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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1317

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

Abusi’s eyes were harsh and cruel, his aura cold. He appeared like a merciless Asura that had walked out of the depths of the underworld.

  The Tongluo lived for battle. Dangerous situations stimulated the fighting intent in the depths of every Tongluo, and this was even more true for the leader of the Tongluo, Abusi.


  Wang Chong laughed.

  For this war, besides the twenty thousand Tongluo Cavalry, Wang Chong had also placed the eighty thousand most veteran cavalry under Abusi’s command.

  Though the Tongluo were elites, second in fighting power only to Wang Chong’s Wushang Cavalry, they were far too few in number, and did not have the protection of Meteoric Metal armor. Thus, losses they suffered on the battlefield were difficult to recover from.

  Wang Chong was confident that Abusi could maximize the power of the eighty thousand veterans and make up for the Tongluo Cavalry’s lack of numbers.

  Meanwhile, despite their shock, the alliance army continued to charge.

  “Kill them all!”

  “Seize the King of Foreign Lands and no one left in the Great Tang will be able to oppose us!”

  “Master has ordered that the one who kills the King of Foreign Lands will be made a King with a fief!”

  With heaven-shaking war cries, the soldiers approached the three gaps.

  The distance was growing smaller and smaller.

  Three thousand feet!


  At this moment, Tongluo Great General Abusi’s eyes flashed with light, and he immediately pulled out his personal sword.

  “All soldiers, charge!”

  As he raised his sword high above his head, he gave the order to attack.


  The tens of thousands of Tang cavalry pulled out their swords and then fearlessly charged at the alliance army.


  As they charged out, all of them heard a resounding, metallic clatter as a golden and glassy halo rapidly spread out from the feet of Abusi.

  The Tongluo Great Halo!

  This was one of the strongest cavalry halos on the continent, and anyone who was boosted by this halo would receive massive boosts to energy, strength, and agility.

  Unlike Chuluohou, Abusi had reached a stage where he had one large and small halo fused together. This combined halo was far more formidable than Chuluohou’s.

  After a distance of one hundred feet, all the cavalry had already reached five times their original speed.

  After three hundred feet, the cavalry were at sixty percent the speed of the opposing cavalry.

  At five hundred feet, the cavalry were all equal to the speed of the alliance cavalry.

  At one thousand feet, the cavalry had charged out of the fortress and were now at twice the maximum speed of the opposing cavalry.


  The alliance cavalry fell into greater turmoil at this sight.

  “This is impossible!”

  The eyes of countless soldiers widened in fear.

  All of the cavalry were at maximum speed, and there was no going any faster. Moreover, attempting to change direction would come at a great cost, with the horses and their riders having a chance of being heavily injured by their inertia.

  Different forces of cavalry would have different maximum speeds, but the difference would normally not be that great, ranging between thirty and sixty percent.

  But the Great Tang cavalry was charging at twice their speed, something that seemed totally inconceivable.

  Even the elite cavalry felt like they had seen a ghost.

  Yet in the rear, Abusi seemed utterly unperturbed.

  This was the power of a peak-level Tongluo Great Halo. It was no longer a simple boost to the strength, speed, and agility of cavalry. Its most important attribute was that it could increase the maximum speed of a charge.

  This was one of the reasons the Tongluo Cavalry had had a place next to Emperor Taizong and had been so renowned.

  “King of Foreign Lands, my thanks.”

  Abusi’s eyes flickered as he recalled a conversation he had had not too long ago with Wang Chong.

  It was a conversation that had taken place not long after Wang Chong had arrived at the forward base, when the steel fortress had yet to be erected.

  “Great General, I have something here that His Majesty gave to me as I was leaving. It is connected to the Tongluo Great Halo and might prove useful to Great General!”

  When they were on patrol and away from the others, Wang Chong had ridden up to Abusi and passed him a piece of paper covered in writing.

  “The Tongluo Great Halo?”

  Abusi had been confused at first. The Tongluo Great Halo was a secret passed down through the generations of the Tongluo Tribe and had been well preserved. He understood all of its contents thoroughly. Why would the new Emperor be giving him something linked to the Tongluo Great Halo?

  But decrees could not be defied, so Abusi took it without a second thought.

  Once he returned to his tent and opened up the paper, he immediately sensed something strange.

  The words on this paper were not written in some ancient script, but in the handwriting of the current era, and the writer was clearly Wang Chong!

  Abusi had once been opposed to Wang Chong due to his son, Abutong, particularly during the Rebellion of the Three Princes, where the Tongluo had been on the verge of joining the First Prince. Strictly speaking, they were still enemies.

  Thus, unlike others, Abusi had gathered a great deal of information concerning Wang Chong.

  And unlike others, Abusi was able to use his connection to the imperial household to gather information that many others could not, including Wang Chong’s letters.

  Abusi had been able to almost instantly recognize Wang Chong’s handwriting.

  Chapter 2187 - Tongluo Cavalry Versus Golden Wolf Army!

  Chapter 2187: Tongluo Cavalry Versus Golden Wolf Army!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Wang Chong had clearly written this letter, so why had he claimed that the new Emperor had given it to him?

  At this time, Abusi began to seriously peruse the contents of the letter.

  But to his surprise, Abusi found that the letter really was connected to his Tongluo Great Halo. Moreover, it filled in a flaw in the halo that had been so subtle that not even he had noticed, boosting the Tongluo Great Halo to its new, current level of power.

  As for why Wang Chong had claimed that it was from the new Emperor… in the end, it was to maintain the dignity of the Tongluo.

  Considering his former quarrels with Wang Chong, Abusi couldn’t help but sigh.

  Wang Chong had far too many secrets. There was no question that the Tongluo had initially chosen the wrong enemy. Fortunately, the Tongluo had reacted quickly, and during the Rebellion of the Three Princes, they had defected and joined Wang Chong. Otherwise, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

  Being friends with Wang Chong was far more comfortable than being enemies!

  No one was willing to make an enemy of someone like Wang Chong, and no one could accept the responsibility!

  As these thoughts ran through his mind, Abusi quickly turned his focus back to the battle.


  With a heaven-shaking boom, the tens of thousands of Tang cavalry gathered into the Arrow Formation. With the power of the Tongluo Great Halo, they thrust into the alliance army like a sharp sword.



  Horses neighed as armor clattered and weapons clashed. After a brief clash, the dense ranks of the alliance army were torn through, the riders screaming as they were sent hurtling through the air by the frightening impact.

  At the moment of impact, these cavalry had already had their bones and muscles snapped, their organs turned into pulp.

  The impact from the two armies charging against each other was not something the average person could bear.


  “Hurry and stop them!”

  “No one is allowed to retreat! Charge! Retreat means execution!”

  One of the alliance generals was both alarmed and infuriated. With a wave of his sword, he executed an alliance soldier whose horse had taken fright and taken a few steps back.

  But none of this could stop the chaos in the army!

  The three forces of Tang cavalry pushed unstoppably through the alliance army, sowing chaos wherever they went.

  Ten paces, one hundred paces, one thousand paces… the three Tang cavalry penetrated deeper and deeper into the alliance army, spreading the chaos wider and wider. The alliance cavalry was constantly pushed back, the warhorses neighing in fear. Even that rebuking general was swept up in the tide of chaos and pushed back.

  And things were far from over!

  Within the fortress, Tongluo Great General Abusi’s eyes chilled. Though he could see that his army had the upper hand in the charge and this clash, Abusi had no intention of letting his foes catch their breath.

  A cavalry charge was like a massive wave. It had to come ceaselessly, giving no chance for the opponent to breathe. They needed to strike while the iron was hot and utterly crush the foe!

  This had always been the Tongluo Cavalry’s style!

  “All soldiers, charge!”

  Abusi narrowed his eyes as a beam of energy erupted from his body and soared into the sky.

  Abusi leaned forward and charged forward like an arrow from its bow.




  Gallop! Their roars shaking the heavens, the twenty thousand Tongluo Cavalry shot forward like bolts of lightning, joining Abusi in charging out of the fortress.

  Four seconds!

  In only four seconds, Abusi’s twenty thousand Tongluo Cavalry reached an inconceivable speed and crashed into the alliance army.


  With a chorus of screams, the cavalry at the very front crumbled like they were made of paper, sent flying more than one hundred feet into the air by the Tongluo Cavalry before crashing several dozen feet away in the ranks of the army.

  The Tongluo did not exceed ten thousand, and they were invincible above ten thousand!

  At this moment, there were twenty thousand Tongluo Cavalry. With Abusi personally commanding them, they exhibited the strength that had made them the supreme force of cavalry in the pre–Wushang Cavalry world.


  With one strike, at least eight thousand alliance soldiers were blasted into the sky.

  Before the alliance cavalry had even hit the ground, they were already dead.

  Sixteen thousand!

  Thirty-four thousand!

  Fifty thousand!

  In the space of a few seconds, the alliance had already lost fifty thousand elite cavalry, and the losses were continuing to climb.

  “All soldiers, Arrow Formation! Charge!”

  Abusi’s roar was like a rumble of thunder, and as it exploded over the sky, it stirred up a fierce gale.


  The three Tang forces of cavalry immediately changed directions and began charging toward the Tongluo Cavalry.


  As collisions rang out, the three forces comprising eighty thousand veterans penetrated through the alliance army and joined together with the Tongluo Cavalry in a giant Arrow Formation.

  The Arrow Formation had Abusi’s Tongluo Cavalry forming the tip while the other soldiers formed the wings.

  An Arrow Formation of one hundred thousand men was an arrow of unprecedented size and a massive threat to the alliance army.

  This was particularly true for Abusi’s Tongluo Cavalry. Although there were only twenty thousand of them, they charged with the momentum of hundreds of thousands of soldiers.


  Screams continued to rise up from the battlefield as the center of the alliance army was completely run through.

  The alliance cavalry were in complete disarray, and the chaos spread from the center to the flanks.


  A saber flashed and blood gushed out. A Xi horseman, his horse, and his weapon were all sliced through by a Tongluo horseman.

  This Xi horseman died on the spot, but his remains were carried another ten-some meters by his inertia.

  The Tongluo Cavalry’s equipment could not compare to the Wushang Cavalry’s, but a great deal of time and energy had been put into their weapons and armor.

  This was one of the important reasons the Tongluo Cavalry were restricted in number.

  When it came to the toughness of their armor and the sharpness of their weapons, the Tongluo Cavalry were only second to the Wushang Cavalry. Even the Arabian Mamelukes were somewhat inferior.


  Warhorses collided with warhorses, weapons clashed against weapons, and halos resonated against halos. Bodies thudded to the ground, and in the space of a few moments, Abusi’s army had killed more than one hundred thousand soldiers.

  In the distance, the leaders of the alliance grimaced.

  Although An Lushan had used the heavy weaponry provided by the men in black to blast open the Great Tang’s walls, the Tang cavalry had gone on the offensive. It was more like it was the alliance who had had its defenses blasted open.

  This left them flabbergasted and infuriated.

  For a moment, their expressions were truly wondrous to behold.


  At the front line, Tiechi Bileli, who had been waiting in the rear around ten thousand feet away, suddenly urged his horse into a gallop.

  Behind him, boom! The thirty-thousand-some cavalry of the Golden Wolf Army radiated a cold and callous energy as they charged forward.

  The sight of the thirty thousand cavalry moving as a single unit was an awesome sight to behold.


  As the thirty thousand soldiers of the Golden Wolf Army moved out, their tens of thousands of war halos erupted from under their feet. Thirty thousand war halos each stood on their own but also resonated with each other.

  The Golden Wolf Formation!

  This was the renowned and top-class formation of the Eastern Turkic Khaganate, and it was also the formation that Tiechi Bileli had used to contend against Zhang Shougui’s Roaring Tiger Army time and time again, thwarting Zhang Shougui’s ambitions.

  One hundred feet!


  The space above the Golden Wolf Army distorted, and then a savage golden wolf head manifested, howling at the sky. The moment this giant wolf head appeared, the thirty thousand Golden Wolf cavalry seemed to be plated in gold.

  This special light seeped into their armor, making the Golden Wolf Army appear like they were equipped with divine armor.

  The Golden Wolf Army’s defensive strength was boosted by two to three times.

  Moreover, the golden light also spread to their weapons, increasing the sharpness of their Golden Wolf Sabers.

  On the steppe, the ‘golden’ in ‘Golden Wolf Army’ actually meant ‘golden steel’.


  The earth rumbled as the thirty thousand Golden Wolf horsemen charged with the momentum of an avalanche.

  The alliance army rallied at this sight, and An Lushan subtly nodded.

  It was not for no reason that the Eastern Turkic Khaganate was able to contend against the Western Turkic Khaganate.

  As Gao Shang observed the battlefield, his eyes flickered.

  He turned to the Khitan King and said, “Khitan King, the Tongluo Cavalry are extremely strong, and in the past, they were known as the world’s number one cavalry force. While the Golden Wolf Army is powerful, it is not enough to defeat the Tongluo Cavalry. I must trouble the Khitan King to mobilize one of your eight elite divisions!”

  Chapter 2188 - The Sunchaser Cavalry!

  Chapter 2188: The Sunchaser Cavalry!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Mic

  A lion would use its full strength to hunt even a rabbit. Gao Shang did not dare to underestimate the Tongluo Cavalry.


  The Khitan King immediately agreed to Gao Shang’s request, and he turned to a Khitan general at his side.

  “Pass on my order! Mobilize the Sun Rider Tribe’s Sunchaser Cavalry!”

  The Khitan Tribe was divided into eight divisions, and the Sun Rider Tribe was the most elite division. As for the Sunchaser Cavalry, it was the Sun Rider Tribe’s cream of the crop. There were around seven thousand of them, each one carefully selected. They were also the cavalry the Khitan King had selected to be his royal guard.


  As the Khitan King gave his order, a howling snowstorm came out from behind the army, and in the middle of this army, amidst the clattering of armor, a baleful energy shook the heavens.


  In a flash of light, the snowy mist parted, and a man more than eight feet tall rode out, appearing like a fiendish god wearing heavy armor and a cape of beast fur on his shoulders.

  That man’s eyes swept over his surroundings. A moment later, whoosh! All of the surrounding Khitan cavalry drew away in fright.

  In the distance, the cavalry of the other countries were also frightened, and looked away.

  The northeast was a region in which numerous factions interacted. Besides the Great Tang, the countries also fought with each other.

  The majority of those who were able to survive this sort of battlefield, who had been tempered in blood and fire, were elites.

  But this Khitan force was different. ‘Fierce’ was no longer enough to describe them. In their eyes, one could see a bestial energy, as if they were looking for their next prey.

  This was an extremely bloodthirsty, crazed, and dangerous force.


  Behind this leading Khitan horseman, even more Khitan cavalry emerged, all of them wearing the same kind of armor and all of them eight feet tall.


  The surrounding soldiers grew even more disorderly at the sight of these cavalry.

  “Out of the way! Hurry! It’s the Sun Rider Tribe!” the surrounding soldiers yelled as they backed away.

  Among the eight divisions of the Khitan Tribe, the Sun Rider Tribe was even more renowned than the Golden Wolf Army. It wasn’t because of their fighting strength, but because they would really eat people on the battlefield.


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