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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1155

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  With this replenishment of energy, Wang Zhongsi felt all his exhaustion being wiped away, and he returned to his peak, perhaps even stronger.

  “Good! I’ll hold down Khatabah while you help the others,” Wang Zhongsi sternly said, immediately understanding Wang Chong’s aims.

  At Wang Zhongsi’s level of cultivation, he could discern Wang Chong’s intentions from a single act. Wang Chong had both the Origin Immortal Art and the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art, and no one else was capable of transferring energy to others like this.

  And during this battle, Wang Zhongsi, Gao Xianzhi, and the others had all greatly exhausted their strength. Without Wang Chong’s help, the others wouldn’t be able to fight for much longer.


  Wang Chong simply nodded in understanding, and then he used the Greater Void Step to dodge another of Khatabah’s thunderous blows. At the same time, he waved his right hand, grabbing an Arab Governor with the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art, causing him to fly in a massive arc toward Wang Chong.


  Suddenly, in a cold flash of light, Abu Muslim slashed his saber, creating a wave of saber energy several hundred feet long that attempted to cut off the pull, flying between Wang Chong and the Governor.

  Chapter 1900 - The Black Flame Moon God!

  Chapter 1900: The Black Flame Moon God!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Abu Muslim, you’re seeking death! You’re no longer any match for me! If I were you, I would have never taken part in this war!”

  Wang Chong’s dantian trembled, and his Stellar Energy transformed into a massive azure fist that shattered Abu Muslim’s saber energy and sent him flying back.

  Abu Muslim paled, and there was anger in his eyes, but he could say nothing.

  Wang Chong was openly humiliating him with these words, but it was exactly as Wang Chong had said. Wang Chong was on an entirely different level of power compared to the Battle of Talas, and not even Qutaybah reborn would have been able to deal with him, let alone Abu Muslim.

  Seeing Abu Muslim withdraw, Wang Chong laughed in scorn, but he did not pursue. He would have plenty of chances to deal with Abu Muslim. His first priority was to kill the weakest Arab Governors and transfer their energy to Zhangchou Jianqiong and the others.


  With a thought, Wang Chong grabbed another Governor confused by the Nightmare Beast and absorbed his energy. With a thrust of his palm, he sent a torrent of Stellar Energy into Zhangchou Jianqiong’s body.

  The Tiger of the Empire was at his limit, but with the boost from Wang Chong, he was revitalized.

  “Great! Wang Chong, with you here, we can’t lose!”

  Zhangchou Jianqiong heartily laughed, seeming one hundred times more energetic.

  “Khatabah, no matter what you fuse with, you’ll always lose! Let’s fight once more!”

  As Zhangchou Jianqiong spoke, his dantian unleashed a majestic pillar of energy. He leapt into the air and punched, unleashing a torrent of energy at the Black Flame Ifrit.


  More explosions rang out, and under the attacks of Wang Zhongsi, Zhangchou Jianqiong, and the others, Khatabah was forced to give up his focus on Wang Chong.

  This only made Khatabah even more furious.

  “Damn things! I’ll kill all of you first. Killing that brat later will end with the same result!”

  Khatabah’s body roiled with black smoke, and high-temperature black flames howled as they blotted out the sky and hurtled toward the Tang experts.

  Everyone shivered in fear and immediately backed away.

  ‘Back away when the enemy advances, and advance when the enemy retreats.’ This was the tactic they had all agreed to use on Khatabah.

  Those terrifying flames remained a barrier that none of them could overcome.

  While Khatabah was battling with Wang Zhongsi and the others, Wang Chong had encountered a powerful foe of his own.


  Without any warning, the space in front of Wang Chong trembled, and then there was a cold flash of light and a massive bang as a sharp wave of saber energy cut toward him, leaving a scar more than seven hundred feet long in its wake. The fabric of space was as glossy and smooth as a mirror where the saber energy cut through it. If Wang Chong had not been sharp enough to sense this attack coming, he would have been struck by this attack.

  “Abu Muslim, why are you retreating? Let’s work together and kill him!”

  Large quantities of air began to transform into stones of various sizes that rained down. Adnan floated in the air with the Blade of Mukala, a look of anger on his face.

  As he spoke, he unleashed another wave of energy with the Blade of Mukala, which swept toward Wang Chong like a hurricane.

  “Hmph, you think that just having a divine weapon means you can deal with me?”

  Wang Chong did not back down this time. His expression cold, he poured Stellar Energy into the Xuanyuan Sword and slashed.


  The two divine weapons of the east and west clashed with their energies. After a few moments of stalemate, the energy created by the Blade of Mukala crumpled, and the golden Sword Qi swept toward Adnan.


  Adnan panicked, his zeal draining away like air out of a punctured balloon. Crying out in alarm, Adnan rapidly retreated, only barely managing to dodge Wang Chong’s attack. He immediately felt cold sweat coming out of every pore on his body.

  He had fought nearly evenly with Wang Zhongsi, so he thought that he could hold down Wang Chong and give the Hierophant an opportunity. He had never imagined that Wang Chong would be so strong.

  What a pity! I let him escape!

  As he watched Adnan beat a hasty retreat, Wang Chong sighed in slight regret.

  If Adnan had been half a second slower, he would have been sliced in two.

  While Wang Chong was younger than Wang Zhongsi, Wang Chong had even greater achievements. Moreover, Wang Zhongsi had a simple and majestic fighting style, each move grandiose and upright. But Wang Chong was different. Of the ten great arts of the Central Plains, he had four, so he had numerous techniques that he could constantly switch between. It was simply impossible for Adnan to show off in front of him with just a single weapon.

  “That weapon of his is too special! If not for that weapon’s disruption, I would have already taken control of him!” the Nightmare Beast said into Wang Chong’s mind. Other than Khatabah, there were only two people on the battlefield it could not influence: Abu Muslim and Adnan.

  Abu Muslim was known as the Governor of Iron and Blood, and had a formidable will. While the Battle of Talas had made him a joke in Arabia, it had only made his will even more formidable and determined. When attempting to disturb his mind, the Nightmare Beast had encountered stiff resistance.

  As for Adnan, it was purely due to the blade.

  In a brief conversation, Wang Chong decided on the strategy for dealing with these two.

  “Forget about them for now. Khatabah is more important. If you notice them trying to join the battle, use Psychic Energy to disrupt them or take control of the Governors around them and have them attack. If you really can’t deal with them, I’ll intervene!”

  Abu Muslim and Adnan were just small fry. The crux was Khatabah, and without Wang Chong’s intervention, Wang Zhongsi and the others were clearly on the back foot.


  Wang Chong slashed at Abu Muslim and Adnan, but his body rapidly moved in the opposite direction, toward an Arab Governor who was madly hacking at empty air.

  Wang Chong quickly grabbed the back of the man’s neck and drained him using the Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art.

  Just when Wang Chong was preparing to transfer this energy, a voice broke through the sands.

  “Wang Chong, transfer that energy to me and I’ll help out the others!” Song Yuanyi called out, his robes and hair flapping in the wind.

  After a moment
of confusion, Wang Chong understood. Song Yuanyi cultivated the Eternal Spring Mantra, which was extremely effective at healing the injuries of others, including those of ordinary soldiers. By working together, the pair could maximize how this energy was used.

  As these thoughts flew through his mind, Wang Chong sent the drained Stellar Energy together with some of his own energy into Song Yuanyi’s body.


  Upon obtaining this vast energy, Song Yuanyi swelled with power, and his eyes shone with an intimidating light. A moment later, his dantian began to tremble and his hands spread apart. His Eternal Spring Stellar Energy split into eight streams that entered the bodies of the others and began to rapidly heal their injuries.

  The power of the Eternal Spring Stellar Energy healed all their injuries, both internal and external.


  Song Yuanyi stomped a foot on the ground, and a shockwave of green energy bursting with life rolled out, jolting aside the yellow sand as it rolled into the bodies of several Tang infantry.

  These people had originally been rather badly wounded, but this jade-green energy instantly began to heal them. In the blink of an eye, they had been restored to peak form.

  “Wonderful! Kill!”

  The energized Tang soldiers once more threw themselves into the battle, heading to where the fighting was most intense.

  The pairing of Wang Chong and Song Yuanyi was a perfect match. In just a few moments, nearly ten thousand Tang soldiers had been healed of their heavy injuries and rejoined the battle. Eternal Spring Stellar Energy was much more effective on an ordinary soldier compared to a martial artist.

  Wang Chong rejoiced to see so many soldiers recovering, and he gave himself a pat on the back for wisely choosing to invite Song Yuanyi.

  “Black Flame Moon God!”

  As Wang Chong and Song Yuanyi were healing the Tang forces, a bone-chilling voice exploded out of the sandstorm, rumbling through the world.

  Before the two could react, the fabric of space shuddered, and Wang Chong turned his head in alarm.

  What Wang Chong saw was a massive sun made of black flames, so dense it seemed solid as it rose above the Black Flame Ifrit’s head.

  In just a few short moments, six suns of black flames had appeared above the Black Flame Ifrit’s head.

  Their immense energy blocked out the storm for tens of thousands of feet around, preventing any rain or sand from getting in. Their sheer power had opened up a clearing in the middle of the battlefield.

  Chapter 1901 - The Power of the Moon God!

  Chapter 1901: The Power of the Moon God!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  Wang Chong felt his heart tremble, sensing an intense danger. It was a massive wave of pressure, choking the breath out of him.

  “Not good!”

  Wang Chong’s face fell. This was the first time he had felt so much danger from Khatabah’s fusion.

  “Everyone, get back!” Wang Chong cried out, at the same time using the Greater Void Step to rush ahead, trying to stop whatever was happening from finishing. But it was too late. Khatabah had clearly been hiding this supreme move, drawing everyone close and having them drop their guard before finally unleashing it.

  He had clearly made this plan with no intention of letting everyone escape.

  “Ignite! Ignite! Ignite!”

  Khatabah’s eyes gleamed with cruelty as he roared. Everyone had a bad feeling, but just as they were about to retreat, those six black suns—or, more accurately, moons—fiercely exploded.

  The explosion of flames from the six black moons covered almost every available inch of space!


  An Sishun, Gao Xianzhi, and Abusi shuddered, and they were the first to be blown away. A split-second later, the Black Yin Ancestor, Myriad Ghost Ancestor, and Bone Devil Ancestor vomited blood as they were blasted back like ragdolls.

  As for the strongest, Wang Zhongsi and Li Junxian, who had already entered the Subtle realm, while they did not vomit blood, they were still heavily injured.

  In that moment, Khatabah had borrowed the strength of the moon god, fused it with the Ifrit’s power, and immediately altered the situation by heavily injuring his attackers.

  “As I said! All of you will die! No one will escape!”

  Khatabah’s cold voice resounded through the world as black flames leaped from his body and rumbled off in pursuit.

  In their current condition, there was no way they could resist!

  “Damn it!”

  Wang Chong’s eyes turned red as he shot forward, Yin and Yang in his left and right hands while the sun and moon appeared around him. The winds howled as Wang Chong seized control of everything within tens of thousands of feet of him.


  An Sishun’s group was the first to be pulled, flying in an arc toward Wang Chong, and after that was the Black Yin Ancestor’s group.

  Boom! Blazing black flames pursued, but simply by spreading apart his hands, Wang Chong altered the trajectory of the flames, causing them to miss Wang Chong by more than one hundred feet and vanish into the distance.

  The Great Yinyang Heaven Creation Art was a supreme art that excelled in discharging force, group battles, and even duels.

  Even if Wang Chong couldn’t fight the Black Flame Ifrit by himself, it was enough that he could alter the trajectory of the flames.

  Thud! Thud!

  A few moments later, Song Yuanyi appeared behind Wang Chong and immediately sent Eternal Spring Stellar Energy, brimming with life energy, into the bodies of the others to treat their injuries.

  “This is bad. These black flames are too tyrannical, and they seem to contain a special power that’s overpowering the trait of my Eternal Spring Mantra. My Eternal Spring Mantra can treat their injuries, but it will take time to treat the root of the problem!”

  Song Yuanyi’s brows furrowed, worry in his eyes.

  Only the power of the ancient moon god could be stronger than the Eternal Spring Mantra. Khatabah had mixed in too much of this power, and Song Yuanyi found it hard to deal with on short notice.

  And while Song Yuanyi said that he could treat it, he needed time, but time was what they lacked the most. Khatabah was already coming.


  Another punch of raging flames, carrying enough force to shatter mountains, descended from the heavens. Having seen that long-distance attacks were ineffective, Khatabah stomped toward Wang Chong, shaking the ground.

  Wang Chong quickly blinked away, dragging the others with him, but Khatabah was hot on his heels with another punch.


  Seeing that Khatabah was persistent with his punches, Wang Chong took out his sword and unleashed an energy sword that struck Khatabah’s body. Khatabah’s body trembled for a moment, his progress slowed, buying some time for Wang Chong to catch his breath.

  “It’s no good! He’s too strong!”

  “Despite attacking him for so long, we haven’t dealt any effective damage!”

  “Those black flames are too hot! We can only attack from a distance.”

  The group scattered, floating in the air as they stared worriedly at Khatabah’s savage flames.

  Song Yuanyi, Xie Guangting, the Myriad Ghost Ancestor, the Black Yin Ancestor, the Bone Devil Ancestor, Wang Zhongsi, Zhangchou Jianqiong… all these experts together, bringing together both sides of the martial arts world and the imperial court, represented almost the entire strength of the Central Plains.

  Before this battle, no one would have believed that this sort of strength could be stopped.

  But not only had Khatabah stopped them, he had completely suppressed them.

  “Hmph, useless! No matter where you run, what tactics you employ, or how you try to expend my Stellar Energy… you cannot defeat me! I’ll end your delusions here and now!”

  Khatabah’s voice echoed through the air as he raised a massive arm over his
head. Boom! Space exploded as a vortex took form, and above this vortex was another world.

  It was a golden world awash with majestic energy.


  A massive beam of energy descended from the heavens, rumbling into the Ifrit’s body. The somewhat weakened Ifrit instantly swelled in power, recovering all of its lost Stellar Energy and reaching an even higher level.

  Its aura could swallow the seas and flood the heavens. It was even more frightening and domineering than before!

  Everyone, including Wang Chong, felt their hearts sink.

  They could have slowly worn down the Ifrit through attrition, but now, the Black Flame Ifrit had Khatabah’s power. Once it ran out of energy, it could open a passage to the higher dimension of the Subtle realm and absorb energy. How could they fight against it in that situation?

  Their hearts trembled and their faces paled.

  None of them had imagined that they would face such a terrifying foe.

  But at this moment, something surprising happened.


  Perhaps because they were frightened by the Ifrit’s strength, several master archers suddenly fired their arrows at that pillar of energy.

  In this chaotic battlefield covered in a sandstorm, any sort of large disturbance could draw the attacks of both sides. Ten-some arrows was far too common of a sight. But when lightning was crackling overhead, the ten-some arrows created a surprising chain reaction.


  In a blaze of light, at least three thick lightning bolts cracked down on the arrows, and then the lightning proceeded down the pillar of energy to strike the Black Flame Ifrit below.

  The Ifrit did not have a physical body and feared no attacks. Not even Wang Chong’s Lightning Flash had been able to deal any substantial harm to the Ifrit.

  But at this moment, no one except Wang Chong noticed that the Black Flame Ifrit’s body momentarily froze. It was extremely brief, less than one-tenth of a second, but Wang Chong noticed.


  Wang Chong’s heart thumped upon the discovery of this strange point.


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