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Jordane's Hunger

Page 12

by Tia Didmon


  “I don’t know.”

  Jordane brought her fingers to his lips. “Perhaps you recognize yourself.”

  “I’m not the girl everyone lusts after.”

  He kissed her fingers. “That’s not true, but it isn’t what I meant. Carina’s ancestors condemned the Chameleon race. Some called them murders, yet Carina was anything but. Perhaps with your origins you feel a kinship to Carina.”

  Kiki shook her head. “I didn’t know about...”

  “Carina always had the ability to make you see, feel the truth. For some, her portrait has the same effect. What do you feel when you look at her?”

  “I feel thankful. For her dedication, her strength and her sacrifice. I don’t think people like that exist anymore.”

  “You believe in Laura. You believe in me.”

  “Laura is different... but I want to believe in you.”

  Kiki led Jordane outside. She needed the tranquility that the vast property offered. While the manicured grounds were beautiful, she preferred the pathway that led to the natural beauty of the outlying forest. She wanted to ask Jordane more about Carina’s past but she felt a spike in his emotions. She took his hand. “Are you going to tell me what’s bothering you?”

  “I was remiss. I should have pushed your squad members into taking the trials.”

  “You’re mad about Lester? There’s no way you could know.”

  Jordane’s voice was barely legible beneath the growl. “I never gave him a chance.”

  “Lester? You didn’t know him. He was a jerk, even before he made it onto the squad.”

  He stopped, looking toward the forest. “I’m not talking about your traitor.”

  “What is it then?”

  “I condemned a member of my pack and didn’t touch his crystal after we retrieved it. I didn’t want to see the women’s deaths or give him the chance to explain his actions. His mate was killed and his child abandoned. That is on me.”

  “How would he tell you?”

  “After a warrior dies, I’m shown images of his life. The process resets the crystal, keeping the power but leaving it clean for the next warrior.”

  “You make it sound like some kind of magical hard drive.”

  “That’s a unique and accurate analogy.”

  “I take it you have done this crystal download thing now,” she said.

  Jordane nodded. “I saw the memories of his final days. His prayers that we would avert the attack on the cotillion. That we would save his mate and unborn child. I failed him. I should have known the crystal would have destroyed him if it was in his heart to kill the women.”

  “Did you see it? Their deaths?”

  “Yes. Lorel wept tears of blood as he set the charges under the floor of the hall where they held the cotillion.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “We will find his daughter and bring her back to her people. That’s the only way to repay this debt.”

  Kiki startled. “His child was female?”

  “Yes. The Chameleons would have killed the baby had it been male.”

  She put her hands around his waist. “Sometimes sorry isn’t enough.”

  He tipped her head back, kissing her. His grief, guilt and passion combined into an emotional cocktail that had her gasping for breath. She gripped his waist. “Jordane...”

  He put his forehead to hers, holding her captive. “Take away the pain. Remind me why I have fought for the past two thousand years. Make it real. Make it worth the sacrifice.

  Kiki knew what he wanted. While she couldn’t give him her soul. Not yet. She could give him this. “Yes.”

  She pulled him closer, kissing him with everything she had until she sensed his hesitation. “What is it?”

  His eyes searched hers. “You will give me your body but you are not willing to bond with me. What is it you fear?”

  She let her arms fall away. “You deserve better... than me.”

  He put his hands on her waist. “You are more than I am. You fight for what you believe in and you never quit. While you can’t see it, you are a marvel and... incredibly sexy.

  She laughed. “I had no idea you were such a sweet talker.”

  Jordane winked. “Neither did I but I hope to improve these skills as the years go by.” He kissed her until she gasped for breath.

  She licked her lips. “I hope you are talking about the flirting thing because your other... skills are about as good as it gets.”

  “I believe I can improve on all aspects of our relationship, given time,” he said.

  “You get any better and it might kill me.”

  “I would never let that happen,” he whispered seductively.

  She looked down. “I know you want me to bond with you but I am the one with issues, not you.”

  Jordane tipped up her head. “You’re perfect.”

  “You’re biased.”

  He shrugged. “Only with you, but you care for me also, you just can’t admit it.”

  Kiki pursed her lips. “I don’t like demons on principle.”

  “You adore Laura.”

  “She didn’t start out as a demon and she’s a hybrid.”

  Jordane raised an eyebrow. “So are you.”

  She swatted his chest. “No need to be rude. I still don’t like demons.”

  “Yet you fall all over the healer when he shifts to his German Shepherd form.”

  “He tricked me... and he’s kinda cute.”

  Jordane growled.

  Kiki pushed at his chest. “In his canine form... sheesh.”

  He nipped her ear. “I had not shifted to my chosen form in centuries...”

  Her head snapped up. “Chosen form?”

  “The animal form I chose before I became a warrior.”

  “I forgot about that. Why don’t you shift into your animal form?”

  “It serves little purpose for me as leader of the warriors.”

  Excitement lit her eyes. “Oh, you are so showing me.”

  Jess emerged from the path. “Sorry to interrupt, but I need you both to come inside.”

  Kiki nodded. “We are coming in now.”

  Jordane leaned to her ear. “I will show you later.”

  Kiki held Jordane’s hand as they followed Jess back to the mansion. Valen, Dante and Laura sat in the foyer, waiting for them. Their grim faces had Kiki tensing up beneath her jacket. “Something is up and it isn’t good.”

  Jess sat down beside Dante. “Charisse contacted me. The Ladon found out what Roman did to the demon women.”

  She glanced around the room. “What did he do?”

  “Understand that the women felt trapped, they needed the torture to stop. They wanted the Ladon to have no future use for them,” Jess said.

  Kiki put her hand to her chest. “If you think I would condemn those women for anything, trust me, you are wrong.”

  Jess nodded. “It was the only way to save...”

  “What happened, Jess?” Kiki interrupted.

  “The Ladon had Roman working in the fertilization lab. He was their expert on... reproduction. He removed the demon female’s eggs and put them in cold storage before he left.”

  Kiki’s eyes widened. “He has all the demon female’s eggs, on ice?”

  Jess nodded. “Yes, and the Ladon know.”

  “What are the Ladon working on in the lab?”

  “Demons reproduce the same way we do, but demon females aren’t fertile every month like a human. They were trying to produce more babies via in vitro fertilization.”

  Kiki rubbed her face. “Fuck.”

  “That sums it up.”

  “What are the Ladon doing now?”

  Jess put her hand on Dante’s knee. “Like us, they are looking for him.”

  “We need to find him and his lab before the Ladon do. Does Charisse have any idea where he is?”

  “She thinks the lab may be in South America but she says Roman is crafty. He wouldn’t give her the lo
cale in case they caught her. The Ladon want her too.”

  “We need to check. Did she say anything else?”

  “She doesn’t think we will find Roman or his lab but he told her if we recover the women, he will return the eggs to those who survive.”

  “How does she contact Roman?” Kiki asked.

  “She doesn’t. He contacts her from a prepaid phone. It’s never the same number, so he tosses them after each call. The last time she talked to him, he told her he was safe but that it was only a matter of time before the Ladon figured out what he’d done.”

  Kiki glanced at Jessica’s husband. “Does he think they will make another play for Dante?”

  Jess shook her head. “It’s unlikely now that we have the warriors with us but there are no guarantees.”

  She touched her gun, looking for a reassurance that wouldn’t come. “Do you think they will abduct more psychics?”

  “No idea, but being psychic doesn’t mean you are a hybrid,” Jess said.

  “I wonder how they will spin this to PURE. They wanted the hybrids dead, now they need them.”

  Jess sighed. “Marcus said they intercepted another courier. The Ladon have told PURE that the hybrids are still human and that they wish to purge the demon element. Save their souls sort of speak.”

  Kiki’s eyes narrowed. “You’re kidding me.”

  “I wish. No one will expect the hybrids to live through the purge so when the women go missing and we find the men dead, it will only further their belief.”

  Kiki looked at Valen. “Is there any proof they can mate with a hybrid?”

  Valen put his arm around his bride. “Laura and I had a miscarriage on our first conception. Chad says this is normal with human couples so we can’t confirm or deny the possibility, but I bonded with Laura. They will rape the hybrids. I don’t foresee favorable odds of a live birth under those circumstances.”

  Kiki looked at Laura. “Humans can conceive under the worst circumstances.”

  Valen frowned. “True, but while the fertilization process is similar from human to demon, we have a transfer of energy. A gift to one’s child that humans cannot simulate.”

  Kiki nodded. “They have no way of knowing if they can conceive with a hybrid. They have a plan. We need to watch Dante.”

  Dante’s form rippled before turning to normal. “I can take care of myself.”

  Valen stood. His eyes turned to black as he met his brother’s gaze. “Now that the king has emerged your survival is paramount.”

  Dante held his brother’s gaze for a long time before looking at his bride. “Yes, you are right. It’s difficult when we can become the most powerful being in existence and must... hide.”

  Valen’s eyes returned to their natural color. “Yes, but if you die, it will force me to house your demon. Laura will be the king’s bride for eternity. Neither human nor demon would survive such a catastrophe.”

  Kiki startled. “I thought the king was you. Both of you. The king can only survive if both of you live.”

  Valen turned to her. “It’s true that the king’s power was split. That our combined power is used short term for the benefit of the demon race, during a crisis. Dante can only sustain the king for a few hours.”

  Jordane’s eyes flashed. “But you can?”

  Valen nodded. “Yes.”

  Laura wrapped her fingers around Valen’s wrist before she smiled up at her husband. “Your true strength, my love, is knowing your power is for the benefit of your people and not your personal gain.”

  Valen touched Laura’s cheek. “I already have everything I want.”

  Dante swallowed hard. “I will put my pride aside. It was selfish. As the blood guardian I think myself infallible but they can kill me. I will stand behind the warriors. They will be our defense.”

  “Thank you, my brother,” Valen said.

  Jordane looked at Valen. “I did not realize you could sustain the power of the king. We believed that housing a second demon would drive you... any of our race, insane.”

  Valen nodded. “I believed the same thing until I absorbed Dante’s demon for the first time, that I had the power to trap him within me.”

  “How?” Jordane commanded.

  “All must obey me if I choose it... including Dante.”

  “You have always had this power?”


  “You could have demanded...”

  “Like my mother. I could have demanded any living creature do my bidding. I’ve never nor will I ever do such a thing.”

  “You can will... anything?”

  “Yes, but my parents raised my brothers and me to accept that just because you possess power does not give you the right to use it. Besides, I did not have access to the power that concerns you until my brother and I were awakened.”

  “Can’t you order Louis to tell you where the women are?” Kiki asked.

  “He would have to be in front of me but if I unleash that power I risk becoming addicted to it. I won’t endanger Dante to force Louis Lestant’s compliance,” Valen said.

  Jordane glanced at Laura and Jessica. “I understand. We must protect you and Dante at all times.”

  Valen looked at his bride. “Laura and Jessica are equally important. You understand what will happen if we lose either.”

  Kiki whispered in Jordane’s ear. “What would happen?”

  Jordane’s gaze rested on Laura. “The annihilation of demon and human alike.”

  Chapter 10

  Kiki opened her eyes when she felt Jordane’s breath on her neck. Several naughty ideas raced through her head before her eyes opened. “I rarely sleep this late when I spend the night here.”

  “This room is sparse in decor compared to the rest of the mansion,” Jordane said.

  She sat up in bed. “Laura wanted me to feel comfortable. She redecorated this room to my tastes in hopes I would spend more time here.”

  He looked her over speculatively. “Did it work?”

  Kiki smiled sadly. “No. This is the third time I’ve slept over. Laura is a much better friend than I am.”

  “I doubt that. I planned to let you sleep longer but Charisse has contacted Jess. We are gathering on the main patio for breakfast.”

  She crawled out of bed, putting on a pair of yoga pants and a sweatshirt. “Laura even bought some clothes for me to keep here.”

  Jordane looked her over. “I find everything you wear appealing.”

  She laughed. “These are comfy clothes not sexy clothes.”

  He shrugged, opening the door. “Regardless of what you wear, I look forward to removing them.”

  Kiki walked out the bedroom door and into Jenner’s chest. “Jesus!”

  Jenner steadied her. “Trust me this in no picnic for me either.”

  She looked at him suspiciously. “How much did you hear?”

  He gave Jordane a dirty look. “Enough to make my ears bleed.

  Kiki wanted to tell him to go to hell. That she could take care of herself but the thought that Jenner cared for her was a gift she wouldn’t throw away. She winked. “If he steps out of line, I will let you know. Why are you out of the hospital? I thought you were under observation for the next few days.”

  Jenner gave a curt nod. “I took an unauthorized detour. Chad asked me to pretend I am still in pain for a day or two since he accelerated my recovery. I have to return to the hospital after our meeting.” He headed to the stairs. “I have no problem removing Jordane from the property if you ask.” He called back.

  Jordane whispered in her ear. “Nothing on this earth, including Jenner, can keep me from you.”

  The tingle raced up her spine as she whispered back. “I know but I didn’t want to rain on his macho image.”

  “Liar. You are enjoying the fact he loves you like a sister.”

  Kiki scrunched her face, hating that Jordane saw through her like that. “I’m armed and since a bullet won’t hurt you... much. I am more than willing to shoot you.” />
  Jordane chuckled. “I know.”

  They arrived on the porch to find Laura putting pastries and tea on the table. “Any coffee?”

  Laura smiled. “Of course. I bought dark roast just for you.”

  Kiki looked back at Jordane “See what I mean?”

  Laura passed her the coffee. “What are you going on about?”

  She took a bite of a strawberry pastry. “I was telling Jordane that you are the best friend... ever.”

  Laura gave Jordane a withered look. “Don’t let her fool you. She has been protecting me since we met.”

  Jordane nodded. “She has told me... everything.”

  Kiki choked on her pastry before glancing up at Laura.

  Laura smiled. “Good.” She held out a tray of muffins and pastries to Jordane. “Would you like one before the eggs and bacon are ready?”

  Jordane took a blueberry muffin and sat beside Kiki, whispering in her ear. “Yes, I see what you mean.”

  Kiki laughed as Laura shook her head.

  Jess took a mug from Laura. “Charisse called me a half hour ago.”

  “Has there been a new development?” Kiki asked.

  “Yes. The women are giving up. Three have died this past week,” Jess said.

  Dante turned to his brother. His hand shot out before his body slumped to the ground.

  Valen’s form rippled before the bulky form of the King emerged snarling. “No!”

  Kiki stood, dropping her mug on the patio. Shards of porcelain scattered across the tile.

  Jordane stepped in front of her. “You can not help them my king.”

  The king’s eyes glowed red, power rolled off him in waves as Laura touched her temple. All of them clutched their heads as the King’s voice erupted inside every demon mind. “To the women of the demon races. I ask you not to give up. That I am coming for you. I will not command your compliance but I humbly ask you give me a chance to find you. I will not stop until everyone is returned to me.”

  The soft voice was faint. Warm. “Valentino...”

  The stunned silence sliced through the king’s anger. “Hannah?... I will find you. I will rip this world apart if I have too,” he seethed.


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