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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1290

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Nearby, another man in black floated in the air, but behind him was a dark, starry sky that was streaked by countless comets and meteors.

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man felt an extremely strange sensation from both of these figures. They were clearly different from other experts of the Celestial God Organization!

  The Demonic Emperor Old Man narrowed his eyes and coldly said, “Just who are you all?”

  The Wushang Village Chief came over, solemnly standing shoulder to shoulder with the Demonic Emperor Old Man.

  It seemed that the Youzhou group had also come ready for this face-off in the lands of the Western Turks. In that exchange just now, he had also not been able to gain any advantage.

  Chapter 2137 - Supreme Divine and Meteor Divine!

  Chapter 2137: Supreme Divine and Meteor Divine!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Haha, since you’re going to die soon, this god can tell you who we are.

  “Amongst the gods, we are two of the Three Divines of Heavenly Mandate. I am Supreme Divine and he is Meteor Divine. We are responsible for dealing with traitors of the organization and other troublesome problems. In the organization, we are second only to the Supremes.

  “In normal circumstances, we do not leave the heart of the organization. But alas, your lot somehow managed to kill the Tianfu Divine Lord and heavily injure Genesis Supreme. For the sake of Heaven’s plan, we had no other choice but to come out and deal with these mortal affairs.”

  The man in black called Supreme Divine looked down from the sky with a domineering aura.

  The hearts of the Demonic Emperor Old Man and Wushang Village Chief turned heavy. The two of them had encountered Genesis Supreme and the Tianfu Divine Lord before and had some understanding of the Celestial God Organization. That this man was not one of the Supremes, yet could still carry ‘Supreme’ in his name was proof of his power and status.

  And in the clashes just now, these two had felt very unusual. Their ripples of Stellar Energy were dark and heavy, and they seemed to resonate with the energy from the heavens and earth.

  “Supreme Divine, stop wasting time with chattering and kill them!” Meteor Divine suddenly said, his voice cold and aloof. “Let’s hurry and get this alliance going so that we can start the Purification plan! We can’t delay any longer! Heaven is already growing unhappy!”

  They were both extremely old experts of the Celestial God Organization, living far longer and drawing from sources of power even greater than the Six Star Lords of the Southern Dipper. The fact that the organization had sent them was a clear sign of how important this operation was.

  “It seems that we will have to send you on your way early.”

  Supreme Divine coldly snorted as he came back to his senses.


  Thunder rumbled as Supreme Divine brought his hands together. Dark energy that transcended the Subtle realm was extracted from the void and gathered into his hands.

  With a crackle, this black divine power turned into lightning, and then it turned into countless tiny tendrils of black lightning that crisscrossed his entire body.

  Surrounded by crackling black lightning, Supreme Divine seemed even more frightening, his aura growing in strength.


  A moment later, Supreme Divine lunged at the Demonic Emperor Old Man. On the other side, Meteor Divine rushed at the Wushang Village Chief.

  Space quaked and rumbled, and the Wushang Village Chief could sense powerful torrents of energy surging out of the black space behind Meteor Divine and empowering him.

  As Meteor Divine rushed forward, the summit of Mount Sanmi rumbled, slabs of stone and sheets of snow rising into the air and forming small meteors around Meteor Divine.

  Each meteor was infused with inconceivable power. Boom! Boom! Boom! They began to shoot toward the Wushang Village Chief.

  The power infused in these small meteors could pulverize a mountain of granite, let alone a body of flesh and blood.


  The Demonic Emperor Old Man coldly snorted, brought his fingers together like a sword, and thrust forward. A moment later, the air rumbled as a miniature halo appeared around his two fingers.

  This halo reverberated with faint tinges of the Grotto Heaven realm’s spacetime energy. As the Demonic Emperor Old Man released this small Halo of Spacetime, his energy levels also rose to new heights.

  At the apex of a skill was art, and at the apex of art was the Dao!

  Although the Demonic Emperor Old Man had yet to reach the Grotto Heaven realm, he had thoroughly studied the nature of energy and thus comprehended some of the Grotto Heaven realm’s powers. It was just that this energy was still not very stable.


  In the blink of an eye, Supreme Divine and the Demonic Emperor Old Man clashed, radiating shockwaves of energy.

  “How could this be?”

  The near–Grotto Heaven realm energy from the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s body surprised even Supreme Divine.

  He had never imagined that this unremarkable old man would possess such ability.

  “White Dragon Divine Art!”

  The Wushang Village Chief unleashed his own powerful technique.


  With the mighty roar of a dragon, the Wushang Village Chief swelled with power.

  A white dragon with vivid scales erupted from his body, and then with another roar, a second emerged, a third, a fourth… In the space of a few seconds, nine mighty white dragons had erupted from his body.

  The Wushang Village Chief’s White Dragon Divine Art had grown many times stronger than before.

  On the path of martial arts, the Wushang Village Chief had chosen to walk a different path from the Demonic Emperor Old Man for the time being. Although his understanding of Grotto Heaven realm laws could not compare to the Demonic Emperor Old Man’s, the special nature of the White Dragon Divine Art allowed the Wushang Village Chief to venture even further down the path of power.


  These white dragons, each one several hundred feet long, lashed with their claws and gnashed with their teeth, obliterating the meteors sent by Meteor Divine.

  With an earthquaking explosion, the two swiftly began to battle.

  Waves of Stellar Energy swept out one after the other as four supreme experts battled in the skies above Mount Sanmi.

  “Damn it! How could the Great Tang have such powerful experts?!”

  The Youzhou commander watched as the four experts became tiny dots in the sky, gnashing his teeth in both shock and rage. He was well aware of just how powerful the men in black were. They called themselves gods, and when one considered their frightening strength, such a name was not at all excessive.

  “Milord, what do we do now?” one of the Youzhou officers asked, his voice tinged with panic.

  They had been extremely confident on this mission, believing that just sending out Supreme Divine and Meteor Divine would be enough. But matters had developed in a way completely different from imagined.

  The Youzhou commander fell silent, the expression in his eyes shifting and inconstant.

  “Don’t worry so much! Just think of a way to kill Barshad! Once we kill him, it won’t matter what the Great Tang tries.”

  There was no doubt now that Fourth Prince Barshad was colluding with the Great Tang. If they killed him now, then even if the Demonic Emperor Old Man and Wushang Village Chief won their battle, they would not be able to stop the Western Turks from joining the alliance.


  The Youzhou soldiers quickly came to their senses and charged.


  Meanwhile, in another direction…

  “Fourth Brother, where are you off to in such a hurry?” said a faint voice in Barshad’s ear. He had seized upon the chaos to flee, but two figures now appeared to bar his path.

  The leading man was none other than First Prince Irbis Shiyun. The muscular figure stan
ding behind him was naturally Great General Wunu Shibi.

  The steppe around Mount Sanmi was a chaotic battlefield. The soldiers in this area were split into two factions that were engaged in fierce combat.

  The sounds of combat resonated with the battle of the four peerless experts above, striking fear into everyone’s hearts.

  But in the midst of this chaos, the Youzhou emissaries were not the only ones who had found the solution. First Prince Irbis Shiyun was holding the same idea.

  With the death of Barshad, everything would be solved.

  “First Imperial Brother!”

  Barshad’s heart sank upon seeing his brother. At his side, Duwu Sili solemnly took out his saber.

  “Hmph, I can’t accept being called ‘First Imperial Brother’ by you. Fourth Brother, this is the last time I will call you my good brother. You have truly opened my eyes! I truly did not think that all of your shows of weakness were to conceal just how scheming you really were. You’ve even brought an army! This should all be things you prepared not too long ago, right?” Irbis Shiyun mocked.

  He had truly miscalculated. His fourth brother was far more difficult to deal with than he seemed, but the more this was the case, the more he needed to kill Barshad.

  “First Imperial Brother, you did not underestimate me. You were just too confident in yourself!”

  Seeing that he would not be escaping easily, Barshad calmed down, his face fearless.

  “You and Imperial Father both want to use me to make your stance known to An Yaluoshan and the other countries, want me to tie myself up and wait for death, but how could I do so? If you had not struck, my men would have never made their move.”

  The Western Turks did not have stories that idealized waiting for death, unlike the Central Plains. Ishbara Khagan and Irbis Shiyun wanted to sacrifice him, but Barshad would not go without putting up some resistance.

  “Moreover, if you look at this matter objectively, both you and Imperial Father are joining this alliance for selfish purposes, not to help the Western Turks escape this calamity. Neither of you even seriously considered the pros and cons of this alliance. I will not permit you to drag the Western Turks with you into the abyss!” Barshad sternly said.

  As a member of the imperial household, he had been taught two things since he was a child. The first was to get stronger, and the second was that he was responsible for the people of the Western Turkic Khaganate.

  The Western Turks were little different from the Central Plains in this aspect.

  The title of Khagan had never been just for oneself!

  “Absurd! Empty words!”

  Irbis Shiyun angrily smiled.

  “Barshad, you can’t escape. Today, no matter what, you must die! Wunu Shibi, kill him!”

  Bzzz! Wunu Shibi had already been growing impatient, and the moment Irbis Shiyun spoke, he immediately unleashed a dazzling silver band of saber energy that cleaved through space and hurtled at Barshad.

  “Barshad, Duwu Sili, accept your fate! I’ll send you off together!”

  Wunu Shibi’s voice rumbled. His attack was aimed at both Barshad and Duwu Sili.

  Chapter 2138 - Wunu Shibi Battles Duwu Sili!

  Chapter 2138: Wunu Shibi Battles Duwu Sili!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Wunu Shibi was somewhat apprehensive of Duwu Sili, as they were both Great Generals. But during the Battle of Talas, Duwu Sili had fallen for Wang Chong’s trap and fallen prey to a cultivation defect while cultivating ‘formation phenomena’. His strength had plunged, and in Wunu Shibi’s eyes, he was no different from a cripple.

  He was a Great General in name only.

  But a moment later—


  In a cold flash of light, a howling wave of Stellar Energy exploded outward and blocked Wunu Shibi’s strike.

  “Duwu Sili?! How?”

  Wunu Shibi was forced back two steps, staring in shock at Duwu Sili, who was brimming with strength and didn’t seem to be suffering from a cultivation defect at all.

  All of the Western Turks knew that Duwu Sili had been deceived by Wang Chong, and the matter had been confirmed by Ishbara Khagan himself. But from his performance just now, Duwu Sili didn’t seem injured at all.

  “Wunu Shibi, you’re too arrogant. It was not for no reason that the Fourth Prince joined the Great Tang. You are destined to fail today.”

  Duwu Sili calmly shook his head, his face and aura having utterly transformed.


  Wunu Shibi’s expression chilled. He had wanted to ask how Duwu Sili had recovered his energy, but after hearing those last words, his heart was dominated by thick killing intent.

  “Even at your peak, you were no match for me. I’d like to see how long you can last under my saber!”

  As Wunu Shibi spoke, his seething Stellar Energy transformed into tens of thousands of giant pythons that attacked Duwu Sili. At the same time, his saber flashed, and several waves of saber energy cleaved through the earth at Duwu Sili and the Fourth Prince.

  And as Wunu Shibi made his move, waves of heat radiated from his body, and a grandiose blazing sun appeared behind him and infused its energy into his saber energy.

  The Sun God Art!

  This was the art by which Wunu Shibi had come to be called the Solar Great General. When he pushed his energy to its apex, he could create a blazing sun that reigned over a torrid desert, a heat that could burn all things in the world.

  But with a mighty boom, Duwu Sili once more blocked this thunderous blow.


  Duwu Sili’s cape flapped in the wind, and space twisted behind him into the form of a massive wolf head that seemed intent on devouring the heavens. It raised its neck and howled, and with this howl, Duwu Sili soared in power. Most importantly, the wolf head behind Duwu Sili turned from azure and purple to gold. Mysterious symbols and patterns appeared on the wolf’s forehead, infused with the principles of the world and an enigmatic energy.

  “The Celestial Wolf of Desolation!? Impossible!”

  Wunu Shibi stared in disbelief at the golden wolf head.

  Each Great General of the steppe belonged to a different lineage. Everyone knew that Duwu Sili cultivated the art of the Celestial Wolf, but he had always only been able to manifest an azure Celestial Wolf, or a violet Celestial Wolf at best. Even this meant that there was a big gap between him and the Solar Great General, Wunu Shibi.

  But Duwu Sili had seemingly transcended. The evolution of the Celestial Wolf to the golden Celestial Wolf of Desolation changed everything.

  The last person of the steppe’s Celestial Wolf lineage to have cultivated the Celestial Wolf of Desolation had lived more than two hundred years ago. Through this feat alone, Duwu Sili had surpassed Wunu Shibi and reached a terrifying level.

  “The world’s clouds roil! The Celestial Wolf Swallows the Stars!”

  Duwu Sili ignored Wunu Shibi, his right hand reaching out like a wolf’s claw as he began his assault.

  The difference between this technique used now and in the past was like the difference between the heavens and the earth.


  The massive, golden wolf head transformed into a streak of light that savagely slammed into Wunu Shibi’s searing saber energy. The immense force blasted apart the saber energy, then his Stellar Energy barrier, and caused him to stagger back ten-some steps.

  “Impossible! Impossible! How could you get this powerful?”

  Wunu Shibi’s eyes flew open in shock.

  He was Duwu Sili’s rival and was far too familiar with his abilities. Even if he hadn’t suffered from a cultivation defect, he would have never been able to reach this level. How was it possible for him to have made so much progress?!

  “Wunu Shibi, do you still not get it? This is why you can’t win today. Everything you see has its reason.”

  Duwu Sili did not pursue, simply looked at Wunu Shibi and sighed.

e! You just have a slight advantage. Look around you! Do you really think you can win?!” Wunu Shibi sternly said.

  This was just their first exchange. For Duwu Sili to already claim that he had won was just a little too cocky.


  Wunu Shibi angrily roared, his body exploding with even more Stellar Energy as he slashed his saber and unleashed another wave of heat.


  Several explosions rang out as the two Western Turkic Great Generals battled. Wunu Shibi’s dantian trembled as the tyrannical and blazing saber energy caused space itself to ignite.

  But to Wunu Shibi’s alarm, even though he was using all his strength, all his techniques, he could not do anything to Duwu Sili.

  “The Celestial Wolf Bites the Sun!

  “The Celestial Wolf Swallows the Stars!

  “The Celestial Wolf Topples Mountains!”

  Compared to Wunu Shibi’s shock and anger, Duwu Sili was very composed. He smoothly unleashed technique after technique, and though his moves seemed light and nimble, each one carried enough weight to shatter mountains.

  In a flash, the most renowned Solar Great General of the Western Turks was on the back foot against Duwu Sili, firmly suppressed.


  First Prince Irbis Shiyun paled at this sight.

  He was well aware of just how powerful Wunu Shibi was. He had never imagined that Duwu Sili could fight evenly against him, let alone suppress him.

  “Bastard thing!”

  Irbis Shiyun raged, his fists clenching as he stared across at Fourth Prince Barshad.

  “Everyone, hear my order! Immediately move out and kill Barshad!” Irbis Shiyun savagely declared.


  In a flash, the members of the First Prince’s faction who had been awed by Duwu Sili’s display took out their weapons and lunged at Barshad.


  At almost the same time, with a great roar, the Western Turkic generals who supported Barshad took out their weapons and began to battle with the First Prince’s supporters.


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