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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1075

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)


  After a seemingly interminable second, the heavy palace gates flew open under a tremendous force.

  King Qi immediately spotted that familiar figure leading several dozen cavalry inside. King Qi’s eyes brightened, and savagery began to seep into them as his smile faded.

  “Wang Chong, you’ve brought your own soldiers and intruded on the Imperial Palace! You must be plotting rebellion! Come; seize him at once!” King Qi thunderously roared as he urged his horse into a gallop and charged out of his hiding spot.

  Wang Chong’s men were already seventy to eighty meters past the gate. At this moment, thousands of soldiers surged up from all sides to surround Wang Chong.

  In a flash, King Qi’s men had surrounded Wang Chong.

  “Protect His Highness!”

  The cavalry that Wang Chong had brought immediately paled and formed into a protective circle.

  “King Qi, such audacity!”

  A rumbling voice like a peal of thunder exploded, stirring up a gust of wind. Wang Chong was the only person in this group who had maintained his composure, and his eyes instantly locked onto the distant King Qi.

  “Hahaha, Wang Chong, at a time like this, you’re still trying to argue? Do you think this place is your King of Foreign Lands Residence? Arrest him!”

  King Qi was brimming with satisfaction as he vented all the ill will that he had built up.

  Ever since this little brat had experienced a change of heart and begun to interfere in the matters of the Wang Clan, he had not had a single day of happiness. On the contrary, a mighty King of the Great Tang and member of the imperial household had been forced to bow to a lowly commoner, suffering setback after setback and becoming the laughingstock of society. King Qi could not accept such humiliation.

  He had suffered so many setbacks that when Wang Chong entered court, King Qi had become much more reserved and had refrained from speaking. There were even times when he simply didn’t attend court to avoid Wang Chong.

  Had this ever once happened to the proud and dreaded King Qi?

  But his restraint was not out of fear. He had just been waiting for the right moment, and now, the time had come to hold his head high and wash away his humiliation.


  The countless cavalry surrounding Wang Chong took out their gleaming weapons and converged on Wang Chong.

  “Who dares?!”

  Another thunderous roar exploded, imbued with vast majesty that made all the soldiers freeze in place.

  “King Qi, you dare to plot rebellion?!”

  A person’s name was like the shadow of a tree. In the Great Tang, Wang Chong’s list of dazzling military achievements imbued him with immense influence. Even experts in the military couldn’t help but feel an instinctual fear for the revered War God.

  “Hahaha, Wang Chong, don’t speak nonsense!”

  King Qi spread apart his arms and laughed.

  “Everyone can see your treasonous actions. It is a clear fact that you have barged into the Imperial Palace at night with your personal soldiers, and you’re still trying to argue?”

  “You’re the one speaking nonsense!” one of the officers at Wang Chong’s side couldn’t help but retort. “You clearly brought in the soldiers of the Penal Court and intruded upon the Imperial Palace. His Highness came to stop you precisely because he believed that you harbored ill intentions! Everyone knows that you are the true treasonous one!”

  Chapter 1752 - King Qi’s Plot! (II)

  Chapter 1752: King Qi’s Plot! (II)

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  King Qi scowled at the officer and icily said, “Shut your mouth! Where did this no-name soldier come from? Do you have the right to speak in front of this king?!”

  “That’s right!” A green-robed advisor by King Qi’s side spoke up in agreement. “What’s your status that gives you the right to speak to His Highness?”

  “In addition, ha, where do you see any Penal Court soldiers?

  “Wang Chong, look carefully. These are all Imperial Army soldiers. Just when did this king take Penal Court soldiers into the Imperial Palace?”

  King Qi sinisterly chuckled.

  “There’s been a rumor in the capital that someone is secretly recruiting soldiers and plotting rebellion. This king was worried about the Sage Emperor’s safety and waited in ambush here with soldiers to arrest that treasonous scum, but to think… to think that you would be that rebel, Wang Chong!”

  King Qi thrust a finger at Wang Chong.


  The men around Wang Chong paled. The area around the Imperial Palace gates was dimly lit by the torches on the walls, and with this light, they could see that the cavalry around them were all wearing the armor of the Imperial Army.

  Just as King Qi had said, there were no Penal Court soldiers to be seen.


  Their faces further paled. There was no question now that this was a trap targeted at their liege.

  King Qi had intentionally led his Penal Court soldiers in order to draw their attention and lure them into the Imperial Palace, and then he had his men put on the armor of the Imperial Army. Given the connection between King Qi and the First Prince, obtaining these suits of armor was as easy as flipping over a hand.

  He had also waited until Wang Chong’s men were inside the palace to make his move, leaving them no avenue of escape.

  “Hmph, Wang Chong, you’re finished!”

  King Qi sneered at Wang Chong like he was a dead man.

  The victor was king and the loser scorned, and the strong ate the weak! Today, he would come out the true victor!

  Wang Chong had always underestimated him, but he had planned long and meticulously for this operation. From the moment Wang Chong had stepped into the palace, he had doomed himself and the entire Wang Clan!


  King Qi raised an arm, preparing to again order the arrest of Wang Chong. At that moment, a youthful voice rang in his ears.

  “King Qi, you have no evidence to support your allegations. You say that this king is plotting rebellion, but when have you ever seen someone attempting rebellion with ten-some people?”

  Wang Chong finally began to speak.

  “Moreover, weren’t you the first to charge in through the palace gates? Since you can come in through the gates to seize rebels, this king can naturally come on the Fifth Prince’s invitation to assist with this matter, and these soldiers are naturally my assistants.”

  Wang Chong was very cool and collected. King Qi didn’t have the skill to construct this kind of trap, so there was no question that this was once more the handiwork of Hou Junji.

  But if Hou Junji thought that this was enough to arrest him, he was just a little too naive!

  “There’s nothing but words. You can say I’m attempting rebellion, and this king can naturally say the same about you. King Qi, regardless of what Hou Junji told you, this alone is a little lacking if you want to deal with me. After all, your reputation in society isn’t that good!”

  Wang Chong’s last words were oozing with derision. It was quite a beautiful game Hou Junji and King Qi were trying to play, and they had even managed to have the soldiers change their armor very quickly, but Wang Chong was no King Qi. This alone was not enough to ruin him.


  King Qi softly chuckled as his horse trotted forward, his face clearly showing that he had expected this response.

  “Wang Chong, did you really think bringing only ten-some men would work? This king knew that you would try this!”

  King Qi looked at Wang Chong with eerie amusement in his eyes.

  Suddenly, as everyone’s hearts thumped in ill foreboding, King Qi sat up straight and loudly spoke.

  “Wang Chong, His Divine Majesty treated you kindly, but you harbored ill intentions, plotting rebellion, charging into the Imperial Palace at night, and even killing soldiers of the Imperial Army! Even if the F
irst Prince could forgive you for this conduct, this king never will!”

  King Qi pointed at Wang Chong, his face brimming with anger.

  “What’s going on?”

  No one knew what was happening. King Qi’s attitude had undergone a complete reversal. As everyone was still trying to parse what was going on…


  At this time, several hundred Imperial Army soldiers were part of the encirclement, taking up the southeast corner. But a moment later, sharp blades plunged through the chinks in their armor, stabbing them through the back and out the chest. Blood gushed out, dying their clothes red.

  “How could it be like this?”

  “Just what in the world happened?”

  The several hundred Imperial Army soldiers couldn’t even speak, their eyes wide open in shock. They had come to help King Qi deal with Wang Chong, never imagining that the fatal blow would come from such an unexpected angle.

  Thud! Thud! Thud! The sabers were extracted, and the stiffening bodies of the Imperial Army soldiers fell to the ground in pools of blood.

  Even at the moment of their deaths, they still didn’t understand why King Qi had them killed.


  Even Wang Chong was taken aback by this sight, let alone others. He had never imagined that King Qi would be so vicious as to attack his own men.

  “Wang Chong, do you dare say that there’s no evidence now? His Divine Majesty has treated your Wang Chong with such favor, but to think that your Wang Clan would harbor such ambitions and commit such acts! If this king had not come promptly, who knows what could have happened and how many soldiers of the Imperial Army would have been lost!”

  King Qi shook his head and clicked his tongue, looking at Wang Chong with a disappointed look.

  All was quiet. Several hundred Imperial Army soldiers had died in a flash, but King Qi’s men remained unperturbed and indifferent.

  “Right, I forgot to tell you that these are all actual Imperial Army soldiers. You’ll be able to find their names on the Imperial Army registers if you investigate this later. Wang Chong, your death will not be an unjust one!”

  As King Qi spoke, he rubbed his hands as if trying to wipe away nonexistent blood.

  “What are you standing around for!? Arrest him!”


  The cavalry delayed no more and began to charge at Wang Chong.

  “Wang Chong, don’t try to resist. The First Prince’s men are already heading toward the Wang Clan and the Four Quarters Embassy. If you don’t want them to die, I suggest you submit!”

  King Qi’s thunderous bellow resounded above the skies of the Imperial Palace.

  Although King Qi already had control over the situation, he still greatly feared Wang Chong. In the border incident, Wang Chong had been able to fight evenly with Confucian Sect Leader Li Junxian, and even the Three Elders of the Northern Sea had been no match for him. Those events had left a deep impression on King Qi, and he wasn’t certain that Wang Chong couldn’t escape if he really wanted to.

  “Is that so?”

  As King Qi’s men were charging over, a clear and bright voice exploded in their ears.

  Wang Chong stood tall and straight, aiming an eerie smile at King Qi.

  A moment later, the inconceivable happened. Wang Chong’s body vanished like a bubble popping out of existence. The armor he was wearing, with nothing to support it, clattered to the ground.

  “Not good!”

  King Qi’s heart thumped and his face paled.

  He had been watching Wang Chong this entire time, but he had never imagined this.

  This could be considered a rather fast reaction, but he was still too slow.


  With a metallic boom, the heavy gates that had just been locked were pushed inward by a dreadful strength. As the gates flew open, a shockwave of energy scattered the cavalry near the gate.

  Standing at the palace gates was a young figure wearing golden armor and seething with terrifying energy. He slowly walked in, followed behind by thousands of cavalry clad in bright armor.

  Wang Chong?!

  Everyone trembled in disbelief upon seeing that youth in golden armor slowly walk forward.

  “What’s going on here?”

  The development just now was simply beyond their ability to comprehend. The Wang Chong in front of them had vanished in the blink of an eye and then reappeared outside the palace.

  “This is impossible?!”

  King Qi felt like he had been struck by a hammer. Wang Chong had been so close, yet someone of his level of cultivation had failed to see that it had been an illusion!

  “King Qi, you privately raised an army and intruded upon the Imperial Palace, even killing soldiers of the Imperial Army! How should you be punished?!”

  Wang Chong’s every step seemed to weigh ten thousand jun, great waves of energy bursting from his body with every stomp.

  Neeigh! Wang Chong’s aura caused numerous horses to whinny in fright and back away.


  After taking a few steps, Wang Chong coldly snorted and snatched at the air with his palm. A crimson pearl the size of a thumb flew out of Wang Chong’s fallen suit of armor and into his hand.

  The Energy Condensation Pearl!

  When evil grew one foot, the righteous would grow ten. Hou Junji and King Qi had still underestimated Wang Chong. Their plan was to have King Qi bait Wang Chong into the palace, but unfortunately for them, Wang Chong had been ready with his Energy Condensation Pearl.

  King Qi, Hou Junji, and the Three Elders of the Northern Sea were all peerless experts of powerful cultivation, and fooling them was no easy task. The Energy Condensation Pearl, however, was a powerful treasure that Wang Chong had obtained from the Origin Immortal Formation. Wang Chong had poured vast amounts of energy into this pearl, enough so that it was just as powerful as he was. When it was used in conjunction with his cloning art, the clone became indistinguishable from the real deal.

  Chapter 1753 - King Qi’s Total Defeat!

  Chapter 1753: King Qi’s Total Defeat!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  In all his anxiety and impatience, King Qi would never have been able to pick out the subtle difference between Wang Chong and his clone.

  With one Energy Condensation Pearl, Wang Chong had made King Qi his plaything.

  “Wang Chong, you’re truly as cunning as a fox, but what does it matter what tricks you have? Do you really think anyone will believe your words? This king will get you arrested, and when I announce that you were plotting rebellion and killed these Imperial Army soldiers, I’d like to see if anyone will speak up for you!”

  King Qi gnashed his teeth in anger. Without a doubt, he had been played, but Wang Chong was dreaming if he thought King Qi would just give up.

  “Everyone, arrest him at once!”

  King Qi pulled out his sword and pointed it at Wang Chong. No matter what else happened today, he would have Wang Chong’s head.

  “King Qi, you dare! You think that you alone can block the mouths of all the people of the realm?”

  An elderly voice brimming with righteous indignation came from outside the palace, and a moment later, the cavalry at the gates parted to allow a gray-robed elder escorted by ten-some Golden Guards to come through. He held a book in his left hand and a brush in his right as he slowly walked in.

  His cold and sharp eyes glared at King Qi like sharp knives, burning with hatred and venom.

  Yan Wenzhang!

  King Qi’s pupils constricted as if he had been stabbed by a needle. This man topped the list of people King Qi didn’t want to see in this tense situation.

  There was no one King Qi feared more amongst the officials than Yan Wenzhang. Although Yan Wenzhang was so weak that he couldn’t even truss a chicken, he was nevertheless the dreaded Grand Scribe!

  The words that he put to paper were like firmly hammered nails, becoming history that n
ot even King Qi could alter.

  King Qi had claimed that no one would believe Wang Chong’s words, but if Yan Wenzhang served as a witness, not even the most eloquent arguments from King Qi would be able to save him.

  Society might doubt his or Wang Chong’s words, but they would never doubt the Grand Scribe.

  “Heh, King Qi, didn’t think of this, right?!”

  Wang Chong grinned. In the end, King Qi had still lost this round.

  “Right, I forgot to tell you that I wasn’t wasting my time outside hesitating about whether I should go in. It’s just that Grand Scribe Yan is old and can’t handle long journeys too well, so I was waiting for him to arrive!”


  King Qi clenched his fists, his eyes turning red.

  “I’ll tear you to pieces!”

  It no longer mattered that he had no evidence to charge Wang Chong with a crime. He just wanted him dead!

  “Kill him! All of you, go and kill him already!” King Qi angrily roared, his face twisted in savagery.

  “Three Elders of the Northern Sea, get up there!”

  Following King Qi’s order, all his soldiers instantly bellowed and charged at Wang Chong’s men.

  “Hmph, exactly what I wanted!”

  Wang Chong sneered. The evidence that King Qi was trying to rebel was now clear. There was no denying the bodies of the Imperial Army soldiers on the ground.

  He no longer needed to show any mercy to King Qi.


  Wang Chong rose up in a flash of light.

  “Great Yin Yang Art!”

  Two cracks of thunder rumbled through the sky, and then two spheres, one gold and one red, emerged on Wang Chong’s shoulders.


  Wang Chong simply reached out with his arm, and a vast vortex of energy formed in a radius of several thousand feet around him. Cries of panic and alarm came from all around as the soldiers were swept into the air.

  At the same time, Wang Chong shot like a bolt of lightning toward King Qi.


  “Seize him!”

  The Three Elders of the Northern Sea jumped from their horses and lunged at Wang Chong.

  “Wang Chong, you’ve opposed this king at every turn. This king will see you dead no matter what else happens!”


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