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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1044

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  “Impossible, absolutely impossible!”

  Even the Tianfu Divine Lord’s long-time servant, the black-robed monk, was deeply stunned.

  Chapter 1696 - The Seal of Finality!

  Chapter 1696: The Seal of Finality!

  “Heh, as expected!”

  Nearby, Wang Chong stood like a spear thrust straight into the ground, staring at the men in black with a smile on his lips. He had reaped the greatest harvest after spending more than six hundred thousand points of Destiny Energy and borrowing the Tianfu Divine Lord’s strength. The most important item the Origin Immortal Lord had given him, the golden seed in his mind, had not disappointed him.

  The moment from just before had been extremely dangerous and risky. With his fast shifts and erupting and receding Stellar Energy, Wang Chong had been able to complete the tightrope act and avoid the fatal strike.

  Not even the Tianfu Divine Lord had understood what was going on. Only Wang Chong understood that this was only possible with the ‘True World’ ability of the golden seed.

  “Tianfu Divine Lord, your attacks can no longer threaten me. I’ve seen through the secrets of your Six Stars of the Southern Dipper! It’s impolite to not reciprocate a gift, so now, it’s my turn to attack!”

  Wang Chong looked at the Tianfu Divine Lord and smiled.

  Wang Chong had been analyzing the Tianfu Divine Lord’s movements this entire time, not even giving up in the middle of battle. That speed that surpassed thought had caged Wang Chong, creating an unbreakable barrier that had rendered Wang Chong’s Subtle realm energy powerless.

  But now, with the ‘True World’ ability and the star map of the Southern Dipper in his mind, Wang Chong finally understood.


  The air trembled as Wang Chong used the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art, the sun and moon manifesting on his shoulders. Several dozen meters away, the men in black yelped in shock as they were pulled on invisible strings toward Wang Chong.

  As they were pulled through the air, their Stellar Energy and essence blood gushed out in vast torrents.

  At Wang Chong’s current level of strength and with his perfected Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art, he could even absorb the abnormal Stellar Energy within the bodies of the men in black.

  After circulating this abnormal Stellar Energy once through his body, he sent it out with a palm, blasting away the obstruction that stood between him and the higher dimension. Boom! In a howling gale, frightening energy exploded out of mid-air, the unimaginably boundless Subtle realm energy swiftly traveling over from that distant and unfathomable world to pour into Wang Chong’s body.

  The distant Tianfu Divine Lord grimaced at this sight.

  He had used the Southern Dipper Star Awls and three sealing palms on Wang Chong precisely to limit Wang Chong’s strength and prevent him from escaping the net or injuring him. If Wang Chong were allowed to absorb Subtle realm energy once more, all his previous effort would be for nothing.


  The Tianfu Divine Lord immediately flew forward, using his frightening movement technique to vanish into the air. Swish! Swish! Swish! The Tianfu Divine Lord shook his wrist, and twenty-four Southern Dipper Star Awls sliced through the air, shooting toward Wang Chong from various directions.

  The Southern Dipper Star Awls were extremely valuable, and each one took great effort to create on the Tianfu Divine Lord’s part. He was normally extremely stingy with them, but now was not the time for such considerations.

  “Everyone, attack and kill this Child of Destruction!”

  The Tianfu Divine Lord’s voice was suffused with killing intent as it rang in everyone’s ears.


  Upon hearing the Tianfu Divine Lord’s order, all the men in black, including the monk, charged forward, taking on their half–Lu Wu or Asura forms to assault Wang Chong. At the same time, the Tianfu Divine Lord moved to Wang Chong’s back, attacking with the sword in his right and his palm on his left. His palm hurtled toward Wang Chong’s back while the sword thrust at Wang Chong’s head, both moving with incredible speed.

  “It’s useless!”

  Wang Chong’s cold voice echoed through the air. As he grew more and more proficient with the ‘True World’ ability, he could see everything in its rawest and most fundamental form. Most importantly, Wang Chong knew the secrets of the Southern Dipper.

  There was a great rumble as the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art began to exert its pull. Numerous men in black shrieked as they were drawn toward Wang Chong, their bodies turning into dried-up corpses midway, all of their energy drained out to strengthen Wang Chong.

  Their level of strength simply couldn’t compare to the Subtle realm, but for Wang Chong, each bit of extra strength was an additional aid in his fight against the Tianfu Divine Lord.


  Wang Chong turned around and pushed the Greater Void Step to its limits. A moment later, Wang Chong saw the Tianfu Divine Lord. This time, Wang Chong could clearly see the power of the stars condensed into almost invisible threads. Six of them were around the Tianfu Divine Lord, distributed exactly in accordance with the Six Stars of the Southern Dipper in the sky.

  If Wang Chong didn’t have the True World ability of the golden seed, he would have probably never been able to sense these threads.

  Not even in the world of energy could he sense these condensed star threads.

  The fourth star!

  Wang Chong’s eyes flashed as he saw that the Tianfu Divine Lord had moved from the first star’s position to the fourth star, where he launched his attack.


  Wang Chong condensed his Trayastrimsa Heaven into the golden spear and charged toward the southwest.

  A figure suddenly appeared in what had been empty space. The Tianfu Divine Lord was stunned to see Wang Chong charging straight at him.


  But not even the Tianfu Divine Lord could change his plan on such short notice. Boom! Two energies collided in the air. Wang Chong’s body trembled, and then he was thrown back. The power of the Tianfu Divine Lord’s attack had been so great that it had almost scattered the energy Wang Chong had gathered in his body.

  The True World ability could not strengthen Wang Chong’s body. The Tianfu Divine Lord was still a frightening opponent that Wang Chong needed to confront with his full strength.

  “High God!”

  As Wang Chong was sent flying, there was a golden flash of light, and a figure was sent hurtling out of the cloud of dust in the opposite direction, struck by the Trayastrimsa Heaven’s golden spear.

  The men in black cried out in alarm and shock, and they immediately rushed over to the Tianfu Divine Lord’s side.

  The Tianfu Divine Lord was far stronger than Wang Chong, and it was simply unthinkable to them that the Tianfu Divine Lord could ever be injured.

  Just the fact that the Tianfu Divine Lord had been hit by someone else’s attack left them frightened.

  But this was far from the most shocking thing.

  “What… what is that?!” someone cried out in fear and terror.

  This abrupt cry immediately drew everyone else’s attention, and all the men in black turned to look at the center of Wang Chong’s forehead.

  “The Seal of Finality…!”

  “It’s that frightening thing from the legends!”

  “The object of the prophecy has finally appeared!”

  “Get back! Hurry!”

  The men in black who had subconsciously turned their heads to look after hearing the cries of alarm turned ghastly pale, and they began to back away as if they had run into a plague bearer. Not even the black-robed monk was an exception.

  “This is impossible! Impossible! This thing should have never appeared here!”

  The Tianfu Divine Lord, who had just stabilized his body and come down from the sky, stared at the mark on Wang Chong’s forehead in shock, even fear.


  Even Wang Chong was taken aback by the re
action from the men in black. This development was simply too abrupt and unexpected.

  One had to realize that even when Wang Chong had used the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art to devour the energies of several dozen men in black, turning them into shriveled corpses, the men in black had still not looked at him as they were doing now, as if he was some fierce primordial beast.

  “What’s going on here?”

  Wang Chong was stunned.

  “High God!”

  As the men in black began to retreat from Wang Chong, the black-robed monk turned to the Tianfu Divine Lord.

  The situation had substantially changed, and the men in black had lost the will to fight. In addition, something even more important than destroying the Child of Destruction had occurred.

  The seal that had appeared on the forehead of the Child of Destruction could shake the entire Celestial God Organization.

  The Tianfu Divine Lord said nothing as he stared in shock and doubt at Wang Chong.

  “Divine Lord, this is no small matter. That legendary seal has truly appeared. Once he gains control over that seal’s power, we might not be able to leave! This matter is no longer something we can deal with. We should report this to our superiors as soon as possible!” the monk urgently whispered to the Tianfu Divine Lord.

  The Tianfu Divine Lord was still hesitating, but a moment later, he seemed to hear something. Clenching his teeth, he finally gave the order.

  “Everyone, retreat!”

  The Tianfu Divine Lord’s figure twisted and distorted, then vanished without a trace.

  Chapter 1697 - The Seal of Finality’s Prophecy!

  Chapter 1697: The Seal of Finality’s Prophecy!

  Seeing the Tianfu Divine Lord vanish, the other men in black began to flee in various directions as if they had been issued a general pardon.

  In the blink of an eye, they were all gone.

  In the estate, Wang Chong frowned. He cared little about the ordinary men in black. To the Celestial God Organization, this level of expert was just cannon fodder, and killing them would have little effect.

  What truly surprised him was the reaction of the Tianfu Divine Lord. They had already spent a significant amount of time arranging things to deal with him, but before the outcome was decided, the Tianfu Divine Lord had called it quits and fled.

  Swish! Swish!

  As these thoughts passed through his mind, Wang Chong heard a sharp whistle in the air.

  So that’s what was going on!

  Wang Chong smiled in understanding, and he turned around and headed in the direction the two sharp whistles of air had come from.

  “Chong-er, where is that scoundrel!?”

  “Wang Chong, are you okay?”

  Two familiar voices spoke into Wang Chong’s mind, and a moment later, the Demonic Emperor Old Man and Wushang Village Chief appeared, heading toward his location like bolts of lightning.

  “Master, Village Chief!”

  Wang Chong gave a knowing smile as he welcomed the pair. While Wang Chong’s new ‘True World’ ability had played a part in the Tianfu Divine Lord’s sudden retreat, it also had to do with the arrival of two Subtle realm experts in the Demonic Emperor Old Man and Wushang Village Chief.


  As the men in black withdrew, the barking and howling of dogs could be heard in the distance. In the darkness, lanterns began to blaze to life, and the thundering of hooves indicated that the soldiers of the City Guard were finally coming.


  “Besides True Lord Yellow Dragon, the Celestial God Organization has such formidable experts?”

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man and Wushang Village Chief stared in silent shock at each other after hearing from Wang Chong what had happened.

  They knew of Wang Chong’s strength, and that there were probably very few in the world who could contend against him. Wang Chong had the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art, the Art of God and Demon Obliteration, and the Supreme and Infinite Origin Immortal Art, and even the ability to see into the world of energy.

  But from Wang Chong’s account just now, he had apparently been powerless against that Tianfu Divine Lord from the organization of the men in black.

  “I’ve never encountered such a foe before. My Psychic Energy was entirely unable to sense him, and even looking into the world of energy was pointless. Besides that, the Greater Void Step was completely insufficient in front of him!”

  Wang Chong emotionally sighed. Now that he looked back at the battle, although the Tianfu Divine Lord had ultimately been frightened away, it had been a perilous battle throughout. If not for the unlocking of the golden seed, granting him the True World ability, Wang Chong would have been a corpse.

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man and the Wushang Village Chief turned pensive, not saying anything for a long time.

  “As long as energy runs through their bodies, there’s no reason for you to not see them through the world of energy,” the Demonic Emperor Old Man finally said, his brows furrowed. “It seems like the Celestial God Organization already knows about the world of energy and has taken the appropriate countermeasures!”

  The Celestial God Organization had existed for an extremely long time—an unbelievable amount of time, if the ruins found in Khorasan were anything to go by.

  Given the time and its capabilities, it was completely possible for that organization to have interacted with the world of energy through some other method.

  “This Celestial God Organization is already too powerful,” the Wushang Village Chief suddenly said. “Fortunately, this child has good fortune and was able to unlock the seed the Origin Immortal Lord left for him.”

  Both of them knew about the golden seed the Origin Immortal Lord had given Wang Chong, as Wang Chong had not hidden it from them. But the two had never expected the seed to save Wang Chong’s life.

  “This Celestial God Organization has immense power, and while you got lucky this time, this is far from over. Given their style, that Tianfu Divine Lord will be coming at you again. You cannot be careless!” the Demonic Emperor Old Man solemnly said.

  “Your disciple understands!”

  Wang Chong firmly nodded.

  “In addition, the Village Chief and I will be going out on a journey, back to the northwest to investigate the background of that Celestial God Organization. The picture is already beginning to somewhat clear up. If we don’t take care of this problem, we’ll forever be in the passive position and subject to their sneak attacks. Rushing around here and there is no solution. Only by fully investigating their background can we develop a solution,” the Demonic Emperor Old Man said.


  The Wushang Village Chief nodded.

  The three powerful bamboo hat men, the Goat, Deer, and Tiger Immortals, True Lord Yellow Dragon, and then the extremely fast Tianfu Divine Lord—the Celestial God Organization seemed to have an endless number of experts. With such foes in the shadows, Wang Chong would never be able to rest easy, and this wasn’t even considering that the organization had already reached into the Imperial Court.

  Wang Chong was astonished by these words, having never imagined that his master and the village chief had been investigating the Celestial God Organization for so long, and even making progress. This was truly a pleasant surprise.

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man and Wushang Village Chief quickly took their leave. Once they were gone, Wang Chong sat down and began to treat his wounds. While Wang Chong had emerged ‘victorious’ in his battle with the Tianfu Divine Lord, it had not been easily won.

  The Tianfu Divine Lord’s palm energy and Sword Qi had dealt Wang Chong significant wounds, which could not be healed by the golden seed or the Stone of Destiny. Wang Chong could only rely on himself to slowly recover.

  Time slowly passed, and the King of Foreign Lands Residence slowly calmed back down.


  At the same time, to the northwest of the capital, far away from the Great Buddhist Temple and deep wi
thin the mountains, there was an old and abandoned temple. The temple was ridden with spider webs, and in the center of it was a black Buddha, its six arms open and posed in a cross-legged position.

  Several figures stood in front of this black Buddha. Their leader had bright eyes that seemed to draw in starlight.

  After being frightened away by the combined might of Wang Chong, the Demonic Emperor Old Man, and the Wushang Village Chief, the Tianfu Divine Lord had not returned to the Great Buddhist Temple. Instead, he had come to this secret base.

  The Tianfu Divine Lord stood solemnly in front of the black Buddha while the men in black around him still had panicked expressions, apparently unable to shake off their fear.

  But when they looked at the Tianfu Divine Lord, they did not dare to say a word.

  “Divine Lord, we…”

  The bald monk hesitated. He was only the one who dared to speak at this time, but he was immediately interrupted by the Tianfu Divine Lord.

  “Did you send the report?” the Tianfu Divine Lord said, his mind seemingly elsewhere.

  The monk bowed and immediately replied, “It’s been sent! But there’s still been no reply. It seems that they are still doubtful about the seal!”

  The monk couldn’t help but lower his voice when mentioning the seal. The thought of the golden mark on the Child of Destruction’s forehead still deeply unsettled the monk.

  In their organization, the Seal of Finality was a major taboo. Many people had heard of those legends that had been passed on for thousands of years, but legends were just legends. No one had ever imagined that this nightmarish object would actually appear before them.

  As a powerful existence that transcended all mortal organizations, even dynasties and empires, the organization was truly a god-like existence, and to say that they could annihilate the earth and overturn the heavens would still not fully describe the terror they could inflict.

  Nevertheless, a legend of destruction and finality was passed on through the organization.


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