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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1091

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  This was a power so great that it sank one into despair!

  Those three sensed that there was no hope of victory against the two Divine Lords, not even if Wang Chong came in person!


  In the distance, Chen Burang waved his hand, and ten ballistae thundered in response, firing together with numerous master archers, the bolts and arrows flying toward the two Divine Lords. But without even looking, the pair blinked away, easily dodging the attacks.

  Kaboom! The Tianfu Divine Lord casually thrust a palm, and a moment later, there was a tremendous explosion, instantly annihilating the ten ballistae. The master archers also suffered numerous losses, and screams rang out through the air as severed limbs rained down.

  If not for the cavalry constantly charging in to hold the line, the army would have already been routed, and even Li Siye and the others slain. But even so, they were just barely managing to hold on.

  “Hahaha, this is what happens to those who make enemies of the gods! All of you will die here today!” the Tianshu Divine Lord said in his sinister and murderous voice. Bai Hanzhou’s strike had both heavily injured him and stimulated his killing intent.


  If the Tianshu Divine Lord’s goal had initially been to hunt down Bai Hanzhou, he no longer cared. His goal was now purely killing, and not just Bai Hanzhou. Everyone here had to die!

  “This god will make all of you taste despair!”

  As this cruel voice resounded through the air, explosions began going off. As each ball of black Stellar Energy crashed down, hundreds of cavalry were thrown into the air. The attacks of the two Divine Lords soon covered the front of Chongsheng Gate in corpses.

  In the depths of the Imperial Palace, the transformed men in black were continuing their frenzied attacks, and the Dragon Guards in front of Taiji Palace were continuing to fall.

  “Kill, kill, kill! Kill them all!”

  The First Prince stood far in the back, a savage expression on his face. While the Dragon Guards were exceptionally powerful and took many men in black down with them, those men in black continued to fearlessly charge forward.

  “I’d like to see if anyone can stop me today!” the First Prince snarled.

  Soldiers were trained for a thousand days to be used in a single moment. It would only take a few more moments for all the Dragon Guards to be slain. It had truly been worth courting the men in black. No matter what, no matter the price, he needed to seize the throne and become the true Sovereign of the Nine and Five!



  Screams continued to ring out from the Imperial Palace, and the situation rapidly turned against Wang Chong’s forces. The smoke grew thicker and thicker as the fires blazed more and more fiercely, illuminating the skies above the capital, yet the clashing of weapons and screams of dying men traveled far into the darkness.

  In the distance, Hou Junji could tell from the screams that the battle was once more in his favor. The Eastern Palace had seized the upper hand and was pushing its advantage.

  “Hah, was this your plan?”

  Hou Junji turned to Wang Chong. A single strong man could take ten martial artists. It didn’t matter that Wang Chong had persuaded Bai Hanzhou and planted him at the First Prince’s side. Hou Junji hadn’t expected this, but in the face of absolute power, all these tricks were useless.

  Wang Chong said nothing, but his expression was extremely solemn.

  The fate of the empire was on the line in this battle. Numerous eyes were watching it from the shadows.

  Far from the Imperial Palace, in the most spacious and revered Su Residence, all was dark and gloomy. The back garden was sparsely lit by a few weak torches. The Su Residence was as dark and suffocating as any other place in the capital at this time. But at this time, within the back garden, an elderly figure was seated on a bamboo chair and staring in the direction of the Imperial Palace.

  “That child… he can’t hold on for much longer!”

  Su Zhengchen suddenly sighed, a complicated look in his eyes.

  Chapter 1781 - Breaking the Promise!

  Chapter 1781: Breaking the Promise!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Hwooo! A gust blew through the desolate garden, and what followed was an eerie silence punctuated only by Su Zhengchen’s sighs.

  After a long while, a voice came from behind Su Zhengchen. “Old Master… are you really going?”

  The Su Residence’s old steward slowly stepped forward and bowed, sneaking a worried glance at Su Zhengchen’s back. His master was completely different from usual, and what had been a placid lake had suddenly surged with ripples. Such a thing had never happened to his master before.

  While he had always hoped that his master would one day be able to leave this residence and the emotional scars it represented, after working toward this for several decades, now that it was imminent, he suddenly felt reluctant. He did not know if this was a good or bad thing for his master.

  After a long silence, Su Zhengchen gave his response.

  “That child has too much on his shoulders. He’s already done his best in this battle! He should not be fighting alone!”

  Although he had not been participating in this battle, he had been watching this entire time. Wang Chong had done as much as he could with his ten thousand soldiers to resist the First Prince. That he had reached this stage with only this much was incredibly admirable.

  It was only right that his master help him out with the rest.


  The steward sighed, understanding Su Zhengchen’s choice.


  A moment later, Su Zhengchen pressed down the arms of his chair and slowly stood up. Su Zhengchen’s energy had been restrained, making him seem like an ordinary elder, but at this moment, a vast energy exploded out of him like a mountain erupting out of the earth. At this moment, the entire world seemed to lose its luster.

  “Your Majesty Taizong, I’m sorry! It seems that I must break the promise I made with you!”

  After softly muttering into the wind, Su Zhengchen vanished from the estate.


  The split second Su Zhengchen vanished, an astounding beam of Sword Qi soared out of the Su Residence, a vast pillar of energy that cut through the heavens.

  “This is—”

  The world seemed to fall silent as this Sword Qi rocketed upward, countless eyes staring in wonder at this dazzling beam of energy.

  At Chongsheng Gate, the Tianfu Divine Lord and Tianshu Divine Lord were nigh unstoppable, leaving corpses piled up in front of them. Nearby, the Lone Silence Ancestor, Bai Hanzhou, and Li Siye were all covered in wounds and lying prone on the ground.

  Though they had tried their best, they were still no match for this pair. If Bai Hanzhou hadn’t critically wounded the Tianshu Divine Lord, they would probably already be dead.

  “For daring to oppose this god, all of you must die!”

  The Tianfu Divine Lord and Tianfu Divine Lord were preparing to finish off the Lone Silence Ancestor and the others when they suddenly grimaced and turned to the south, looking in the direction of the Su Residence.

  “Who’s this?”

  Both of them widened their eyes upon sensing that heaven-soaring sword intent. At their level of cultivation, they had little regard for anyone else. As they constantly said, mortals were nothing but ants to them. But they felt threatened by this Sword Qi.

  More importantly, they both sensed that this energy was coming their way.


  But a moment later, that Sword Qi disappeared, and at the same time, a horrific beam of power swept across the night sky and rapidly approached the Imperial Palace.

  “Su Zhengchen!”

  Hou Junji instantly recognized this rapidly approaching energy, and his heart thumped while his face nastily scowled.

  “Old fool! Didn’t you say that you weren’t coming out? What are you

  Even though he had been constantly trying to make Su Zhengchen break that oath he had made with Taizong so that they could have a final confrontation, that had only been before.

  The battle of strategists was over, and what remained was a competition of brute strength. Hou Junji had wanted to draw out Su Zhengchen, but not at this time, and not in this way.


  Wang Chong also sensed Su Zhengchen’s energy and rejoiced.


  At the Imperial Palace gate…


  The several thousand Penal Court soldiers were guarding the gate and warily observing their surroundings. Suddenly, the weapons at their waists began to fiercely tremble, and even their armor began to clatter.

  “Wh-what’s happening?”

  They stared at each other in confusion.

  “Look! What’s that?”

  A Penal Court soldier pointed into the distance, and everyone turned to look. But a moment later, in a gust of wind, a blurry figure brushed past them and through the gate.


  At this time, even though the Hundred Thousand God-Devil Execution Formation had been broken, causing the Center, Qian, and Kun Gates to be lost, there were still scattered battles taking place, still soldiers rushing over to the three gates and the Chongsheng Gate to reinforce them, not aware of the situation.


  A white-bearded elder dressed in casual robes suddenly appeared within the Imperial Palace.

  “Who is it?!”

  A group of Eastern Palace soldiers seething with killing intent was about to rush off to Chongsheng Gate when they saw this elder and coldly glared at him.

  “Where did this old fool come from?!”

  “Don’t worry about it! Just kill him!”

  The Imperial Palace tonight was fraught with danger, and anyone who appeared here was an enemy, even this old man who appeared so weak that he couldn’t even truss a chicken. By appearing here, he had signed his death certificate.

  The Eastern Palace soldiers gripped their weapons and prepared to charge over and chop this mysterious elder into pieces.

  But a moment later, the elder raised his eyes, and then the hundreds of Eastern Palace soldiers were flying backward through the air. They slammed into the surrounding walls and slid to the ground.

  It had all happened in the blink of an eye, and through some mysterious means, the old man had struck and instantly rendered them powerless. The elder looked away, stepped forward, and vanished like a ghost.

  “Ah! My sword!”

  “My armor!”

  One of the Eastern Palace soldiers cried out in alarm. When he had grasped for it with his right hand, he discovered that his sword had been pulverized in its sheath.

  At the same time, there was a great clattering as the soldiers realized that the armor they wore had been sliced to pieces and now cascaded to the ground.

  “Just who was that?”

  Everyone stared in the direction the elder had vanished in shock.

  Past the Center, Qian, and Kun Gates, the battle was fierce.


  Even though the Imperial Army had been scattered and broken, there was still a significant number of soldiers within the Imperial Palace.

  This was no problem when Li Siye’s forces were pressing forward with unstoppable momentum, but now that their offensive had been halted, the Imperial Army soldiers were recovering and converging.


  In a flash of light, Su Zhengchen appeared where the fighting was fiercest.

  “Kill him!”

  Upon seeing Su Zhengchen, several Eastern Palace soldiers, their eyes red with bloodlust, immediately charged over.

  These men were so overcome with rage and bloodlust that they would immediately attack anyone who wasn’t on their side.

  Su Zhengchen’s eyes turned cold. Without a word, he stepped forward. Bang! There was no ripple of Stellar Energy, and those Imperial Army soldiers didn’t even know what was going on as they flew through the air and crashed into the soldiers behind them.


  Explosions rumbled across the battlefield. Each one of those soldiers had been like a cannonball, knocking back several dozen Imperial Army soldiers with each impact.


  Upon seeing this, hundreds of Eastern Palace soldiers turned to charge at Su Zhengchen.


  But before they could even get within several dozen feet, they rammed into an invisible barrier and were blasted backward.

  This sight immediately drew in even more attention from the rest of the combatants.


  War cries shook the heavens as more and more soldiers converged on Su Zhengchen.

  They couldn’t see what was going on, but they were certain that there were many enemies there, so they charged without hesitation.


  With an earthshattering boom, all the warhorses shrieked, and thousands of soldiers screamed as they were struck by a massive wave of energy and thrown up into the air like they were pieces of paper.

  In this entire process, Su Zhengchen hadn’t moved a muscle, and there wasn’t even a tiny ripple of Stellar Energy from his body. It was like those soldiers were knocking themselves away.

  Chapter 1782 - Gods Don’t Exist in This Old Man’s Eyes!

  Chapter 1782: Gods Don’t Exist in This Old Man’s Eyes!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “What’s going on? Did they get reinforcements?”

  “Who cares? Charge and kill them!”

  As thousands of soldiers were being thrown into the air, more soldiers noticed the disturbance taking place at the southern end of the battlefield. An Imperial Army commander swung his sword and led his men toward the source of the chaos.

  But before he could get very far, clang! The Imperial Army commander felt his hand getting lighter. While he was still trying to understand what was going on, he saw the sword that had been with him for ten-some years break free of his grip and soar into the sky.

  The commander instinctively reached out to grab it, but he unexpectedly failed. And the truly shocking development took place after that…


  The vibrating of swords and sabers rose and fell as tens of thousands of swords and sabers rose into the air as if they had a life of their own. Floating several dozen feet above the ground, they formed a vast and bizarre sea of weapons.

  “What… what evil art is this?”

  The Imperial Army soldier stared in pale-faced shock at those gleaming weapons in the air.

  He was a top-class expert, but when he felt those floating swords link together, he felt like an insignificant being standing in front of an enormous sun.

  But the one he most feared was still that figure standing to the southeast, the one controlling all these swords. Although he could not see this man, he could sense that enormous sea of energy that was many times greater than his own.

  To compare the two would be like comparing a firefly to the moon.

  He couldn’t muster up the slightest desire to fight this man.

  “Who is this man? How could the King of Foreign Lands have found such a frightening expert? Imperial Great General… no… not even Great Generals could compare.”

  The Imperial Army commander and his soldiers all trembled in fear.

  “The War God! Great Tang War God Su Zhengchen!”

  A shout came from another direction. Many scions of great clans joined the Imperial Army, and while Su Zhengchen had not emerged for many decades and many people did not know what he looked like, those well-read noble sons had still been able to instantly recognize him.

  He looked exactly like the legends said and had attained such a high mastery of the sword. It could be no one except Su Zhengchen!

  There had been a rumor going around the capital for some time th
at Su Zhengchen was still alive. None of them had believed it at first, but what doubts did they have now?


  All those soldiers stared at that divine figure standing at the gate, and then they solemnly dismounted and kneeled.

  Almost all of them had heard the legends of Su Zhengchen while growing up. In those legends, this was the War God of Taizong’s era, a meritorious subject and the hero of the Central Plains. Countless people in the military idolized this man, regarding him as a goal and model to learn from.

  These people could attack Wang Chong’s men on the First Prince’s order, but none of them could point their weapon at the War God.

  “Paying respects to the War God!”

  “Paying respects to the War God!”

  On the vast battlefield, row after row of soldiers kneeled reverentially down on the ground, and the area suddenly became much quieter.

  But Su Zhengchen had no time for such things. He swept his eyes toward the imposing Chongsheng Gate.

  The air there was churning with blood. Li Siye and the others were about to break!


  With a single thought, Su Zhengchen sent that vast sea of weapons hurtling toward Chongsheng Gate.


  In a terrifying explosion, sharp and dangerous Sword Qi engulfed the Tianfu Divine Lord and Tianshu Divine Lord, as well as those men in black on the ground in their various forms.


  A half–Lu Wu man in black with tenacious vitality failed to react in time and was pierced through the center of his brow by a sword. The sword stabbed right through his skull and out the back of his head. The man’s eyes widened, strange gurgles coming from his open mouth, and then he dropped dead.

  Elsewhere, several half–Lu Wus were roaring as they attacked the Wushang Cavalry, Mo Saber Unit soldiers, and great clan experts around them with flames and physical strength. Suddenly, swords flashed, and then these men in black either were cut in half or had their heads separated from their necks.


  One of the men in black sensed the danger coming overhead and cried out in warning to the others. At the same time, he used the Void Movement Technique to disappear into the void and avoid these swords.


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