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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1049

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  “General, I came late…”

  Wang Chong lowered his head, his expression dim as he softly sighed.

  “Your Highness, please, no matter what, you must avenge our general!”

  Thud! The apparently highest-ranked general present dropped to his knees in front of Wang Chong, his eyes red. A moment later, all the other Big Dipper Army soldiers dropped to their knees.

  “Your Highness, please avenge our general!”

  “Your Highness, please avenge our general!”

  “Your Highness, please avenge our general!”

  Thump! Thump! Thump! The Big Dipper Army generals, row by row, got down on their knees.

  Men did not easily cry, unless their hearts had been broken. At this moment, all the soldiers of the Big Dipper Army lowered their heads, their eyes reddening.

  “Your Highness! Our general died an unjust death! In the space of a single night, thirty-six generals, together with Lord Geshu, were all killed. Your Highness, please—you must find out the truth! Bring us justice and reveal the truth to the world!”

  The leading Big Dipper Army general crawled forward on his knees and bowed at Wang Chong’s feet, his entire body trembling. By the end, he was no longer able to hold back his sobs. And all the Big Dipper Army soldiers, both inside and outside the spirit hall, began to weep with him.

  When the incident had first been discovered, everyone had tried to restrain themselves, but now that Wang Chong had appeared and they finally had an anchor, they began to weep.

  If there was one person in the world that could find the truth and avenge Great General Geshu, it was this King of Foreign Lands.

  “Your Highness!”

  “Please, Your Highness!”

  These heart-rending cries soared to the heavens, and even Wang Chong couldn’t help but be moved.

  “Be at ease!”

  Another Big Dipper Army general suddenly spoke. “Your Highness, our general has always had great respect for you. He once said that if there was one person that could bring order to the chaos and return the Great Tang to its zenith, it could only be Your Highness. He even left behind two letters for you, saying that if Your Highness came one day to Big Dipper City, you should be given these two letters.”


  Wang Chong’s heart thumped. He had never imagined that Geshu Han would have left letters for him. The general quickly took out the two letters and handed them over.

  Chapter 1705 - Geshu Han’s Testament! (II)

  Chapter 1705: Geshu Han’s Testament! (II)

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Wang Chong opened one of the letters, and a line of words that seemed to have almost been chiseled in the paper appeared before his eyes.

  ‘To Wang Chong:

  ‘If you have received this letter, I have probably encountered some misfortune…’

  Wang Chong was immediately taken aback by the letter’s first line.

  Great waves stirred in Wang Chong’s mind. It was already surprising enough that Geshu Han had left him two letters, but based on the first line, Geshu Han had seemingly predicted what would happen to him.

  But how could that be?!

  Wang Chong continued reading.

  ‘…With the Sage Emperor withdrawing into seclusion, we have entered an autumn of many incidents. I have spent many sleepless nights pondering these things, but I cannot shake off my worries. At present, the Confucian Sect is rising while the militarists are in decline, and the Eastern Palace is opening its eyes. The Anxi Protector-General was given a de facto demotion and transferred back to the capital, and after the Setting Sun Villa incident, Beiting Protector-General An Sishun is now being escorted back to the capital. Such a major incident was unheard of in previous reigns, but after long contemplation and a survey of the Nine Provinces, I sense that this matter is far from over. The Eastern Palace desires the realm, and Anxi and Beiting are far from enough.

  ‘There are six major garrisons in the realm. Qixi, as a source of reserve soldiers, is not worth the Eastern Palace’s regard, and in Youzhou, Protector-General Zhang is an extremely sharp individual that would make success unlikely for the Eastern Palace. This leaves only Big Dipper and Annan. Annan is adjacent to Mengshe Zhao and Ü-Tsang. If an army is recalled to the capital from there, it must go through Big Dipper. Thus, if one desires Annan, one must first take Big Dipper. Of the four major garrisons left, the only one the Eastern Palace can touch is Big Dipper!’

  These two paragraphs left Wang Chong standing in a daze.

  The entire realm had been stunned by the Setting Sun Villa incident, and everyone had been focused on the one hundred generals and Beiting Protector-General An Sishun. Even Wang Chong had been drawn in by this unprecedented event. No one would have imagined that at this time, Geshu Han had already predicted that the man in the Eastern Palace would strike at him next.

  Everyone in the realm knew of the Big Dipper Great General’s martial might, but few knew that Geshu Han was such a meticulous thinker.

  ‘A man will die eventually, and Geshu’s death is insignificant. But there is one matter that I cannot let go. With the Great Tang under the control of the Confucian Sect, the army does not even have three hundred thousand soldiers. On the borders, Arabia, the Eastern and Western Turkic Khaganates, Ü-Tsang, and Goguryeo are all like hungry tigers. Dalon Trinling, We Tadra Khonglo, Wunu Shibi, and Ozmish Khagan are all tigers and wolves. While the countries seem docile, they were simply predators lying in wait for their prey. In the future, these countries are certain to join together, and the Great Tang will be in great peril. And in the west, the Arabian Empire, while defeated, is far from spent, and it is only a matter of time until its return. The Great Tang is afflicted by problems both internal and external, cutting off its own hands and feet. In the face of such great peril, you are the only one I can rely on.

  ‘When I am dead, there is no need to send me off or investigate the matter. By all possible means, you must remember that even if you suffer in silence, the Nine Provinces and its people are more important than anything else. In the future, you will be the only person they can rely on…’

  Wang Chong’s heart was heavy as he read the letter, for a long time unable to speak. Finally, he closed the letter and opened the second one.

  ‘Everything is as I predicted. They’ve truly struck! Those people are coming to my location right now. I don’t have much time…’

  Wang Chong was stunned upon seeing the second letter. Unlike the second, this one was written in great haste and apparently under dire circumstances.

  “How could this be?!”

  Wang Chong’s heart thumped. Geshu Han had seemingly written this letter right before the attack, but how could that be?

  Wang Chong swiftly continued to read.

  ‘Geshu has spent his entire life guarding Longxi, careful and conscientious. Though this life comes to an end today, Geshu has long been indifferent to death. But there is only one thing that I am unable to let go…

  ‘Geshu’s only wish in life is the safety and peace of the country…

  ‘Although Geshu is a Hu, I have always been loyal to the Tang, and my convictions have never wavered…

  ‘Wang Chong, I entrust the Great Tang to you…’

  The letter came to a sudden stop. The handwriting became unrecognizable, and a long stroke left by a dragging brush marked the very end. It seemed as if those people had broken into Geshu Han’s room by then and attacked.

  There was nothing else.

  Geshu Han’s last request filled Wang Chong’s heart with sorrow. Even at the final moment of his life, Geshu Han was not worried for himself, but the country and its people.

  As he gazed at the forceful words and then looked again at the cold but still dignified body in the coffin, Wang Chong tightly clenched his fists, deep admiration and bottomless sorrow welling up in his heart.

  The man in the coffin had been a fearless commander of the emp
ire and a true hero!

  This was not how his life should have ended!

  Great General, be at ease! I will fulfill your wish! Wang Chong silently said to Geshu Han.

  Wang Chong turned his head to the officers and firmly declared, “Everyone, please be at ease. No matter what, I will find out the truth of what happened to your general!”

  “Thank you, Your Highness!”

  The officers in the spirit hall were overcome with emotion and began to wail and weep.


  A ruckus came from outside of the city, followed by the furious cries of the Big Dipper Army and the crowd.

  “What’s going on?”

  Wang Chong’s brow immediately furrowed as he looked out. The Big Dipper Army officers also began to stand with anger in their eyes.

  Today was Big Dipper Great General Geshu Han’s mourning day, and all of the Big Dipper Army and many common folk of Longxi had gathered. To cause a ruckus at this solemn occasion was to deeply disrespect Great General Geshu and the Big Dipper Army.


  A few moments later, a soldier dressed in cloth mourning clothes rushed in.

  “There’s a group of Tibetans outside! They say that they’ve come to pay their respects to the Great General and are trying to come in!”


  “What audacity, to appear at a time like this!”

  The officers in the spirit hall were all infuriated.

  “Come! Pass on my order! Have all those Tibetans killed! Offer their blood to the general!”

  The Tibetans were long-time enemies of the Big Dipper Army, and Great General Geshu’s death had been extremely suspicious. These Tibetans were definitely one of the suspects. No matter who had come, if they dared to be rude at the general’s burial, they would all be executed!


  Several Big Dipper Army officers immediately took up their weapons and walked out, fiendish expressions on their faces. But before they could walk even a few steps, a dignified voice called them back.

  “Wait!” Wang Chong suddenly called out. “There’s no rush. It’s just a few people, and they can’t stir up much trouble. Let’s see what these Tibetans have to say first!”

  As he spoke, Wang Chong strode out.

  The officers in the hall hesitantly glanced at each other before nodding and following.

  As Wang Chong emerged, the ruckus outside grew larger and larger, and there were Tibetan voices mixed in as well. As Wang Chong arrived, he finally saw the Tibetans.

  A group of around twenty Tibetans had appeared outside the city, all of them riding highland steeds, though these were much more muscular than ordinary highland steeds. These Tibetans were all armored and were in a defensive formation. The Big Dipper Army’s soldiers had surrounded them, and a variety of weapons were aimed in their direction, ready to strike at any moment.

  “Kill them!”

  “Kill these Tibetans!”

  The Big Dipper Army soldiers and Longxi people cried out in agitation. If not for the need to wait for orders from their superiors, the soldiers would have turned the Tibetans into corpses long ago.

  “The general is here!”

  When Wang Chong and the others arrived, the soldiers all took a step back, but their weapons remained tensely aimed at the Tibetans.

  Wang Chong passed through the crowd and began to closely examine the Tibetans.

  This is not an ordinary Tibetan general!

  This was Wang Chong’s first thought as he scanned the group. The leader of the Tibetans was completely different from the normal Tibetan. He wore red armor that was designed in a domineering style. Wang Chong understood that this armor was only worn by the guards of Ü-Tsang’s royal capital and the generals who served directly at the Tsenpo’s side.


  As the Big Dipper Army officers came out with Wang Chong, the Tibetans also noticed them. The Tibetan in scarlet armor said something, and all the Tibetans threw down their weapons.

  At this moment, the Tibetan general spoke in stiff Tang language. “Is this the Great Tang’s King of Foreign Lands, His Highness Wang Chong?”

  “Yes!” Wang Chong replied, somewhat surprised. Thousands of thoughts ran through his mind, and then he seemed to realize something, though he kept it to himself.

  “This one is the Great Sun Court Official of the Ü-Tsang Empire, Pagur. We have come to pay our respects to Great General Geshu, and mean no harm! Your Highness, please see for yourself!”

  The man bowed as he spoke in a resounding tone.

  “What Great Sun Court Official!? Who ordered you to come!?”

  “We don’t need your fake tears! Get out!”

  Shouts came from all around, everyone extremely agitated. But Wang Chong, who was only three or four steps away from the Tibetans, couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow.

  Chapter 1706 - Ü-Tsang’s Sincerity!

  Chapter 1706: Ü-Tsang’s Sincerity!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  The Great Sun Court Official was a post that Wang Chong had some vague recollection of. The Ü-Tsang Empire worshiped the sun, and the Seven Great Tsenpos were also known as the Heavenly Tri, or Scarlet Heaven Kings. The Tri referred to the sun. It was for this reason that their elite Mutri Great Cavalry and their illustrious court officials wore and revered the color scarlet, for this was the color of the sun.

  Wang Chong recalled that this Great Sun Court Official was one of the Tsenpo’s close officials and possessed an extremely high status. Wang Chong had not imagined that the Tibetans would send such a high-ranking official.

  Suddenly, Wang Chong understood, but he remained silent. He turned to the Big Dipper Army generals behind him. This was the territory of the Big Dipper Army, and it was both right and reasonable that the Big Dipper Army decide what to do with the Tibetans.

  The high-ranking Big Dipper Army generals in the back seemed to understand what was going on.

  “Your Highness was the man our general respected the most, so you are naturally the man most respected by our Big Dipper Army. As our general is no longer present, please deal with these people as you see fit, Your Highness!”

  The highest-ranking Big Dipper Army general suddenly took two steps forward and respectfully bowed.

  “That’s right. We leave everything to Your Highness!” the other generals agreed.

  The two letters written by Geshu Han before his death had both been for Wang Chong, and Wang Chong had been the first to arrive after their general’s death. Moreover, Wang Chong had also agreed to investigate the truth for them. Wang Chong was a benefactor to the Big Dipper Army, and given his status and prestige, he naturally had the right to represent the Big Dipper Army in dealing with these Tibetans.

  More importantly, these generals had heard these Tibetans calling out Wang Chong’s name before this, so they had clearly come to see him.

  Wang Chong was quiet for a few moments and then finally nodded.

  He suddenly turned his head. “Speak. For what reason did your Imperial Minister send you?!”

  Wang Chong’s words frightened the Tibetans. But that Great Sun Court Official Pagur seemed to have expected this.

  “Your Highness, I know that all of you are overcome with grief over the sudden death of Great General Geshu, and there are even rumors going around that this matter was done by the Tibetans. But we Tibetans can swear an oath to the gods of the plateau that we have no connection to this matter. We are also stricken by grief over Great General Geshu’s death!” Pagur sternly said.

  “Who asked you to shed your fake tears here?!”

  “The Great General is dead, so shouldn’t you be ecstatic?!”

  “The Tibetans can’t be trusted!”

  “Get them out of here!”

  The Big Dipper Army soldiers and Longxi people once more grew restless. The Big Dipper Army and Ü-Tsang were old foes and had fought over this land for decades, both sides los
ing numerous men. Now, the Tibetans had come to Great General Geshu’s funeral, and no one would believe that they had come simply to offer their condolences.

  Pagur bowed and said with an expression of deep sincerity on his face, “I know that our words are very difficult to believe, but these come from the heart. Although Great General Geshu was our enemy, all Tibetans admired his valor. When the Tsenpo and Imperial Minister learned of the grievous news, they were overcome with grief. The Tsenpo has already ordered the plateau’s armies to withdraw three hundred li, additionally promising that the Big Dipper Army will not be attacked for an entire year! Any who defy this order will be executed!

  “Besides that, the Tsenpo has also set up a spirit tablet in the royal capital to join all the generals and people in paying his respects!”

  Everyone was stunned by these words. Even though they were long-time foes of the Tibetans and regarded them with great hostility, they were momentarily speechless.

  These Tibetans were far meeker than they had expected.

  Even Wang Chong was surprised. Although he had predicted the goal of these Tibetans, he had not expected that they would even withdraw their soldiers three hundred li to clear their name, and that the Tsenpo would even set up a spirit tablet in the royal capital to commemorate Geshu Han.

  This was an extremely rare occurrence in Tibetan history.

  Wang Chong quickly came back to his senses and indifferently said, “I understand your Imperial Minister’s intentions, but the Imperial Court is still investigating what happened to Great General Geshu, and the final judgment is up to the court.”

  Wang Chong was well aware that the Tibetans had not suddenly found their conscience. If Geshu Han’s death didn’t cast suspicion on the foreign countries, with Ü-Tsang being the greatest suspect, they would have never taken this attitude.

  And given that they had sent a high official like the Great Sun Official, and that their party happened to arrive right when Wang Chong happened to arrive at Big Dipper City, their intentions were clear.


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