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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 967

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Wang Chong and the Origin Immortal Chief glanced at each other in surprise. Wang Chong truly was a King of the Great Tang, but very few people addressed him as such. But while this was strange, they could sense no hostility in this voice.


  Wang Chong gave a simple reply, and the scratching intensified. A few seconds later, crsssh! A large pile of rocks and dirt crumbled away, revealing a passage about the size of an adult man. A young and thin martial artist poked his head out, two mouse-like incisors poking out of his mouth.

  “Lord Marquis, I finally found you! This one is Earth Mouse!”

  Earth Mouse excitedly looked at Wang Chong.

  The Origin Immortal Chief looked in confusion at Wang Chong, but Wang Chong was even more confused. He didn’t remember any person called ‘Earth Mouse’ amongst his acquaintances.

  Earth Mouse looked at Wang Chong and excitedly said, “Lord Marquis doesn’t recognize this lowly one, but this lowly one will always remember Lord Marquis. This lowly one and his brothers almost died in the Origin Immortal Formation, but in the end, Lord Marquis appeared and saved this lowly one and his brothers. A drop of kindness will be returned with a spring of gratitude. Lord Marquis might have forgotten, but this lowly one has always remembered.”

  Wang Chong’s brows furrowed together as a look of recollection appeared in his eyes.

  “So that’s who you are!”

  Suddenly, Wang Chong remembered. While making his way through the Origin Immortal Formation, Wang Chong had encountered some unaffiliated martial artists and saved them.

  But Wang Chong had never imagined that it would lead to something like this.

  “Without Lord Marquis, many martial artists would have died on this adventure. Lord Marquis’s compassion and benevolence is unsurpassed, and this lowly one is filled with extreme respect. This lowly one happens to be proficient in some arts for traveling the earth. Lord Marquis, hurry and follow me!”

  Earth Mouse’s tone was anxious and hurried.

  Wang Chong and the Origin Immortal Chief glanced at each other in surprise. ‘Traveling the earth’ was just a refined way of putting it. It was really just a digging art. But as this man was able to freely travel through such complicated geography, he clearly had some extraordinary attributes.

  “Lord Marquis, time is short. Let’s go! I’ll lead the way.”

  After saying this, Earth Mouse turned around and swiftly entered the passage he had come in from.

  “Let’s go!”

  Wang Chong swiftly followed, and then the Origin Immortal Chief. Only a few moments later, the group had vanished without a trace.

  Earth Mouse’s abilities were truly flabbergasting. Despite the complexity and instability of the surrounding geography, he seemed entirely unaffected.

  And the tunnels he dug out were extremely sturdy. Even when they were bored through dirt and loose rock, the rocks above still did not cave in.

  Not only that, no matter how complicated the geography, Earth Mouse was always capable of finding the right position and angle to prevent a cave-in. At the same time, he was able to save the martial artists trapped in the rocks.

  In terms of martial arts, Earth Mouse was not very strong, and one could even call his strength insignificant. But his unique digging techniques and his unique Stellar Energy that could strengthen tunnels allowed him to traverse the underground like a fish through water.

  In this aspect, Wang Chong and Song Yuanyi were far inferior.

  Wang Chong used Psychic Energy to help guide Earth Mouse, and just five minutes later, all the martial artists trapped underground had been saved.

  One couldn’t help but sigh in wonder at this sight.

  Snakes and mice each have their own way, and different martial arts have their own domains of expertise.It’s hard to say which is better!

  Wang Chong emotionally sighed.

  Although the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art possessed supreme might, it could do little when it came to boring tunnels through the earth!

  “Brother, my thanks!”

  “If not for you, we would have all died here!”

  The martial artists gathered around Earth Mouse and offered their sincere thanks. Earth Mouse had an innocent look on his face as he constantly nodded, occasionally glancing at the distant Wang Chong in gratitude.

  Digging arts were not exactly the most refined arts, and Earth Mouse had only been able to save all these people due to Wang Chong’s orders. A person of his personality really didn’t know how to deal with this situation.


  Wang Chong couldn’t help but chuckle at this sight. While Earth Mouse was rather nervous, everyone else was feeling rather relieved.

  “Young Master Wang, the current situation isn’t good,” a familiar voice whispered softly into Wang Chong’s ear. “Although we’re all gathered together, the passage above us has been completely cut off. More importantly, the air here is thin, and even though we have the Kyara Leaves from the chief, if we don’t find a passage soon, we’ll all be dead!”

  While everyone else was chattering and celebrating, Ouyang Changheng had walked up to Wang Chong, a look of extreme worry on his face.

  While the large group had been moving upward along the passage, Ouyang Changheng had been in the middle, keeping things organized. Thus, he had been caught when the passage collapsed.

  Wang Chong silently frowned.

  As they were leaving, the Origin Immortal chief had given each person a few leaves. These leaves were all purple, and they provided far more oxygen than the leaves that Wang Chong had previously obtained. But in this environment, they wouldn’t last for very long. They needed to find a way out soon.

  Wang Chong subconsciously glanced at Earth Mouse, but he quickly shook his head. The last few tremors had completely collapsed the passage above, leaving not even a trace of it. They would have to open up a new passage.

  But while Earth Mouse appeared energetic, his back straight, Wang Chong could sense that he was quite exhausted. Saving so many people in such a short amount of time was extremely draining for someone as weak as Earth Mouse, and he probably didn’t have the strength to continue digging.

  And without Earth Mouse’s help, Wang Chong’s formidable Psychic Energy was of little use.

  Everyone clearly understood this, which was why Ouyang Changheng didn’t even bring up Earth Mouse.

  They remained silent as they pondered the matter.

  Chapter 1563 - Dragonbeast! The Pursuit of True Lord Yellow Dragon!

  Chapter 1563: Dragonbeast! The Pursuit of True Lord Yellow Dragon!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Perhaps I have a way.” In the oppressive mood, the Origin Immortal Chief suddenly spoke, her words swiftly drawing everyone’s attention.

  “Chief, what do you mean?”

  Ouyang Changheng turned to the Origin Immortal Chief, his brow creasing. He truly couldn’t imagine what sort of plan she might have.

  In this complicated geography, using brute force to dig around might only make things worse. If they damaged the foundation of the rock and caused some massive rock resting beyond the range of their Psychic Energy to come down, they would simply die faster. This was why they could not act carelessly.

  “I just have a few ideas, but I’m not sure if they will work. But if I can call them over, they might be able to save us.”

  Under the flabbergasted gazes of Wang Chong, Ouyang Changheng, and Song Yuanyi, the Origin Immortal Chief took out a small flute and began to blow.

  An almost inaudible whistle began to resound, and under the Origin Immortal Chief’s control, it resonated through the earth.

  “This is…”

  This sight only made everyone more confused, but no one dared to disturb her at this time.

  As time passed, beads of cold sweat began to appear on the Origin Immortal Chief’s forehead. This was a result of the energy consumed by the blowing o
n the flute. But there was no sign that anything had changed.

  Once the Origin Immortal Chief had stopped, Wang Chong walked over and asked, “How was it?” At the same time, he thrust out a palm and sent a stream of warm Stellar Energy into the Origin Immortal Chief’s body.

  The Origin Immortal Chief put down the flute and unwillingly said, “It’s no good! It seems like the collapse of the passage is blocking the sound of my flute from reaching them!”

  Although she knew that the chances of summoning them were small, it had been the only plan she could think of.

  Just when they were about to give up, someone suddenly cried out in alarm, “Ah! What’s that?!”

  Turning in the direction of the voice, everyone saw that the earth in one corner of the area was beginning to rustle and shift, golden light leaking out. It seemed like something was trying to dig its way in.

  Thump! A second later, a fist-sized golden light emerged from the earth.

  Right after this golden ball of light appeared, more and more of them began to appear.


  The somewhat pacified crowd immediately panicked, the martial artists backing away in fear.

  “The golden beetles! It’s those golden beetles that can break through Stellar Energy and eat people!”

  A martial artist was so frightened that his soul almost left his body. These golden beetles were more frightening than any other insect they had ever encountered, a martial artist’s worst nightmare.

  “Everyone, don’t panic. The Origin Immortal Chief called them here. They won’t attack you!” a deep and calming voice resounded. Song Yuanyi had stepped forward to soothe the crowd.

  Everyone began to turn their eyes to the Origin Immortal Chief behind Wang Chong.

  “Everyone, for various reasons, we were compelled to attack everyone, as there was an extremely important object here that we had to protect no matter what. But regardless of the reason, this was our error, so let us make it up to everyone!”

  After saying this, the Origin Immortal Chief exhaled and turned her eyes to the Stellar-Piercing Beetles. She had only harbored minuscule hopes, never thinking that the golden beetles would actually hear her call.

  This was definitely a wonderful surprise.

  “It’s all on you now.”

  The Origin Immortal Chief quickly began to command the golden beetles to drill into the rocks above them.

  The Stellar-Piercing Beetles could eat the Stellar Energy of martial artists and ignore any Stellar Energy attack beneath the Subtle realm. Besides that, they had sharp mandibles capable of cutting through swords, which they used to gnaw their way into the bodies of martial artists. Thus, they were the worst nightmare for martial artists.

  Only people like Wang Chong and Song Yuanyi were unafraid of them.

  However, besides their astonishing offensive power, the Origin Immortal Villagers used them for their several other astonishing traits. They could find small cracks in the rock, allowing them to instinctively find a way to the surface. And when necessary, they could bite straight through the rock and create a path of their own.

  Very few people knew that the Origin Immortal Lord had gathered up these golden beetles not to deal with intruding martial artists, but for their impressive bite strength. In truth, they were just ‘worker bees’ who had dug through the ore vein and created the caverns in which the various underground palaces and the Origin Immortal Palace itself could be placed.


  With the buzzing of wings, the golden beetles rushed toward the ceiling, after which a long period of silence ensued. Almost all the martial artists were pessimistic on the chances of these beetles finding a way out.

  But the Origin Immortal Chief was bursting with confidence in the abilities of the Stellar-Piercing Beetles.

  Around five minutes later, the rocks above came loose, and a beetle with white spots on its back emerged, flapping its wings as it landed on the Origin Immortal Chief’s extended palm.

  “Found it! They really found a way out!”


  Everyone rejoiced at this news, the best news they had heard in some time.

  Everyone quickly began to work on this path the beetles had found. While the beetles dug, Earth Mouse led the other martial artists in strengthening the walls. Soon, a winding path upward began to appear before their eyes.


  After another five minutes, the group managed to make it through, and all of them couldn’t help but cheer.

  “This passage was dug out not too long ago, and the rock is very stable. The Black Yin Ancestor and the others probably dug it out, which means that this route should be safe. By following it, we should be able to safely reach the surface,” Song Yuanyi concluded, his words exciting the others.

  They hadn’t had time to even think about the group led by the three evil path ancestors. For this operation, the Black Yin Ancestor and Bone Devil Ancestor had been at the very front, which suited the styles of members of the evil path like them. Moreover, they were extremely strong, and it was clear that they had used their immense strength to open a path to the surface.

  As expected of members of the evil path!

  Wang Chong inwardly grinned, not surprised by this conclusion. The rocks they had moved through to reach this place had been too loose for it to be anything else. The Black Yin Ancestor and the others would die if they stayed around, so they had decided to save themselves.

  “Let’s go! There’s still some distance to the surface,” Wang Chong said.

  “Haha, let’s go! If this old man gets out of here alive, I’ll drink for three days and three nights!”

  A martial artist heartily laughed, and everyone else laughed with him, after which they began to rapidly ascend.


  But when everyone was climbing up, they suddenly heard a loud rumbling and crashing of falling stones. Everyone immediately stopped, their hearts thumping in fear.

  They had heard the sounds of falling rocks numerous times on their ascent, but the sound this time did not seem natural.

  More importantly, they weren’t far from the surface now, and the rock layer here was much more stable. It was very strange to hear this sound at this depth.

  But their confusion didn’t last for long before they received an answer.


  A thunderous roar came from down below, causing the surrounding earth to tremble and dust to cascade from the walls. The savagery and ferocity in this roar made everyone shiver.

  “Dragonbeast! It’s a Dragonbeast!!” a martial artist hollered in fear.

  While this cry was still ringing in everyone’s ears, the earth shuddered and a vast energy exploded from beneath them. At this moment, a giant draconic monster emerged from the earth, its crimson eyes locked onto its prey: the martial artists in the passage.


  A deathly stillness engulfed the passage as everyone stared, stupefied.

  They only needed to climb another six-thousand-some meters to reach the surface. The Dragonbeasts shouldn’t have appeared at this depth.

  This event had caught them completely unprepared.


  The crowd suddenly fell into panic, everyone rushing upward as fear dominated their hearts. They still keenly recalled the formidable Anti-Stellar abilities of the Dragonbeast and its tough body. If the Dragonbeast charged into them in their current state, it would be like a tiger amongst sheep, all of them just waiting to be butchered.


  As everyone began to flee, the Dragonbeast’s eyes coldly flashed, and it spat a gout of blazing black flame at the group.

  In the narrow confines of the passage, the Dragonbeast’s flames that could melt steel were the perfect weapon.


  With no time to think, Wang Chong raised the Origin Immortal Sword and rushed forward. Boom! In a flash of light, a bolt of milky-white Sword Qi shot forward and cut the Dragonbeast’s flame in two, splattering i
t against the rock walls.

  The walls instantly began to burn and melt, dripping molten slag.

  Chapter 1564 - Strangeness with the Origin Immortal Chief!

  Chapter 1564: Strangeness with the Origin Immortal Chief!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  Wang Chong swung his sword at the Dragonbeast down below. Plush! The sword stabbed straight into the Dragonbeast’s head.


  This sudden wound caused the Dragonbeast to howl and shrink backward, and it quickly vanished back into the earth.

  Wang Chong couldn’t help but grimace at this sight. The Origin Immortal Sword was four feet long and had struck the head. But the Dragonbeast had still been able to escape! Such vitality was simply terrifying.

  But the one most shocked was the Origin Immortal Chief. The Dragonbeasts were divine beasts raised by the Origin Immortal lineage, and they should have only listened to their orders. They were also not inclined to leave their dens.

  For the Dragonbeast to chase them down and attack all the martial artists without warning was not normal at all.

  “How could it be like this?”

  The Origin Immortal Chief’s eyes flew open in shock. She could clearly sense that something had changed with the Dragonbeast.


  Not long after the Dragonbeast retreated, another savage roar could be heard. It was apparent that it was not just one Dragonbeast hunting down the group, but the most astonishing thing was still to come…

  “Brat, you think you can escape? The more the Origin Immortal Lord wants to protect you, the more this lord wants to kill you! In front of this lord, the Child of Destiny is just a plaything!” A thunderous voice came from beneath the earth, one that was brimming with hostility and darkness. More importantly, Wang Chong recognized this tone.

  But how was it possible?!


  Before Wang Chong and the Origin Immortal Chief could react, the ground down below crumbled, and a terrifying energy exploded outward. A cold and sinister wind howled as a massive Dragonbeast slowly emerged from the darkness.


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