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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1341

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  When she was around two thousand feet away, the Xi Queen smiled, made her horse stop, and activated her powerful Ice Element ability.

  “Ancient Glacier!”


  Her surroundings shuddered, and the snow falling around her suddenly froze in place. The winds began to howl as the boundless energy of the cold wave began to converge on the Xi Queen.

  The Xi Queen’s body groaned as her energy levels soared.

  The Yeluohe were not the only ones to benefit from the frigid weather of the cold wave. So did powerful Ice Element experts like the Xi Queen.

  The Xi Queen was the only female sovereign in the alliance, and she was also the weakest. But not even the Xi Queen had imagined that she would benefit from the cold wave. Not only had she broken through a threshold and reached a new level, her Ice Element abilities had also evolved to a higher level.

  Ancient Glacier was a supreme technique recorded in the texts of the Xi Tribe. Only the Xi Queens could cultivate this technique, but because it was so difficult to cultivate, no one had succeeded in the last several hundred years. But with the power of the cold wave, the Xi Queen had done what numerous predecessors could not and once more brought this supreme Ice Element ability into reality.


  Following the Xi Queen’s will, the wild snowstorm stirred, and several dozen glaciers that were tens of thousands of feet long and several thousand feet wide appeared in the air.

  Before anyone could react, these enormous glaciers descended while also turning from illusion into reality.

  With a great boom, the several dozen glaciers appeared on the battlefield. One end of the glaciers was linked to the top of the walls while the other end extended deep into the alliance army.

  Moreover, the Xi Queen had willed it so that countless steps had appeared on the Ancient Glaciers, making it easier for warhorses to charge up them.


  The sight of those enormous glaciers immediately silenced the battlefield. But after that brief moment of silence, an enormous cheer exploded from the alliance army.

  The abilities of the Xi Queen were many times stronger than they had been in the first battle, and everyone was stunned by this power.

  Chapter 2230 - : The Xi Queen, Defeated!

  Chapter 2230: The Xi Queen, Defeated!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Even the distant An Lushan couldn’t help but widen his eyes in shock at the Xi Queen’s power.

  “Incredible! I truly underestimated this woman,” the Khitan King muttered.

  Next to him, Yeon Gaesomun and Ozmish Khagan said nothing, but they almost imperceptibly nodded.

  The rest of the countries in the alliance had always somewhat looked down on the Xi Queen, but the ability she had displayed here exceeded their own and made everyone take a new look at her.


  The Xi Queen’s face was glowing with pride after her feat.

  “What are you waiting for? Hurry up and attack!”


  Cheers came from all around as countless warhorses began to charge onto the glaciers.

  The Xi Queen quickly turned and gave Wang Chong a challenging look.

  ‘Aren’t you looking down on our alliance? Did you think your victory was inevitable? Let’s see what you do now!’

  As the alliance army charged out, the mood on the walls turned grim. Those ice bridges that were as tough as steel made Zhangchou Jianqiong and the others scowl.

  “This Xi Queen is a big problem!”

  Zhangchou Jianqiong frowned.

  He had heard about the Xi Queen’s abilities, but he had come to the battle too late to see with his own eyes, so he had not thought much about it. But now that he did see these shocking Ice Element abilities that nullified the barrier of the steel walls, Zhangchou Jianqiong couldn’t help but be worried.

  “I’ll go with Brother Zhangchou and take care of these glaciers!” Crown Prince’s Junior Guardian Wang Zhongsi suddenly proposed.

  The Xi Queen had been the greatest beneficiary of the cold wave. Wang Zhongsi had the highest cultivation level, so he had the sharpest senses. He could tell that these ice bridges were extremely dense and would be very difficult for ordinary people to destroy. Only Great Generals like him and Zhangchou Jianqiong could deal with it. While this was somewhat troublesome and time-consuming, it was the best solution.

  “There’s no need. I’ll deal with this Xi Queen!” Wang Chong indifferently said without turning his head.

  Everyone was taken aback, but before they could react, with light footsteps, a figure that seemed very similar to Wang Chong but had a different kind of energy emerged in everyone’s senses.

  Turning around, they saw a second ‘Wang Chong’ slowly step onto the walls.

  “Some minor schemes that aren’t worth worrying about!” Divine Embryo 3 said as it came forward.

  The group was taken aback, but then they sensed Divine Embryo 3’s icy aura and immediately relaxed.

  The Xi Queen was not the only one who had benefited from the cold wave.

  At the same time, the Xi Queen slightly frowned upon spotting this second ‘Wang Chong’.

  “What is this fellow up to?”

  The Xi Queen’s heart sank. She had some understanding of Wang Chong’s clones, but as she had never fought with them, her understanding was fairly limited.

  Divine Embryo 3 took the stage, speaking little as it looked around at the several dozen ‘Ancient Glaciers’ and the numerous alliance soldiers charging across them. It took a step into the air, slowly raised an arm, and took aim at one of the Ancient Glaciers.



  Divine Embryo 3 spoke only two words, and as the Xi Queen and countless people stared in shock, a destructive energy erupted from within the several dozen glaciers.

  This destructive energy was as fierce as a flame, and in a flash, it annihilated the internal structure of the glaciers.

  Boom! Several dozen of the resplendent and enormous Ancient Glaciers immediately collapsed into shards and slabs of ice that rained down from the heavens.


  At the same time, the alliance cavalry that had charged up the glaciers screamed as they fell.


  The battlefield was thrown into disarray, and everyone was struck dumb by what they had just witnessed.


  The Xi Queen was so infuriated that her body was shaking. She had never imagined that the supreme technique of the Xi Tribe that she had unleashed with all her power would be so easily destroyed.

  “I don’t believe that I can’t beat you!”

  The Xi Queen clenched her silver teeth and instantly used the Ice Element ability once more.

  “Ancient Glacier!” the Xi Queen bellowed.

  A moment later, the energy of the cold wave converged once more, and illusory Ancient Glaciers appeared again, even more numerous and resplendent than the first.

  “Seeking death!”

  At this time, a cold and callous snort rang out in the Xi Queen’s ears. Before she could react, boom! One of the manifesting glaciers was disrupted by law energy of a completely different nature and obliterated.

  And as the ancient glacier collapsed, the Xi Queen trembled, sensing that some incredibly dangerous being had turned its attention on her.


  At this time, she heard a piercing whistle. The Xi Queen opened her eyes and saw a golden arrow howling through the snowstorm at her.

  When she first saw it, this arrow was still several hundred feet away, but in the time it took for the Xi Queen to blink, it was right in front of her face.

  “Not good!”

  The Xi Queen turned ghastly pale.

  She was no stranger to this arrow. Chuluohou had unleashed a similar arrow against her in the first battle, but comparing this arrow to that one was like comparing the heavens to t
he earth.

  This arrow was moving far too fast. By the time the Xi Queen wanted to dodge, it was too late.

  It’s over! I can’t dodge!

  The Xi Queen trembled as despair appeared in her eyes.


  The Xi Queen closed her eyes and waited for death, but suddenly, an enormous stream of concentrated energy shot out and blasted away the golden arrow.

  “Enough! Withdraw! With your current level of strength, you’re no match for him!”

  At some point, Genesis Supreme had appeared in the air, wearing his divine armor.

  The Xi Queen sighed in relief upon seeing Genesis Supreme. Having escaped certain death, her body instantly became drenched in sweat.

  “My thanks, Venerable Genesis Supreme.”

  The Xi Queen gratefully bowed, not daring to remain on the front line.

  She had always been proud of her Ice Element abilities, but no matter how proud she was, she could see that there was some gap between her and Wang Chong.

  Her heart still thumping in fear, the Xi Queen turned her horse around and rode away.

  Genesis Supreme ignored the Xi Queen and coldly ordered, “Pass on my order! Mobilize the Divine Aegis Division!”


  A figure appeared behind Genesis Supreme, bowed, and quickly left.


  The departure of the Xi Queen and the fall of those soldiers who had charged up the glaciers did not cause much of a stir, and more and more soldiers continued to charge forward.

  Once the orders were given and the plans set, everyone became chess pieces on the board. So long as they did their best to execute their orders, none of the shifts on the battlefield could affect the final result.

  As the army swept forward in incessant waves, there was one division of soldiers that stood out.

  This division wore armor that was completely different from that of the other countries. This armor was primarily red and gold, and while some parts appeared rusted, as a whole, the armor was in good condition.

  Divine Aegis Armor!

  This was the pride of a civilization that Genesis Supreme had personally destroyed many eras ago. This empire was famed for the armor it forged, but its extreme arrogance had ultimately brought disaster down on its head.

  The stubborn resistance in the northeast and the sharpness of the Tang’s arrows had made Genesis Supreme recall the power of this lost civilization.

  During the break in the war, the Genesis Supreme had gone back to the ruins of that civilization to dig up these suits of armor. At the same time, he selected around seven to eight thousand elites from the alliance army and formed a division that specialized in breaking fortified points.


  At the very front of the Divine Aegis Division, an expert of the Celestial God Organization turned his head and harshly shouted before leading his men climbing up the walls like monkeys.


  Chains were tossed onto the walls as the Divine Aegis Division began to push through the attacks from the master archers on the walls and climb.

  The arrows clinked and clanged as they bounced off their suits of armor.

  Genesis Supreme watched from above as a Divine Aegis soldier scaled the walls, but he quickly turned his attention to the young figure standing atop the walls.


  Wang Chong’s hair danced in the wind as he took a step into the air and began to slowly walk over to Genesis Supreme.

  “Genesis Supreme, no matter what you’re thinking, it’s all pointless,” Wang Chong lightly said as he closed the distance, his expression fearless.

  This was not their first time clashing, but Wang Chong no longer regarded Genesis Supreme with the same attitude.

  At some point, Wang Chong had already become on par with Genesis Supreme.

  “Hmph, you’re too immature, having no idea what happens to those who oppose the gods! The Great Tang was too arrogant, Li Taiyi was too arrogant, and you are too arrogant. And for your arrogance, the Tang Empire will suffer the fate of those empires before it and be totally annihilated.

  “All traces of this empire’s existence will be wiped away, and no one will remember the Great Tang, just as no one in the Great Tang knows of those civilizations that came before it,” Genesis Supreme callously declared.

  Chapter 2231 - The Formation Breaks! Reversal!

  Chapter 2231: The Formation Breaks! Reversal!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “If that’s so, I don’t mind killing one or two gods, or rather, so-called gods, wiping them from this world. You like controlling things from behind the curtains, lurking in the shadows, so I’ll ensure that all of you return to the darkness.”

  In this contest of words, Wang Chong refused to back down.


  Genesis Supreme’s pupils constricted, and his face turned cold.

  “Hmph, let this god see how capable you are!”

  Bang! Genesis Supreme shot high into the sky, vanishing into the snowstorm.

  On the other side, Wang Chong shot into the sky as well.

  Soldier versus soldier and general versus general. Only Wang Chong could deal with Genesis Supreme, and vice versa.

  This battle was important to both of them. Genesis Supreme wanted to complete Heaven’s Purification plan, so he needed to kill Wang Chong.


  Genesis Supreme and Wang Chong quickly disappeared into the clouds, and the heavens began to rumble and groan.

  As the two battled in the skies, on the ground, more and more soldiers began to mount the walls.

  The snowstorm hindered vision, making things much easier for the side attacking the city. Moreover, in the previous battle, the Great Tang had consumed much of its kerosene. Thus, this attack on the city was much smoother for the alliance.

  “Axemen, get ready!” a Tang general called out, and a moment later, tens of thousands of axemen with giant axes marched onto the walls, their armor clattering.


  The axemen roared and began to hack wildly at the alliance soldiers mounting the walls.

  Their movements were extremely simple, swinging horizontally or vertically, their attacks sweeping and powerful.

  Alliance soldiers miserably howled as they plunged from the walls. At this height, a fall meant either death or heavy injury.

  Even so, the Great Tang could not stop the alliance assault.


  Suddenly, with an enraged bellow, a Divine Aegis soldier lunged out like a tiger, his arms imbued with so much strength that they were able to knock several axemen off the walls.

  And more Divine Aegis soldiers swiftly followed.


  The Tang soldiers on the walls reacted swiftly, and various sabers and swords swung in from all sides. But amidst flashing sparks, all of the weapons bounced off.

  All the Tang soldiers grimaced at this sight.

  Suddenly, a voice as loud as a bell rang out. “Stand aside! Leave these people to us!”

  Invincible Great General Li Siye!

  In heavy armor and wielding his giant sword, he strode onto the wall.


  Li Siye’s expression was determined as he swung his Wootz Steel sword. With a scream, a Divine Aegis soldier was struck and sent flying out from the wall like a ragdoll.

  Moreover, the sharp Wootz Steel edge had cut open the Divine Aegis armor and fractured it at the waist, causing blood and organs to spill out.

  But though the Divine Aegis armor had been cut open, the Wootz Steel weapon did not completely cut through it like it did with normal armor.

  “The Mo Saber is invincible!”

  Right behind Li Siye, tens of thousands of Mo Saber soldiers appeared on the walls, and with a mountain-toppling momentum, they instantly suppressed the Divine Aegis soldiers that were scaling the walls.

  The battle was much more grueso
me than anyone could have imagined. Many alliance soldiers were able to reach the top of the walls via ropes, the metal plates attached to the walls through those unique arrow bolts, and the siege towers. Even though they suffered heavy losses, so did the Tang, and from time to time, Tang soldiers would plummet from the walls.

  Seeing more and more Tang soldiers falling and the alliance soldiers pushing deeper and deeper into the walls, Xu Keyi coldly issued an order. “Tell the reserve divisions to reinforce the walls!”

  The battle had not been going on for very long, but it was abnormally intense. With each passing moment, both sides lost a significant number of soldiers.

  However, as An Lushan watched from the distance, he gave no indication that he would call for a retreat.

  He was abnormally calm, apparently ready to fight this battle to the last man.

  The hearts of those manning the walls were heavy.

  Amongst the various kinds of battles, city defense battles were the most time-consuming. Excluding a small number of exceptions, they would normally go on for months, even years. It was basically impossible for the alliance to take this fortress manned by so many Tang elites.

  Both sides were stubborn and persistent, without the slightest inclination to retreat.


  As everyone was drawn to the battle taking place on the northern side of the fortress, a piercing whistle that penetrated through the clouds came from the south.

  This sound was like a martial artist making a long whistle, but it also seemed like a signal being made by some ancient musical instrument.

  What stood out the most about it was that any sort of sound should have been drowned out by the sound of millions of soldiers fighting. But this sound seemed to drown out the sound of fighting and clearly relay itself into everyone’s ears.

  “What’s going on?”

  On the northern wall, Zhangchou Jianqiong, Wang Zhongsi, and Zhang Shougui trembled as they immediately took note of this unique whistle.

  But before they had time to react…


  The earth swayed as a series of explosions came from all around the steel fortress.

  Under the impact from this immense energy, the walls on all sides of the fortress shuddered with a rumble like thunder.


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