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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1173

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Chapter 1933 - An Yaluoshan's Fear!

  Chapter 1933: An Yaluoshan’s Fear!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Unlike other Confucians, Gao Shang had studied a variety of different fields, including the field of divination. This was also why he was considered a heretic by the other Confucians and excluded from their ranks, forcing him to wander from place to place.While An Yaluoshan had many subordinates in Youzhou, none of them had ever put An Yaluoshan together with the title of ‘True Dragon, Son of Heaven’. After all, the Sage Emperor still reigned, and no one could surpass him. This wasn’t even considering that the Great Tang was at its most prosperous.But on their very first meeting, Gao Shang called An Yaluoshan ‘future master of the Central Plains’ in front of all his generals, stimulating An Yaluoshan’s hidden ambition.The words on that slip of paper concealed in the jade roller had come from none other than Gao Shang’s mouth!Seeing that An Yaluoshan was unmoved, Gao Shang continued, “If Your Excellency does not believe, you can just look at Great Generals Cui Qianyou and Tian Chengsi. Ever since Your Excellency returned from the capital, the Dragon Qi has awakened. All of Your Excellency’s subordinates, and even yourself, have experienced giant leaps in cultivation that surpass common sense. This is one of the signs of the Son of Heaven.“Your Excellency is the True Dragon, Son of Heaven. That is the only explanation for this phenomenon. Tian Chengsi and the other Great Generals, as Your Excellency’s close subordinates, have been influenced by the Dragon Qi, causing them to experience unreasonable improvements to their cultivations! Is not all of this proof?” Gao Shang said.An Yaluoshan’s face finally showed a few ripples.Yes!Ever since his return from the capital, he and all his subordinates had realized that they were getting stronger at an unreasonable pace.Wherever they were, spiritual energy would gather so thickly that it became almost tangible, sometimes even forming vortices of power. On those occasions, it seemed like some invisible power was pouring energy into their bodies.When Cui Qianyou and the others were alone, this effect was not too obvious, but it instantly became apparent once they got close to An Yaluoshan.This was why the Youzhou generals seemed to be almost attached to An Yaluoshan’s sides.At the start, they also wondered if this had to do with their own fundamentals. Perhaps they had experienced such a rapid increase in cultivation level because they were all astonishingly talented.But they quickly rejected this hypothesis. This was because even after they stopped cultivating, spiritual energy continued to pour into their bodies. Talent could not explain this.“But I am a Hu. For several thousand years, the Central Plains has never had a Hu Son of Heaven. Am I really able to become the master of the Central Plains?” An Yaluoshan said.Gao Shang had rapidly risen in status, becoming one of An Yaluoshan’s most important advisors. An Yaluoshan had even accepted his argument for being the future master of the Central Plains.But deep down, An Yaluoshan was far from certain.Hu were Hu and Han were Han. Even at its weakest, the Central Plains had never had a Hu Son of Heaven. Could he really become its master?But An Yaluoshan would never voice his doubts in front of others, only in front of his closest advisors.This was why he had dismissed Cui Qianyou and Tian Chengsi first.“It is precisely because the Central Plains has never had a Hu Son of Heaven before that Your Excellency will become hegemon over the entire eastern world. Not only will Your Excellency rule the Central Plains, but all of the surrounding kingdoms as well. At that moment, you will have far surpassed the Great Tang. This is why the heavens have chosen Your Excellency. No Han Son of Heaven could ever accomplish this.”Anyone would have been shocked to hear these words from An Yaluoshan, but Gao Shang simply prostrated himself and spoke with utmost sincerity.“One who can do what has never been done before, cleaving apart the heavens and the earth, renewing all things, and recreating the universe! This is why your subordinate was willing to come to the distant Youzhou to swear fealty to Your Excellency!“Your Excellency is the future True Dragon, Son of Heaven! There is no doubt about it!”Gao Shang spoke with great force and vigor.An Yaluoshan’s brow greatly relaxed upon hearing this.Before An Yaluoshan could speak, a chilling and bizarre voice resounded through the world.“There is no need for doubt. You are the Child of the World, many times greater than the so-called True Dragon, Son of Heaven.”As the world slowly brightened, An Yaluoshan and Gao Shang appeared to be alone on the summit, but this eerie voice seemed to be speaking directly into their ears.Buzz!Gao Shang shuddered, his face stricken with fear. Even so, Gao Shang remained prostrate and silent, seemingly unsurprised. It was clear that this was not the first time this had happened.“Gao Shang, withdraw. I wish to speak with this person.”An Yaluoshan waved his hand.“Yes, Your Excellency!”Gao Shang shuffled back seven or eight steps before turning around and leaving.Once Gao Shang was gone, in a place several steps away from An Yaluoshan, space twisted, viscous darkness gathering into an indistinct human figure.“You’ve come?” An Yaluoshan said, his expression unsurprised.The mysterious black figure took two steps forward and brusquely said, “What a fool! You still doubt your own identity!”“I am not doubting myself.”An Yaluoshan did not appear to mind this rebuke.“I want to become the ruler of the Central Plains more than anyone else, but the Great Tang is too powerful. Even the western world’s strongest was defeated and subdued, and during the Rebellion of the Three Princes, you saw for yourself how the Sage Emperor’s sword spanned the Nine Provinces, even sundering the heavens and the earth. While I’m no weakling, I still wouldn’t be able to withstand that sword,” An Yaluoshan sternly said, fear in his voice.An Yaluoshan was keeping a close watch on everything happening in the Central Plains, numerous spies reporting to him on every detail.Amongst all this information, what shocked An Yaluoshan the most was the events of the Rebellion of the Three Princes.While An Yaluoshan had not been in the capital, he had still felt the aftershocks of power from the Sage Emperor’s attack, even though he was all the way in Youzhou.Ever since then, An Yaluoshan had been extremely uneasy, even having nightmares that made his nights restless.An Yaluoshan never mentioned this to others. However, it was these doubts that had led him to question Gao Shang.“As long as that man lives, I do not dare to start a rebellion!” An Yaluoshan finally said.While that revered sovereign continued to sit on the throne of the Great Tang, An Yaluoshan could only retract his claws and sit, not daring to do anything out of line!“So this was the case!”The black silhouette’s voice suddenly softened.“If that is your reason, there is no need for concern. Arabia’s defeat was the apex of the Tang Empire, but in all things, the sun, the moon, the heavens and the earth, what has waxed must wane. This is an eternal principle. Very soon, this will all cease to exist. As for that Sage Emperor you speak of… he can’t last for long!”An Yaluoshan shuddered, turning his head as his eyes flew open.‘He can’t last for long’?What did that mean?!Was he going to die? But how was that possible?!A storm raged in An Yaluoshan’s mind!The Sage Emperor was at the height of his power! How could he suddenly die?With the Sage Emperor’s cultivation, while immortality was still impossible, living for one hundred years was no problem at all!As the supreme ruler of the realm, who could possibly kill him?!The black figure seemed to know what An Yaluoshan was thinking, and coldly chuckled.“If that man does not die, how would you ever have the chance? Moreover, didn’t your advisor already notice the heavenly phenomena and the shifting of the Dragon Qi?”The summit was quiet. An Yaluoshan’s chest was heaving, countless thoughts flashing in his eyes.The information divulged by the mysterious black figure had been an immense shock to him.An Yaluoshan quickly composed himself, and when he spoke, his eyes once more burned with ambition.“How much longer?”The Sage Emperor was the supporting pillar of the Central Plains, the heart of the Tang, the foundation of peace and harmony. His death would throw the Central Plains into chaos.And An Yaluoshan would have his chance.He would have nothing to fear, not even the mighty King of Foreign Lands!“It won’t be long!” the mysterious figure said. “In addition, at that time, there is som
ething you need to do.”The black figure quickly left, and soon afterward, a horseman rode over.“Your Excellency, the Protector-General has asked you to go over!”An Yaluoshan took in a deep breath and calmly replied, “I see.”Crack! Crack! Crack! A series of small explosions came from An Yaluoshan’s body, and soon, that domineering ambition had retracted back into his body. Even his body grew a little shorter and fatter.“Tell my adoptive father that I will be there soon.”An Yaluoshan warmly smiled, and he transformed into a guileless, ordinary fat man. An Yaluoshan quickly began to go down the mountain, vanishing into the distance.Behind him, the eastern skies brightened.……Meanwhile, in the distant capital…Once all the plans were made, Wang Chong’s hand-picked elite scouts began to leave the capital. Commanded by Xu Keyi, Zhang Que, Guo Ziyi, and Xue Qianjun, they soon vanished toward the north and northeast.

  Chapter 1934 - Shadow Fiend Speed!

  Chapter 1934: Shadow Fiend Speed!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  As the Great Tang celebrated, an invisible and immense machine centered around Wang Chong had begun to turn.

  With Wang Chong’s approval, the hybrid rice was quickly sent to Mengshe Zhao, and just as predicted, Wang Chong’s personal letter caused great stir and unease amongst the officials of Mengshe Zhao. Fengjiayi soon personally wrote a letter to Wang Chong agreeing to his demands, in addition expressing his absolute loyalty to the Great Tang using the meekest of language.

  On the Sindhu side, with Wang Chong’s intervention, the pace at which the impoverished and hungry Sindhi were moved to the Promised Land picked up.

  However, using the autumn winds alone to reach the Promised Land was a little too primitive. Wang Chong had Zhang Shouzhi hasten the development of ‘sailing instruments’ and also began to consider using furnaces and steam to assist in the sailing.

  As for Youzhou, results would not come so quickly.

  Everything in Wang Chong’s orbit was operating in an orderly fashion.

  The King of Foreign Lands Residence was heavily guarded.

  Wang Chong had returned to his residence after visiting his mother.


  In the main hall, Wang Chong sat cross-legged on the raised platform, red flight flashing around him. On his left was a dazzling golden sun, and on his right was a crimson blood moon. Stellar Energy surged within and without his body, almost packing every available inch of space.

  As Wang Chong sat motionless, white tendrils of steam poured out of his head, obscuring his face from view.

  At the back of Wang Chong’s hand, a faint halo had formed, exuding energy almost identical to that of the Subtle realm.

  As Wang Chong breathed in and out, the halo resonated with that dimension and seemed to exchange something with it.

  Through the principles of some law, Wang Chong’s energy transformed, and his aura continued to rise higher and higher.

  The war of the northwest had been a hellish war that had created a land strewn with corpses, and the vicious fighting had left all the surrounding countries stunned.

  But for Wang Chong, it had been a great harvest. In killing the Hierophant and the High Priest, he had obtained the Forbidden Art Sea and made a few other discoveries.

  He had begun to more and more realize that there was an even higher realm above the Subtle realm, a hypothesis that had been further reinforced in the war of the northwest.

  Khatabah and Wang Chong had both been in the Subtle realm, but Khatabah had been much stronger.

  Wang Zhongsi, Wang Chong, Zhangchou Jianqiong… all of these people together had attacked him, but they had still barely been his match. Even an apex Behemoth like the King Ape had almost had its bones broken. In addition, Wang Chong had even used the mythical ‘Xuanyuan Sword’ in the battle.

  Given that they were both in the Subtle realm, there shouldn’t have been such a large gap.

  Wang Chong sensed that Khatabah had surpassed the Subtle realm and had already begun to interact with a realm above it. Unfortunately, Khatabah had chosen to go on his eastern expedition, leading to his death.

  There must be a higher realm above the Subtle realm, but what is it? And how can I get there?!

  Wang Chong closed his eyes and pondered.

  In this world, the apex of the martial arts world was the peak Saint Martial realm and the Great General level. There were no specific records on what came after that. Wang Chong had been able to reach his current level because of the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s many decades of study and research, allowing him to interact with this realm and smoothly ascend into it.

  But before that, the Central Plains had no record of any Subtle realm.

  There had been various legends, but they were all exaggerated in various ways and could not be trusted.

  What lies above the Subtle realm is ethereal and unpursued. The person who has the most understanding of what lies above that realm is probably the Sage Emperor! Wang Chong quietly said to himself.

  In his last life, his senior had determined through various clues that the Sage Emperor had gotten infinitesimally close to the Divine Martial realm. This had been an accepted fact in the apocalyptic era, but until then, very few people even knew the term ‘Divine Martial realm’.

  No one knew just how the Sage Emperor had managed to approach this realm. They could only conclude that it was due to his extraordinary talent and the privileges he had as Emperor.

  The True Dragon, Son of Heaven, reigned high above and possessed indescribable nobility!

  The hierarchy of the Great Tang was extremely strict! Sovereign was sovereign and subject was subject! Trying to gain an understanding of the Subtle realm from the Sage Emperor seemed plausible, but there was no way to actually try, at least right now.

  But Wang Chong quickly got ahold of himself.


  Space trembled, and suddenly, the shadow Wang Chong cast on the floor extended like it had a life of its own. It turned around and wrapped around Wang Chong’s body, then a moment later, he vanished.

  At the entrance to the hall, a dark figure shaped exactly like Wang Chong appeared. Several steps away, another dark figure appeared, and then a third, a fourth…

  This dark figure could be seen in every part of the hall, even floating in the air.

  All of these dark figures were motionless, as if they had been frozen in time.

  These were shadows left behind when someone had broken through the limits of speed.

  Most bizarre of all was that the hall was silent, with not even a rush of air. It was like all of this was part of a still painting.

  Shadow Fiend Speed!

  This was the unique movement technique used by the Shadow Fiends of the Kegang Empire found in the well of Hamuhad.

  When this movement technique was pushed to its limits, not only did it surpass the Greater Void Step used by the men in black, it was also absolutely silent. One became like a ghost, giving off no emanations of energy and not even disturbing the air, almost fusing with it.

  When the Nightmare Beast seized control of them, Wang Chong had invaded their minds, taking both their memories and this transcendent ‘Shadow Fiend Speed’ technique.

  As the ‘Shadow Fiend Speed’ had been a part of the Shadow Fiends, not even the people of the Kegang Empire could wipe it from their memories. This was one of Wang Chong’s unexpected harvests from that journey.


  More and more of Wang Chong’s ‘clones’ filled the hall, and by the end, the hall was full of nothing but him.


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