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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1055

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  “He’s probably making preparations before battle!”

  Li Lin was also a member of the Imperial Army, so he had more understanding of its inner workings.

  Wang Chong slightly frowned, thoughts flashing in the depths of his eyes. But a moment later, there was a deafening boom from the distance.


  In the southeast corner of the drilling ground, the crowd seethed and parted, and a force of around five hundred black-armored Imperial Army soldiers emerged. Unlike the other soldiers of the Imperial Army, these soldiers had a hard and tempered aura seething with baneful energy. These men had been on the battlefield and seen blood.

  “Heh, speak of Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrives! Lord Zhao is here!”

  Li Lin looked at the imposing figure leading this force and chuckled.

  Very few soldiers of the Imperial Army actually saw the battlefield. The only one who could lead the renowned Xuanwu Army was naturally their commander, Zhao Fengchen.

  Zhao Fengchen, riding upon a pitch-black stallion, also noticed the distant Wang Chong.

  Their eyes met, and they imperceptibly nodded. They then looked away, not exchanging a single word.

  They had already reached a tacit understanding, and there was no need to talk too much.

  Everything that could be done had been done. All that was left was to fight.


  At this moment, cheers could be heard from other parts of the crowd. Turning to look, Wang Chong saw stalwart horses emerging from the other divisions of the Imperial Army and entering the drilling ground.

  Unlike the soldiers of Zhao Fengchen’s Xuanwu Army, these men were lacking in something, though their bodies still exuded a tempered and valiant aura, clearly a cut above the average Imperial Army soldier.

  “Look over there! It’s the Soaring Dragon Army Marshal, Zheng Wuyu!”

  “And also Marshal Sun Jiushan!”

  “Isn’t that Huang Xiaotian?!”

  The crowd was in an excited uproar. This was a martial competition of the Imperial Army, and one in which the posts of the three Grand Marshals were on the line. Such a grand ceremony only came around once every few decades, even for the scions of the great clans and noble houses, and this was why so many people had appeared today.

  Today’s events would be something they could talk and brag about for the next few decades!

  On the edge of the drilling ground, the Imperial Army Marshals slowly came forward, their eyes sharp and bright.

  “The majority of the Imperial Army doesn’t have any battlefield experience, but they’re all elite soldiers of the army and still extremely strong. It’s just a pity that after today, many people will find it hard to continue in this post!”

  Li Lin stood next to Wang Chong and sighed.

  If the First Prince successfully took control of the Imperial Army, there would certainly be a purge, and all of the important officers would be replaced. Many of the Marshals seated upon these stallions would not appear again.

  The Marshals were clearly aware of this, as they all had grim expressions.

  Wang Chong only nodded. Given the First Prince’s personality, he would definitely do this. If he couldn’t stop the First Prince today, many people would probably swear fealty to the First Prince.


  A few moments later, the earth swayed and buckled as if thousands of horses were approaching. Even Zhao Fengchen and his Xuanwu Army couldn’t help but look over toward the source of this great clamor.

  “They’ve arrived!”

  Wang Chong glanced over and immediately narrowed his eyes, a thought coming to mind.

  Two more armies were approaching from the northeast in a flood of steel. Unlike the other divisions, the soldiers of these two groups gave off a steely aura, and though there were fewer than one thousand of them, they gave off the feeling of an army of tens of thousands.

  Even Zhao Fengchen’s Xuanwu Army had to stand aside in the face of this momentum!

  In front of these two forces were two stalwart Imperial Army officers, so clad in armor that only their two cold eyes peeked out. Everything was thickly covered in armor, making them seem like demon gods who had emerged from the underworld.

  “Those two are the two new Marshals of the Imperial Army. They rarely make an appearance, and as you can see, when they do appear, they’re covered in armor so that they don’t even show their faces, making it impossible to investigate them. These will probably be Lord Zhao’s greatest foes in this competition,” Li Lin worriedly commented.

  Normally, once someone was confirmed in the post of Grand Marshal or Marshal, it was very difficult to change. It was almost impossible to rise from the bottom to the post of Marshal in just a few years, but these two had managed to do it. This was not possible without immense strength.

  “There’s a solution to everything. Zhao Fengchen won’t lose to them!” Wang Chong indifferently said.

  He had gotten to know Zhao Fengchen long ago, and Zhao Fengchen had even been through the cruel Battle of Talas with him. He was an elite who had defeated the Arab soldiers amidst a sea of blood, a man tempered in fire, and certainly not an easy opponent.

  Moreover, in the apocalyptic era, Zhao Fengchen still ended up as one of the three Grand Marshals. No matter what plans the First Prince had, Zhao Fengchen would not be easily defeated!

  In the distance, the two mysterious commanders took up their positions, and the mood became even more enthusiastic. But Wang Chong only glanced at these two forces before looking away. In the end, no matter how strong these soldiers were, they were just pieces on the board. The player of these pieces had yet to appear.

  Chapter 1716 - The First Prince Arrives!

  Chapter 1716: The First Prince Arrives!

  “Wang Chong, finally found you!”

  As Wang Chong was immersed in his thoughts, he heard a melodious laugh, and a few moments later, a familiar woman dressed in white and exuding a fragrant scent appeared at his side.

  “Siling? Why are you here?”

  Wang Chong’s eyes flashed in surprise. This young woman in white with crafty and intelligent eyes was none other than Bai Siling.

  “Heh, I’ve come to support my big brother!” Bai Siling playfully said.

  “Big brother?”

  Wang Chong was taken aback, but he soon understood that the big brother Bai Siling was talking about was Bai Hanzhou. Bai Hanzhou was one of the three Grand Marshals of the Imperial Army and one of its youngest geniuses. The Bai Clan owed its current lofty status in the Imperial Court to this illustrious son.

  The complete reshuffling of the Imperial Army was intricately linked to the fate of the Bai Clan, and the Bai Clan had no other option than to worry about it and mobilize.

  Wang Chong looked around, and he truly did spot the Bai Clan Patriarch and several of Bai Siling’s uncles. Their eyes were searching the crowd in unease and concern. With a start, Wang Chong seemed to realize something.

  Wang Chong turned to Bai Siling and said, “Siling, last night, two Grand Marshals were attacked. This news has been kept sealed by the Imperial Court for now. Your big brother…”

  As expected, Bai Siling’s expression dimmed upon hearing Wang Chong’s words.

  “We only received word this morning. Big Brother Hanzhou was also attacked last night, but fortunately, Big Brother Hanzhou is extremely strong, and his injuries weren’t serious. The clan has already sent him the best medicines, and his injuries have already been stabilized. But given how important this event is, my uncles are still worried, so they all came,” Bai Siling said.

  She was a woman, so she did not have as much of a concern for political struggles as the men, but this event was tied to the fate of her entire clan. At this unique moment in time, Bai Siling could not possibly act unconcerned.

  Wang Chong said nothing, but his brow creased in thought.

  “Relax. Your big brother will be fine,” Wang Chong reassured her.

  “Thank you

  Bai Siling’s complexion improved upon hearing this.

  “My uncles said that I would definitely be calmer if I listened to you.”

  Wang Chong silently smiled. With Bai Siling’s mood improving, she looked to the drilling ground with Wang Chong.

  “The First Prince has arrived!”

  A few moments later, with a sharp cry and the crack of a whip, a large force of soldiers began to approach the northern end of the drilling ground.

  From the distance, one could see two massive and resplendent imperial canopies slowly coming forward.

  With the Sage Emperor withdrawn, the only person who could enjoy this honor was the First Prince, Li Ying.

  “Stand aside! Stand aside! The First Prince is here!”

  All the nobles and great clan members on the northern side of the drilling ground put on respectful faces and withdrew to the side, trying their best to keep their distance from the First Prince.


  On the southern end of the drilling ground, Li Lin uncomfortably swallowed as his expression turned nervous.

  The true competitor of this Imperial Army martial exhibition had finally appeared!

  As the First Prince’s carriage approached, the mood on the drilling ground grew even tenser, the chattering crowd falling silent until there was no noise at all. Even the brashest of scions did not dare to cause trouble, and there was a current of unease in the air.

  At this moment, only Wang Chong could maintain his aloof composure. His firm and straight back and the air of confidence he exuded made it seem like nothing in the world could ever move him.


  With heavy footsteps, rows of Inner Court Golden Guards emerged. As the most elite guards of the Son of Heaven, the Golden Guards were far above the other soldiers of the Imperial Army, not just in height, but in strength and demeanor as well.

  Amidst the dense ranks of the Imperial Army gathered on the western drilling ground, they were like cranes amongst the chickens.

  Wang Chong ignored the Golden Guards, his eyes looking past them to the golden carriage decorated with nine dragons, whereupon he saw the First Prince.

  The slender figure in the yellow dragon robe, his face cold and aloof, was seated on a throne, a sharp light in his eyes. Just by sitting there, he exuded an aura of boundless power and authority.

  The First Prince gave off an entirely different impression from their last meeting, and Wang Chong could smell the stench of ambition.


  As Wang Chong looked over, the First Prince sensed his gaze and looked back, their eyes locking onto each other.


  As their eyes met, invisible bolts of lightning seemed to crackle in the air, the mood over the drilling ground reaching maximum tension.

  The First Prince’s eyes were cold and intimidating, but Wang Chong’s gaze was equally sharp and unyielding. Even in front of the most powerful man in the realm, he did not back down, let alone lower his head.

  “Hmph, Wang Chong!”

  The First Prince sneered, his eyes coldly gleaming.

  “Everyone, it seems that the King of Foreign Lands arrived much earlier than we did!”

  Zhu Tong’en, Meng Tu, Kim U-Seok, and all the other members of the Eastern Palace faction looked over at Wang Chong, and Wang Chong immediately became the center of attention.

  Wang Chong remained composed and indifferent. After engaging in a short standoff with the First Prince, he looked away, beginning to search the Eastern Palace members for someone.

  While the First Prince on his carriage might have been an existence as dazzling as the sun, he was not Wang Chong’s true opponent.

  “As expected, you still couldn’t help but come out!”

  Wang Chong’s eyes swept past Meng Tu and Zhu Tong’en, quickly setting on an inconspicuous figure standing to the right of the First Prince.

  Compared to those grandiose Golden Guards at the First Prince’s side, this man was like a weed in the shadows, even outshone by Meng Tu and Zhu Tong’en. But Wang Chong knew that this ordinary elder in black was the true architect behind this Imperial Army martial exhibition, and the true schemer who was attempting to seize control of the entire empire.

  Army-Shattering War God Hou Junji!

  No one understood more than Wang Chong just how formidable this old man was. The Setting Sun Villa incident, the Big Dipper City incident, and this Imperial Army competition had all been this elder’s handiwork.

  After hiding in the Eastern Palace this entire time, at this most important Imperial Army competition, the Army-Shattering War God of Taizong’s era had finally decided to step into the sunlight.


  Hou Junji, his arms hidden in his sleeves, seemed to sense this gaze, but he remained relaxed and lackadaisical. He merely chuckled and looked away, caring little about matching gazes with Wang Chong.

  Once the First Prince’s carriage stopped and he stepped down from his throne, the crowd around the drilling ground loudly called out, “Paying respects to the First Prince!” All of them lowered their heads and bowed. But Wang Chong, on the southern end of the drilling ground, continued to proudly stand.

  Although the First Prince had a revered status, Wang Chong was a King, and besides when he was in court, Wang Chong did not need to bow.

  “Your Highness, it seems that kid is very disobedient!”

  King Qi coldly sneered as he walked up to the First Prince.

  Meng Tu smiled and came forward. “Heh, Your Highness King Qi, there’s no need to be worried. His Highness has already planned out this entire competition. Do you really think he can win?”

  “Meng Tu, don’t be careless. No one knows who will get the deer until the very last moment!” the First Prince coldly said, but his expression showed agreement with Meng Tu.

  “Eunuch Yin, don’t waste any more time. Have them begin!”

  The First Prince waved his hand, and the ghostly Eunuch Director of the Eastern Palace shot a glance at a nearby orderly.


  A horn loudly blared and drums began to thunder, starting with a soft volume and only a few drums, but soon building up into a vast rumble. With these sounds, the atmosphere turned grim and somber.

  While the nobles and clan scions had often eloquently chatted about war and battle in their tea houses, few of them had truly experienced the grim atmosphere of the battlefield, and all of them were momentarily stunned by this display.

  As the drums came to a stop, an energetic and rather youthful eunuch strode out from the back.

  “Good sirs, the First Prince has ordered that the Imperial Army martial exhibition is to begin immediately. I will now announce the rules of the competition…”

  While he did not appear to be speaking too loudly, his words could be clearly heard in everyone’s ears, a clear sign that he was some hidden top-class expert.

  Everything fell silent, and even Wang Chong paid attention, as the eunuch began to announce the rules.

  Chapter 1717 - The First Round! (I)

  Chapter 1717: The First Round! (I)

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “…There are three rounds to the competition. The first round is the competition for the seats of the Marshals. The twelve best Vice Marshals of the Imperial Army will challenge the six current Marshals until only six remain!

  “The second round is the Marshal advancement competition. The victors in the first round will fight each other until only three are left, who will take part in the last round against the Grand Marshals.

  “The last round is the Grand Marshal competition. The three victors of the second round will challenge the current three Grand Marshals, and the victors will be the new Grand Marshals of the Imperial Army! They will be personally granted a token from the First Prince and receive official certification of the title!

  “This Imperial Army martial exhibition is a training exercise. Thus, w
hen one party falls from their horse, they are considered defeated and must immediately withdraw, forbidden from taking part in any other battles. But as swords and sabers have no eyes, injuries are difficult to avoid. In this contest, everyone must remember to be careful!”

  The eunuch’s sharp voice resounded across the drilling ground.

  “We will comply with His Highness’s decree!” the surrounding soldiers all loudly proclaimed.

  On the edge of the drilling ground, Wang Chong wore an emotionless expression, but deep within his eyes, there was a cold gleam.

  “Swords and sabers have no eyes… in other words, you’re ready to kill everyone?” Wang Chong muttered, his eyes glancing at the First Prince before quickly settling on those two mysterious Imperial Army Marshals. Though they were covered completely in armor, Wang Chong knew that they were the First Prince’s trump cards.

  It was pointless for the First Prince to hide such things from him.


  With another round of fierce drumming, the competition began.

  To the east and west, the soldiers of the Imperial Army began to march in, taking up neat formations.

  “Chong-er, those are the twelve Vice Marshals of the Imperial Army. This sort of competition can also be considered a path of promotion within the Imperial Army, and many Grand Marshals have reached their seats by challenging those above them, rank by rank. Normally, the Vice Marshals are no match for the Marshals, but that’s not for certain. The scions of some great clans who join the Imperial Army enjoy many resources that can help them improve. Those Vice Marshals backed by great clans can experience sudden leaps in strength. Bai Hanzhou could be considered one of them,” Li Lin explained to Wang Chong.

  Bai Hanzhou was the most brilliant of the three Grand Marshals and the most legendary. Although his talent and intelligence far surpassed his peers, there was no denying that the vast wealth of the capital’s Bai Clan had assisted him in occupying the post of Grand Marshal.

  Wang Chong merely nodded in reply.

  He was so powerful now that he only needed a glance to determine the cultivation levels of these twelve Vice Marshals. In this first round, none of these twelve was strong enough to shake Zhao Fengchen’s position.


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