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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1387

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  This Luo Supreme truly is cautious! Wang Chong commented as he passed through the tunnel.

  It was rare for someone of Luo Supreme’s power to hide their dimension in such a complicated fashion. In contrast, Origin Supreme, though he also feared the Celestial God Organization, had simply hidden his dimension beneath the Hyderabad Mountains, albeit in a way that was extremely difficult to detect. Meanwhile, Luo Supreme had made the passage leap through countless dimensions.

  His goal with this design was clearly to guard against the Celestial God Organization so that he would not be so easily found.

  But none of this could stop Wang Chong. He could sense that Luo Supreme’s dimension was getting closer and closer.

  “Careful!” Li Xuantu suddenly called out, his voice wary. “There’s something strange up ahead!”


  Wang Chong raised his head, but before he could react, a golden bolt of lightning blasted out at him.

  As Wang Chong and Li Xuantu stared in shock, some formation in the passage seemed to activate, and countless bolts of lightning engulfed the surrounding region of several hundred li, golden thunderclouds flooding the area. The lightning bolts flew through the clouds like roaring dragons, each of them infused with destructive power.

  Chapter 2312 - A Defense Targeted Against Heaven!

  Chapter 2312: A Defense Targeted Against Heaven!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  The tens of thousands of golden dragons formed an ancient formation of enormous size in the depths of spacetime.

  Within this formation were black divine inscriptions of unknown meaning.

  The moment this formation emerged, the passage changed. Wang Chong felt the weight on his shoulders increase, as if countless mountains were descending on his body. His speed plunged like he was making his way through thick and viscous mud.

  Besides that, a barrier appeared in front of him, exuding a powerful obstructive force that hindered his path.

  Within the halo dimension, Li Xuantu sensed their surroundings and asked , “What is this?”

  The Turkic culture was not as refined or developed as the culture of the Central Plains, so Li Xuantu didn’t really take this Turkic War God seriously. But this formation made it seem that this god was far stronger than he had imagined.

  This massive formation covered a range of one hundred li. There was probably no one in the Central Plains capable of this feat.

  Wang Chong said nothing, slightly frowning as he reached out with his senses.

  “If my guess is right, this should be targeted against Heaven’s avatar!”

  Wang Chong’s eyes flashed, and he seemed certain of his conclusion.

  Wang Chong had initially believed that the immense pressure that had abruptly appeared in the spatial passage had been targeting him, but Wang Chong quickly realized that this wasn’t the case. All of the pressure was on the three Divine Embryos in the halo dimension.

  This large formation seemed to be extremely effective against the three Divine Embryos, but this level of suppression did not go past a certain limit. What was most important was that with his high understanding of formations, Wang Chong could sense that this formation had a certain target.

  There was only one person that Luo Supreme would be so cautious about that he would specifically target: Heaven.

  It’s no wonder Heaven’s avatar remained in the capital and didn’t come himself, Wang Chong mentally remarked.

  Wang Chong felt that Heaven’s avatar had probably already found Luo Supreme and maybe had even come personally, but Luo Supreme had used this special formation to keep him out.

  While Luo Supreme was no match for Heaven’s actual body, it was completely possible to create a formation that targeted Heaven’s avatar. And it seemed like it had worked.

  Such methods, such daring, and such shrewdness! This Luo Supreme is more frightening and formidable than I imagined, Wang Chong remarked to himself, growing somewhat more wary.

  Someone good at battle was not famed for it. Although Wang Chong had never met this Turkic War God before, he felt that this man was a perfect match for this saying.

  He sensed that dealing with Luo Supreme would not be as easy as he imagined.

  “What do we do now?” Li Xuantu’s voice rang out.

  Wang Chong’s three Divine Embryo clones were a powerful fighting force for their side. Without their aid, they had essentially lost half of their fighting power. Meanwhile, in Luo Supreme’s dimension, Luo Supreme, Essence Supreme, Grand Supreme, and Radiance Supreme were all present, all supreme Grotto Heaven realm experts.

  He and Wang Chong would find it very difficult to deal with them.

  Wang Chong quickly got ahold of himself and asserted, “It’s fine. I’ll take care of it!”

  The formation was targeted against avatars, and so long as he had the Divine Embryos, he couldn’t get through, but there was no need to go through all that trouble.


  Wang Chong drew back his consciousness from the three Divine Embryos, leaving behind three resplendent and empty shells. Once this was done, the immense pressure dissipated. Without a target, that enormous formation of golden clouds slowly scattered.

  “Alright, let’s go!”

  Wang Chong turned into a silver bolt of lightning and advanced through the winding passage.


  After what seemed like both a second and like an eternity, Wang Chong led Li Xuantu and his three clones through the various barriers and entered a spacious and mysterious dimension.

  Spiritual energy!

  Extremely concentrated spiritual energy!

  This was the first thing Wang Chong and Li Xuantu felt upon entering this region. All around them were thick clouds of fog.

  Li Xuantu emerged from the halo divine tool and appeared next to Wang Chong. He reached out into the ‘fog’ and murmured in shock, “It’s all higher-universal energy!”

  This energy was even more concentrated than the energy in Wang Chong’s halo divine tool. While Wang Chong had extracted this energy from space, the energy in this dimension had seemingly been gathered by Luo Supreme over a long period of time.

  “It seems that this fellow was preparing for this day all this time!” Li Xuantu said.

  Such a vast amount of concentrated energy would normally be refined. Very few people would be like Luo Supreme and scatter this energy around the entire dimension. Evidently, this was some sort of method that Luo Supreme had prepared to deal with some future crisis.

  Wang Chong looked around as he nodded in agreement. “The Arab High Priest was right. It seems that many people underestimated him. Luo Supreme is probably much, much stronger than expected. Not even Genesis Supreme can compare to him!”

  Even though he had never even seen Luo Supreme before, Wang Chong already had a very deep impression of him.

  That massive formation targeted against clones and avatars and this dimension bursting with energy were evidence that their owner possessed divine abilities, and was a peerless expert. But all of this formed a stark contrast with that ‘declining’ Turkic religion on the outside world.

  There was no doubt that this supreme god of the Turks was extremely shrewd, one of the most difficult kinds of people to deal with.

  Wang Chong and Li Xuantu exchanged a glance and then vigilantly surveyed their surroundings.

  As they advanced, they moved much more slowly. After several dozen feet, they quickly noticed a massive silhouette in the fog.

  Wang Chong looked up and inspected it for a while, determining that it was a giant beast skull more than twenty meters tall.

  “It’s the head of a Behemoth!”

  Wang Chong had seen these ancient beasts being raised and experimented on in a secret base, so he was no stranger to them.

  Li Xuantu frowned and asked, “You’re saying that he also possesses this technology?”

  “We can’t rule out the possibility. Aft
er all, he was part of the upper echelons of the Celestial God Organization. But I sense that this was more out of personal interest!”

  Wang Chong looked at the skull and shook his head.

  Gods enjoyed using special items to flaunt their power. For example, they needed to build their palaces very tall and large, needed giant statues in their image, needed giant divine beasts to guard them. Only this could allow believers to revere and worship them.

  But regardless of the truth, this Behemoth was incapable of stopping Essence Supreme’s group.

  The two continued and saw two more massive creatures appear before them. These were two savage wolves as large as mountains.

  Both of them were lying on the ground with their heads parted from their bodies, blood gushing out and filling the air with a pungent stench.

  “This is the work of Essence Supreme’s group. Given how fresh the scent of blood is, they haven’t been gone for long,” Li Xuantu gravely said.

  Wang Chong nodded. These two wolves had probably been almost peak Great Generals in terms of strength, and they would have been savage beasts that would have wreaked havoc in the human world. But they were far from enough to deal with Essence Supreme and his companions.

  “These two beasts are probably divine beasts Luo Supreme created to protect his believers and are probably why the Turks revere wolves. Essence Supreme killed them most likely to show off his power to Luo Supreme and show that there’s no going back, that both sides will fight until one dies,” Wang Chong said.

  “They’ve probably already started fighting. Come on; we have to move faster!”

  As Wang Chong spoke, he immediately charged forward, Li Xuantu right behind.

  This was Luo Supreme’s base, and he had added many formations to this place, and there were also many dimensions of various sizes in the surroundings. All of this greatly reduced one’s senses, and it was no longer possible to perceive everything within one hundred li as one could do in the human world.


  Wang Chong and Li Xuantu picked up speed, and five minutes later, they heard what sounded like a piercing whistle. Right after that, the air rumbled with explosions of Stellar Energy.

  “They’ve started fighting!”

  Wang Chong’s eyes widened as he accelerated. At the same time, Wang Chong drew back all his energy, sealing all his pores. Meanwhile, Li Xuantu returned to Wang Chong’s halo divine tool.

  Both Luo Supreme and Essence Supreme were powerful individuals. If they fought, it would be better if they badly injured each other. However, if they noticed the third party Wang Chong, they might choose to work together to deal with him first. Their combined strength would present an enormous threat to Wang Chong.

  A few moments later, a series of explosions rang out, the shockwaves of energy stirring up a storm of death that reached all the way to Wang Chong’s position.

  Chapter 2313 - Luo Supreme’s Sons!

  Chapter 2313: Luo Supreme’s Sons!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  Wang Chong’s mind focused as he made his way toward the heart of the explosion.

  On the way, Wang Chong saw the collapsed ruins of palaces, their several-hundred-meter golden pillars still appearing extremely grandiose.

  And amidst the debris, Wang Chong saw the bodies of many Turkic warriors wearing azure armor.

  These people were clearly the warriors of Luo Supreme’s divine kingdom. While they had possessed considerable strength, they had been easily slain by Essence Supreme’s group.

  Wang Chong’s heart only slightly flickered as he glanced at the hundreds of corpses before continuing onward. He could tell that the site of the battle wasn’t far.

  A few seconds later, Wang Chong finally saw it. In the center of this dimension, amidst thick clouds of azure mist, two dazzling balls of golden light floated, several li away from each other in a standoff.

  In the golden light to the right, Wang Chong saw an enormous golden boat, elegant and beautiful. Three tall and slender figures stood upon the boat.

  At this distance, Wang Chong couldn’t make out their faces, but he knew their auras. These were Essence Supreme, Grand Supreme, and Radiance Supreme.

  Though Wang Chong had not seen their real bodies, he had interacted with all three of them.

  Across from Essence Supreme’s group, in the other ball of golden light, several hundred people stood. These people all wore divine armor, and there were even two half-step Grotto Heaven realm experts amongst them.

  Flanking this crowd were two giant golden wolves, baring their fangs as they glared at Essence Supreme’s group.

  These golden wolves appeared even larger and stronger than those before, but what was most striking about them was the golden eye with a vertical pupil in the center of their foreheads.

  Even though there were so many people, this was actually the side at a disadvantage. In the center of the golden lights, Wang Chong saw a collapsed palace of massive size, shattered tiles and fallen pillars scattered about. Moreover, he could also see the bodies of many divine warriors and giant wolves.

  “Luo Supreme, you’re still not coming out? You really don’t plan on relying on your two sons to stop us, do you? Or maybe I’ll kill them all first so that you can come out?” a booming voice said. The speaker was Essence Supreme’s avatar, the silver-eyed youth, at the front of the golden boat.

  His expression was composed and unhurried.

  All was silent, but in the distance, Wang Chong’s heart thumped.


  Wang Chong instinctively turned to those two powerful figures in the other ball of golden light.

  Before this, Wang Chong only knew that the Turkic War God and that white-robed priestess in the temple on Mount Yaluo had together birthed An Lushan, this calamitous star of the Great Tang. He had no idea that the Turkic War God had fathered more sons.

  “Hmph, Divine Father does not need to come out to deal with you!”

  Finally, those two half-step Grotto Heaven realm figures in the golden light took two steps forward, revealing their faces.

  Looking over, Wang Chong saw that these two had high noses and deep-set eyes, with whiskers hanging from their cheeks. This was the archetypical Turkic face.

  If one looked carefully, one would discover that there was some similarity to An Lushan.

  However, these two were much older than An Lushan.

  Wang Chong realized what was going on. Luo Supreme had lived for an extremely long time, even longer than Origin Supreme from a certain perspective. It was clear that he had fathered more children than just An Lushan in this long period of time.

  It was just that the difference in age between the brothers was far greater than usual.

  “That’s right! Divine Father has restrained himself against you lowly people for long enough. Do you really think Divine Father is afraid of brazen fools like you?” Luo Supreme’s other son spoke up, his eyes cold and harsh.

  Essence Supreme did not express an opinion. His interest was not in Luo Supreme’s two sons. All he cared about was the hiding Luo Supreme.

  “Luo Supreme, don’t be delusional. You should know Heaven’s mindset. Hand over the two Doomsday Insignias and then come with me to see Heaven. Profess your sins and await judgment. This is your only way out.”

  Essence Supreme looked up and smirked.

  “After so many epochs, you should have seen and experienced a lot. When you apostates first left, you used more intense methods, but you should have seen Heaven’s strength by now. You haven’t truly deluded yourself into thinking that you can contend against Heaven, have you?”

  While others might not understand the meaning of these words, Essence Supreme was confident that Luo Supreme would. The longer one followed Heaven and understood him, the more they would fear him and understand the meaning of these words.

  To the right, Grand Supreme spoke, his voice ice-cold. “Luo Supreme, you can’t run. Heaven�
�s reemergence is inevitable. Everything must end today!”

  Luo Supreme had worked on this dimension for many years, setting down many formations and ritual tools, and training numerous divine warriors. But power was power. If one could not reach the Grotto Heaven realm, one would never be able to match the twelve Supremes of the Celestial God Organization.

  These methods employed by Luo Supreme were as useful as clay dogs and earthen chickens in front of them.

  The earth shuddered, and a light suddenly exploded in the sky. A booming voice tinged with savagery rang out. “Haha, after so many years, Essence Supreme, Grand Supreme, you haven’t changed at all.”

  In a flash, a tall and slender figure emerged from the rippling golden light, descending like a comet to the ground.

  Everyone’s attention was drawn to this comet, and Wang Chong’s heart trembled.

  Besides those of the Celestial God Organization, no one in the outside world knew of the name ‘Luo Supreme’, but the name of the Turkic War God had been circulating for several thousand years.

  At this moment, Wang Chong couldn’t help but be curious as to what this Turkic War God who had created the Turkic civilization looked like.


  As the light faded, Wang Chong was able to make out this war god’s appearance.

  He had the typical Turkic face, but he did not appear completely like a Turk. Most striking of all were his eyes, as sharp as an eagle’s and ambitious as a wolf’s, brimming with savagery and aggression. He seemed ready to strike at any moment and exuded an extremely dangerous aura.

  One glance was enough to make Wang Chong’s heart bang against his chest. Luo Supreme was undoubtedly an extremely dangerous individual. Getting the two Doomsday Insignias from him would not be easy.

  As Luo Supreme floated in the air, that savage voice continued to speak.

  “Grand Supreme, Radiance Supreme, you two are truly pigheaded. Essence Supreme is one thing. Although he remains at Heaven’s side, just like us, he actually has his own plans. But you two still continue to follow Heaven with idiotic devotion.


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