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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1381

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “Soul Fire!”

  As Wang Chong sealed the soul remnants, Wang Chong activated the Stone of Destiny’s ability, and an azure light wrapped around Little Nightmare’s shattered soul.

  To Wang Chong’s knowledge, Soul Fire was the only ability capable of preserving Little Nightmare’s shattered soul.


  Wang Chong immediately left with Divine Embryo 1, Little Nighmare’s soul, and the entirety of the Wang Family Residence within the halo divine tool, rushing through that gap in Heaven’s power and the opening in Essence Supreme’s domain.

  Life or death would depend on this moment. Wang Chong unleashed all his potential and streaked out like a silver comet, piercing through spacetime and disappearing into the depths.

  “Where are you going!?

  “Essence Ruler Weaving!”

  Behind him, Essence Supreme turned cold, his ancient divine ruler rising into the air and creating countless beams of light that intersected across the world like intertwining threads.

  The heavens and earth were like fine sand and spacetime was like the sea. Once one disappeared into the depths of spacetime, they would be basically unfindable, like searching for a needle in the ocean.

  But as one of the longest-living people in this world, Essence Supreme had special methods to seek out trails in spacetime and chase down Wang Chong.

  “There’s no need! Let him go!” A familiar and dignified voice rang out in Essence Supreme’s mind.

  Essence Supreme trembled and stopped moving his divine ruler.

  Turning around, Essence Supreme spoke to the depths of spacetime. “Great One, would we not be wasting our efforts by letting him go like this? And with this lesson, he’ll be even more cautious, and it won’t be as easy to catch him.”

  Wang Chong’s threat was just too great. Putting aside the fact that he had killed Firmament Supreme and Genesis Supreme, he had somehow managed to successfully escape from Heaven’s offensive. Catching him again would not be so easy.

  And Wang Chong was no weakling. If he did as before and compressed all his energy to blend in with the millions of inhabitants of the capital, even Heaven and Essence Supreme would find it very difficult to find him.

  More importantly, Wang Chong had already ruined many of their plans, including the Purification plan. If they allowed him to freely move around, he would continue to pose a major threat to the Celestial God Organization.

  “There is no need for concern. He will not leave, nor can he. It won’t be long until he returns.”

  Heaven’s voice remained aloof and indifferent, suffused with a supreme majesty. It was as if everything was under his control.

  Essence Supreme was taken aback before seemingly understanding.

  “Yes, Great One,” Essence Supreme quickly said with respect.

  He had never doubted Heaven’s decisions. Since Heaven had spoken, Wang Chong would definitely return.

  Bzz! Heaven and Essence Supreme vanished. On the ground, the battle-scarred area that had been previously occupied by the Wang Family Residence was completely empty, as if there had never been anything there.

  Soon, with a great clamor, people began to emerge from the surrounding houses.

  These people stared blankly at where the Wang Family Residence had been, apparently clueless as to what had occurred.

  No—to be more precise, it was like things had always been this way, like the Wang family had never existed!

  It was as if something else had been wiped from the minds of the capital’s inhabitants.


  In the depths of infinite spacetime, Wang Chong constantly shifted around, trying to escape the capital as best he could.

  The depths of spacetime were already an excellent place to hide. Even Grotto Heaven realm experts would find it extremely difficult to pursue anyone into here.


  After some time, Wang Chong finally felt the feeling of pursuit disappearing and exhaled in relief.

  “I finally shook them off!” Wang Chong muttered. This battle had consumed all his strength. He had lost the golden short halberd, and Little Nightmare had detonated itself to give him a chance to escape. Wang Chong himself was covered in wounds.

  Thinking back to it, this was probably the most dangerous battle Wang Chong had ever been through.

  Heaven had been far stronger than Wang Chong had estimated. Wang Chong had believed that the gap between Grotto Heaven realm experts could not be too great and that Heaven’s avatar couldn’t have reached the Divine Martial realm. But while Heaven’s avatar truly hadn’t reached the Divine Martial realm, it was definitely the equivalent of four Grotto Heaven realm experts.

  The gap between them was far too great.

  However, Wang Chong quickly cast these thoughts to the side.


  Wang Chong opened his hand, and an azure ball of light appeared within it.

  “Little Nightmare! I won’t let you die!”

  Wang Chong looked at that weak light and clenched his teeth.

  To help him escape, Little Nightmare had detonated its Stellar Energy and soul. Without it, Wang Chong would have found it extremely difficult to escape. However, Wang Chong still had many questions. For example, why had the Nightmare Beast appeared beneath the grounds of the Wang Family Residence? And why had it suddenly rushed out?

  But these were not important. Wang Chong could sense that Little Nightmare’s soul was in tatters and could go out at any time.

  “Little Nightmare, hold on!”

  Wang Chong linked with the azure ball of light and immediately poured in Grotto Heaven realm Stellar Energy so as to maintain it.

  Wang Chong immediately communicated with the Stone of Destiny and firmly ordered with clenched teeth, “Stone of Destiny, preserve Little Nightmare’s soul! No matter what the price is, how many points of Destiny Energy I have to pay, I want to save it!”

  Death was like a light going out, and the self-detonation of a soul was basically certain death. As life and death were beyond the power of martial arts, Wang Chong could only place his hopes on the Stone of Destiny.

  At present, the Stone of Destiny could display many incredible powers far beyond the realm of martial arts, like controlling the weather and even preserving Little Nightmare’s soul.


  Sensing Wang Chong’s strong desire, the Stone of Destiny erupted with dazzling light. A moment later, an invisible energy wrapped around Little Nightmare’s tattered soul.

  “User’s request has been received. Scanning for soul remnants…

  “Shattered soul of target detected. Damage level at 98% and currently in the process of disappearing. Target soul will completely disappear in 4 minutes and 8 seconds!” The Stone of Destiny’s mechanical voice rang out.

  “A damage level of ninety-eight percent…”

  This number made Wang Chong’s heart turn cold. In other words, Little Nightmare’s soul was on the verge of oblivion, and there was not a single intact shard left.

  Moreover, Little Nightmare’s soul was in the process of disappearing, meaning…

  Wang Chong didn’t dare to continue thinking.

  Nightmare Beasts were not exactly gentle creatures. In an ancient era, they were synonymous with devils, all martial artists avoiding them like the plague. And in their first encounter, in the Origin Immortal Lord’s underground cavern, the two of them had been enemies, Wang Chong almost dying at its hands.

  But over time, Wang Chong discovered that beneath its frightening appearance was a soul the same as any human. It felt joy and sorrow, felt aggrieved at being misunderstood, and could feel lonely and afraid.

  In essence, it was actually a ‘human’.

  More importantly, Little Nightmare had detonated its soul for him!

  Wang Chong clenched his teeth and ordered, “Stone of Destiny, save Little Nightmare no matter what!

  “Use the power of the Archon of Destiny, use al
l my Destiny Energy! I only want one outcome! No matter what, don’t let it die!”

  Wang Chong didn’t know if the Stone of Destiny had the ability to bring back the dead, but at this time, Wang Chong used every method he could think of. The Archon of Destiny’s powers and Destiny Energy were the two strongest methods Wang Chong could think of.

  All was quiet, frighteningly so. The Stone of Destiny had fallen into a long silence, seemingly searching for more of the Nightmare Beast’s soul.

  “Request received. Scanning again for target soul…”

  One minute, two minutes…

  Each second seemed like an entire year.

  In the past, Wang Chong wouldn’t have been so sensitive to the passage of time, not caring about the passing of one or two minutes, but at this moment, they meant that Little Nightmare only had two minutes left.

  After some time, the Stone of Destiny spoke once more. “Scan ended. Target’s soul is damaged too severely. Reconstructing the soul is essentially impossible!” Its voice seemed to be pronouncing the death penalty, a heavy hammer slamming into Wang Chong’s mind and shattering his hopes.

  “Not even the Stone of Destiny can do it…”

  Wang Chong’s body trembled, his eyes dimming. He had not expected that even though he had tried his best to save Little Nightmare’s soul and bring it here, he still couldn’t save it.

  Since his reincarnation, this was the first someone had died to save him!

  Wang Chong felt like there was a heavy stone pressing down on his chest.

  But just when Wang Chong had lost all hope…

  “Unexpected development! Investigating!

  “A small core portion has been found amongst the target fragments. The target’s soul cannot be reconstructed, but there is an 8% chance of having the target survive in a different fashion. Does user wish to use the Archon’s Power to save the target?”


  Absolute silence!

  Wang Chong was dumbfounded. He had believed that there was no hope, but the situation had taken a completely unexpected turn.

  Chapter 2302 - The Power of Destiny Tempering!

  Chapter 2302: The Power of Destiny Tempering!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Only 8%…

  Wang Chong’s heart trembled, and he still refused to relax.

  “What do you mean by ‘core portion’?” Wang Chong cautiously asked.

  After a moment of silence, the Stone of Destiny spoke.

  “Nightmare Beasts have a completely different mode of living from humans. The core is a part of the body unique to mental creatures like the Nightmare Beast. So long as this part remains, even if the soul shatters, there is still a very high chance of reviving this kind of mental creature. But the damage to target is excessively severe, lowering the revival chance to only 8%!”

  Wang Chong was left flabbergasted by this answer.

  The Nightmare Beast had a completely different mode of living from humans?

  Wang Chong had long ago known about this, but he had not expected this to be the key to saving the Nightmare Beast.

  “Stone of Destiny, use this method! You have to save the Nightmare Beast!” Wang Chong ordered.

  “User’s order received. Using the additional privilege, Destiny Tempering. As Archon of Destiny, user has at most two chances to use Destiny Tempering. Notice: after this, user will have one more chance to use Destiny Tempering.

  “User should use it cautiously.”

  “Use the power of Destiny Tempering!” Wang Chong immediately said.


  As Wang Chong spoke, an enormous energy surged out from the void and into Little Nightmare’s soul remnant.

  Flames blazed to life, and the azure Soul Fire immediately turned violet-red. Moreover, the flames rapidly began to swell, and it wasn’t long before they took the form of a furnace.


  With an intense shudder, violet-red flames splashed out as if some invisible giant with a hammer was pounding away at Little Nightmare’s soul.

  This was the power of Destiny Tempering!


  As that invisible hammer came down, Wang Chong could see numbers floating into the air. Each hammer swing cost Wang Chong five hundred thousand points of Destiny Energy.

  He suddenly realized why Destiny Tempering was called an ‘additional privilege’. Each hammer strike cost five hundred thousand points of Destiny Energy, so even with the most abundant reserve of Destiny Energy, he would quickly use it all. Crucially, saving Little Nightmare’s soul would take more than just one swing.


  This sound was booming and majestic, constantly resounding through space. The hammer swung down eight times, using up four million points of Wang Chong’s Destiny Energy, but Little Nightmare’s soul still did not revive.

  However, Wang Chong could clearly sense that Little Nightmare’s shattered soul was much more condensed, many ‘impurities’ hammered out.

  The revival chances for Little Nightmare’s soul had also risen from 8% to 9%, and with each swing, the chance continued to rise. 9%, 10%, 11%, 12%…

  Wang Chong’s Destiny Energy was being consumed at a rapid rate, but Wang Chong was not at all shaken. Compared to Little Nightmare’s life, the amount of Destiny Energy he was using was unimportant.

  When the revival chance reached 28%, Wang Chong noticed that the speed at which Destiny Tempering increased the chance had slowed, as if it had run into some sort of hindrance.

  “Stone of Destiny, is there any other method of increasing Little Nightmare’s revival chances?” Wang Chong said.

  After a few moments of silence, the Stone of Destiny said, “There is one other method, but it will do considerable damage to user’s body…”

  Wang Chong cut it off before it could finish.

  “No matter the cost, use it at once!” Wang Chong immediately said.

  Boom! There was a flash of violet light. The Stone of Destiny did not hesitate upon receiving Wang Chong’s order, and an invisible energy linked the stone with Wang Chong.

  Bzzz! Before Wang Chong could react, a powerful pull erupted from the Stone of Destiny, and Wang Chong felt his Psychic Energy and large quantities of his life energy being drawn into the Stone of Destiny, turned into some sort of nutrient that was poured into the Destiny Tempering ability.


  The Stone of Destiny activated the Destiny Tempering again, but this time, Wang Chong could actually see the giant hammer appearing in space, descending with thunderous speed and slamming into the violet-red soul light of Little Nightmare.

  The flames splashing out were far greater than before!

  Little Nightmare’s core soul was directly condensed into a ball, and the revival chance rose all the way from 28% to 58% and beyond.


  After some time, just when Wang Chong had reached almost maximum exhaustion of his mental and physical energy, fatigue sweeping over him, everything finally stopped with one thunderous boom.

  The violet-red light floated in the air, completely free of impurities and leaving behind only the most core materials.

  This core soul was not even one percent the size of the original and was extremely weak, but there was no doubt that it was Little Nightmare’s soul.

  “Little Nightmare!”

  Wang Chong was elated as he sensed that familiar energy.


  After so much effort, Little Nightmare had really been brought back to life!

  Wang Chong could barely contain himself and quickly took Little Nightmare’s soul into his hand.

  Although Little Nightmare’s soul was extremely weak and far away from its peak, it was already a great blessing that it could survive after self-detonation.

  After what seemed like an eternity, a weak voice appeared in Wang Chong’s mind.


  In front of Wang Chong, Little Nightmare’s so
ul pulsed, its voice filled with disbelief.

  It was obvious that it had not believed it could survive that fierce explosion.

  Wang Chong was overjoyed. This was undoubtedly the best news he had heard in a while. Not even speaking, Wang Chong swiftly used his Psychic Energy to scan Little Nightmare’s soul.

  No problems!

  Little Nightmare had lost its destructive power and was like a newborn. It would have to start from the beginning.

  But Wang Chong could find no blemish on its soul. With its absurdly powerful abilities, the Stone of Destiny had fixed all of its flaws.

  It did not matter that it had no strength. What was most important was that Little Nightmare was still alive.

  “What in the world happened? Do you still remember? Why were you there?” Wang Chong asked.

  Little Nightmare had not gone with him to Sindhu, but had remained in the capital. At present, it was probably the only one that knew the truth.

  But Wang Chong was still somewhat worried. He found it impossible to estimate how much damage the self-detonation had done to Little Nightmare’s soul and memories.

  In the worst-case scenario, there would be no hope of Little Nightmare being able to answer his questions.

  Thankfully, that wasn’t the case.

  “Master, we were fooled. Heaven and the Celestial God Organization have taken complete control of the capital.” Little Nightmare’s voice came from the soul. Its voice was weak, but it was very stable. It was clearly out of danger.

  “Master, you have to stop them no matter what!”

  A moment later, Nightmare Beast displayed its memories to Wang Chong.

  After the war in the northeast had ended, Little Nightmare had patrolled between the King of Foreign Lands Residence and Wang Family Residence. This was both to keep these places safe and to quietly cultivate so that it could properly integrate with Genesis Supreme’s body.

  The Nightmare Beast couldn’t even remember the last time it had possessed a human body. For Little Nightmare, moving from traveling on four feet to traveling on two feet was actually rather difficult.

  Normally, Nightmare Beasts would not take human bodies, but Genesis Supreme’s physical body had been just too strong. Even for a Nightmare Beast, a Grotto Heaven realm body was simply too tempting.


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