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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1286

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Ozmish Khagan blinked and said, “He truly can’t be underestimated. We suddenly begin to understand why Khatabah and Arabia were destroyed at his hands!”

  The pace of the Tang to the south was much faster than he had imagined. Even though the other countries had begun to draw together, the Great Tang remained powerful, and its tempo was getting faster and faster, placing more and more pressure on their shoulders.

  Ozmish Khagan turned to Youzhou and muttered, “Let’s see what An Yaluoshan does!”

  An Yaluoshan was essentially the leader of this alliance.

  Even though An Yaluoshan was simply a border general and no Emperor, incomparable to the likes of Ozmish Khagan or Yeon Gaesomun, no one objected to him serving as the alliance head.

  The people of the Great Tang understood the Great Tang the most.

  This was for the good of all the other countries!


  Meanwhile, in the forward base– no, the forward fortress…

  Wang Chong had not simply constructed a base, had not constructed some simple fortifications, but a true stronghold.

  This fortress not only had barricades and spikes, but also a high perimeter. And within was a second defensive layer, and a third.

  It was a massive city that could hold seven to eight hundred thousand soldiers.

  Soldiers were trained for a thousand days to be used in a single moment!

  Wang Chong had bided his time with this surprise for An Yaluoshan, waiting until almost all the modules and tools needed for construction were transported to the forward base.

  Not even Wang Zhongsi and Abusi had realized the purpose of all those crates being transported into the base.

  Chapter 2130 - Fortress Completed!

  Chapter 2130: Fortress Completed!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  Even Wang Zhongsi and Abusi couldn’t help but be stunned at how an enormous fortress had risen from the earth in the space of several hours.

  Wang Chong had only said he wanted to establish a forward base around the Cang Province. He had never talked about setting up such a comprehensive steel fortress.

  This wasn’t their first time fighting alongside Wang Chong, but they were still left astonished by his unique way of fighting.

  “With this steel fortress, we have a foothold in the northeast and can easily deal with the other countries.”

  Abusi had a calm expression, but his mind was whirring with ideas.

  Wang Chong’s methods were a shock to both his enemies and allies.


  Hammering continued to ring out. At this time, Wang Chong, mounted upon a warhorse, was not paying any attention to Wang Zhongsi or Abusi behind him.

  His eyes flitted here and there as he kept track of the construction of the fortress.

  It wasn’t just walls. If one observed closely, one would realize that a massive formation was being set up at the same time, but only a few people besides Wang Chong knew about this formation.

  “How is it?”

  Chill winds blew at the cape on Wang Chong’s back as he turned to the nearby Formation Elder.

  What was coming next would be an unprecedented clash with the foreign countries. Walls and internal defenses were far from enough.

  And Wang Chong would have never entrusted his hopes to a simple fortress of steel.

  “The formation is sixty percent complete. Once the last parts of the formation are linked, the formation will be done!” the Formation Elder sternly said.

  Wang Chong had requested a formation of unprecedented complexity. It was made of tens of thousands of smaller formations, with the fortress itself serving as only part of the formation.

  “The fortress will take around another three days to complete. I leave what happens next to you!” Wang Chong indifferently said.

  Another great rumbling could be heard as a steel wall that had been ten-some meters high was raised to an even higher level.

  The fortress was rapidly reaching completion.


  The Formation Elder nodded. The sound of the construction and the hive of activity taking place amidst the snow had left the Formation Elder astonished.

  Even from the Formation Elder’s perspective, this steel fortress was truly shocking. He had never seen anyone build a fortress like this, and on such a scale. And though many people had been gathered, everything was proceeding in an orderly fashion.

  All of this had every right to be called the work of a god!

  This sort of construction technique didn’t seem to belong to this world!

  Meanwhile, Wang Chong was preparing to discuss his future plans with Wang Zhongsi and the others when suddenly—


  Wang Chong’s eyes twitched as he raised his head and looked toward the north.

  An Yaluoshan!

  His pupils constricted and his face instantly turned ice-cold.

  Although he couldn’t see with his eyes, he could sense an extremely familiar energy far to the north.

  Wang Chong instantly shot away like a bolt of lightning, and when he next appeared, he was atop the thick steel walls on the northern side.

  Meanwhile, atop that tall hill in the distance, An Yaluoshan suddenly raised his head and looked over.

  “Bastard! It really is him!”

  An Yaluoshan’s body trembled all over, his face transforming into a nasty scowl.

  The faces of the others darkened. They hadn’t understood what An Yaluoshan was talking about at first, but when they saw the hatred on his face, they instantly understood.

  “It’s him!”

  They all turned in the direction he was looking, all of them falling silent.


  A moment later, an immense energy rocketed into the air. Atop the wall, Wang Chong stomped forward, releasing his boundless energy.

  It was a giant beam of energy that pierced through the heavens, visible even from several dozen li away.


  This pillar of energy was clearly a challenge.


  Wang Chong coldly laughed as he pushed his energy to the limit.

  At the same time, clack!


  Atop the hill, An Yaluoshan, Gao Shang, Cui Qianyou, and Tian Chengsi scowled.

  Before, they only had vague conjectures that Wang Chong might be in the fortress, but now, by erecting this banner, Wang Chong had flagrantly declared his presence.

  Wang Chong really had come to the northeast!

  “An Yaluoshan, would you like to guess when this king will come to take your dog life?” A powerful mental wave crossed through the air, carrying with it a resounding and emotionless voice to that distant hill.


  The people on the hill couldn’t help but be enraged by the contempt they heard in that voice.

  This cocky thing was going too far!

  Did he think that this fortress made him invincible?

  Once the third batch of twenty thousand Yeluohe arrived and the Youzhou army was combined with the armies of the other countries, not even Wang Chong’s fortress would be able to hold.

  “Let’s go!”

  An Yaluoshan suddenly turned around and rode away.

  “Now is not the time to meet with him!

  “Genesis Supreme is still recovering, and we’re still no match for him. Once everything is ready, I’ll kill him together with that dog Emperor!”

  Minor impatience could ruin great schemes. Only by stomaching his momentary disgrace could he eventually hold his head high in victory.

  One day, he would make Wang Chong pay for his arrogance!

  “Hmph! I’ll let you live a few more days!”

  There was a savage light in all their eyes. No matter how unwilling they were, they knew that now was not the time to get emotional and act on impulse.


  A few
moments later, they rode away, vanishing into the snow.

  Standing atop the high wall, Wang Chong could sense An Yaluoshan’s group fading away, but Wang Chong did not pursue.

  An Yaluoshan was an extremely crafty man, and they had chosen to stay very far away. Even if Wang Chong went after them, they would have more than enough time to escape.

  Moreover, Gao Shang wasn’t dead and would remain a thorn in his side. Wang Chong was scheming against An Yaluoshan, but it was hard to be certain that An Yaluoshan wasn’t also planning something.

  Wang Chong turned his head and sternly said, “Pick up the pace! The rest of the army will be here soon!”

  “Yes!” everyone behind him yelled in unison.


  The furnaces blazed and the hammering grew even louder, shaking the entire world.

  Wang Chong stood atop the wall, gazing at Youzhou with an expression that grew colder and colder.

  A thought flashed through Wang Chong’s mind. Only the Western Turks are left!

  Once this steel fortress was complete, the Great Tang’s foundation in the northeast would be firm. When it came to positional advantages, it was now at least on par with Youzhou and its allies.

  The only uncertain factor now was the stance of the Western Turkic Khaganate.

  Wang Chong had already received word that Dalon Trinling had unexpectedly chosen to side with An Yaluoshan. Once the Western Turks finally yielded, that momentous war from his memories would immediately erupt.

  Wang Chong was confident that An Yaluoshan was right in the middle of trying to recruit the Western Turkic Khaganate.

  But no matter what, Wang Chong could not let him succeed.

  Wang Chong turned in the direction of the Western Turkic Khaganate.

  His gaze seemed to pierce through space, peering into infinity.



  Three days later, with a great rumble, Wang Chong’s steel fortress was finally completed!



  As time passed, the blizzard crossed Lake Baikal and reached the edge of the steppe, but after that, its advance seemed to slow down.

  The other countries all appeared to be trying to deal with this ice calamity, and there seemed to be no activity from the people, but in secret, the various courts of these countries were all tensely looking toward the Western Turks.

  After several days of ravaging from the snowstorm, the temperature of the Turkic steppe had gotten even lower.

  Turkic cavalry rode around the vicinity of Mount Sanmi, but the entire region seemed to be getting more and more desolate.

  Not far from Mount Sanmi, within a golden tent that was covered in a thick layer of fur, a charcoal fire burned. Duwu Sili leaned against a table as he idly sipped on wine.

  Nearby was a young man wearing silk clothes, bent over a desk as he read a book.

  He was not reading some Turkic text, but a book from the Great Tang called ‘Righteous Individuals and Important Political Figures’.

  Chapter 2131 - The First Prince’s Killing Intent!

  Chapter 2131: The First Prince’s Killing Intent!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  The book had been compiled several decades ago by a Tang official with the surname of Wu. Within were recorded important political and economic measures Emperor Taizong had implemented in the twenty-third year of his reign. It covered a broad array of topics, including political, economic, and military areas. It also emphasized the relationship between the sovereign and the people, the appointment of virtuous and able officials, and to be vigilant even in peacetime.

  Fourth Prince Barshad had gone to great lengths to obtain this book.

  “Your Highness, the flames are already burning our eyebrows, and you’re still in the mood to read books!?”

  Duwu Sili drained his wine bag, glanced at Barshad, and shook his head.

  “You and the First Prince already get along like fire and water. Everyone is no longer focused on some cold wave, but the struggle over the Khagan’s seat. The First Prince won’t let you go!”

  Duwu Sili normally would have never chosen the Great Tang, not even if he had been beaten to death, and he certainly didn’t want some connection to Wang Chong. But alas, he had nowhere else to go. Wunu Shibi was ascendant, and once Wunu Shibi had his chance, he would immediately have him removed.

  If Duwu Sili wanted to rise again, he could only help Fourth Prince Barshad and join the Great Tang.

  Barshad sat up straight and casually said, “There is no need for Great General to panic. The situation is far from reaching that point, and besides, no matter how anxious we are, everything that should happen will happen. It would be much better to calm down and think of countermeasures.

  “As for the book I’m reading… you don’t understand!”

  “Hmph, he doesn’t understand, but I do!” An icy-cold voice rang out in the tent.

  Barshad’s hand froze, his face grimacing.

  Duwu Sili’s expression turned cold as he put down his wine bag and sat up straight.


  A few moments later, the tent flap was pushed open. A cold wind carrying ice and snow rushed in, causing the fire basin within the tent to dim, the charcoal hissing.

  Two powerful figures with sharp and vicious auras strode inside.

  “First Imperial Brother!”

  Barshad immediately recognized the first man.

  “Wunu Shibi!”

  Duwu Sili’s eyebrows rose as he noticed the man walking in behind the first.

  The mood in the tent instantly turned tense.

  The struggle for the throne of the Western Turkic Khaganate was getting more intense by the day. Almost everyone in the khaganate knew of the conflict between First Prince Irbis Shiyun and Fourth Prince Barshad. As for Duwu Sili and Wunu Shibi, the two of them had never gotten along, even before the Battle of Talas.

  “Big Brother!”

  The Fourth Prince hurriedly put down his book and rose to welcome him.

  And while Duwu Sili was extremely reluctant, he could only stand up as well.


  The First Prince snorted. Without a word, he walked around Barshad to the table and sat down behind the Fourth Prince’s desk.

  Wunu Shibi strode over and placed himself behind Irbis Shiyun.

  Barshad and Duwu Sili both raised an eyebrow at this, but they said nothing.

  “Fourth Brother, your big brother truly did not imagine that when Imperial Father gathered the generals several days ago to discuss the matter of the alliance, you would dare to openly support the Great Tang and oppose the alliance. Are you opposing your brother and Great General Wunu Shibi?”

  Irbis Shiyun raised his hand, glanced at the pair, and coldly laughed.

  The hearts of Barshad and Duwu Sili sank. These two had clearly come to interrogate them.

  Barshad bowed and sternly said, “First Imperial Brother, Barshad had no such intentions. I was merely discussing the merits of the matter, not targeting Imperial Brother.

  “In my view, the Great Tang is powerful, its armies strong, and it has far more resources than we do. Moreover, the Great Tang’s King of Foreign Lands has an almost divine grasp of strategy, and even Dalon Trinling fears him. The entire continent hails him as the War Saint, and there are few in the world who can compare to him.

  “The war of the southwest, the Battle of Talas, the war of the northwest… in each war, didn’t the other side always have the advantage in numbers and was fully confident in its victory? But in the end, didn’t they all end up defeated? So this time, even if we join with the other countries, does Big Brother really think that we can overcome the Great Tang?

  “Barshad does not want to favor the Great Tang, but when judging the matter on its own merits, the welfare of the khaganate far surpasses my personal emotions. I hope that Big Brother can understand.”

  The Fourth Prince bowed once m

  “A spurious argument!”

  Irbis Shiyun cut Barshad off with a sharp bark, and he sharply glared.

  “What welfare of the khaganate? Just a bunch of factional nonsense. You think I don’t know that you’re already secretly colluding with the Great Tang?”

  “Big Brother!”


  Irbis Shiyun shot to his feet, his teeth grinding together as he glared at Barshad.

  “After all that talk, you’re really after the throne of Khagan, right?!”

  The tent fell silent. Irbis Shiyun narrowed his eyes, his entire body radiating killing intent and naked hostility.

  The Turks did not follow the traditions of the Tang and did not particularly favor the eldest son or son of the first wife. They venerated strength, and only the strongest had the right to ascend to the throne of Khagan.

  This allowed all the Princes to take part in the struggle for the Khagan’s seat, including Barshad.

  In his view, if Barshad truly dared to vie against him, he would personally tear him to pieces.

  After a long while, Barshad broke the silence, and he bowed once more.

  “First Imperial Brother, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Barshad has no intention of contending against First Imperial Brother.”

  Irbis Shiyun’s face turned even colder, and behind him, Wunu Shibi turned his sharp gaze on Barshad and Duwu Sili.

  Irbis Shiyun had said so much precisely to provoke Barshad and force him into a mistake, thus allowing Irbis Shiyun to target him, perhaps even kill him. But Barshad was unmoved, remaining courteous and respectful. This left Irbis Shiyun without any pretext to cause trouble.

  The people of the steppe had rough natures, and even Wunu Shibi was surprised at how restrained Barshad was.

  But the more he acted this way, the more Wunu Shibi could not tolerate him. First Prince Irbis Shiyun was the true sovereign of the Western Turkic Khaganate, and he would never permit the words ‘Fourth Prince’ and ‘Khagan’ to be associated with each other.

  The tent was quiet.


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