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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 964

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  The martial artist turned in surprise and saw that Wang Chong, standing on the Earth Devil’s head, had plunged the Origin Immortal Sword up to the hilt into the Earth Devil’s head. The monster’s crimson eyes widened, and then they began to lose focus. Boom! The Earth Devil collapsed back to the ground.

  The last sliver of vitality in its body finally vanished.

  It was thoroughly and completely dead.

  Chapter 1557 - Plotting Against True Lord Yellow Dragon!

  Chapter 1557: Plotting Against True Lord Yellow Dragon!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “A last-ditch struggle!”

  Wang Chong coldly snorted and jumped off the Earth Devil’s head. Although the Earth Devil had appeared intimidating, Wang Chong had known as soon as it began to move that it was on its last breath.

  Righteous Alliance Vice Lord Xie Guangting suddenly stepped forward and asked, “Young Master Wang, what plan do you have?”

  This was a question that was on everyone else’s minds as well, and they all turned to look.

  “It’s not the right time to talk about it yet, and we need to try to see if it’s effective. However, I might need all of your help!” Wang Chong said.

  He was looking up the entire time, to where the two dazzling balls of golden light had once more collided with an earthshaking boom. It seemed like the Origin Immortal Lord’s injuries were not as severe as they had seemed, and True Lord Yellow Dragon still had some way to go to defeat him.

  But if this continued, the Origin Immortal Lord’s defeat was inevitable.

  Senior, I hope this can help you…

  Wang Chong took one last glance and then stepped forward, placing his right palm on the Earth Devil’s massive head.

  He closed his eyes and sent out an immense stream of Psychic Energy that no other martial artist present could possibly produce, which hurtled into the Earth Devil’s head.

  Now that the monster was dead, Wang Chong could easily find out where its true body was. Boom! It took only the blink of an eye for Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy to enter its mind.

  Just as expected!

  After a rough search, Wang Chong was certain.

  The Earth Devil had just died, so its mind had not completely dispersed, and all the seals in its body were still completely preserved. Wang Chong’s tangible Psychic Energy was able to flow through every nerve and meridian of its body.

  If his guess was correct, he would definitely find something within the Earth Devil’s mind.

  He soon found a chestnut-shaped mental fragment at the center of the Earth Devil’s forehead.

  “Found it!”

  This mental fragment was completely different from the rest of the Earth Devil’s dark and chaotic mind. It was like a crystallized soul, made of pure and translucent mental energy. This level of purity far surpassed anything that the Goat, Deer, or Tiger Immortals could achieve.

  “This is it!”

  Wang Chong’s eyes flashed. If his guess was right, this was a mental fragment that True Lord Yellow Dragon had left inside the Earth Devil.

  If True Lord Yellow Dragon wanted to control the chaotic mind of the Earth Devil, he would have had to leave behind a mental fragment. Moreover, Wang Chong had seen True Lord Yellow Dragon close up in the Origin Immortal Palace, and this icy soul matched him exactly.

  The moment he found it, he immediately sent a boundless surge of Psychic Energy into the mental fragment.


  After what seemed like both a second and like countless epochs, Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy entered another world. He could now see a thin line, thinner than even a spider thread. One end of this line was connected to the mental fragment in the Earth Devil’s mind, with the other end stretching far above into the distance.

  Wang Chong’s Psychic Energy surged along this thread, shooting upward like a lightning bolt and soon vanishing into the air.


  A few moments prior, the moment Wang Chong discovered the mental fragment in the Earth Devil’s mind, the battle within the dazzling golden light had reached a fever pitch. This battle was taking place on a level far beyond the understanding of most martial artists.

  The two bobbed and weaved within the golden light, sending ripples through the fabric of space. Several dozen afterimages of True Lord Yellow Dragon and the Origin Immortal Lord existed at the same moment, and it was impossible to tell which one was the real one.

  Upon closer inspection, one would see that countless illusions had appeared around these two figures: soaring mountains, surging rivers, howling meteors, and even vast deserts. Although these were illusions, they appeared so real that it seemed like mountains and rivers really were being hurled around.

  A martial artist could devote their entire life to the pursuit of strength and still not reach this level.

  “Yellow Dragon, you are bound to fail! No matter how much effort you expend, you can’t change anything! None of you can!”

  The Origin Immortal Lord’s voice resounded through the golden light.

  “Hahaha, you speak of that Child of Destiny? After hiding here for so long, you finally got to meet that Child of Destiny of yours! One thousand years! To think that your ultimate goal would be him.”

  True Lord Yellow Dragon was heartily laughing, but his eyes were cold and callous.

  “But your hopes are foreordained to fall short. After sitting around for one thousand years, your body has begun to decay. Once I kill you, I’ll use one finger to crush that Child of Destiny like an ant!”

  True Lord Yellow Dragon’s voice was tinged with murder and brimming with disdain. No matter who this Child of Destiny was, he was just an ant in True Lord Yellow Dragon’s eyes. He didn’t even want to lower himself to personally killing him.

  “There are some things that do not turn according to your will. Yellow Dragon, no matter what you do, you can’t kill him this time, not even if he’s right in front of you, not even though you sealed off this entire area,” the Origin Immortal Lord sternly said.

  A blazing strike one thousand times brighter than the sun blasted a large hole through his body, but his mouth continued to move. Both the body and his talking head soon vanished like bubbles, while even more Origin Immortal Lords manifested in other places.

  These two were using techniques that most martial artists couldn’t even imagine, much less understand.

  “Haha, is it because you saw him in your divinations of destiny?”

  True Lord Yellow Dragon jeered and scoffed.

  “Destiny can only hold down those caught within its flow, but it is useless against gods. No matter what you saw in your divinations, I can easily kill him and make all your predictions false!”

  “You’re wrong!”

  The Origin Immortal Lord’s words left him stupefied.

  “My divinations can no longer predict his future, but it is impossible for you to kill him. If it were so easy, he would not be called the Child of Destiny.”

  True Lord Yellow Dragon was startled at first, but then he broke into uproarious laughter.

  “HAHAHA! What a fine Child of Destiny this must be! After hearing all this, I’ll have to kill him, no matter what!”

  Cruelty tinged True Lord Yellow Dragon’s voice.

  But then his laughter came to an abrupt halt. True Lord Yellow Dragon’s brow frowned as he cast his gaze down. For a moment, he had felt something very odd.

  “What’s going on?”

  This thought had just gone through his mind when a powerful Psychic Energy that was not his blasted into his mind.

  “Brat! It’s you!” True Lord Yellow Dragon called out in alarm, his face grimacing.

  Let alone True Lord Yellow Dragon, even the Origin Immortal Lord was surprised.

  Just as expected!

  All this was in line with Wang Chong’s conjectures. Using the connection between True Lord Yellow Dragon and the mental fragment, Wang Chong had been able
to directly attack True Lord Yellow Dragon’s mind. Of course, in normal circumstances, it would have been impossible for Wang Chong to penetrate the mind of someone this powerful.

  But when True Lord Yellow Dragon created the Earth Devil, he had created a flaw in his defense.

  So this is his mental world!

  This attack had gone far more smoothly than expected. In just a few moments, Wang Chong had entered True Lord Yellow Dragon’s mental world.

  Unlike the dark and chaotic mind of the Earth Devil, True Lord Yellow Dragon’s mental world was bright and brimming with heat. This entirely new world was made of countless dazzling balls of light, each like a blazing sun. It made him think back to the ancient legend of the ten suns1.

  “Ignorant brat! How audacious!” A buzzing voice resounded in Wang Chong’s mind. True Lord Yellow Dragon had finally spoken.

  “If I weren’t so audacious, how could I dare to strike against you so-called Celestials! I’ll let you experience for yourself the strength of mortals!”

  Wang Chong coldly laughed.

  “Brat, you’re seeking death!”

  True Lord Yellow Dragon was infuriated by these words, and the mental world began to sway as Psychic Energy converged.

  This strike was so powerful that the rest of the world seemed drained of color.

  Wang Chong had a decent cultivation level, and he had the Psychic Energy that was five times stronger than before and had reached a tangible level. But there was still a gap between him and True Lord Yellow Dragon.

  True Lord Yellow Dragon felt that dealing with someone like Wang Chong would be as easy as blowing away dust.

  But True Lord Yellow Dragon had deeply underestimated Wang Chong. Since he had decided to infiltrate True Lord Yellow Dragon’s mental world, how could he come unprepared?

  Standing atop the Earth Devil’s head, Wang Chong mightily bellowed, “Song Yuanyi! Xie Guangting! Black Yin Ancestor! Myriad Ghost Ancestor! Lone Silence Ancestor! Master! Village Chief! This is the moment! Give me all your power!”

  Long before this, his Psychic Energy had spread into several dozen strands that linked him to all the present top-class experts of the martial arts world.

  Upon hearing Wang Chong’s call, all of them immediately gathered up their Psychic Energy and sent it to Wang Chong. These Psychic Energies gathered together in Wang Chong’s body and then flew along that invisible line into True Lord Yellow Dragon’s mind.

  Chapter 1558 - The Origin Heaven Demon-Sealing Stamp of the Myriad Gods!

  Chapter 1558: The Origin Heaven Demon-Sealing Stamp of the Myriad Gods!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Purely in terms of Psychic Energy, whether it was Wang Chong, Song Yuanyi, or any other martial artist, they were no match for True Lord Yellow Dragon. The gap between them and this man was like that between the clouds and the dirt.

  But if hundreds of martial artists all worked together with Wang Chong’s tangible Psychic Energy, they could create a frightening energy that no one could ignore.

  “Brat, you…!”

  True Lord Yellow Dragon had also sensed the change in Wang Chong’s body, and his face paled. But Wang Chong had prepared for too long to give him any time to react.


  With a thunderous boom, the energy Wang Chong had gathered from hundreds of martial artists slammed into True Lord Yellow Dragon’s mind.

  The entire world swayed and time seemed to stop. No words could describe the ferocity of this impact.


  A split-second later, Wang Chong, Song Yuanyi, the Black Yin Ancestor, the Lone Silence Ancestor, and all the other experts staggered back several steps, their faces paling.

  “What terrifying Psychic Energy!”

  Even Song Yuanyi couldn’t help but show fear in his eyes. At the moment of collision, all of them felt like they had been ramming against a steel wall, but even more frightening was that crushing energy.

  If they hadn’t combined all their strengths together, they would have ended up with their bodies smashed and souls obliterated.

  But there were two sides to everything. While Wang Chong’s group had suffered heavy injuries, True Lord Yellow Dragon had suffered an even greater blow.

  He had never once imagined that an ant like Wang Chong would think of this strategy, borrowing the Psychic Energies of everyone else to directly clash with him.

  Worse was that the majority of his Psychic Energy was focused on the Origin Immortal Lord, as he had never imagined that Wang Chong would be able to muster up such a powerful attack.

  While True Lord Yellow Dragon might have been strong, his Psychic Energy was not so strong that he could ignore so many experts.


  The clash of Psychic Energies had True Lord Yellow Dragon’s body shuddering. His consciousness received such a heavy blow that his mind was momentarily blank.

  At any other time, it would make no difference, but in this intense clash with the Origin Immortal Lord, every second mattered. For True Lord Yellow Dragon to have a sudden flaw at this moment was fatal.

  Not even the Origin Immortal Lord had imagined that someone as weak as Wang Chong would be able to create this kind of opportunity.

  While True Lord Yellow Dragon was still in his momentary daze, a slender white hand reached out, radiating golden light as it landed on True Lord Yellow Dragon’s shoulder.


  The air seemed to tear itself apart, and then howling winds and boundless golden light filled the abyss.

  As everyone watched in shock, that dazzling golden light suspended above the abyss suddenly arced through the air like a comet and then slammed into the ground.

  “Origin Heaven Demon-Sealing Stamp of the Myriad Gods!”

  A voice resounded in everyone’s ears. Boom! Boom! Boom! The steep walls of the abyss began to tremble.

  Although they couldn’t see it, they could all hear a massive and ancient formation deep within the earth beginning to turn, and then a second, a third…

  In this underground world sixteen thousand meters beneath the earth, the Origin Immortal Lord had expended a thousand years setting up various sorts of formations with different abilities. There were many formations that he had never activated and that none of Wang Chong’s group had ever run into.

  But now, all these formations were being activated at once by the Origin Immortal Lord, and even Wang Chong was stunned by the endless rumbling they created.

  Song Yuanyi and the Black Yin Ancestor were also alarmed by this sight. If they weren’t experiencing it for themselves, they would have never imagined that so many formations had been laid out this deep underground.

  The even more shocking realization was that the vast Psychic Seal formation, the formation that made it difficult to fly, and all the other formations they had encountered were never meant to deal with them. They were there to deal with one person.

  True Lord Yellow Dragon!

  “Origin Immortal Lord, you dare!”

  The earth trembled as countless bits of stone and dust showered down. True Lord Yellow Dragon had finally awoken, his mind a mixture of anger and shock. Alas, it was too late.

  The Psychic Energy attack from Wang Chong and the others had given the Origin Immortal Lord a rare chance.

  One thousand years ago, the Origin Immortal Lord had predicted True Lord Yellow Dragon’s arrival and erected enormous formations underground. But he needed some time to activate these massive formations, time which True Lord Yellow Dragon wouldn’t give him.

  Thus, the Origin Immortal Lord had to seize this opportunity Wang Chong and the others had given him.

  “Yellow Dragon, accept your fate! This place will be your sealing ground!”

  The Origin Immortal Lord’s voice rumbled like thunder. Kaboom! The Origin Immortal Lord grabbed True Lord Yellow Dragon and shot into the center of the abyss’s bottom in a streak of golden light.


nbsp; The impact sent shockwaves and debris rippling outward. The martial artists immediately unleashed all their Stellar Energy to block this power. Countless bits of stone and dirt pelted their barriers, but their power was not as great as expected.

  It seemed like the Origin Immortal Lord had used the power of the formations to minimize the effect the impact would have on them.


  The martial artists were still in shock over how unexpectedly weak the impact was when they heard the cracking of the earth. The ground beneath them trembled, and they could sense the energies of True Lord Yellow Dragon and the Origin Immortal Lord going deeper and deeper into the earth.

  “Ah! Let me go!”

  They could still hear True Lord Yellow Dragon’s furious roars of struggle.


  In a flash of light, a figure appeared at the center of the pit. Standing on a raised pile of earth, Wang Chong stared at the fissure that had appeared, ten-some meters long, with a mixture of emotions in his eyes.

  The battle between the Origin Immortal Lord and True Lord Yellow Dragon had been far more intense than he had imagined. While the fissure was only ten-some meters long, it seemed absolutely bottomless.


  Wang Chong immediately sent his Psychic Energy into the depths, but after a few moments, he gave up. This fissure was so deep that not even his Psychic Energy could tell just where the Origin Immortal Lord and True Lord Yellow Dragon were.

  “How is it? Is that True Lord Yellow Dragon dead?”

  The Black Yin Ancestor, Myriad Ghost Ancestor, and the others began to rush over to Wang Chong with grave looks on their faces.

  “I’m afraid it’s not that easy.”

  Wang Chong shook his head. His Psychic Energy was still linked to the mental fragment in the Earth Devil’s mind. As the mental fragment still existed, it meant that True Lord Yellow Dragon was not dead.


  Everyone grimaced at these words. If that monster wasn’t dead, they would probably be the dead ones.

  At this moment of panic, Wang Chong’s next words soothed the crowd. “Although he’s not dead, the Origin Immortal Lord has probably gotten him under control.”


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