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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1321

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)


  Atop his horse, Wang Chong chuckled. He was hypersensitive to his surroundings, and he was utterly unperturbed upon seeing the various armies surrounding him.

  “The time has come!” Wang Chong said so softly that only he could hear, and smiled.

  “Guo Ziyi, Sun Zhiming, Zhao Jingdian, prepare to activate the formation!” Wang Chong loudly ordered.


  Three respectful replies came from behind him.


  Following Wang Chong’s order, Guo Ziyi, Sun Zhiming, and Zhao Jingdian turned and headed off to their own troops.

  A few moments later, the soldiers stationed in Wang Chong’s rear began to move.

  These hundreds of thousands of soldiers had been waiting in orderly ranks for any command. But now, besides Su Hanshan and the cavalry on the flanks, the other soldiers burst out like a blooming flower.

  All of this was done silently, creating little commotion.

  Meanwhile, the alliance army was getting closer and closer.

  Three thousand feet!

  Two thousand feet!

  At this distance, it was possible to see the ballista army and Su Hanshan standing proudly behind them, and even farther back, the divine figure of Wang Chong.

  Even so, Ozmish Khagan and Yeon Gaesomun showed no signs of backing down.

  Ozmish Khagan’s eyes shone. As he continued to charge, he messaged Yeon Gaesomun through a stream of Psychic Energy.

  “Destroy the ballista army first, and then crush the rest of the Tang army!”

  “Okay!” Yeon Gaesomun tersely replied.

  He held a saber in each hand and gripped another in his teeth. At the same time, two other sabers were held beneath his ribs, pointed backward. Thus, he took the stance on which he had made his name, the Six Saber Imperial God Art!

  In this Six Saber Imperial God Art, only five sabers were ever visible. As for the sixth saber, it was the most dangerous, as no one ever knew when it would be used.

  Only a scant few people could make him use the sixth saber, and anyone who saw it was basically a dead man.


  With the two Emperor halos boosting them and hosts of generals around them, the two of them rapidly moved across the battlefield like twin storms, drawing everyone’s attention.

  One thousand feet!

  Three hundred feet!

  The battle was imminent, and the immense armies of the Eastern Turkic Khaganate and the Goguryeo Empire were descending like an avalanche.

  But at this moment—


  With a heaven-shaking boom, a beam of energy suddenly rocketed up from behind the ballista army, and at the same time, a massive bolt of lightning flashed above the soldiers.

  The dark clouds roiled as lightning flashed. Tens of thousands of feet in the air, countless blurry figures appeared, but they rapidly began to solidify.


  A giant chain that was several thousand meters long flew out, lightning coiling around it.

  In a flash, the somber killing intent of the three hundred and fifty thousand Tang soldiers grew ten times stronger.

  Instantly recognizing this sight, Ozmish Khagan trembled and called out, “Formation phenomena!”

  Formation phenomena!

  This was an illusion produced when a formation was used to its utmost. Through Wang Chong and Duwu Sili, this effect had become well-known after the Battle of Talas. Moreover, everyone also knew that when Duwu Sili returned to the Western Turks, he had secretly cultivated formation phenomena and ended up suffering a cultivation defect.

  “Watch out! They’re using formation phenomena!

  “Stop them!”

  Ozmish Khagan’s heart trembled, instantly sensing a formidable danger.

  Although he was in the northeast, after the Battle of Talas, Ozmish Khagan had gathered a large amount of information concerning the battle, particularly regarding the lost ability that was formation phenomena.

  In that battle, Wang Chong had also used formation phenomena, but… that was completely different from what he was seeing here.

  The scope of the formation phenomena in the sky was far too large, far greater than what had taken place in the Battle of Talas.

  Wang Chong had not been fully proficient with formation phenomena back then, but it had already been extremely powerful. Now, with such a large formation phenomenon, Ozmish Khagan did not dare to imagine just how powerful it was.

  Ozmish Khagan sensed that if Wang Chong were allowed to successfully activate it, the consequences would be unimaginable.


  Without the slightest hesitation, Ozmish Khagan erupted with Stellar Energy and shot toward Wang Chong like a sharp and stabbing blade.

  Yeon Gaesomun, with his five sabers, understood what Ozmish Khagan was thinking, and the two worked to close on Wang Chong’s army from two sides.

  Chapter 2194 - The Nine Heavens Ten Earths God-Devil Annihilation Formation!

  Chapter 2194: The Nine Heavens Ten Earths God-Devil Annihilation Formation!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  The two Emperors had forged their reputations through blood and battle. They were extremely experienced and had reacted extremely quickly, but when facing an unprecedented opponent like Wang Chong, they were still a step behind.

  Wang Chong’s order for Guo Ziyi and the others to activate the formation was not as simple or casual as it seemed.

  The moment Guo Ziyi and the others had gone, the activation of the formation was unstoppable, and it would not matter how much faster Ozmish Khagan and the others moved.


  Winds howled, and the skies seemed on the verge of tearing open. In the air, the blurry scene instantly became extremely distinct, and everyone could finally see what it was.

  This was an ancient battlefield of gods and devils!

  Amidst the dark clouds and mist, one could see the mountainous bodies of gods and devils scattered across the battlefield. Some of them had three heads and six arms, while others had the heads of humans and the bodies of beasts. Some were a wicked pitch-black while others were as resplendent as gold.

  They had savage or fiendish expressions, and though they wore divine armor, the bodies beneath had decayed away long ago, some of them even leaving nothing but white bones. Some of them were even dismembered, their four limbs and heads scattered about.

  Gold and black blood flowed freely on this god-devil battlefield like rivers, seeming horrific yet beautiful.

  Countless massive sabers, swords, chains, halberds, flags… all of them seemed to have been cut apart by some sharp object and then destroyed, the remnants spread out across the battlefield amidst the numerous corpses.


  From the center of this battlefield came a blood-freezing crack of thunder. Here, where the fog and clouds were the thickest, one could see the most frightening thing on this battlefield.

  This was a sharp blade that was tens of thousands of feet long, thrust into the ground and dripping with gold and black blood!

  Beneath the sharp blade were the shattered remnants of divine weapons and a pile of corpses, their lifeless eyes looking up to the heavens, still exuding death and fear!

  In a flash, everyone understood that the one that had killed the gods and devils, destroyed the divine weapons, and created this battlefield was none other than this terrifying divine blade!

  At the moment this ancient and enormous god-devil battlefield fully emerged, time seemed to stop.

  Everyone was struck dumb by this grandiose and shocking sight.

  “What’s that?”

  Deep shock emerged in everyone’s eyes.

  Even Ozmish Khagan and Yeon Gaesomun were deeply stunned.

  Though formation phenomena had been lost for nearly one thousand years, some information on them had remained. But this vast god-devil battlefield, the countless corpses of gods and
devils, and that terrifying blade…

  All this had gone beyond the realm of their imagination.

  “Impossible! How could an ant-like mortal have something like this?”

  At this moment, no one was more shocked than the Divine Works Elder.

  Even though this war involved several empires and had brought together millions of soldiers, the Divine Works Elder had elected to sit on the sidelines, viewing this mortal war with disdain.

  Why should a god on high have to care about some war between humans?

  After all, all of this was being guided by the gods.

  These mortals were all chess pieces.

  But when the Great Tang’s formation appeared, the Divine Works Elder’s understanding of the situation was completely upset.

  Formation phenomena were merely weather phenomena. This image of god-devils should never have appeared.

  God-devils were not some illusion, nor were they something that imagination alone could realize.

  This meant that the ability that Tang youth had used had reached the apex, going far past formation phenomena and reaching the level of gods and devils.

  Even some of the powerful and ancient formations that the Celestial God Organization had kept concealed could not compare to this.

  He had examined the diagrams for many kinds of formation phenomena, but he had never seen a formation phenomenon like this. There was no record of this sort of thing.

  This was clearly abnormal!

  A mortal should not have been able to wield a power stronger than that of the gods!

  The Divine Works Elder was thoroughly shaken, his calm completely lost!

  An Lushan and Gao Shang looked at the Divine Works Elder, also deeply shaken.

  The two of them did not understand what formation phenomena signified, but they did understand this proud member of the Celestial God Organization.

  Genesis Supreme had said that the Divine Works Elder possessed a vast sea of knowledge—knowledge of almost everything in the Celestial God Organization linked to war.

  This was the first time the two of them had seen him so disconcerted.

  There was no doubt that this formation phenomenon Wang Chong had created was far more frightening than they had imagined.

  The Divine Works Elder came to his senses and called out to An Lushan and Gao Shang, “Hurry! Activate the formation! Or else it will be too late!”

  The two of them saw a panicked expression on his face that they had never seen before.

  But the developments were happening too quickly, and no matter how frantically the Divine Works Elder roared, everything was set in stone the moment that ancient god-devil battlefield had appeared.


  Wang Chong’s eyes shone with a light brighter than the sun as he activated the formation.

  The Nine Heavens Ten Earths God-Devil Annihilation Formation!

  This was the strongest formation of the apocalyptic era, and through Wang Chong’s hands, it was being used in this world for the first time.

  When this formation was first created, countless people had rejoiced, forgetting that the stronger the formation, the more rigorous its requirements were.

  The number one formation of the apocalyptic era had been the fusion of several dozen formations. Countless seniors had vomited blood and even given up their lives to eventually produce this formation, so one could easily imagine its power.

  But the invasion of the otherworldly invaders had damaged the world too much. Talent and manpower were both lacking, making it impossible to meet the formation’s requirements and bring it into reality. This had been one the greatest regrets of that era.

  It had also been one of Wang Chong’s greatest regrets.

  After his reincarnation, Wang Chong wanted to change the fate of this formation and allow this powerful formation that was the congregation of the essence of countless seniors to appear in reality so that their effort would not be in vain.

  Alas, the conditions had remained unfulfilled.

  Using this formation required many elite soldiers and strong generals, and the requirements for cultivation were extremely high. A large number of inscriptions, formations, weapons, and armor were also required. These were not conditions an ordinary person could fulfill.

  Moreover, the Great Tang had only six hundred thousand soldiers in total, and they were spread out. The Nine Heavens Ten Earths God-Devil Annihilation Formation required two hundred thousand soldiers, so successfully realizing it was easier said than done.

  Ordinary soldiers simply could not fulfill this requirement.

  But once the new Emperor was enthroned, he was able to recruit many soldiers and had the support of the government and the treasury. He was also capable of recruiting all the inscription and formation masters. Wang Chong was finally able to realize this supreme formation and fulfill the aspirations of so many people from his last life.


  With a great rumbling, an immense and violent energy slammed into the Goguryeon and Eastern Turkic armies.


  Countless cavalry, boosted by their halos and formations, were charging at full speed, but a moment later, they seemed to slam into an invisible wall. Tens of thousands of cavalry were tossed high into the air by a terrifying stream of energy.

  This energy was so powerful that all the horsemen struck by it were instantly slain, blood gushing out of their bodies.

  It appeared as if thousands of swords and sabers had pierced through their bodies.


  A Goguryeon soldier atop a horse suddenly dismounted from his horse while still sixty-some feet away. Meanwhile, the armored horse continued to travel at high speed into the Tang formation.

  The Goguryeon warrior rolled on the ground, and then his arms spread apart as he lunged at the Tang army like a fierce beast.

  This was Goguryeo’s renowned foot cavalry tactic.

  The Goguryeo Empire was an agricultural society, and its warriors normally fought on foot. Thus, they were extremely fierce warriors, but when it came to cavalry, they were unable to contend against the Khaganates and other steppe civilizations.

  Yeon Gaesomun had gone through great lengths to set up a cavalry force, but habits and customs eventually resulted in his failure.

  With no other option, Yeon Gaesomun developed this tactic.

  When charging, Goguryeo’s foot cavalry charged at full speed, the same as other cavalry, but at the moment of the final clash, the rider would take a flying leap from the horse.

  In this way, the horse would continue to charge into the enemy ranks and throw it into disarray while the Goguryeon rider would use the opportunity to attack the opponent.

  Those below attacked the horses while those above attacked the enemy soldiers.

  Through this tactic, Yeon Gaesomun had been able to defeat numerous cavalry forces and carve out a place of his own in the northeast.

  Jumping from a horse charging at full speed was extremely dangerous, and it would deal a lot of damage and shock to these ‘cavalry’.

  But the Goguryeo warriors had their ways of neutralizing the impact and even using it to increase the power of their attacks.

  In all of the northeast, the Goguryeo Empire was the only faction capable of doing this on a large scale.

  Chapter 2195 - Suppressing the Sovereigns!

  Chapter 2195: Suppressing the Sovereigns!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  As in the past, the Goguryeon soldier flailed his sabers and was just about to enter the Tang ranks and use his ‘Earth Trample Saber Art’ to completely disrupt the Tang formation. All of this was so familiar to him that he could practically do it blindfolded.

  But before this experienced Goguryeon soldier could get close…


  A frightening energy blasted into his body. Both the man and his horse were struck by an immense wave and thrown back. Crackcrack! Snapping and groaning came fro
m within his body, that single strike instantly shattering his bones and organs.

  Blood gushed out of his body like an arrow shooting out.

  “How could this be?”

  The Goguryeon warrior’s eyes were wide open, and even when his consciousness went dark, he still didn’t understand how he had died.

  From start to finish, he had not clashed with a single enemy soldier!


  At the final moment, he saw countless other Goguryeon soldiers being knocked away in the same manner.



  With a single clash, sixty to seventy thousand soldiers belonging to the Eastern Turkic Khaganate and the Goguryeo Empire had been blasted away.

  Without battle!

  Without fighting!

  It was completely one-sided, with many people dying before they even understood what was going on.

  “How could this be!?”

  Ozmish Khagan’s body shivered, his breathing almost stopping.

  He had never encountered such a battle in this life. This technique Wang Chong used was no longer in the domain of ordinary war. Ozmish Khagan couldn’t even find the right words to describe it.

  He had suddenly discovered that the Tang army had turned into some frightening thing that was difficult to overcome.

  Even more numbing was that when Wang Chong activated this ancient formation, this Nine Heavens Ten Earths God-Devil Annihilation Formation, there was no stopping it.


  Countless soldiers were knocked away, and the harder they charged, the farther they were knocked away and the more badly they were wounded.

  One group after another of Ozmish Khagan’s and Yeon Gaesomun’s soldiers suffered the same fate. No matter how many halos they had under their feet or how resplendent the halos, they were all instantly shattered by the Nine Heavens Ten Earths God-Devil Annihilation Formation.


  Seeing the Tang army unstoppably pressing forward, building up momentum like a rolling snowball, several thousand Eastern Turkic cavalry who had nowhere to run hardened their resolve and charged forward.

  “Gather up everyone’s strength. Kill one of their cavalry groups and destroy their formation!”


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