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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1411

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  “The Fengshan ceremonies have been a custom since ancient times. In the time of the Great Qin, they knew that there was such a ceremony, but the actual procedure had been lost. Even the Confucians and scholars of the Great Qin did not know, each having their own procedure. In the end, after gathering everyone’s opinions, the First Emperor truly did manage to perform the Fengshan ceremonies. This bell is a Mount Tai Fengshan Bell, and there should be eleven more of them,” Li Xuantu said.

  If Li Taiyi had not appeared, he would have been the Son of Heaven of the Great Tang. Almost every sovereign dreamed about performing the Fengshan ceremonies, so how could Li Xuantu not know about them?

  “I remember now that you’ve mentioned it. After the Qin First Emperor annihilated the other states and united the realm, he performed the Fengshan ceremonies at Mount Tai. He toured the east five times in his life, and each time, he passed near Mount Tai. It could be that the Qin First Emperor wasn’t interested in Mount Tai itself. What if he had toured the east five times as an excuse to search Mount Tai for a path to the realm of immortals, for the Celestial Palace?”

  Wang Chong’s mind was whirring with all sorts of ideas, Li Xuantu’s words causing him to make many connections.

  After uniting the realm, the Qin First Emperor had been constantly seeking immortality. Though this matter had been kept a secret known to only a few, Zhao Gao and Meng Wu had definitely been in the know.

  In his fifth tour, the Qin First Emperor must have made some progress and obtained some concrete information, so he had brought with him these Qin Guards. Moreover, Zhao Gao had probably waited for some time, and when he discovered that the First Emperor wasn’t coming back from the Celestial Palace, he had developed an audacious idea. He returned to Xianyang with an empty casket and faked an imperial decree to have Fusu killed and Huhai made Emperor, throwing the entire Qin Empire into chaos.

  But why was Xu Fu here?

  Wang Chong once more glanced at Xu Fu’s headless corpse.

  Xu Fu had embarked on a massive fleet carrying thousands of boys and girls and a vast army, vanishing into the sea. Everyone knew this, so Xu Fu should have been overseas. Why was he here?

  “If this entire matter was kept under wraps… then perhaps Xu Fu didn’t go overseas?” Li Xuantu said after a few moments of thought.


  Li Xuantu’s words made both of them tremble.

  If that was so, then everything could be explained.

  “No, there’s one other scenario,” Wang Chong suddenly said. “Did you forget that the Celestial Palace can move? Wherever the entrance is, so long as Heaven wants it, he can easily lure others into this place.”

  Li Xuantu’s eyes widened. This truly was a possibility.

  “But there’s one other point that can’t be explained. Why did Heaven lure the Qin First Emperor here? It was Huo Qubing, and now it’s the Qin First Emperor. What is it that Heaven wanted from them that he would go to such great lengths to obtain?”

  Li Xuantu’s brow furrowed.

  None of these events were independent. In the Heaven-Reaching Path, they had encountered Ge Zhu, and in the first region, they had found the scholar and Daoist. In the second region, there was Huo Qubing, and in the third region, there was the Qin First Emperor. Li Xuantu sensed that all these incidents were linked.

  The Celestial Palace had a master. Why had Heaven lured them all here?

  Li Xuantu had been pondering this problem the entire time, but he had yet to find an answer. He sensed that the answer would be closely linked to their objective.

  Wang Chong turned pensive upon hearing Li Xuantu’s question.

  “We can investigate this matter later. Let’s go farther inside. In addition, we should be able to find the answer in the deepest part of the Celestial Palace,” Wang Chong finally concluded.

  This wasn’t the deepest part of the Celestial Palace. Wang Chong yet to see anything that was linked to the core.


  Li Xuantu nodded. The two of them continued forward, but as the two of them passed the body of the Qin First Emperor…


  Everything suddenly trembled, even the sky. An enormous energy centered on the Qin First Emperor exploded out of the ground, transforming into a terrifying seal that blasted Wang Chong and Li Xuantu back.

  Besides that, the still form of the Qin First Emperor exploded with a frightening aura that was countless times more powerful than before.

  That enormous pressure coming from in front of them made both of them pale.

  Both Wang Chong and Li Xuantu were supreme experts of their age, but the energy erupting from the Qin First Emperor’s body was far more frightening.

  For a moment, the two of them felt like the long-dead Qin First Emperor had come back to life.


  Li Xuantu’s entire body tensed as he warily stared.

  “Such powerful Sword Qi!”

  Wang Chong was also staring at the Qin First Emperor.

  The Qin First Emperor’s sword had originally been thrust into the ground, but at this moment, the black sword erupted with energy, a savage Sword Qi slicing through the air and pointing straight to the heavens, condensing into an enormous sword.

  The sword intent within the sword locked onto the two of them. It seemed that if the two of them moved, it would bring down a destructive attack.

  Above the Qin First Emperor’s head, Stellar Energy converged into a line of words.

  ‘Our will is the will of the heavens! Withdraw!’

  Each word was imbued with an immense pressure and gleamed with a sharp light.

  No one had expected this development, and the mood turned grim.

  “Master, be careful!” Little Nightmare’s voice rang out. Even it had sensed a frightening danger.

  “This is a problem. The Qin First Emperor probably poured his energy into the Celestial Palace before his death, using his will to ensure that this energy lingered. Even after one thousand years, it’s as strong as ever. It’s no wonder that sword in his hands was still standing.”

  As a Grotto Heaven realm expert, Li Xuantu quickly understood what was going on.

  With their cultivation, the two of them should have been able to sense something, but the Qin First Emperor had also been a terrifyingly powerful expert. Most importantly, as they ventured deeper into the Celestial Palace, that omnipresent disruptive energy grew stronger and stronger, interfering more and more with their senses.

  “Be careful! Let me try!”

  Wang Chong brought his index and middle fingers together like a sword, and a moment later, a bolt of powerful sword intent shot out of Wang Chong’s body.

  Art of God and Demon Obliteration!

  The air trembled and the world darkened as a gray bolt of Sword Qi extended to a length of several hundred feet and shot toward the Qin First Emperor.


  The moment Wang Chong’s Sword Qi emerged, it seemed to trigger something, and frightening amounts of energy began to converge. At the same time, with a great boom, that giant sword swung down at Wang Chong.


  The two Sword Qis clashed, and a moment later, Wang Chong’s God Demon Obliteration Sword Qi was blasted apart by the Qin First Emperor’s Sword Qi.

  Wang Chong’s eyes flew open and his face paled, and Li Xuantu was just as shocked.

  The Art of God and Demon Obliteration was the number one sword art of the Central Plains. Wang Chong had known that the Qin First Emperor was powerful, but he had not expected his sword intent to be this powerful. Though Wang Chong was at the Grotto Heaven realm, his Sword Qi had still not been able to match this deceased Emperor’s Sword Qi.

  But there was no time to think, as that frightening Sword Qi blotted out the sky and descended with frightening momentum upon Wang Chong.

  Bzzz! Wang Chong blinked away, and a split-second later, that enormous black sword made of Sword Qi descended like a toppling pillar on the place where Wang
Chong had been standing.

  Chapter 2354 - Destiny Experimental Body 4!

  Chapter 2354: Destiny Experimental Body 4!


  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  With a massive boom, the earth trembled. The terrifying Sword Qi tore open a giant fissure nearly ten thousand feet long in the sturdy ground of the third region. The surging Sword Qi even pierced into the depths of the Celestial Palace, causing it to shudder. Some of the glass tiles even toppled off the palaces on the perimeter.

  Even more frightening was that after this terrifying energy was unleashed, even more energy converged from the seal behind the Qin First Emperor, and the Sword Qi appeared once more.

  From this, one could conclude that the attack just now had used only a small portion of the First Emperor’s remaining power, not even ten percent of it.

  “The Sword Qi reacted, but the seal didn’t,” Li Xuantu loudly called out, a sharp glint in his eyes. “The Qin First Emperor’s goal was not to kill people, but to protect whatever is behind him. There’s a problem with the Celestial Palace, and the Qin First Emperor must be guarding something inside.”

  The Qin First Emperor’s Sword Qi was frightening, but even when the Sword Qi was at its strongest, it was still protecting the path leading deeper into the Celestial Palace.

  They would have to break through the Qin First Emperor’s seal to go any farther.

  When entering the Celestial Palace, they had only thought about dealing with any possible attack from Heaven. They had never even predicted that they would have to deal with the Qin First Emperor.

  “Master, what’s going on here? Why did the Qin First Emperor become a guardian of the Celestial Palace? Did Heaven manage to control him?”

  Little Nightmare appeared rather anxious.

  The Qin First Emperor was extremely powerful. They had only passed by this place out of curiosity, never expecting this development. If they couldn’t break through the First Emperor’s barrier, they would not be able to access the deeper parts of the Celestial Palace.

  Wang Chong shook his head and immediately rejected the idea. “No, the Qin First Emperor isn’t under Heaven’s control. This is his own will.

  “In addition, if Heaven wanted to put down a seal, he wouldn’t go through the trouble of using an intermediary.”

  “So why, then? If the Qin First Emperor’s death here was Heaven’s doing, his enemy should be Heaven, not us. Why stop us? And what could be inside the Celestial Palace that’s worth him protecting?” Li Xuantu said.

  The Qin First Emperor was more frightening than they had imagined. If they couldn’t resolve this problem, they wouldn’t be able to make any progress.

  Besides that, Li Xuantu could clearly tell that the Qin First Emperor’s power was still gathering. This meant that his attacks would only get stronger and stronger.

  Li Xuantu felt like he was no weakling, but not even he was sure that he could break through the seal left by this sovereign from one thousand years ago.

  Wang Chong could also sense that energy was gathering. Though he was just standing there, he could feel that invisible pressure growing heavier and heavier.

  That sword attack just now could be considered a probe. Wang Chong sensed that a massive battle was about to erupt.

  Just when Wang Chong was about to do battle with the Qin First Emperor to break through, a voice rang out in his mind!


  “Special Event! Destiny Experimental Body 4 has been discovered! User has been rewarded with 800,000 points of Destiny Energy.

  “Scanning—Destiny Experimental Body 4 failed… The Destiny Shard within the body has been seized. Stone of Destiny Repair Plan failed.

  “Notice! Remnant energy discovered within Destiny Experimental Body 4 that can be integrated!”


  Wang Chong had a few vague ideas, but these words verified these theories and set off a storm in his mind.

  Destiny Experimental Body 4?


  Wang Chong had never imagined that this would be the truth!

  The Stone of Destiny had ten experimental bodies in all, and the mighty Qin First Emperor who was known as the ancestral dragon of all Emperors was actually one of them.

  In other words, just like Wang Chong and the Sage Emperor, he was also a transmigrator.

  Wang Chong found it difficult to calm down after hearing this earthshaking news.

  The Stone of Destiny! The Stone of Destiny!

  Wang Chong was finally sure that Heaven had gone to such great lengths to lure these people here to get their Stones of Destiny.

  If the Qin First Emperor had been lured by Heaven through Xu Fu, then Heaven had most likely been trying to do the same thing to Emperor Wu of Han. But compared to his predecessor from several hundred years ago, Emperor Wu was clearly more cautious.

  The Fengshan ceremonies were clearly not enough to motivate him, and while the green bird’s message had tempted him, he was not completely taken. Thus, he had sent Huo Qubing, this young Great General that he trusted so much. Alas, Huo Qubing had failed to return, dying within the Celestial Palace.

  The two renowned Emperors happened to both be Destiny Bodies and also transmigrators. This fact left Wang Chong deeply shaken.


  Wang Chong still found it difficult to determine whether this was a coincidence or intentional.

  Had the Stone of Destiny intentionally chosen these mighty sovereigns as its hosts, or was it because of the Stone of Destiny that they had become mighty sovereigns?

  Most importantly, Wang Chong had previously believed himself to be unique, the only transmigrator. But now, Wang Chong knew that this was far from the truth. There had been at least nine people like him throughout history.

  One after another, the Stone of Destiny had sent over transmigrators, the so-called ‘experimental bodies’. What was it trying to do?

  In the past, Wang Chong would not have pondered these things, only considering them to be accidents or coincidences. But now, he sensed that things were far from simple.

  As these thoughts ran through his mind, Wang Chong took in a deep breath and calmed himself down. Regardless of what the truth was, he didn’t have time to ponder these things. He had some more important matters to settle.

  “Don’t move. I’ll take care of this.”

  Wang Chong’s eyes flashed. Leaving Little Nightmare’s mental body behind, he strode toward the seal.

  “Wang Chong!”

  Li Xuantu paled in fright. Wang Chong’s action was too abrupt. He had never imagined that Wang Chong would just charge right up.

  Li Xuantu wanted to stop him, but it was too late.


  As Wang Chong approached, the energy left behind by the Qin First Emperor howled and seethed, building up even more power than before.


  Above the Qin First Emperor, the black Sword Qi grew several dozen times larger, piercing through the clouds, seemingly wanting to cleave apart the Celestial Palace.

  Boom! As the First Emperor’s power was about to be unleashed, Li Xuantu felt the fabric of space tremble, and an enormous torrent of Psychic Energy erupted from Wang Chong and surged into the First Emperor’s body. A moment later, something astonishing took place.

  That energy that was about to engulf Wang Chong suddenly froze. Not only that, even that seal behind the Qin First Emperor was fixed in place.

  The restless energy was swiftly pacified, as if some invisible and calming energy had been infused into it.

  Li Xuantu had wanted to stop Wang Chong, but at this moment, he stopped, his lips trembling in disbelief, and he fell back and silently watched events unfold.

  Wang Chong did not have the time to pay attention to him. He was focused entirely on the Qin First Emperor’s body.

  “Congratulations to user! Link successfully established with Destiny Experimental Body 4. Preparing for integration!”
br />   The Stone of Destiny’s voice rang out in Wang Chong’s mind.

  Wang Chong’s conclusion had been correct. Just when the Qin First Emperor was about to attack, Wang Chong had sent out his Psychic Energy into his mind. In his body, Wang Chong had felt the familiar aura of the Stone of Destiny, and through this shared energy, he had succeeded in stopping the Qin First Emperor’s attack.

  There was no sign of the Stone of Destiny itself in the Qin First Emperor’s body, but all throughout, he could sense traces of the Stone of Destiny’s power like countless stars.

  The Qin First Emperor had once been a host of the Stone of Destiny. Long-term usage of this power would eventually cause the body to fuse with it.

  From the First Emperor’s age, Wang Chong judged that he had probably been in this world for thirty to forty years. Such a long period of time was more than enough to achieve a high level of fusion with the Stone of Destiny’s power. This prevented Heaven from completely stripping out all of the Stone of Destiny’s power.


  Using the power of the Stone of Destiny, Wang Chong gathered up these points of light in the First Emperor’s body. But Wang Chong could sense that there was still some power in the First Emperor’s body that was rejecting him, preventing him from smoothly integrating the Stone of Destiny’s power.

  Wang Chong was taken aback, but he quickly understood.

  Wang Chong stepped forward and whispered to the Qin First Emperor, “Your Majesty, go in peace. Although I cannot alter your end, I can stop Heaven and avenge Your Majesty!”

  After a brief period of silence, the turbulent energy of the seal flowed into the Qin First Emperor’s body, and Wang Chong felt that rejection disappear.


  All of the golden points of light in the First Emperor’s body began to flow into Wang Chong, and that barrier that had barred their path disappeared.

  “A pity.”

  Wang Chong couldn’t help but emotionally sigh at this sight.

  The energy left behind by the Qin First Emperor was extremely powerful. If he could absorb it all, it would be an immense boon to him. Alas, it was only the Qin First Emperor’s domineering will that had kept the energy from scattering. Now that his will was gone, the energy had scattered with it.


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