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The Human Emperor c1-2382

Page 1424

by Huangfu Qi (皇甫奇)

  Wang Chong turned pensive.

  Though he still didn’t understand what sort of power the Divine Martial realm was, he was gradually beginning to understand Master Guangcheng’s words.

  What Master Guangcheng was saying was really that he needed to ‘surpass laws’. Only by surpassing the laws of the world would he be able to take another step forward, to an even higher level.

  “Since ancient times, only imperial households have possessed the Dragon Qi, and only Emperors have become masters of the world, acknowledged by countless people, so they found it easiest to transcend. Heaven was the earliest sovereign of the world, and this was an important reason that he was able to reach the Divine Martial realm.

  “But after Heaven, it has become basically impossible to reach this level. Those astonishingly talented experts are mostly solitary loners who are used to traversing the wilds, so very few of them have had a chance to become Emperor. As for Emperors of the secular realms, few of them can reach the Saint Martial realm, let alone the Divine Martial realm. A sovereign has numerous affairs constantly dragging them down, and they waste so much time on government affairs that it is foreordained that they cannot reach a very high level of cultivation. Thus, for countless eons and epochs, no one except Heaven has been able to reach the Divine Martial realm.

  “Li Taiyi had the greatest hope of breaking these fetters and reaching the Divine Martial realm, but in the end, he failed.”

  Master Guangcheng sighed.

  Li Taiyi was the renowned Sage Emperor, the wise sovereign supported by the countless people of the Central Plains. His incredible talent and cultivation were enough to win the admiration and praise of countless martial artists, and there were few that could match him.

  He had fit both of those two important requirements, but alas, he had still failed.

  If even Li Taiyi had failed, how could anyone else succeed?

  “Wang Chong, you are different. You and Li Taiyi are the most unique people I have seen in the last thousand-some years, the people with the greatest chance of reaching the Divine Martial realm. While you are no sovereign, you have the Dragon Qi that only a sovereign should have. And your cultivation… Now that you have obtained Little Grass’s legacy, I am sure that you can reach that boy Taiyi’s level.

  “I have never reached the Divine Martial realm before, and even that boy Taiyi failed at the last hurdle. Neither of us were able to successfully glimpse that realm, so we are not able to impart to you much information on how to advance to that realm. You will have to depend on yourself for this,” Master Guangcheng sternly said.

  Dragon Qi and transcending the laws—this was what he had wanted to tell Wang Chong. Besides these two things, there were several other important factors, but no one except someone who was attempting to reach the Divine Martial realm could possibly know about them.

  Wang Chong bowed and solemnly said, “Many thanks, Senior!”

  At Wang Chong’s level of cultivation, the quantity and density of one’s energy were no longer very important. Information played a far more important role.

  For Wang Chong, Master Guangcheng’s two points were priceless treasures, information that he could not obtain through any other method.


  Master Guangcheng looked at Wang Chong and nodded in praise.

  While he had initially somewhat rejected Wang Chong, Wang Chong had successfully used his actions to obtain his recognition.

  He had seen the same rare qualities on Wang Chong that he had once seen on Little Grass.

  “But there is one point that you must take very seriously. The process of breaking into the Divine Martial realm is extremely dangerous. If you succeed, you will reach the same level as Heaven, and your soul will become immortal, but if you fail… you will be unable to transcend the laws, so you will receive a backlash from them. This was why Li Taiyi grew weaker and weaker, and in the end, he was so weak that he could only fight to a draw with Heaven’s avatar. This is the backlash of the world’s laws. If this happens, it means that the entire world has become your enemy, and even breathing becomes a battle. This is because all the laws are rejecting you!”


  Master Guangcheng’s words made Wang Chong’s heart shudder. Breaking into the Divine Martial realm would result in either advancement or withdrawal, as failure would result in backlash. Wang Chong had already known about this.

  For many years, all the court physicians and Li Taiyi himself had attempted to find a way to treat the Sage Emperor’s injuries, but none of them had succeeded.

  But this was the first time Wang Chong had heard the truth behind the backlash.

  “So that’s how it was. I see…” Wang Chong muttered, his mind in turmoil.

  Wang Chong’s mind immediately went to the World Constraint. If the Stone of Destiny could resist the World Constraint, then if the Sage Emperor had also…

  Wang Chong quickly shook his head and rejected the idea.

  The Sage Emperor was Destiny Experimental Body 9. He also had a Stone of Destiny, and if this problem could have been solved that way, it would have already been solved.

  Moreover, while the World Constraint was severe, it would only happen once every long interval. However, from what Master Guangcheng had said, the Sage Emperor had been fighting the world at every moment. These were two completely different concepts.

  “Understood. Thank you, Senior!” Wang Chong sincerely said.

  “There is one last thing!”

  Master Guangcheng’s face turned solemn, and his sleeve shook as he extended a finger.

  As Wang Chong watched, countless points of light gathered on the tip of Master Guangcheng’s finger, transforming into a dragon-shaped character the size of an infant’s fist. Besides the image of a dragon, there was also that of a mountain.

  Before Wang Chong could understand what was going on, Master Guangcheng thrust his palm forward, sending that image into Wang Chong’s body.

  Wang Chong’s body shivered, his mind in shock.

  “Senior, this is…”

  Master Guangcheng slowly drew back his finger and sternly said, “This is my last gift to you, and it is also Heaven’s greatest mistake.”

  He was clearly somewhat tired from this effort. It was apparent that creating this image had taken far more effort than it seemed.

  “When Heaven intercepted me and sealed my soul into the earth, his intention had been to punish me, for me to suffer eternal pain and torment. But there are some things that not even Heaven can predict.

  “When he sealed me, at the start, all I experienced was unimaginable pain and torment, and it was nothing but darkness beneath the earth. It seemed that I would not be able to see the sun for the rest of time.

  “But not even the plans of Heaven are perfect. After an earthquake, all of the surrounding earth veins shifted in my direction. Besides that, after suffering more than three hundred years of pain and torment, my soul began to fuse with the earthly energy of the entire mountain range—something which Heaven could have never predicted. From a certain perspective, I am that mountain and that mountain is me. To put it another way, I became a ‘mountain god’.”

  Chapter 2376 - News from the High Priest!

  Chapter 2376: News from the High Priest!

  Translated by: Hypersheep325

  Edited by: Michyrr

  “The spiritual energy of the earth veins does not possess a consciousness. Such a situation had never before happened.”

  Master Guangcheng paused a moment.

  “Gradually, I began to realize that I could use my consciousness to draw in the surrounding spiritual energy, and with my soul sealed, I didn’t have anything else to do…”


  Wang Chong trembled as Master Guangcheng continued to speak.

  “One day, two days… one year, two years… one hundred years, two hundred years… I spent all those days absorbing the spiritual energy of the earth. Initially, it was because I had nothing els
e to do, but later, the entire matter started going beyond the scope of what I could control, beyond the scope of what I had first imagined. I became the dragon veins of the entire Central Plains.”

  When Master Guangcheng solemnly spoke those last words, a thunderclap went off in Wang Chong’s mind.


  Wang Chong stared at Master Guangcheng in speechless shock.

  He had long ago realized that Master Guangcheng’s state was rather special. Even when Wang Chong was more than a thousand li away from the capital, Master Guangcheng had still been able to sense him.

  Wang Chong had found it unusual at the time and used Psychic Energy to scan the area, but he had found no hint of Master Guangcheng’s existence.

  He knew that there had to be something special about Master Guangcheng’s state, but he had not imagined that Master Guangcheng would actually have become the dragon vein of the Central Plains!

  A dragon vein with a consciousness!

  Wang Chong was so stunned that he couldn’t speak.

  Based on what Master Guangcheng had said, so long as he wanted, he could control all of the dragon veins of the Central Plains.

  “Even I was shocked when I realized what had happened,” Master Guangcheng calmly said, unsurprised by Wang Chong’s reaction.

  “As for Heaven, though he was somewhat slow, he eventually realized what was going on. However, when Heaven realized to his shock what had happened and moved to deal with me, it was too late. My consciousness could appear at any place I pleased. I was able to instantly appear wherever the Dragon Qi was, surpassing all other kinds of arts. It was too late for Heaven to do anything by then. He had personally placed me into this state, singlehandedly impeding himself.

  “But Heaven still managed to do a few things. He set up various seals around the Central Plains so that my power could not extend to the rest of the continent. But even this was just pouring a cup of water over a burning cart.”

  A rare smile appeared on Master Guangcheng’s face. Even after so many years, the thought of Heaven’s infuriated appearance still made him happy.

  “But some things appear better than they really are. While I can control the Dragon Qi of the Central Plains, this has also become a mental burden on me. The number of times I can be awake every year is extremely limited. This is why I had no other choice than to find you during this special moment and bid you farewell.

  “The mark I gave you was my certificate. So long as you have this mark of my acknowledgment, even if I am hibernating, you can still mobilize all my strength. This is the last thing I can help you with.”

  Wang Chong was moved by these words. It was clear that Master Guangcheng was trying to do all he could to help him.

  Whether it was in the Celestial Palace incident or in the future war, Master Guangcheng could not and would not be able to participate. But through this method, he would be able to assist in his own way.

  “Many thanks, Senior. Senior, be at ease. I will fight with all my strength!” Wang Chong sincerely said.

  “Mm. Go, then. Not even I know what the future will be. It all depends on you!” Master Guangcheng said, a hint of fatigue on his face as his body began to fade away.

  Wang Chong did not delay. He knew that Master Guangcheng had expended too much mental energy and was about to enter hibernation. After exchanging a few last words with him, he rose and left.

  Everything went about as Wang Chong predicted. Around one day later, Wang Chong stopped being able to sense Master Guangcheng’s aura from the Western Mausoleum. It was clear that he had truly fallen asleep.

  Upon realizing this, Wang Chong felt his heart sink.

  Everyone had placed their hopes on him, was trusting him without reservation. The Origin Immortal Lord, the Sage Emperor, Master Guangcheng… everyone was like this, and the pressure on Wang Chong’s shoulders was unprecedented. Still, Wang Chong’s heart remained abnormally tough and resolved, not swayed in the slightest.

  “Heaven, no matter where you are, I will find you and defeat you!”

  Standing in front of the Western Mausoleum, Wang Chong looked over the capital.



  Several months went by in the blink of an eye. The world was thriving and at peace, and this empire which had united the world was showing signs of unprecedented prosperity.

  Even so, Wang Chong did not let his guard down. Every day, Wang Chong sent out numerous spies to sweep through the earth to seek out traces of Heaven.

  But Heaven really had disappeared and had yet to appear again. It was like he had never existed.

  Another month quickly went by.


  As usual, Wang Chong pushed open the door into his study with a stack of files, ready to study them, but at this moment, Wang Chong raised an eyebrow.

  There was someone in the study that did not belong to the Wang Family.

  Although this person had done their utmost to conceal their aura, they could not hide from Wang Chong’s senses.

  Before Wang Chong could speak, a familiar and slightly scratchy voice rang out in Wang Chong’s ears. “Supreme King, we meet again!”

  “High Priest?!”

  That familiar cloaked figure by the wall made Wang Chong’s eyes fly open.

  “How could it be you?”

  This was truly too surprising!

  After the Celestial Palace incident, the Arab High Priest had vanished out of existence, leaving behind no trace. Moreover, Wang Chong recalled the Arab High Priest saying that their previous meeting would be their final one.

  Though he was surprised, Wang Chong quickly came forward to welcome him.

  “Wonderful! Please sit,” Wang Chong warmly said.

  Though the two of them didn’t know each other very well, the Arab High Priest had helped Wang Chong a great deal.

  Moreover, this was the first member of the Celestial God Organization Wang Chong had seen since the Celestial Palace incident. There was probably no one besides him who knew where the Celestial God Organization had gone.

  The Arab High Priest slightly hesitated, but he quickly came forward, removing his black hood.

  The Arab High Priest was slightly paler than before, his complexion poor. It appeared that he had not had a very good time over the last few months.

  Seeing that Wang Chong was about to call someone to serve tea and snacks, the Arab High Priest quickly stopped him. “There is no need for courtesy. I will only be here for a little while and then quickly leave.”

  After exchanging a few pleasantries, Wang Chong broached the main topic.

  “Senior, where have you been over the last few months?”

  Although the world had appeared calm and peaceful over the last few months, Wang Chong knew that this could not have been the case for the High Priest.

  “The destruction of the Celestial Palace and Heaven’s defeat was a world-sundering blow to the Celestial God Organization. The organization has been in disarray over the last few months,” the Arab High Priest sternly said.

  “The Celestial God Organization has met with many setbacks in its long history, but this is the first time it can be called a defeat.

  “I knew that you were looking for Heaven and that you had dispatched many subordinates to seek out the Celestial God Organization. This is why I have come.

  “There is no need for you to keep looking. Starting from now, no one from the Celestial God Organization will appear for a very long time. Not only that, do you remember the Celestial Army I told you about?

  “All of the Celestial Army has vanished. Heaven has taken all of them away!”


  The High Priest’s words instantly made Wang Chong frown.

  He naturally remembered the Celestial Army. This was Heaven’s secret army of enormous size. The High Priest had previously said that Heaven was planning to mobilize this powerful army.

  “Where did they go?” Wang Chong asked after a few moments of silence.
br />   Wang Chong stared at the High Priest with unprecedented focus. Heaven and his Celestial Army were a disaster-in-waiting. If possible, he wanted to find them and deal with the problem once and for all.

  “I don’t know, and I have no means of telling you. Heaven and Essence Supreme clearly noticed something off after the mission to deal with Luo Supreme. No one except the Supremes and a few high-ranking leaders of the Celestial God Organization knew about the Luo Supreme matter. Your appearance was too coincidental. No—to be more accurate, you shouldn’t have appeared at all.

  “Heaven and Essence Supreme were both suspicious, and they are the main reason the last few months was quite the ordeal for me.”

  The High Priest bitterly laughed.

  It was no mere ordeal. In truth, Essence Supreme and the others had already begun to suspect. That he had been able to escape alive was already impressive.

  Despite this, the High Priest felt no resentment.

  It was by his own will that he had revealed to Wang Chong that secret.

  “But I have not come here to tell you that the danger has passed and you can let down your guard. On the contrary, starting from now, you must be extremely cautious and careful.”

  The High Priest’s expression turned solemn.

  “I understand Heaven too much. He is excessively proud and is not someone who can just swallow his anger. The more he yields, the more he bides his time, the greater and more terrifying his vengeance will be.

  “By taking everyone away with him, Heaven is not retreating, but preparing for a new offensive.

  “From what I know, when Essence Supreme mobilized numerous sea beasts to take everyone away, he also took from the continent numerous embryos to which the Behemoth Fusion Art had been applied. Moreover, Essence Supreme has also been gathering materials to craft a new physical body.

  “In addition, while your defeat of Heaven and destruction of his personal ritual tool is truly shocking, and it dealt significant damage to Heaven’s original body that will prevent him from appearing for a long time, such injuries are far from enough to take Heaven’s life.


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