what’s going on? I can’t move?!” a young martial artist stammered, his eyes flying open and cold sweat pouring from his forehead.

  He suddenly felt a fear that came from the depths of his soul, like a mouse meeting a cat or a toad meeting a snake.

  This young expert was a rising star of the martial arts world who had been through many life-or-death battles, but he had never been so frightened before. No matter how powerful a foe was, as long as they were still restricted to the domain of martial arts, he could still fight with them.

  But without any sort of attack, he had lost control over his body and it felt like his soul had been imprisoned. This sensation was even more frightening than death.


  Righteous Alliance Lord Song Yuanyi paled as he sensed this frightening pressure. Bzzz! Tough and almost tangible Stellar Energy surged out of his body, rapidly covering the Righteous Alliance disciples and repelling this pressure.

  Xie Guangting, the Black Yin Ancestor, the Myriad Ghost Ancestor, the Bone Devil Ancestor, the Lone Silence Ancestor, and even the Demonic Emperor Old Man and the Wushang Village Chief began to release their Stellar Energies to protect themselves. The Bone Devil Ancestor even roared, black energy seething off his body as he turned into a savage and frightening bone devil.

  The massive eyes of that skeleton gleamed with ghostly fire as they stared at that golden silk boot emerging from the passage.

  Chapter 1548 - Terrifying Existence! (II)

  Chapter 1548: Terrifying Existence! (II)

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  What’s going on? Who is this person? the Bone Devil Ancestor mentally roared as he unconsciously took a few steps backward.

  As a leader of the evil path known throu
ghout the martial arts world, the Bone Devil Ancestor had encountered countless powerful foes, but none of them had ever forced him to this level. He hadn’t even seen the full form of this foe, but he had already been forced to assume his strongest battle stance as the bone devil.

  If the Bone Devil Ancestor weren’t experiencing it right now, he would have never dared to believe that someone could force him into this state.

  Even more concerning to the Bone Devil Ancestor was that even though he was in his strongest form and had so many top-class experts of the Five Ancestor Alliance at his side, including his peers the Black Yin Ancestor and Myriad Ghost Ancestor, he felt no less fear and unease.

  “Watch out! There’s—!” The Lone Silence Ancestor was about to warn the Demonic Emperor Old Man and Wushang Village Chief about something when he suddenly paused midway.

  That terrifying existence in the passage suddenly exploded with power, and the pressure exerting itself on everyone present became so great that they could hardly breathe.

  How could someone so frightening exist!?

  The Lone Silence Ancestor felt unprecedented shock.

  He had endured more shocks in this one trip to the northwest than the rest of his life added up together. Strange factions and opponents were appearing one after another. The six walking corpses in the underground palace had all been extremely strong, but those three masked men had been even stronger.

  As for the powerful being in the passage, the Lone Silence Ancestor sensed… that they were even stronger than the Tiger Immortal!

  Suddenly, boom!

  With a heaven-quaking impact, another golden silk boot emerged from the passage and stomped onto the air.

  A moment later, the golden figure finally emerged from the passage.

  Those cold and tyrannical eyes, the erect posture, and the endless waves of destructive energy rolling off his body stunned everyone present.

  In the face of this dreadful strength, everyone else felt like they were like nothing but ants.

  Everyone here was an accomplished expert of the martial arts world, able to crush stones and lift cauldrons with a wave of their arms and feet. But compared to this figure, they were fireflies trying to vie with the moon. The gap between them could not be calculated with numbers.


  This man was a god, and he was slowly striding upon the air toward them. The void seemed like solid ground to his feet, and the pressure he exuded was only getting stronger and stronger.

  “Not good!”

  Light flashed within the core region as the martial artists pushed the Stellar Energies in their bodies to the absolute limit, their faces madly shifting through emotions.


  A martial artist suddenly vomited blood, the first to break under the pressure. Like a deflated leather bag, he crumpled to the ground and rapidly began to cool.

  A few moments later, several dozen martial artists followed him in being crushed to death by the pressure. Song Yuanyi and his Righteous Alliance were the closest to the passage, so they suffered the greatest pressure.

  Kacrack! A soft crackling sound like the frying of beans came from the Eternal Spring Stellar Energy around Song Yuanyi.

  In the martial arts world, Song Yuanyi’s Stellar Energy was known as the best in defense, and its immense vitality and recovery ability allowed Song Yuanyi to heal extremely quickly. Up until now, nobody had ever been able to break through Song Yuanyi’s Stellar Energy.

  But a few moments later, boom! Song Yuanyi’s Stellar Energy seemed to have reached its limit and exploded. Plush! Song Yuanyi paled as he vomited blood.

  “Alliance Lord!”

  The Righteous Alliance experts all paled.

  Just when it seemed like all of them were about to endure the same frightening pressure, an arm reached out and grabbed Song Yuanyi. At the same time, Sikong Yuanjia, Ouyang Changheng, and the other experts managed to gather their power together to just barely weather this pressure.

  “Withdraw! We’re no match for him!” Xie Guangting’s voice resounded in everyone’s ears.

  This man’s strength was simply too frightening. Even though Xie Guangting and his Universe Sundering Art specialized in piercing through the Stellar Energy of his foes, he could not muster any thought of resistance.

  This person was far more powerful than they could ever imagine, leaving even the likes of Song Yuanyi and Xie Guangting in the dust.

  All the Righteous Alliance experts began to back away in panic.

  But at this moment, the man cared little for the people around him. From the moment he emerged from the passage, his aloof eyes were locked onto the dazzling Origin Immortal Palace in the distance.

  “Hmph, you found quite the nice place!”

  The man profoundly stared and gave a cold chuckle, and then he turned his eyes to the three nearby corpses of the Goat Immortal, Deer Immortal, and Tiger Immortal.

  Wang Chong had borrowed the power of the Origin Immortal Sword to kill these three in one strike. The Tiger Immortal had run the farthest, but he had ultimately died not far from the passage.


  The man suddenly unleashed wispy golden light from his body, which began to morph and shift into various mysterious symbols. A moment later, this energy began to shift so rapidly that the symbols blurred together.

  “What is he doing?”

  This sight made everyone shiver with ill foreboding, but nobody knew what he was doing. All they could make out was blurry human-shaped figures moving within the energy.

  “It’s those men in black! He’s making time go in reverse to see what happened here!” The Demonic Emperor Old Man’s voice came from the back of the crowd. His eyes were flashing and there was shock in his voice.

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man was the only person present who could enter the world of energy and observe its changes. This was also why he was the only person who could understand what the man was doing.

  Those countless blurry figures were a reenactment of the battle that had taken place here.

  Through some absurd method, this terrifying existence was replaying the events of this place, but at such speeds that bystanders couldn’t see.

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man was a grandmaster of martial arts, but not even he had ever seen a technique like this.

  As the Demonic Emperor Old Man was peering at him through the world of energy, the golden man seemed to sense something and shot the Demonic Emperor Old Man a chilling glare.

  Rumble! The Demonic Emperor Old Man’s mind was slammed, and his face turned pale and he staggered backward.


  Cries of alarm came from his side. The Lone Silence Ancestor and Wushang Village Chief were well aware of how strong the Demonic Emperor Old Man was. As the former number one of the evil path, the Demonic Emperor Old Man was so infamous that all martial artists would still pale at the mere mention of his name.

  Whether it came to martial arts or Psychic Energy, he had cultivated them to an incomparably sturdy level.

  But a single glare had been enough to heavily injure the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s mind and destabilize his Stellar Energy. This level of power was simply absurd!

  The Wushang Village Chief and the others were instantly filled with dread toward this mysterious newcomer.

  “Hmph, not knowing your own strength!”

  The man sneered. After pushing the Demonic Emperor Old Man out of the world of energy, he turned his attention back to the images of reversed time before him.

  “Is this man a god or a human?”

  The martial artists were all stunned. This man had seemingly done nothing except exist, but he had already managed to heavily injure martial arts titans like Song Yuanyi and the Demonic Emperor Old Man.

  Their hearts were brimming with fear, and they felt like fish on the cutting board.

  A few seconds later, the man finished looking through the playback. He had seen how Wang Chong had used the Origin Immortal Sword to kill the G
oat, Deer, and Tiger Immortals.

  “A pile of useless trash! You couldn’t even accomplish a minor task like this!”

  The images in front of the golden man dispersed, the wisps of energy returning into his body like birds returning to a forest.

  Anger flashed in his eyes as he stared at the three lifeless bodies.

  “But seeing as you were able to find this old scoundrel’s hiding place, you have some use. This being the case, I’ll give you one more chance!”

  The man thrust a palm forward. Keeeee! The air shrieked with the wailing of ghosts.

  As the martial artists looked on in shock, black smoke began to pour out of the heads of the three deceased Immortals, accompanied by wretched screams.

  If one looked carefully, one would see people struggling within the three columns of smoke, their bodies very similar to those of the three Immortals.

  He was extracting their souls!

  Everyone instantly backed away in shock, staring at the golden man like he was the world’s most wicked devil.

  Chapter 1549 - True Lord Yellow Dragon!

  Chapter 1549: True Lord Yellow Dragon!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  This was a forbidden ground for martial artists, a forbidden ground for all humans. Not even the strongest martial artist could extract a person’s soul.

  Not only that, the Goat, Deer, and Tiger Immortals had been dead for some time, but the golden man had still been able to extract their souls from their bodies. This could no longer be explained as an extension of martial arts.

  Moreover, if a person’s soul was imprisoned, they would not be able to reincarnate.

  Even evil path leaders like the Myriad Ghost Ancestor, Bone Devil Ancestor, and Black Yin Ancestor couldn’t help but pale and back away in fear.

  They were regarded as part of the evil path by the rest of the martial arts world and could kill without blinking an eye. Their hands were stained with the blood of countless people.


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