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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1319

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Both Abusi and Zhang Shougui were simply executing Wang Chong’s plans.

  This was particularly true for Zhang Shougui. Without Wang Chong’s intervention, the former Andong Protector-General would have been dead long ago.

  Wang Chong had secretly brought him to the Cang Province precisely to deal with them.

  But Gao Shang had a strong intuition that Wang Chong was hiding some other trump card. The supreme War Saint could not possibly have only these few tricks.

  However, at this time, he still could not fathom what Wang Chong was hiding.

  Chapter 2190 - Tongluo Versus Khitan!

  Chapter 2190: Tongluo Versus Khitan!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  As Gao Shang was thinking, on the distant battlefield, the elite cavalries drew closer and closer. Abusi had already noticed the three threats approaching him.

  “Come! Let this one see what has made you so daring as to rebel and make an enemy of the Great Tang!”

  In a flash, Abusi erupted with formidable killing intent.


  Raising his sword high into the air, Abusi pointed it at the three elite cavalry forces.

  “All soldiers, charge with me!

  “All those who offend the Great Tang will be punished, no matter how far away they are!”

  Abusi’s expression was imposing and majestic, his voice resounding like a bell over the battlefield.


  The tens of thousands of Tang cavalry charged at one of the cavalry forces attacking them.

  ‘Divide and conquer’ was one of the simplest principles of military strategy. Abusi naturally would not give his enemy the time to join together and attack him.

  “Hahaha, my sons, these Tang really did pick us.”

  The leading Khitan general licked his lips and made a bloodthirsty and savage smile.

  Behind him, the seven thousand Sunchaser Cavalry heartily laughed, their voices filled with derision.

  They had encountered far too many opponents like this, believing that with their smaller numbers, they were easy pickings. But in the end, it was their opponents who had ended up dead on the battlefield.

  Amongst the three elite cavalry forces, the Sunchaser Cavalry was the smallest. This was clearly why the Tang had chosen them.

  “How should we deal with these Tang?” the leading Khitan general loudly called out.

  “Kill them all!”

  “Tear out their throats!”

  “Eat them raw!”

  The Sunchaser Cavalry laughed as they continued to charge.

  “Correct! Kill them all! Open their eyes and let them know what it means to have the title ‘King of the Eight Divisions’!”


  The seven thousand Sunchaser Cavalry brazenly laughed, and rather than retreating against the Tongluo Cavalry that outnumbered them by several times, they accelerated.

  The distance was shrinking.

  One thousand feet!

  Five hundred feet!

  A moment later, the Sunchaser Cavalry and the Tongluo Cavalry, two of the world’s strongest cavalry forces, smashed together.


  The collision of halos, horses, weapons, and armor all at once seemed to make time stop, the intense din drowning out all other noise over half of the battlefield.

  And after this seemingly endless moment…


  The dense formation of seven thousand Sunchaser Cavalry had somehow managed to hold off the seemingly unstoppable charge of the Tongluo Cavalry, and the two forces were like two bulls with locked horns.

  The Tongluo Cavalry had failed to overrun the Sunchaser Cavalry!

  The Sunchaser Cavalry had not managed to break through the Tongluo Cavalry!

  Everyone was left stunned by this sight, the sounds of battle dwindling for a few moments.

  Even Wang Chong couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow in shock.

  He was well aware of the Tongluo Cavalry’s strength. While it was inferior to the Wushang Cavalry, it was far stronger than the vast majority of this world’s elite cavalry.

  The Sunchaser Cavalry consisted of only seven thousand men, but it had been able to stop the twenty thousand Tongluo Cavalry charging at full speed. Such power could leave any faction in the world shaken.

  This alone was enough for the Sunchaser Cavalry to be proud.

  “Hahaha, this is all the Tongluo amount to!”

  “I’ll tear all of you apart!”

  A muscular Sunchaser horseman at the front savagely laughed as he suddenly reached out and grabbed a Tongluo warhorse. With terrifying brute strength, he lifted the Tongluo horse together with its rider off the ground and threw them more than sixty feet away.

  Nearby, another Sunchaser horseman laughed and then bellowed, his abundant Stellar Energy and the saber in his hand slicing through the opposing Tongluo horseman’s defensive barrier. He then jumped onto the back of the man’s horse, opened his mouth, and then bit deeply into the Tongluo horseman’s exposed neck like he was some kind of beast.

  “Aggh!” The Tongluo rider screamed as blood gushed out.

  This bizarre and savage way of fighting threw the Tongluo Cavalry at the front into disarray.

  Horses were like a second life for cavalry. Thus, cavalry rarely left their horse to attack their enemies, let alone feast on human flesh like these Khitans.

  Even though Abusi’s Tongluo Cavalry had been tempered through battle, they had never encountered opponents like these before.

  Everyone who saw this was deeply shaken.

  Even more shocking was that these seven thousand savage Khitans seemed to surpass the Tongluo Cavalry in terms of pure strength. Few people had imagined that the Khitans would have such powerful soldiers. At the very least, many of the Tang had never anticipated this.


  But a moment later, Abusi coldly snorted, and his halo rippled as a new energy traveled through it to the rest of his army.


  A shockwave blasted out as the twenty thousand Tongluo Cavalry exhibited their true strength. A bronze saber suddenly cut through the air and cleaved through the weapon of the opposing Sunchaser rider. The sharp Tongluo saber was like a bolt of lightning as it sliced across the Sunchaser rider’s neck.

  As the gleam of the saber faded, a head spun through the air.

  It was only now that the blood gushed out from the Sunchaser rider’s neck, rocketing more than ten feet into the air.

  How could this be?

  The rider’s eyes were wide open in disbelief as he looked at his beheaded body, wondering how he had been so easily killed.


  More and more heads flew through the air and dropped back to the ground. The sight of several dozen of their number being killed finally elicited some shock from the Sunchaser Cavalry, and disorder began to appear in their ranks.

  Not even the Tongluo Cavalry could compare to the Sunchaser Cavalry in brute strength, but in terms of fighting technique, the Sunchaser Cavalry were lacking.

  “Damn it! Kill them all!” the leader of the Sunchaser Cavalry roared, his eyes instantly turning red.

  The Khitan fighting style was extremely rough and broad, but they had been through many battles and overcome many foes. How could the King of the Eight Divisions, the Sunchaser Cavalry, be so easy to deal with?

  Their moves had been practiced thousands of times, and even if there were flaws, their opponents would have little opportunity to exploit them.

  But the Tongluo Cavalry had somehow managed to seize these brief openings and kill many of them. This was truly a first for the Sunchaser Cavalry.

  However, this fact also stirred the madness and fighting intent within the Sunchaser Cavalry.

  As a tribe that lived in the cracks, the Khitans were a fierce people that did not care for their lives, growing stronger the more adversity they faced. This was even more t
rue for the Sunchaser Cavalry that stood as the leader of the Eight Divisions.

  A stronger opponent was more capable of stimulating their latent ferocity.


  Their horses neighed as the Sunchaser Cavalry exploded with violent Stellar Energy. Like madmen, they burned their potential energy and accelerated, casting aside all apprehensions as they charged at the Tongluo Cavalry.

  A Sunchaser rider roared as he charged at a Tongluo horseman riding at maximum speed. Plush! As the two collided, the Sunchaser rider was stabbed through the stomach by the Tongluo horseman’s saber.

  But the Sunchaser rider didn’t care that he was stabbed, even pushing himself forward, using his flesh to hold the opponent’s weapon while he stabbed his own saber into the Tongluo horseman’s body.

  Plush! A saber emerged from the back of the Tongluo horseman!

  The Tongluo horseman was stricken with shock.

  No one had expected the Sunchaser Cavalry to use this kind of mutually destructive method to deal with the Tongluo Cavalry.


  Both sides began to sustain losses—Sunchaser riders and Tongluo horsemen dropped from their mounts. Meanwhile, Sunchaser riders jumped from the backs of their horses like wolves onto the horses of the opposing Tongluo Cavalry.

  For a moment, the battlefield was total chaos.

  The Sunchaser Cavalry were already extremely strong. The moment they put aside any concern for their lives, not even the Tongluo Cavalry could easily deal with them.

  “Bastard!” Tongluo Great General Abusi cursed. If the Sunchaser Cavalry persisted in this way of fighting, then even if he managed to annihilate them, the Tongluo Cavalry would lose at least five thousand men.

  The Tongluo did not exceed ten thousand, and they were invincible above ten thousand!

  The Tongluo were few in number, and the loss of five to six thousand men would be a devastating blow!

  But the Tongluo had been able to make their name in the world through their bravery and ferocity. If they fell back just because of some savages, what dignity would they have left?

  “Concentrate your Stellar Energy to protect your vitals! Activate the ‘Tongluo Blade’!” Abusi furiously roared.

  He swung his saber, unleashing a wave of saber energy that cut through ten-some Sunchaser Cavalry at the waist and sent a plume of snow rising a hundred feet into the air. And a moment later, the Tongluo Cavalry quickly began to adjust their formation.

  The Tongluo Blade!

  This was the greatest tactical fighting formation of the Tongluo Tribe. In Taizong’s era, this unique formation had been used by the Tongluo in their capacity as the protectors of the sovereign to deal with formidable foes. After many generations, it was finally appearing on the battlefield once more.

  Chapter 2191 - One Star Gleams While the Rest Dim!

  Chapter 2191: One Star Gleams While the Rest Dim!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr


  There was a metallic clatter as an invisible energy shot through the air. A moment later, the energies of the halos beneath the Tongluo Cavalry fused together into a complicated chain formation.

  With a clang, a small phantom blade appeared within each Tongluo Halo.

  The Tongluo Cavalry that had been engaged in fierce battle with the Sunchaser Cavalry suddenly swerved, unfolding like a chain-link sword as they rapidly accelerated. Then, like a whirlpool, the Tongluo Cavalry made a giant arc that avoided the vanguard of the Sunchaser Cavalry before finally stabbing into the rear flank of the Sunchaser Cavalry at several times their previous speed.


  All other sound in the world was drowned out by the din of numerous collisions. Exploiting their high speed, the Tongluo Cavalry battered their way through the Sunchaser Cavalry’s formation.

  “Watch out! The rear flank!”

  “Turn the formation around! Stop them!”

  “Damn it! Don’t let them break apart the formation!”

  Furious roars resounded. No matter how brutish the Khitans were, they understood that a cavalry charge relied on the strength of the collective. Once they were scattered, it would no longer matter how strong or daring they were.

  This was because an individual could not contend against a collective.

  Alas, the Khitans had reacted far too slowly.

  When it came to tactics, the Sunchaser Cavalry were far behind Abusi.


  In the blink of an eye, the frenzied Sunchaser Cavalry that only knew how to charge were scattered by Abusi’s Tongluo Cavalry, panicked screams ringing out amidst the din of collisions.

  It took only a few moments for thousands of Sunchaser Cavalry to be scattered by the Tongluo Cavalry, many of them crushed under the feet of the horses as Stellar Energy knocked them from their mounts.

  The army was in disarray!

  All the alliance commanders grimaced, particularly the Khitan King, whose confident face transformed into a nasty scowl.

  He knew that the Sunchaser Cavalry would have a very hard time competing with the Tongluo Cavalry that had once vied for the spot of number one. After all, their numbers hadn’t even been equal. But he had never expected such a swift defeat.

  Abusi’s abundant experience played a major role in this.

  In this aspect, the Khitans would never be able to match the Great Tang.

  “Go! Stop them!”

  A thousand feet away, Youzhou Great General Tian Qianzhen led his army in a charge, his eyes flashing with cold light.

  The seven thousand Sunchaser Cavalry were extremely important, and he could not let the Tongluo continue playing ‘divide and conquer’!

  Without them, the others would also find it hard to fight back.


  Tian Qianzhen led his tens of thousands of Dark Shadow Cavalry across the battlefield, thrusting into the left rear flank of the Tongluo Cavalry like a heavy sword. At almost the same time, Tiechi Bileli struck from the right rear flank with his Golden Wolf Army.

  The two Great Generals had both seen how dangerous the situation was and thrown their soldiers into the fray.

  “All soldiers, focus on defense!” Abusi’s voice rang out.

  Rumble! Following Abusi’s order, the eighty thousand elite cavalry behind the Tongluo Cavalry rapidly formed into a defense line and charged at the armies of Tian Qianzhen and Tiechi Bileli, using offense as a defense.

  The Tongluo were too few in number. This was their greatest flaw, and Wang Chong had given Abusi the eighty thousand elites precisely to deal with situations like this.

  The eighty thousand elite cavalry couldn’t compare to the Golden Wolf Army or Dark Shadow Cavalry, but Abusi didn’t need them to win. He just needed them to buy time for his twenty thousand Tongluo Cavalry.

  While other armies might not have had this strength, Abusi was confident that soldiers trained by Wang Chong could do it!


  In the blink of an eye, the two forces fiercely clashed.


  In the rear, snowflakes drifted down as the war banner snapped in the wind.

  Wang Chong stood with his hands behind his back, his body exuding a domineering aura. Even veteran Great Generals like Zhang Shougui and Abusi paled by comparison, let alone anyone else.

  Wang Chong stood at the apex of the stars of the continent.

  One star gleamed while the rest dimmed!

  This was Wang Chong.

  The honing of various trials had long ago made this blade of the empire incomparably sharp.

  “It’s about time!”

  Wang Chong softly chuckled.

  He had been watching this battle the whole time, and he could see that Zhang Shougui and Abusi were a massive threat to the alliance army, with countless soldiers converging on them.

  “Pass on my order! Have the army prepare to attack!” Wang Chong confidently declared.

  Bwoooom! A horn blared fro
m within the fortress.

  This was the first time in this war that the Great Tang had used this sort of attack signal.


  Beneath the six banners of the alliance, An Lushan, Yeon Gaesomun, Ozmish Khagan, the Khitan King, the Xi Queen, and all their Great Generals looked toward the fortress, their eyes widening.


  A few moments later, the earth rumbled as an army marched out of the three gaps like water out of floodgates.

  “He’s made his move!”

  Yeon Gaesomun’s eyes narrowed apprehensively.

  Though Abusi and Zhang Shougui were formidable, they were far less frightening than Wang Chong. None of them had yet taken action precisely because they were worried about Wang Chong.

  So long as Wang Chong did not move, none of them dared to be careless.

  All was quiet beneath the six giant banners as everyone stared at Wang Chong. Even Gao Shang, this shrewd strategist, had an entirely different expression on his face.

  “Three hundred thousand soldiers…” Gao Shang muttered, estimating the number of soldiers emerging from the fortress. Wang Chong had given Zhang Shougui two hundred thousand soldiers, and Abusi commanded one hundred thousand. Besides a few tens of thousands of soldiers left in the fortress as a garrison, Wang Chong had deployed almost his entire force, at least three hundred and fifty thousand soldiers.

  “What is he planning?”

  Gao Shang was disconcerted.

  Though the three giant metal balls the men in black had provided had broken three gaps in Wang Chong’s steel fortress, the steel fortress covered a massive area. Those three gaps were unable to shake the structure of the fortress or the formation beneath it.

  With several hundred thousand soldiers under his command, Wang Chong could have stayed within the city and exploited the layout of the fortress to fight against the alliance.

  Wang Chong had no reason to leave the fortress and attack.

  This was the renowned War Saint with knowledge as deep as the seas. Gao Shang sensed that Wang Chong had some ulterior motive with this offensive.

  The man acknowledged as the Saint of warfare had the title for a reason.


  Wang Chong seemed to sense Gao Shang’s thoughts, and his gaze shot across the battlefield to glance at Gao Shang as he smirked.


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