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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1177

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Chapter 1940 - Swooping in Through the Gap!

  Chapter 1940: Swooping in Through the Gap!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Heh, is that so? Even now, you’re still not willing to concede?” A voice spoke within the hall, but it did not belong to the palace maid.

  There was a rush of air, and seven or eight steps away from the palace maid, an azure-robed eunuch holding a horsetail whisk appeared.

  Without the power of ‘Heaven’, the palace maid collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

  The eunuch shot the Sage Emperor a jeering look and sneered, “If you hadn’t been so obsessed with opposing Us and carelessly attempted to reach the Divine Martial realm, you might have been able to drag out your feeble resistance for longer and suppress him, but now… this is the price for opposing Us! I’m already impatient to see the drama that will play out.”

  The eunuch, or rather ‘Heaven’ within him, heartily laughed.

  The Sage Emperor remained cold and aloof.

  “Several decades ago, We said that no one could call themselves ‘Heaven’ before Us. Even if you were really Heaven, We would still drag you down to the ground. We are not anybody else, and Our life cannot be controlled by you! The board is already beginning to move, and We have prepared for you a most grandiose game. There will come a day when you fall to the earth and prostrate before Us!”

  “Hahaha, you speak of that Child of Destruction?”

  ‘Heaven’ heartily laughed. The eunuch swiftly crumpled to the floor, and a young guard with a saber at his waist strode in. Though the face had changed, the aura remained the same.

  “You did not think that you could hide your plans from me, did you? You’ve truly gotten old! Even your judgment of others has begun to fail. It is simply a Child of Destruction. How long do you think you can protect him? Even you are not Our opponent, so what does he matter? Do you really think he can protect the Great Tang in your place?”

  ‘Heaven’ coldly sneered.

  “Heh, is that what you really think?”

  The Sage Emperor chuckled, his eyes seeming to see through everything.

  “Moreover, did you appear simply to say these things to Us?”

  “Of course not!”

  ‘Heaven’ coldly laughed, and a moment later, the guard’s eyes turned ice-cold.

  “We came to lend ‘him’ a hand!!”


  A moment later, winds howled and the doors to Taiji Palace flew open. A terrifying wave of energy swept in, and in this wave was a cold flash of light. Outside, a figure wielding a sword rode this ‘wave’ and instantly crossed several dozen feet as they rushed at the Sage Emperor.

  Upon a careful look, one would see that this was an armored man with a somber expression and the image of a black dragon on his left breast.

  A Dragon Guard of the Son of Heaven!

  The one attacking the Sage Emperor was none other than one of the devoted Dragon Guards tasked with protecting Taiji Palace!

  All the Dragon Guards had been personally selected and trained by the Sage Emperor. Not only were they extraordinarily powerful, they were absolutely loyal. Even in death, they would not betray the Sage Emperor!

  A Dragon Guard whose duty was to protect the Sage Emperor was attempting to assassinate him! Anyone would have been stunned to see this.

  But on a closer look, one would realize that the Dragon Guard’s eyes were empty. Someone had clearly taken control of him!

  Moreover, the destructive energy erupting from his body far surpassed the level of the Dragon Guards. It reached the Subtle realm and continued to rise, reaching an inconceivable level in the blink of an eye.

  “No human can oppose Heaven!

  “Heavenly Judgment!”

  The cruel voice of ‘Heaven’ resounded through the hall, and the Dragon Guard’s Stellar Energy turned golden and fiercely blazed, even twisting space with its heat.

  Under the control of ‘Heaven’, the Dragon Guard unleashed a power that would make even Subtle realm experts seem dim and lightless.

  Time and space both significantly slowed.


  Golden flames wrapped around the sword, and the Dragon Guard accelerated, hurtling toward the Sage Emperor like a meteor.

  The air went taut and the danger levels soared.

  But the Sage Emperor was unmoved. His eyes flashed as he raised a palm to meet ‘Heaven”s attack. His white and slender palm lightly pushed forward.


  The heavens and earth swayed as the very fabric of space rippled.

  The two terrifying energies slammed against each other in an alarming explosion. At a distance of only a few feet, the assault unleashed by ‘Heaven’ was blocked.

  The shockwaves from their clash rippled outward from the Imperial Palace, threatening to sweep across the entire capital. But a moment later, the Sage Emperor stepped forward, suppressing the shockwave so that it moved downward into the depths of the Imperial City.

  Boom! A black shadow shot out of the golden flames and into the Sage Emperor’s body without meeting the slightest resistance.

  The Sage Emperor’s face rapidly paled.

  “You took the bait!”

  The cold voice of ‘Heaven’ rang out in the Sage Emperor’s ears.

  Boom! After unleashing this blow, the Dragon Guard seemed to lose all power. He flew backward like a ragdoll and fell unconscious. At the same time, the power of ‘Heaven’, its mission complete, rapidly scattered and vanished.

  The hall became deathly still.

  This battle had begun and ended quickly. In the blink of an eye, the two supreme experts of this world had fought their battle, and everything had calmed back down. Only that moment where the entire Imperial City had shuddered proved that the two of them had clashed.

  “Hmph, mortals are mortals. Li Taiyi, after fighting with Us for a lifetime, you still lost. After taking Our palm, that man should be coming out. As for what comes next… We are truly anticipating it!”

  Not long after the battle in the Imperial Palace was over, in a place no one could see, two divine golden eyes opened. There was a cold snort, and then the eyes vanished.

  Meanwhile, in Taiji Palace, the Sage Emperor was pale as if he had suffered a heavy injury.

  But a moment later, the Sage Emperor suddenly smiled.

  “‘Heaven’, after several decades, you finally showed a weakness. You were waiting for Us, so how could We not be waiting for you?”

  The Sage Emperor muttered to himself as his right hand opened. Between his thumb and index finger was a spindle of orange light.

  The light exuded by this spindle was exactly the same as the energy of ‘Heaven’.


  At this moment, the palace maid, eunuch, and Dragon Guard came to their senses, befuddled looks on their faces.

  But when they looked up and saw the Sage Emperor, they immediately trembled and dropped their heads.

  “Your Majesty!”

  “Rise. You have committed no offense and may leave,” the Sage Emperor indifferently said.

  “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

  The group left in a panic.

  Taiji Palace grew calm once more.

  But a few moments later, at the King of Foreign Lands Residence…

  “This is…?”

  Wang Chong had been perusing the reports he had received from the north and northeast when he suddenly raised his head and looked toward the Imperial Palace. At that moment, Wang Chong had vaguely sensed the clash of two powerful energies.

  Those two energies had vanished very quickly, in the time it took to blink, so quickly that one could almost believe it was an illusion.

  “Just what is going on?”

  Wang Chong frowned in confusion.

  The Imperial Palace was the residence of the Sage Emperor, and such a large commotion should not have been able to take place there. However, no matter what happened, t
he Sage Emperor was enough to deal with it.

  But Wang Chong still felt rather uneasy.

  “Xu Keyi!” Wang Chong suddenly said. “Get in touch with Li Jingzhong and ask him what happened in the palace!”

  “Yes, Your Highness!”

  Xu Keyi was startled by the request, but he quickly left with the order.

  As time passed, Li Jingzhong quickly sent word that all was well in the palace. Nothing noteworthy had happened except a tremor caused recently by repairs being done to the underground formations.

  Wang Chong was still confused, but after receiving this report, he could only set the matter aside.

  But a few days later, when Wang Chong had almost forgotten the incident, another incident in court set off a great storm.

  “What? The Crown Prince was studying in the Eastern Palace when the Sage Emperor grew enraged and slapped him?”

  In the main hall of his estate, Wang Chong stared at Li Jingzhong in shock.

  Li Heng hadn’t been Crown Prince for very long, and given his honest and frugal nature, he shouldn’t have made any major mistakes that would incur the Sage Emperor’s wrath.

  “That’s not all! The Sage Emperor was so angry that he wanted to strip him of his Crown Prince position! Your Highness, you’re deeply favored by His Majesty! You have to think of a way to help His Highness!”

  Li Jingzhong was ghastly pale as he prostrated on the floor, and he seemed to have suffered a bad fright.

  Li Jingzhong’s efforts had finally paid off, and now that Li Heng was the Crown Prince, he had become the eunuch director of the Eastern Palace. Normally, he wouldn’t need to personally give reports, but this matter was of utmost importance.

  “What’s going on? Give me the details!” Wang Chong sternly said.

  Chapter 1941 - The Sage Emperor's Sudden Change!

  Chapter 1941: The Sage Emperor’s Sudden Change!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Even we don’t know the exact details yet.”Li Jingzhong began to explain what he knew.“Yesterday, in the early morning, the Crown Prince was studying as he usually did when the Sage Emperor suddenly arrived, saying that he had come to test the Crown Prince’s studies. Your Highness, you know that His Highness has always been diligent in his studies, never neglecting his homework. His Majesty declared that he wished to test the Crown Prince, and he chose a text for the Crown Prince to recite.”Wang Chong frowned and asked, “Did the Crown Prince fail to recite it?”“No! The Crown Prince recited the entire thing word for word.”Li Jingzhong understood Wang Chong’s meaning and shook his head.“Everything was normal and the Sage Emperor seemed to be satisfied, but when the Crown Prince raised his head to look at the Sage Emperor, the Sage Emperor suddenly grew enraged. He claimed that the Crown Prince had no regard for his sovereign and father, that he was unfilial and treasonous. Right there, he gave the Crown Prince a firm slap.“This was so abrupt that everyone present was frightened out of their wits!”Li Jingzhong still felt fear and alarm upon recalling the incident.The Sage Emperor was the wise sovereign of the realm, and Li Jingzhong had served in the palace for decades and had still never seen the Sage Emperor so enraged, or even heard of it.“No one understood what happened at the time, but not long afterward, news came out that the Sage Emperor wanted to strip the Crown Prince of his title. The entire court is shaken. Your Highness, you must do something to help the Crown Prince!”Li Jingzhong grabbed Wang Chong’s sleeve like a drowning man clutching at a rescue rope.Wang Chong said nothing, but his mind was restless. The Sage Emperor had just invested the Crown Prince, holding a sumptuous crowning ceremony, but now, he was talking about removing the Crown Prince. This was far too abrupt for everyone.Removing a Crown Prince was no easy matter and could not be done so casually.More importantly, the decision was too abnormal. All the other court officials were probably just as astonished.Wang Chong quickly calmed himself down and soothingly said, “Eunuch Li, don’t panic just yet. Investing a Crown Prince is no minor matter, and even if His Majesty wants to remove him, he needs the approval of the officials. There is still room to maneuver.“In addition, when His Majesty invested the Crown Prince, he expressed to all the realm that he was extremely satisfied with the Crown Prince, believing that His Highness had the traits proper for the post. One or two minor incidents are not enough of an excuse to remove him. I will get in touch with the other officials and submit a memorial strongly opposing this decision.”Regardless of the truth of the situation, Li Heng had already been tested in the apocalyptic era, and there was no one in the Great Tang more befitting of the post than him. This matter had to be put to a stop.“Thank you, Your Highness!”Li Jingzhong gratefully bowed and quickly left.Not long after Li Jingzhong had left, Wang Chong spoke once more.“Xu Keyi!”A few moments later, Xu Keyi came in and bowed.“What happened in the court?” Wang Chong said.“His Majesty proposed removing the Crown Prince from his post in court. When Your Highness was meeting Eunuch Li, several dozen major officials sent word of this matter and asked Your Highness to join them in submitting a memorial strongly advising against this!” Xu Keyi sternly said.Although Wang Chong no longer took part in court, he still wielded immense influence within it. Let alone the military officials, even civil officials admired Wang Chong.In terms of status, Wang Chong was on par with the Grand Tutor, even surpassing him in some aspects.Wang Chong began to think. This matter was far too bizarre. It was not bizarre that the Emperor grew enraged or slapped the Crown Prince, but it made no sense to strip the Crown Prince of his title over the incident.He recalled the matter Yang Zhao had brought up and the reports he had gathered.“Xu Keyi!”“Your subordinate is here!”“Prepare my carriage. I need to enter the palace to see His Majesty!” Wang Chong suddenly said.Wang Chong was now a major official of Lingyan Pavilion, possessing the Sage Emperor’s ‘Imperial Dragon Bracelet’ and holding the supreme titles of Nine Provinces Protector-General and Empire Guardian Great General. He could enter the palace to see the Sage Emperor without prior notification.No other official possessed this privilege.This was one of the major reasons that the officials had all gotten in touch with Wang Chong.Wang Chong set off from his estate and quickly arrived at the palace gates.“Hold! Is that the King of Foreign Lands?!”When Wang Chong arrived, an Imperial Army Marshal suddenly came forward and solemnly bowed.“Your Highness, please forgive me. His Majesty has decreed that he will not be meeting any officials of the court, including Your Highness!”Wang Chong was dumbstruck.“When did these things happen?”Wang Chong exited his carriage.“It happened during the morning court session, but with regards to Your Highness, His Majesty mentioned much earlier that Your Highness, without a summons… is not permitted inside the palace,” the Imperial Army Marshal said with a bowed head.“What?!”Wang Chong was rendered speechless.……The entire city was restless over the Crown Prince affair. All the officials, including Wang Chong, the Grand Preceptor, and the Grand Tutor, strongly voiced their opposition. While the Sage Emperor did not appear, he finally issued a decree stating that he had given up on removing the Crown Prince, bringing the matter to a close for now.But this was more like a turning point, and the turmoil within the Imperial Palace was far from over.Not long after the Crown Prince affair, the Sage Emperor skipped morning court three days in a row. The assembled officials waited from dawn to dusk without seeing a sign of the Sage Emperor or even a eunuch from the palace carrying the Sage Emperor’s decree.This set off another storm in the court.The Sage Emperor missing out on the court session three days in a row had earned him the dissatisfaction of the court, but then the Sage Emperor proposed spending one million taels of gold to construct a Peace Pavilion in the palace, earning him the intense opposition of the court. The imperial censors sent an endless flow of criticizing memorials into the palace.But none of this could hamper the Sage Emperor’s enthusiasm. And after this, another incident set off an even greater wave in the court.The Sage Emperor summoned all the officials and ordered them to select
virtuous and talented women from across the realm to be entered into the harem.Let alone the officials, even Wang Chong in his estate was stunned.“Your Highness, this is far too abnormal. Although women of talent and virtue have been summoned from across the realm to enter the harem in every dynasty, as they have in the current dynasty, it has not happened in the current reign. Not even when he was young did the Sage Emperor ever do such a thing. Several decades have passed, and the Princes and Princesses are already all so old. Opening up the harem to new candidates at this time is far too strange.”Crown Prince Li Heng; King Song, who had returned from the west with Wang Chong; Minister of War Zhangchou Jianqiong, who had returned later; Beacon General Jiang Yunrang; Lu Ting; the old butler; Assistant Minister of War Chao Qianzong; Yang Zhao; King De; King Shou; the Duke of Tan; the Duke of Guo; and several provincial governors had gathered in Wang Chong’s estate.Inexplicably, Wang Chong’s residence had become another center of the court.“Imperial Father’s personality has become too strange. Although the rules in the palace are strict and I and the other Imperial Brothers have always respected Imperial Father, an incident like the one from the other day has never happened before. No matter how great the mistake, Imperial Father has never delivered the punishment himself.”Crown Prince Li Heng pensively lowered his head in thought.In the Rebellion of the Three Princes, even though First Prince Li Ying had committed the crime of treason, the enraged Sage Emperor had only ordered him to be jailed and did not strike him. Yet in the Eastern Palace incident, Li Heng had recited the passage correctly while being the most diligent of the Princes, but all he received from the Sage Emperor was a vicious slap, almost losing his position along with it. This was simply absurd.“In addition, for some reason, I’ve felt something strange from Imperial Father recently…”Li Heng hesitated.“External officials are not to enter the harem without a summons,” Assistant Minister of Personnel Zhang Jian said. “We cannot enter the harem, so we cannot know the exact details. However, it has now been seven days since His Majesty attended the morning court session, and he has not summoned any of the officials. Matters of state are of utmost importance, concerning the lives of all the people of the realm. It is said that the country cannot be without the sovereign for even a day, and there is no precedent in this dynasty for the sovereign to not attend court for seven days. If His Majesty does not attend court soon, the people will begin to panic and wildly speculate.”If the Sage Emperor were unwell and ordered the Prime Minister to lead the court, the court would not be in as much chaos. But not only was the Sage Emperor not attending court, he had not ordered anyone to preside over it in his place. Without a decree, not even the Prime Minister dared to overstep his bounds.“That’s right! The country cannot be without a sovereign for a single day. Memorials are piling up like small mountains, all of them waiting for the Sage Emperor’s judgment! This cannot be allowed to continue!”The other major officials agreed.“An incompetent sovereign! This is an incompetent sovereign! We’ve already learned that in the last seven days, His Majesty has spent all of his time in the palace with nothing important delaying him. Instead, he’s summoned the palace ladies of the harem and is indulging himself in pleasure! This is preposterous!”Compared to the Crown Prince and the Assistant Minister of Personnel, the imperial censors were incensed, their faces brimming with rage.Since ancient times, the imperial censors had the duty of keeping the sovereign and the other officials in check, and in Taizong’s time, it was made official policy that imperial censors were absolved of their crimes.According to this policy, as long as the imperial censors were carrying out their duty of supervising the officials and advising the sovereign, they were to be pardoned of all crimes, no matter how overly excessive they seemed, even profaning the sovereign.For the imperial censors, the Sage Emperor, in abandoning the court for seven days to seek pleasure with women, had committed the greatest error a sovereign could commit. More importantly, the imperial censors had submitted several hundred memorials, but the Sage Emperor had sent them all back.When the imperial censors tried to get in and see the Emperor, the Imperial Army blocked them. All of the imperial censors were furious.


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